Hughton: news on wounded troops.

Posted on January 25th, 2010 | 83 Comments |

Taylor: Divven't knaa how long yet.
Taylor: Divven't knaa how long yet.
Newcastle United manager, Chris Hughton is playing the waiting game as he counts the cost of two costly games against fierce Championship rivals, West Bromwich Albion.

Firstly, centre back, Steven Taylor “tweaked” his knee in the thrilling 2-2 league encounter with the Midlands club, and the Times’s North East football corresspondent, George Caulkin, had reported that he would be out for the entire season. In the second FA Cup fiasco meanwhile, Fenham hitman, Shola Ameobi feel badly on his shoulder, and old midfield grunter, Nicky Butt, “felt his calf” in the build up to the cup game.

Hughton said on the carnage:

“Steven tweaked his knee against West Brom and we’ll learn more this week on the extent of that one.”

On the Shola shoulder scenario, he continued:

“Shola landed awkwardly on his shoulder at West Brom and he’s another one we assessed but we don’t think it’s anything major”.

Finally, on Butt he concluded:

“Butty felt his calf before the West Brom game and we’ll know more about him later today”.

NUFCBlog Author: workyticket workyticket has written 1095 articles on this blog.

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83 Responses

  1. Hope all the idiots who obviously know cock all about football are embarrassed by their views over the last few months.

    Injuries come to every club, expecially a club with a thread bare squad, were the same players are playing every minute of every week.

    Ah well, I hope you live and learn.

  2. I think Cashley has had his head in the sand, this is where a true manager gets funds to buy players to get us promoted or at least as good as what we have for cover !!!
    Chrissy boy though will accept whatever he`s given (prob nothing) play youngsters out of position and rely on the likes of Geremi when he comes back, in the hope that our direct competitors dont get too far ahead during the month or so our injuries last, then we can catch up during april /may.
    Its bad enough that he plays old slow hasbeens and wont give the youngsters a chance in a team doing well, never mind putting the youngsters in a team struggling and in a position they are not used too.
    I prey that we have enough to keep us in contention ,otherwise we could be staying in the fizzy pop with the smoggies and the mackems next season!!
    Hopefully Andy Carrol and Lovaman can gel, I just dont know who is going to supply the decent quality balls for them to attack !!!!

  3. We new this problem would arise back in April befor a ball had been kicked,(ie,threadbare squad) but we still have byfar the largest wage bill in the history of the fizzypop league,we carnt have it both ways and as for attacking Houghton crist somethings never change the blokes a credit to the club and a bloody miracle worker to even have us in the position we are in,top of league and were still bloody twisting some things never change and that one of the main things that have dragged us down for years

  4. Stuart “Hope all the idiots who obviously know cock all about football are embarrassed by their views over the last few months.”

    The computer keyboard warrior.

    God your hideous.

  5. Negativity, negativity. We are at the top o the league and are not heading into administrAtion like a few clubs we know. Think positive, stop blaming Ashley and support our teAm

  6. True,true Magpie to much negativity has been for years and the reason we wont go into administration how ever much we hate to admit it is down to Cashley so credit were it due

  7. Stuart79 says:
    January 25, 2010 at 3:49 pm
    Hope all the idiots who obviously know cock all about football are embarrassed by their views over the last few months.
    <<<<< i know what u meen them idiots that were saying give the fat c@nt another chance ;) hideous they are .

  8. Well pointed out mick. People are complaining we arent spending money.. but who is? It’d be interesting too see how we compare with other clubs expenditure on players during january. I know we have only spent 500k-1m on danny simpson but that is more than most teams.

    Ashley has shown he is willing to spend on players, with bids for beckford and kilgallon – the reason for neither coming had nothing to do with unwillingness to spend money.

    Realistically, we are top of the championship with a relatively large and experienced squad compared to most championship teams. Who wouldn’t have taken this at the start of the season?

