And we’re off! – Toon submit bids to Leeds and Sheffield United.

Posted on January 5th, 2010 | 241 Comments |

I hear £ I hear £3m?
I hear £ I hear £3m?
A number of sources, including The Journal are confirming that Newcastle have made formal bids for Jermaine Beckford and Matthew Kilgallon, after submitting written offers to Leeds United and Sheffield United respectively, for two of the players high on their priority list for the January transfer window.

Despite the concerns that history would repeat itself and see the club dwell on their ‘attempts’ to bolster the squad, the club has moved swiftly to kick off inevitable negotiations. While The Journal quotes senior sources as “quietly confident”, an agreement on both is sure to take some time, particularly Beckford’s as Leeds hold out for a bidding war, with the striker’s rise in stock following his FA Cup winner against the mancs.

It appears the conclusion of the Kilgallon move may be more straightforward, as though manager Kevin Blackwell has repeatedly stated he wants him to stay, there have been enough comments ‘between the lines’ which suggest he has acknowledged it is more a case of when and not if. With his contract due to expire, it’s likely that Sheffield will just get the best price and look for a replacement.

Beckford is a slightly different prospect despite the circumstances apparently very similar from the outset, as both players have insisted they want a move away and both contracts are up in the summer. By the nature of the beast, Beckford as a striker, particularly one who’s profile has improved after the televised FA Cup game at the weekend, could be more difficult to capture.

It’s rumoured that Leeds now value him at around the £3m mark, which is more than twice what we originally proffered for the striker. However, Beckford has apparently suggested he will hand in a transfer request if Leeds show expected reluctance to let him go at a knockdown price. The Journal again quote a ‘source close to Beckford’:

“Leeds United have told Jermaine they will allow him to leave as soon as they get an acceptable bid from Newcastle.

“There is still a bit of work to be done in that respect, but they realise he wants to go and it is not beneficial to anyone to keep an unhappy player against his will.

“Jermaine wants to go and he has made that clear. Nobody wants to see the situation turn nasty between club and player so it should be resolved amicably in the end. Jermaine has given his all to Leeds but chances like this don’t come around very often.”

I think we can all agree it would be healthier all-round, assuming this is going to happen, that the clubs come to a mutual agreement on the price for Beckford. The deal for Kilgallon has presumably been ready to be sealed for some time, perhaps even as far back as the summer and the defender has indicated his desire to play for Newcastle.

So perhaps a doffing of the cap is in order, if we can push these deals through. Particularly if we have simultaneously conclude the parting of ways with the high-earning Geremi. It would seem as suggested there is some way to go, but if these rumours are true, it’s an encouraging start to the window.

NUFCBlog Author: bowburnmag bowburnmag has written 234 articles on this blog.

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241 Responses

  1. Game of cat and mouse by all sides.

    Leeds and Sheff Utd will know though that the sooner they get the deal done the more time they have to spend the money on replacements.

    Who will blink first??

  2. Dont believe anything until I see a player in a Black and White Shirt.

    Time and time again this lot have proven that they simply cannot be trusted!!

    I still wouldnt trust them with a penny of my cash never mind teh amount they are raking in from gate receipts!!!!

  3. Good times, is ashley finally doin something right? I expect atleast one new signing by weekend tho or yet again or I can see it going down to the wire with a “oh we tried, sorry”
    We could try put a cheeky bid in for Johnson or even snodgrass to bolster the midfield a bit! We do need a right winger to even us up and give us some flair on the right! Seems everything goes thru Jonas and bull!

  4. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 10:27 am

    Well it’s a good job the £3m or so isn’t coming out of your bank account isn’t it?


  5. I won’t believe anything until they appear in a Toon shirt, and even then I’ll probably not believe that Ashley has spent money.

  6. £60K on one player – Geremi – leaving, means we can offer Kilgallon and Beckford something like £20K ish with incentives.

    By the way, one thing we need to remember is a RIGHT BACK!!! We most importantly need to tie the deal up with Simpson.

  7. 79 @ 4 – come off it you hate everything about ashley , yet to save yourself from the daily bashing’s from stardust your happy to defend the lump of lard.


  8. Roy Cropper says:
    January 5, 2010 at 10:52 am
    79 @ 4 – come off it you hate everything about ashley , yet to save yourself from the daily bashing’s from stardust your happy to defend the lump of lard.


