Hughton defends stance over Carroll.

Posted on November 18th, 2010 | 110 Comments |

Hughton has his say!
Hughton has his say!
Well the England game has been and gone, and so has the tug of war between Newcastle and England that looked like it could boil over.

Carroll’s groin has been a major point talking this week after the striker looked like he could miss the opportunity to make his England debut against France last night.

The concerns from the club appeared to be unfounded, and Andy went on to make his debut anyway amid reports of the club contacting the FA via e-mail.

Basically, the rumour suggested that Newcastle had asked the The FA for Carroll to be withdrawn from the squad for fear of aggravating the groin injury that he picked up against Fulham, although with no confirmation on that from the club you could be forgiven for being a tad sceptical and putting it down to yet more press rumour-mongering.

But this time it appears that the press were right, and there was indeed some contact between Newcastle and The FA.

“There was concern, that is true. The unfortunate bit for us was that it made the papers,” Hughton told The Chronicle.

“The lines of communication between us and the FA were correct, but it got out. Both parties are very happy with how we conducted ourselves.”

“When we assessed Andy on Sunday, it looked like he wouldn’t be able to play. We sent him down to England and over the two or three days there was enough of a recovery to play.”

Newcastle were right to be concerned of course, as Carroll is their player and would have been a huge miss had he aggravated the injury further, but Newcastle should have also listened to the England medical team, who tested Carroll’s fitness several times before the match. At the end of the day they will be duty bound to look after the welfare of the player, and if there was any hint of trouble I would suggest that Carroll would have been left out.

Still, it’s all kind of irrelevant now as Carroll looks to be unscathed after playing 73 minutes at Wembley Stadium last night. Hughton added:

“We’ll assess Andy today and it looks like he got through okay. We’re aware of the problem he had. Hopefully he is available for the weekend.

So all is well then, or is it? I guess we’ll have to wait until Saturday to see whather or not Carroll makes the team against Bolton.

Hopefully he will!

NUFCBlog Author: toonsy toonsy has written 643 articles on this blog.

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110 Responses

  1. CH, as usual, got it about right. The FA, as usual, showed what a load of arrogant, money-grabbing bastids who really don’t give s stuff about who takes their risks while they try to defend their own jobs and fill their own pockets.
    We got lucky. Avatar did great and won lots of fans. CH has said his bit; point made.
    2-1 against Bolton, please lads.

  2. “but Newcastle should have also listened to the England medical team, who tested Carroll’s fitness several times before the match. At the end of the day they will be duty bound to look after the welfare of the player, and if there was any hint of trouble I would suggest that Carroll would have been left out.”

    Try telling that to Liverpool fans today…

  3. Agreed, sas. The England medics base their decision on whether a player will make it through enough of THEIR match to be worth inclusion. They really don’t give a stuff if it also sends them back to their clubs in a bin bag.
    What if that groin injury had torn during the match and we’d been without Avatar until, say, February? That kind of impact can mean the difference between safety and a relegation battle. Huge implications for the whole future of the club; tens of millions of pounds. The FA’s insurance will cough up for some of the player’s salary; that’s it. Pick the next name off the list and move on as far as they’re concerned – as long as they don’t have to sack their £5m a year excuse for a manager.
    Grr, etc.

  4. SAS – I have no doubt that Liverpool fans will be pissed off, but at the end of the day it is a completely different circumstance.

    Gerrard picked up a hamstring injury during the match and didn’t have any fitness concerns going into the match. It could have happened to anyone, at any time, during the game. An occupational hazard…..

    Carroll had concernes over his fitness before the game. He played and got through it and the medical team said he was good to go. It appears they were right.

  5. Disagree on that (I’m a project manager, so forgive the soap box). They may have been right; we’ll never know. They would only have been right if that injury had indeed completely healed leaving no weakness whatsoever that could cause a recurrence if exerted too early. That doesn’t happen often in 3 days, not even in 21-year-olds.
    What we do know is that they took a risk which only benefited them but where the impact would have only damaged Newcastle United. Just because on this occasion the player didn’t aggravate the injury doesn’t make them right at all.
    What the FA have done is get away with it. It may be that they were right and the risks were tiny; we’ll never know. But saying they were right because AC’s not injured is like saying you’re were right to run across the M4 because you didn’t get hit.