    Sure, things have been looking slightly worse for the last few weeks – but that is simply because things were going almost perfectly before then (this season…)

  9. Batty – nice to see you cuddled up with Stuart.

    He is as negative and hate filled man as I have ever seen (glad I have never had the chance of meeting the loathsome creep – it would be like shaking hands with a slug) –

    Apologies to others for bring the quality of the blog down with that statement – it was prescribed to be by the doc.

  10. Facking hell,batty stuart & who ever going on and on against Cashley change the tune and face up to the fact Freddy & the Halls had us in such a financial mess if the fat c@nt as you put it had not stepped in there might not have been a club for you to twist on about

  11. stardust iam not cuddled up with him that comment was him he changes more than the weather and your right he is a boring negative bast@rd wheres me i still think we will win the leauge quite easely ;)

  12. batty – read the comments by Bates on SSN. That shows Ashley was willing to spend, and offered a reasonable fee. Unless you consider paying 1.8m for somebody unproven above league 1 level with 6 months left on his contract unreasonable.
    It was also kilgallon who rejected NUFC outright, not Shef Utd as far as I am aware.

    If you could get my computed for free in 6 months time, would you still pay a fair amount for it now? Doubt it.

  13. I have pentium 1 laptop with a 1gig hdd, floppy drive, 56mb ram and built in modem if you are interested..

  14. barton12 says:
    January 25, 2010 at 4:34 pm
    Facking hell,batty stuart & who ever going on and on against Cashley change the tune and face up to the fact Freddy & the Halls had us in such a financial mess if the fat c@nt as you put it had not stepped in there might not have been a club for you to twist on about
    <<<<< shut y fckin yaap y fckin knob head dipshit fck

  15. batty if someone bids 21 your stuffed i know you wont go higher, isee zac has gone from b/burn to reading another one bites the dust

  16. Wow. Is this the green room for Mastermind?


    Thought not.

    Whichever side of the fence people are on, it seems they want to make out the situation is extreme in some way. It just isn’t.

    We’re top, but definitely running out of luck and need to do something about it to keep our position.

    Ashley doing nothing? How do you know?

    Yes, he’s got awful previous, but in previous windows the lack of any action has been obvious. FF to now when it’s just as obvious that negotiations have been happening from well before the window opened. Yes, we’ve had little success so far, but that’s partly because people always try to take the mick out of buyers in January, and partly because (shock, horror) we have an owner who does actually try to balance the books.

    Ok, he’s a cock. But he does at least think about how to spend our money.

    All I want to see is some cover in on loan. If we’re going to buy anyone, I’d like it to be a specialist right winger. The rest should be hired for one reason: keep us top to the end of the season. End of job.

  17. You never get any decent players in Jan which is one of the reasons we don’t se ethe likes of fergie splashing the cash (and they have a bigger need than us due to thier injury list)
    Loans and cheap squad players are the only way to go in Jan transfer window

  18. Yeah I agree whumpie, a decent right winger and we should be good assuming we don’t get too much bad luck.

    Shame we don’t seem to have any young right midfielders who seem ready to step up yet. Would love a bit of pace in the side, but effective and slow is good enough I guess.

  19. Doesnt matter if your pro ashley or not, the fact is, he is a gambler and chancer by nature and rarely plays it safe, he wasted our top flight status and he is on course to blow our promotion chances for the sake of a few signings, no one is asking for or expecting mega bucks transfers but surely a few additions to the squad is not too much to ask for, wonder what their reaction would be if only 25,000 turned up for the Palace game, bet they would soon dip into the purse then.

  20. hi lads! the most important game we have is on wednesday a win must game to get the players fired up! we must win or we could be 3rd before we kick off against leciester and what sort of mind set would the players be under. i hope the results go are way before we kick off on wednesday and hope moses goes before are game so hes not running at who ever is going to play their. forget what we sould do or say this game matters more then most we have had in ages.