    Erm what?

    I want Ashley out as much as the next person but I’m not so pathetic and hypocritcal to slag him off one minute and cheer the signings he has personally paid for.

    Is that unreasonable?

    I stated in October I was happy to give the guy another chance and that January was to be a pivotal month for him. Nothings happened yet but it’s looking positive so lets give credit where and when it’s due.

    I don’t expect you to be that flexible in your view point as it requires humility and intelligence.

  9. On another suject I see Jamie O’Hara might not be able to re-sign for Portsmouth on loan. He would be a good loan signing for us.

  10. I Think both are/would be good championship players but pushing on to the premiership im not sure whether Beckford and Kilgallon are good enough for the Premiership.

    Everyone remembers John Stead coming from lower leagues to play premiership football!!

  11. A couple of things to remember. Sheff Utd are skint and cant afford to turn down a decent bid for kilgallon, Leeds can at the moment. With Birmingham and stoke entering the market for Beckford ‘toon’ need to movce quick or he will be gonew to a Prem club.

  12. Geremi isn’t leaving so 60k stays on wage bill until the summer.
    @DaveyG – I presume by that statement you don’t go to games or buy any toon merchandise so I’m not sure your view actually counts for owt
    I don’t like Ashley and he’s lied to everyone in the past but he’s putting up 20 million a year to keep the club running and buying a couple of (albeit cheap) players, it’s pointless continuously knocking him, we’re probably one of the best positioned clubs financially, we’ve offloaded a bunch of complete w@nkers on the playing side and we’re giving the youth a chance.
    We’ll need to invest a bit when / if we get promoted but the days of KK (1st time) and SBR are long gone and aint coming back soon as we’d need about 200 million quid to spend and thats just to compete at top six level

  13. Agreed we need to act fast, hopefully ashley will have learned from previous transfers that you dont get a great choice by selecting players at the back end of the window!!

  14. they would be good signings but players can do press conferences for other clubs without signing for them so i wont count my chickens yet.

  15. hayleycropper says:
    January 5, 2010 at 11:10 am
    dont you start on my roy again stuart

    Sorry Harold

  16. Why dont we try and tie up Ledley on a pre contract agreement as his contract is up at the end of the season?

    Or Take advantage of pompeys mis-fortune and go for 1 or 2 of their players afterall, theyll be playing in the championship next year anyway!!

    Stuart79 @ 9 is right o’hara would be a good option if we cant get simpson tied down

  17. 79 @ 8 – i’m very flexible in my views , but i’m not prepared to do others (stardust’s) dirty work.


  18. Roy Cropper says:
    January 5, 2010 at 11:18 am
    79 @ 8 – i’m very flexible in my views , but i’m not prepared to do others (stardust’s) dirty work.

    You must be, you married a transexual!

  19. 79 – you vile piece of work , what is it you do for a living then ? – are you one of them low life’s praying on the poor and unforutante people in society offering to buy their precious gold jewelry for the change in your pocket and selling it on for huge profits.

    SCUM !

  20. I am sure if we have made bids on the players mentioned other teams will have bids in as well so until the players are nailed to the mast on NUFC site I will not hold my breath….like most people on here I am not prepared to take Toon Hearsay as truth until I see proof.

  21. alreet batty, fine pal, hope your well to, thought ad give this blog a go, got sick of the other one

  22. Shearer has said there “is no truth” in reports linking him with the sheffield wednesday job, according to bbc sport.

  23. mozza this 1s pretty good m8 with a lot of the old faces workyticket the boss and stardust winding people up as usual ED closed his down like

  24. I liked Ed’s blog..but there was far to many articles so any banter was always cut short or lost as people jumped threads as new ones appeared.
    More compact this one and it feels like home :)

  25. I’m hoping something’s gonna happen but doubting it too.
    Beckford sure is good but I’m afraid he will get over-rated because of one good match against man u and that we’ll end up paying silly money for him.

    – stevep
    You say Newcastle are one of the best positioned clubs financially. Are you sure about that?
    Because I’ve heard some people with your point of view but a lot of others saying that even if Mike Ashley has helpt our finances (see he’s not all bad) we’re still not looking good on that side.
    Does anyone really know what’s going on there?