  6. You can wrap it up whichever way you want, but there is a risk in everything that is done, anywhere, full stop.

    End of the day, he was risk assesed, and was deemed fit enough to play. What more do you want? Should he not play ever incase he gets an injury?

    Jesus man, if I took that approach with my lads at work nowt would get done….

    “Just stay there lads as you might have an accident down that road”

    Like I say, risk management, and with you being a PM (I sacked my last one as he was a prick and a gobshite), you should understand that everything has risk, but you need to calculate it so that it is minimal risk.

    He got assesed, was fit to play, played, didn’t get injured. What if he breaks down against Bolton? Would that be the fault of Newcastle because they are playing him?

  7. TOONSY it was stated somewhere i read gerrard had a slight hamstring tighting on monday so was he 100%,not that a give a shit aboot l/pool like

  8. I see Chelsea have appointed an assistant from within? I suppose they are being cheap aswell? :roll:

  9. toonsy says:
    November 18, 2010 at 5:33 pm

    “You can wrap it up whichever way you want, but there is a risk in everything that is done, anywhere, full stop.”

    Aye Toonsy, but where there’s blame there’s a claim nowadays.

  10. “I see Chelsea have appointed an assistant from within? I suppose they are being cheap aswell?”

    Chelsea do have six members of the first team coaching staff compared to us having Hoots and Paul Barron…

  11. CC – Chelsea also have a larger playing staff. Anyway, the concept is the same though, aye?

    That is why people are moaning when they hear of Pedro and the promotion from within right? Because it is the cheap option? I’m just wondering if people see Chelsea promoting from within as a cheap option aswell, or whether it’s just another excuse to have a dig at the club?

  12. toonsy says:
    November 18, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    “CC – Chelsea also have a larger playing staff. Anyway, the concept is the same though, aye?”

    Toonsy, Chelsea actually have a smaller first team squad than we do, and one of the smallest in the Premiership with around 23.

  13. Toonsy

    I think people are justified about Ashley when he pulls stunts like this, I dont give time of day to this rubbish about selling every player if we get a decent offer but really what has Hughtons assistant got to do with Ashley, It is a lack of respect IMO because it looks he doesnt trust his judgement.

    He owes CH a lot and he should be treating him better IE give the man a new contract and new assistant at the very least.

    also 5 live the other night said Chelsea have 17 senior players, They have a better squad but not a bigger one…

  14. The bigger question for me is, why let your players go and play for a manager who is taking his squad backwards, he is either a genius yet to be proven right or a complete con man who is bluffing his way.
    Fair enough its progress for Andy but there is a desperate reckless man in charge and it could easily have been him and not Gerrard who is lame and for what? a poxy meaningless friendly where we were played and booed off the park.
    Its a case of the tail wagging the dog, Chris was right to raise his concerns, not that Capello was listening anyway.

  15. I wasn’t meaning just the first-team squad. I meant the whole affair, ressies, kids etc etc.

    CC – What stunt is he pulling? Do we know that Hughton isn’t loooking for his own man or are we just guessing?

  16. Do we actually know whats going on with the assistant?, maybe CH is just like wor lass when it comes to making his mind up! :-)

  17. Toonsy

    We are pretty sure he doesnt want Stone or Beardsley as they would be in place by now and we know who offered a shite contract to CH first choice Steve Clark probably intentially so it would be rejected and we would end up with an internal appointment…

  18. bigbadbob says:
    November 18, 2010 at 6:33 pm

    “The bigger question for me is, why let your players go and play for a manager who is taking his squad backwards, he is either a genius yet to be proven right or a complete con man who is bluffing his way.”