  21. See Cashley given free tickets out for palace game spend £40 at one of his sportsdirect stores get a free ticket

  22. I agree with asim, let’s see how we get on on Wednesday. Anything less than a win and we’re in trouble.

  23. See Harewoods been injured in training with Villa – thats another that wont be coming then

  24. barton12 says:
    January 25, 2010 at 5:00 pm
    See Cashley given free tickets out for palace game spend £40 at one of his sportsdirect stores get a free ticket
    <<<<< hows that free ya dipshit, aye buy £40 worth of shit and get a ticket

  25. hammy69 says:
    January 25, 2010 at 4:38 pm
    barton12, you are wasting your breath I’m afraid…
    <<<< bet you cant hold ur breath for an hour ,go on try it

  26. BATTYbarton12, you are wasting your breath I’m afraid…
    <<<< bet you cant hold ur breath for an hour ,go on try it
    i love it just love it

  27. batty dont be letting them ins pick on you stick up for yersel
    stardust i see the baggie thrushs turned on u lastnite m8

  28. hammy69 says:
    January 25, 2010 at 5:56 pm
    you first..
    <<<< only managed 10 mins see if ya can beat that lol

  29. MOONDUST says:
    January 25, 2010 at 6:00 pm
    batty dont be letting them ins pick on you stick up for yersel
    stardust i see the baggie thrushs turned on u lastnite m8
    <<<<<< aye until some 1 was useing his nick lol its the 1st time stardust has ever agreed with me without knowing ha

  30. ashley has upted the willimson deall too 9oo thou and 6 free tickets as long as they spend £4o in 1 of his shops

  31. all 3 ? fcking proud of ye lad and i noticed stardust was sucking up to ye deep down stardy knows what side his bread is buttered

  32. fu.k batty! lads williamson will be signing for in the next few hours or will be done deal buy 12 tomaz just has sign his contract has had is medical last week

  33. hammy69 i could come round and help im sure we could get ye to hold ur breath for atleast half an hour :lol: then yel be the breath holding champion of the world

  34. asim says:
    January 25, 2010 at 6:15 pm
    fu.k batty! lads williamson will be signing for in the next few hours or will be done deal buy 12 tomaz just has sign his contract has had is medical last week
    <<<< iam not into that sort of stuff u best see barton12 or stardust they will be up for it prick

  35. asim yea should be all done and dusted tomoro. wonder if the times or george caulkin r going to be banned from SJP after that story about Tayls funny i normally find the times a bit more reliable than most

  36. right ive got go sort me daughters horses oot ,feel free too leave the abusive messeges catch yas lata

  37. i did not mean fu.k u! batty i meant stop all this shit! we are going to sign some1 soon thats more important then shit talk.

  38. david craig reckons he hasent been playing for pompey because there was a clause in his contract if he played so many games they would have too pay watford more

  39. MOONDUST says:
    January 25, 2010 at 6:31 pm
    asim i think u have hurt his feelings now he is away to play my little pony.
    <<< fck off moonbeam ive got muckk oot see y lata

  40. moon if you think i am making this up! about williamson then by all means call me what ever you want? by 12 tomaz i hope to her from u with good news.

  41. asim says:
    January 25, 2010 at 6:34 pm
    moon if you think i am making this up! about williamson then by all means call me what ever you want? by 12 tomaz i hope to her from u with good news.

    asim keep taking the pills as i said > asim yea should be all done and dusted tomoro

  42. is this the site for saying sorry! sorry sorry when u put about the times i took it as if u meant iam making it up!

  43. asim no i just mentioned it as CH didnt sound as if he was worried about Tayls and i except ur apology ;) m8

  44. MOONDUST – I’d say of Taylor was proper knacked, while we are trying to negotiate a deal for a CB to come in may not be the best time to reveal it. If Po,pey sense desperation the price will go up.

  45. and i dont think CH would mislead folks >“Steven tweaked his knee against West Brom and we’ll learn more this week on the extent of that one.”

  46. True, although anything is possible.

    Im completely underwhelmed by this transfer window. One week to go and nowt is happening. Not just with Newcastle, I mean generally. I’ll still wait and watch the last day of the window on Sky but i’m not holding out for much excitement.

    This January window is highlighting the facts that a) players cost a lot more and b) there isn’t that much money in football at the moment.