  26. Batty I reckon Ed will start up again…I tried to log on last night seen your comments made me laugh!

  27. batty says:
    January 5, 2010 at 11:46 am

    “mozza this 1s pretty good m8 with a lot of the old faces workyticket the boss and stardust winding people up as usual ED closed his down like”

    batty, you know that I never wind people up!

    Welcome mozza.

  28. Roy Cropper says:
    January 5, 2010 at 11:45 am
    79 – i’m all right jack & f***k everyone else.

    TORY BOY !

    Is that euphemism for your wife/husband?

  29. Finance wise Stardust seems to be the man but dunno how correct his stuff is as never bothered to read any of it as I find it dull.

    I don’t think we are in bad shape,player wage bill cut,transfer money for assets sold,made loads of redundancies behind the scenes and decent gate sizes….apart from that who knows.

    Time will tell.

  30. SJT your trainers have snow boards attached to the soles m8 i stuck them on this morning and try them oot for u but the size 5 is a bit tight but the 7s ok m8

  31. good crack batty, need stardust and co on to get some debate going, i liked eds blog for a while but then like ya say jasontoon, to many articles and some reet tools were startin to get on it, am of for a bit,graft to do, later, lads

  32. I think it’s funny people saying I am or all for capitalism….Stuart if you had any brain cells you would realise we are no longer living in capitalist democratic societies, we are living in a green scientific euro dictatorship that could be described as post democratic, as no major decisions are made here they are all made in Brussels by unelected Eurocrats.
    A fresh brand of communism.
    Anyways back to Football :)

  33. Roy Cropper says:
    January 5, 2010 at 11:56 am
    79 – haha very good , you should be on the television.


    And that could be an anagram for your wife’s male name.

  34. sirjasontoon says:
    January 5, 2010 at 11:58 am

    Not too sure what our point is. I didn’t mention the world were living in.

    I said I’m all for capitalism.

  35. Good to see a new Toon site since the blog went doon. Batty i’ll have some good horse tips for you over the next few months.

  36. Stuart I was implying that you probably have no idea what capitalism is or was :)
    Do you wear Braces? Now that’s capitalism.

  37. SteveP, NO I no longer goto the games, I support from afar…after spending the last 20 years paying for a season ticket, and for 2 of those years, I held 6 season tickets!!

    Spose that my opinions no longer count you shallow little boy!

    The reason I give up those tickets were that i could no longer trust the current boardroom incumbents or should that be incompetents?? anyway I digress, i simply do not trust the proven liars Ashley and Llambiarse!! They are not to be trusted and that is my opinion, so as long as they are their I shall not support them but I will support My TEAM!!!!


    Me a Hypoctrite?? Explain?? First the meaning of the word and how I am one????

  38. Davey G – where is your evidence you were lied to? It doesnt exist – maybe youre too consumed by fictitious hate that you cant see the real facts in front of you?

    Happy New Year to you though – and I hope you got a bag full of love, joy and optimism for Christmas

  39. geordie 69 – if your tips are anything like the last lot of junk , then do me a favour and keep them to youself – loser.

  40. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 12:12 pm

    Let me put this into Lehmans terms for you.

    If we manage to sign Beckford there will only be one person paying for him. Not me, not corporate, not sponsorship money and certainly not you. It will come from Ashley’s personal bank account.

    So you will cheer along with everyone else when he scores, but in the very next breath slag the man who paid for him off.

    That’s hypocrisy

  41. I thought the LMA said the board told lies Stardust?
    I maybe wrong sure they did though in the KK report?

  42. SJT – on first reading I can see why many thought that but in fact they were talking about the fact that the reason given by the club to the arbitration panel (that the club had publicly announced KK would have the final say on transfers – was simply PR and that they had misled the fans) was wholly unsatisfactory.

    It was simply courtroom antics and a defence mechanism to deflect a known fact. So in other words they tried to give an excuse for it in court and the court decided the excuse itself was bollocks and in fact they had meant their PR releases.

  43. stardust – i must congratulate you on the conversion of batty & that sickly get stuart 79 – into your blog lap dogs


  44. Stuart 79
    Oh I see, and it is personally coming from Fat lads pocket eh? and you know just that eh, because he is sat there right next to you, just to the left of stardusts small intestine….as you are that far up each others hoop, it actually does beggar belief!!