    He’s already been proved right on several occaisions, BBB, including with one of the greatest football teams who ever kicked a ball, the AC Milan “Invincibles”.

  19. CC says:
    November 18, 2010 at 6:49 pm

    “we know who offered a shite contract to CH first choice Steve Clark”

    Where did you see the details of the contract offered to Steve Clarke, CC?

  20. workyticket

    I havent seen the details but i think ive heard the same stories from a few places and i thinks its safe to say it wasnt anywhere near the usual rate and i mean the usual rate not what he was raking in at Wham…

  21. CC says:
    November 18, 2010 at 7:16 pm

    “I havent seen the details but i think ive heard the same stories from a few places and i thinks its safe to say it wasnt anywhere near the usual rate”

    So it’s the usual bollocks then.

  22. CC…At West Ham he was the highest paid assistant in the EPL (allegedly) so was never going to get offered anywhere near that.As far as I’ve read Clarke turned it down because he wants to be a Number 1…or maybe he was just trying to be polite….or maybe he was never approached in the first place, who know. The only thing I know for sure is I’m available and damn cheap :-)

  23. Workyticket

    Aye the usual bollocks, Im assuming youve had this conversation a fair few times because im not the first to speculate about contracts…

  24. Jay Jay – Mine and MarkToon’s arrived to day aswell :)

    And my seat is reserved for the Brunm game. Enjoy it in the cold. I’ll wave at you from warmth of the box as I sup througout the match ;)

  25. I wouldn’t go in a box if I won the lottery, I’ll be in with proper supporters, can’t stand prawn sandwiches :)

  26. Jay Jay – I’m right behind the away fans anyway so I still feel in with them :)

    I’ll let you know the team-sheet when it comes to me at 2pm ;)

  27. Toonsy there is no box behind the away supporters is there, won’t you be in the main stand?

    GD will never change :)

  28. Anyone know if there is any west brom tickets left? Only just managed to get it off work so will go if there are tickets available

  29. Jay Jay – Unless they have moved the away end in the last three years then I will be behind the away fans ;)

  30. Rich – Is there really still some left? Thought we’d sold out? Ah well, there ya go. Ignore me toon :lol:

  31. Cheers rich I might get to go after all! Hoping to go to the birmingham game too. Much easier for me to get to away games and prefer them anyway to be honest much better atmosphere

  32. Toona…sorry mate I’m wrong, on the official site still says you can buy them but went further on it only gives ya the option of Brum tickets onwards.

    See Toonsy sometimes ya right ;-)

  33. Toonsy, I think I’m right in saying the boxes are in the main stand and the away fans go in the railway end.

  34. Whey just ordered Brum tickets, noo I’ll have to wait til wor lass is in a good mod before I tell her…could be a long wait like :-)

  35. dog liked ya clip that guy got what he deserved ,he should be more like me ,i wouldnt pick on no 1 over 95 :)

  36. Who is going West Brom then? Will be my second away game of the season. The first being Man City. Hopefully my presence will be a good luck charm with the officials this time.

  37. Aye, moneys a bit tight now, Brum was a spur of the moment thing.I’m in Madrid when Wigan game is on, I think Blackburn will be my next one unless by some miracle I can get one for the Mackem game.

  38. aye then ya’ll pay it off but ya’ll still be skint cos theres always something else that swallows ya cash up :-(

  39. aye then ya pay it off but ya no better off cos there’s always something else to swallow ya cash :-(

  40. getting promoted at work sucks!!!!!!!!
    i can still go to wba but now brum is hanging in the balance. i thought id be happy about becoming a manager at work.
    Newcastle united is my only real pleasure in life ;)

  41. Argh!!!! Getting really pissed off now. The online box office is as useful as Anne Franks fecking drum kit :(

  42. jesus, remember why I dont go on Ed’s blog much anymore, like a breeding ground for mongs!
    People on the talking about plaing Saylor as a defensive midfielder and somoene wants us to play with four strikers!