  47. Stardust says:
    January 25, 2010 at 4:28 pm

    Must rankle being proved to be totally inept of any football knowledge.

    Sure I seen you say somewhere you’d snap someone’s hand off if someone offered £12m for Milner NOW…

    Comedy gold….

  48. The window actually inflates prices, which is why January isn’t always a typically busy one.

    As much as I recognise we need numbers and cover for areas, I don’t want to see us throwing money about like it means nothing. I’d much rather see us spend sensibly and on necessity and get promoted – saving the “luxury” money for better players when we’re in a better position.

    How many years now though and we haven’t brought in somebody that can comfortably play left back? Even an experienced free transfer would do me – as long as we can stop relying on possibly throwing Kadar in at the deep end… He won’t last long at all in the Premiership.

  49. Andy – I know it inflates prices, but i definately remember past Januarys being more exciting. The one where Robinho and Berbatove were moving right at the last minute. I suppose its not deadline day and things can pick up.

  50. Christ you have set a new standard and brought about a whole new meaning to the word BORING !
    Need TROY STAVERS to let us know whats up wi Big Mike and Llamebrain like !

  51. Listen, I read that whole article, and if you consider the title and the point he’s trying to make throughout, also consider this right in the middle:

    “The complacent might say Newcastle will be OK. They can go six points clear if they win a game in hand. They have a solid, dependable squad full of experience. All they need is a win to get the momentum back”.

    Sorry, what? ALL they need is a win to get a 6 point lead and to get the momentum back? Well Simon, that doesn’t sound very hysterical, extreme, deluded, pessimistic or anti-Ashley, are you ok?

    We only need a couple of defenders in, really, we don’t need people like this guy telling everyone that Ashley is the anti-christ because he isn’t throwing money about trying to sign him from here, there and everywhere. Buy sensibly is what he needs to do, and not buy players for the sake of it.

  52. In fact scratch that, the Simon Bird article is about some of the most biased, anti Ashley tripe i’ve read.

    For example;

    “That £258 million is down in the accounts as a “loan“ to the club from his personal fortune. He reserves the right to charge an interest rate on it, but the last accounts, 18 months of date now, show he wasn’t. That’s a positive gesture given the debt turmoil and interest repayments owners have burdened Liverpool and Manchester United with. But we await the new accounts for a updated, clearer picture”.

    But we await the new accounts for a clearer picture? The only facts in that statement is that Mike Ashley has personally put £258million into the club “he destroyed” and has not, despite other owners, charged interest on it for a year and a half. There are NO buts about it, those are the facts, and you simply can’t even try to put a cynical slant on it with possiblities of him doing something he hasn’t done for a year and a half.

  53. “I fear the one gamble Ashley wants to take is of cost cutting and squad shrinkage, rather than speculation and strengthening.

    So come on Mike, spin the wheel, throw the dice, turn the cards, whatever your favourite term for a flutter is”.

    Portsmouth. Leeds. Say no more.

    On a sidenote I see that Man U “fans” have expressed upset at the debt the club is in… that’s ‘rich’, I didn’t see one squeak coming from Old Trafford when Fergie was signing players that won them trophies and leagues?

    Look at the Arsenal fans on the other side though, basking in the glory of a wealth of money, saved from smart footballing transactions that kept the finances in check too… and not a million miles off challenging for atleast a 2nd place finish.

  54. Re Leeds. Can I point out they didn’t really tumble until they lost in the play-off’s after their first season in the championship. There is still time! The only way we avoid the risk of “doing a Leeds” is if we get straight back up.

    If we don’t do it this season, it will be a long time before we do.

  55. Andy – think you have he mother syndrome.

    You can criticise your own children (club) as much as you want but god help anyone else who does it lol

  56. God I hope not.

    Nah, i’m just very particular in what I firmly believe in. And I believe that Simon Bird wrote a load of tosh there.

  57. FFS simon tird is true to is name(sic).
    Unbelievable amount of posturing, fake finger on the fake pulse.
    What a condescending, sanctimonious little git.
    JFK was right about one thing, simon bird is a c***.