    Oh and I am no HYPOCTRITE, maybe a hypocrite yes, but is there such a word as HYPOCTRITE.?
    If your gonna pretend your intelligent, at least have the nous to get yourself a dictionary sat next to you netbook ;-).

    Oh and please just try to listen to all, well 98% of fellow supporters anyway, when we tell you Ashley has done nowt for our club, but muddy and tarnish its good name!!

    Get your claculator out and look at us, West Brom and the boro, the crowds each of us attract in comparison and explain to me in ‘lehmans terms derrrr’ why Fat Mike has to dip into his own pocket? If you can prove categorically that he is dipping into his own pocket I will gladly buy you a pint or several and reattend St James’ from now till the day i pop it!!!

  45. sirjasontoon says:
    January 5, 2010 at 12:19 pm

    I thought the LMA said the board told lies Stardust?
    I maybe wrong sure they did though in the KK report?

    Sir Jason, They did, but I think you mean the legal Troika that were in charge of proceedings. The LMA were officially biased as they are the managers union that were representing Keegan, so they would say that anyway.

  46. STARDUST??
    Are you fat Mikes PR?? You are arent you!! What a job!!!
    Hows his colon looking matey??

  47. Stardust – it’s irrefutable really.

    They either lied in court or lied outside of court. Either way, they lied. They either lied or lied about lying.

    The lil’ liars.

  48. Just realised Mozza has been on!!

    Arrrrrllreeeetttt Mozza???

    Long time no see, my friend. Honoured and obliged to have you aboard sir. Take no notice of the blithering idiot of a writer. Rumour has it the owner is looking for a transfer swap in the January window.

    But do stay and indulge in some debate from time time old chap, there are old and new faces alike, but we need more get some good craic going! hitman was knocking around these parts but appears to have buggered off.

  49. As I said Stardust I don’t have the facts just something I heard…I got bored of bashing Ashley and Owl Heed, but still don’t like either of them for whatever reasons.

    Maybe they will turn things around who knows..the less upheaval the better,just want us to get promoted and seem to be moving forwards again.

    What I do know is we need some serious wedge spent on the 1st team if we are promoted so dig deep Mike.

  50. I see no point in debating about Ashley anymore. We’re stuck with him so we may as well get on with it. Yes we may not like him for his past misdemeanors but if he gets this window right then it will go a long way to putting out the fires.

    On topic –

    Beckford, jury’s out apart from his goal at the weekend he seemed a bit lazy to me. A friend of mine is a die-hard Leeds man and he has told us he isn’t as good as he thinks he is.

    Killgallon, again the Leeds supporter has told me many of times this lad is decent at championship level but would be awful if we were to make it back up.

    I can’t comment myself as I have never seen either play enough to, but the things I have been told suggest that neither are expected to sparkle for us.

    I hope my mate is proved wrong by all accounts, if we do sign them both of course!

  51. sirjasontoon says:
    January 5, 2010 at 12:37 pm

    Seriously, if you were Ashley would you be inclined to ‘dig deeper’ if everytime you went to watch the team the supporters sang ridiculous songs at you?

    Personally I’d say p1ss right off you cheezy bast***

  52. BBM – technically – it was inside court. So the constant – the fans were lied to it was incorrect.

    I have to say never before have I witnessed such a terrible defence by Counsel. The case really was cut and till they missed the point.

  53. Stuart69
    Okay, I am On Companies house website!!
    Enlighten me?? Where does it say Ashley will spend 3million out of his own pocket on Jermaine Beckford?? More to the point where does it say he is investing 20million out of his own pocket??

    I cant see it, come on man, tell me???

    Im alll excited!!

  54. bowburnmag says:
    January 5, 2010 at 12:33 pm

    “Stardust – it’s irrefutable really.

    They either lied in court or lied outside of court. Either way, they lied. They either lied or lied about lying.

    The lil’ liars.”

    Bowburn, it was the Curbishley case that was irrefutable. The Keegan case was very tight and revolved largely on the Judge’s seeming obsession with the phrase “final say”, and what it meant.

  55. Stuart84,
    What has he done to deserve having nice songs song at him?

    You Fat Barstewart get out of our club!! Marvellous….keep it up boys!!!

    Coz the quicker he takes the hint the better for Newcastle United Football Club!!