    The team, if fit, will obviously be, Krul,Enrique, Williamson, Coloccini, Simpson, Gutiérrez, Smith, Guthrie, Routledge, Nolan, Carroll

    some people on there need to get back to their fifa10

  43. ILM….I look at Ed’s once in a blue moon if that now.
    I think maybe some don’t have a life outside of that championship manager and think thats how it would work in real life…..besides everyone knows Saylor would be bettewr up front ;-)
    Each to their own I s’pose.

    jay jay… about bloody time :-)

  44. toona were they still selling them(well obviously they are), cos yesterday they said they were on sale but when Toonsy said he thought they’d sold out and I went to (pretend) buy them they didnt come up as available.

  45. lads i have some bad news some body i know who i carnt say who he is but andy carrol is going to man city in jan , and its a good source ive heard city have paid 27 mill for him and its a done deal carol is getting a hundred grand plus bonusus in wages

  46. Its a bit odd cos they aren’t on sale online but they are selling them by phone. They said there is hardly any left though

  47. common then tino, lies are all about the details and the few things you’ve just made up, any monkey could have put together.

    Come on then tell us more…

  48. If and when the club sells AC I would think it’ll be done publicly to create an auction scenario and drive the price up……..yawn :roll:

  49. This the same Carroll who said he wants to spend the rest of his career here the other day? The one who has just saigned a new five-year contract?

  50. tino – get back to humping your mum, ask her to teach you to spel whilst you’re at it

  51. not even going to comment on it.
    but i will say i half put my hands up on simpson,i never rated him v.highly with balls in behind him but is def getting better ill wait before ime 100% happy with him.
    how much will we get when taylor goes,because he will?

  52. TOONSY,said before with window looming,who is these two players tiote has told c.h aboot,were do they play who for age,cost ect,know owt?

  53. Ice – That’s why I don’t bother with looking at potential transfer targets anymore, because it just ends up with a ‘blog full of people saying what Stuart said, or that Ashley won’t invest blah blah…..

    Despite us hearing much the same over the last two windows and being pleasntly surrised with what has happened….

  54. Icedog 93…..

    “TOONSY,said before with window looming,who is these two players tiote has told c.h aboot,were do they play who for age,cost ect,know owt?”

    Can you give us a clue?

  55. One is Gervinho, the other plays somewhere in France but I can’t remember his name off the top of my head.

  56. LESH,it was just two players tiote said would be good P.L.players for toon,but like TOONSY i forgot, it was during the benny injury so got missed a bit,but there was a couple of write-ups about them m8

  57. Thanks for that toonsy.

    He looks good on paper and assuming he’s played with Tiote, he might just give us a new, additional striker who has an immediate understanding with him.

  58. Toonsy – don’t know if you’re still on, but just back at the PC for the first time since the discussion waaayyy back at point 7.

    Everything you say is correct, of course – and yep, I think there is a very high prick-per-square-inch ratio in my profession! Aaahhhnyhooo..

    What makes this particular risk assessment different is that with most risk assessments both sides of the coin apply to the same party. “If it goes wrong, this bad thing happens to us; if it doesn’t go wrong, this good thing happens to us.”

    With this, it was a case of “if it goes wrong, this bad thing happens to Newcastle but nothing to us; if it doesn’t wrong, this good thing happens to us and nothing to Newcastle”.

    That’s not to say that the decision was not still correct – it’s just that the balance of risk to benefit has to be a hell of a lot more biased to the latter to justify taking that risk. It may have been; I don’t know.

    Personally, I was really chuffed to see him play; I just wanted to make the point that just because he did does not necessarily exonerate the FA’s stance on these things, which is usually very wrong-headed IMHO.
    (Does that make more sense, or have I had too much caffiene again?)

  59. TOONSY thats why you “forgot”there names ;).

    another blog used your headline on carroll the other day,keep things under your hat thats the way to go old son :)

  60. Just been looking at the league fixture list.

    We play Man City twice before we have played Spurs once. Then we play Spurs, both games within 5 matches. What’s all that about seems a bit daft to me.