  56. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    Aren’t you back at school yet?

    Where else is the money coming from? We have a turnover of £50m with a wage bill of £40m. That leaves £10m topay for every other aspect of running the business, plus outstanding transfer fees from the previous regime.

    Do you think that the club actually have a spare £3m in the bank?

    Get a grip and give the man some credit if we do actually sign these players.

  57. Stuart Imagine the Toon as a big red bus..Your bus is busted,bit rusty,sluggish, lacks pace and needs repair…you dig deep to get the best parts for it….just ask Stardust :)

  58. Anyone else hear Beckfords agent on Talksport last night about 8 ish. He was saying he was perceived by many as a risk, he is unproven at higher levels and has certain traits – arrogance etc being one of them – that make him more of a gamble.

    What with Barton and Carroll can we afford to have another at the club? Maybe the price make it worth a gamble – as we would never lose at that.

  59. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    I agree, the sooner he goes the better. Providing the next owner has the money to invest in the club.

    But were stuck with him until he sells the club. The best chance of him going is if we get promoted, to get promoted we need to buy some more players, unfortunately the only way we can afford that is with his money, so we need him to invest in new players. Being idiots on match days isn’t going to encourage him to open his wallet isit?

  60. Stuart stuart stuart!!

    If you are gonna hit me with ‘FACTS’ make sure they are accurate, now have a wee look at your figures!! A wage bill of how much?? versus a turnover of???

    Try again, then factor in the ‘other income sources’.

    Come back to me soon please….before I head back to school before me milk ;-)

  61. alreet Bowburn, like the look of this blog, so al defo be poppin on from time to time, al be surprised if out happens in this window,i have absolutely no trust in the lying gimps running the show, thought it couldn’t get any worse, then llambias streaked, however, we are sitting in a very good position, which to be honest i never thought would happen, ad like to see this leeds striker join, think he might fire us up again as we seem to have went of the boil a bit, but a wont hold me breath with this lot in charge

  62. Stardust says:
    January 5, 2010 at 12:48 pm

    In my opinion the price is what makes it a norisk signing. The standard between the two divisions isn’t that big, if he scores the goals to get us up he’s paid for himself.

  63. Stardust-I didnt hear it personally but my old man did and made a point of mentioning that he’s heard Beckford thinks he’s the big man around town when i informed him of the rumoured bid there. I’d be willing to take the gamble to be honest. His goal against manure was his 20th of the season, i could see him coming in and continuing his form for us and we need a straight up goal scorer.

  64. stinker 79 – has it ever crossed your mind that your new found mate actually enjoys the abuse ? coz i for one thinks he does.

    so put that in your pipe and puff on it.

  65. few seasons back, we would have been up in arms if we thought a 3 million pound unproven striker was to be our major signing, just shows how times can change

  66. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 12:53 pm

    The figures I come out with are approx figures but will make the point.

    Can you tell me what other income sauces?

    We spent 5 years of future sponsorship money on Owen, so were without that income for the last five years for a start.

    Corporate revenue has dropped through the ceiling too.

  67. If Mike came out and made a statement along the lines of…Listen lads I am here for good,I am going to communicate, build an awesome team that will entertain and compete at the highest level,we are going to scour the earth with TomToons Tube help to get an excellent batch of youngsters and up and coming continental talents for the future I would say OK.

    If Mike spent say 20m now on 4 decent players I would say that is showing intention,not massively busting his coffers and would go along way to securing the promotion we all want so bad.

  68. Interesting listening to you mags bicker on and on. About Bob Murray II.

    You lot are a laughing stock to us, and thats down to Ashley…and that basically is the facts of Life at sidjames/

    I have to take sides with the boys who are stating ashley needs to go……you know why? because bob murray needs his specially designed deep pocketed pants back!!! ha ha ha ha ha

  69. Reet Im gonna throw my two cents in on this ashley out debate, seems he is doing a good job on balancing the books, Whats gonna appeal to potential buyers more…

    A stable championship club with no debt and the prospect of going into the premiership…or…a club riddled with debt that will end up costing them more than they bargained for ala pompey!

    I dont agree with everything thats happened since ashley took over, but if he gets us back in the premiership and we stay there then ill be happy!!

  70. Stuart stuart stuart

    You say I need to go back to school…
    Check out your spelling man….horrific….
    and as for dropping through the ceiling??? LMFAO!!!

    Maybe a drop through the floor would be more apt statement or did you mean corporate went through the ceiling?? I dunno? I just simply dunno….what they teach you lot at school these days?? Eeeesh.

    Okay, back to the point Corporate dropped ‘through the floor’ because the prices went ‘through the ceiling’. an increase in corporate fees baqsically put everyone off, as corporate is….well corporate, all about money (You like capitalism dont you)when surely the senisble thing would have been to lower corporate fees, keep the corporate custom and therefore increase revenue?? What you think GURU??

  71. my cousin lives in sunderland and i asked him why he didn’t support them, he replied that he should really but when he went to the match, there was so many inbread, deliverance type freaks there, he decided against it, says it all really

  72. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    It’s called humour Davey, ya know like ‘putting your foot down with a firm hand’? Sauces as in HP not sources as should have been used.

    Probably goes all over your head. You don’t seem to be the type to laugh alot.

  73. If Ashley does invest it’s not for the love of the club, but to ensure that we get promoted so he can flog us at the first opportunity.
    And as for Ashley and Llambias not lying, I think some people have had their heads buried in the sand for the last few years.
    Apart from the ‘It is a fact…’ debacle, numerous lies were spouted during the failed sale of the club, and also via Kinnear regarding the money we had to spend last January, which we never actually did.

  74. With Regards the Owen Transfer my dad reckoned that we didn’t really pay Madrid in cash…they owed us money for Woodgate and an agreement was done along them lines.
    Not fact just what the old man was saying.

  75. Okay if Ashley goes who will replace him –

    Fact: he’s tried to sell the club for half of what he paid for it and theres no takers
    Fact: There are no Northern billionaires gonna save us
    Fact: Shearer took us down and didn’t have the motivational nouse to do owt about it (not all his fault but he has to take some blame)
    Fact: We have little income other than attendance fees and pitiful championship tv money (+ parachute payment)
    Fact: 3 year sponsorship money was spent up front so theres nowt left from that
    Fact: we’re still paying wages of Xisco
    Fact: we haven’t yet received transfer money for players that have left i.e martins as payments spread out over 3 years (normal practice)

    DaveyG – like Ashleys cash – put your money where your mouth is and you can sing all you like, but even you must realise that slagging ashley and the team off continuously aint gonna help the team or make any potential buyer jump at the chance of taking over toon

  76. ya can tell a haven’t been on a blog for a while, am responding to the great unwashed, oh well at least nandos not on here

  77. the issues for me are the lies and the feckless llambias, lie to your punters and you’re gona really struggle to get em back onside

  78. Macas says:
    January 5, 2010 at 1:08 pm


    I think Ashley does want out but he knows he can only do that by getting promoted. To get promoted we need a couple of players bought and he has to buy them.

    Should everyone not be encouraging him to do this? Not slagging him off at every opportunity.

  79. mozza says:
    January 5, 2010 at 1:12 pm
    the issues for me are the lies and the feckless llambias, lie to your punters and you’re gona really struggle to get em back onside

    I actually think Llambias is the big problem. If he sacked him and replaced him with someone capable he would save himself a lot of hassle.

  80. Stevep

    I have not once in my long lifetime slagged my team off!!!! Have read you plebulous moronous

    And Stuart

    I can laugh you cheeky Terence Watt ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha there!!

  81. For me, sacking off Llambias would almost be as powerful a gesture as bringing in Beckford, Kilgallon and getting rid of Geremi combined.

    Perhaps more so…

    But it won’t happen.

  82. How sad is it that there are still apologists for Ashley, he bought a very expensive and lucrative business and as such needs to maintain it or it will devalue rapidly. 20m a season, so what, its not as if he will never see that cash again is it?
    Most posters appear to have become Quislings, waiting with baited breath for two signings which will amount to no more than 4mil tops and unproven players at that, dont suppose they will be any better than Pancrate, Loverboy,Kishanvili or Harewood, all who have had my pulse racing for the wrong reasons.
    DaveyG, dont bite mate, Stuart79 is one of the more repuable posters unlike the attention seeking tit with the eyeball.

  83. At least we do have one staff signing.hahaas.

    Willie Donachie As Assistant Academy Manager.

  84. I agree BBB…We have certainly had our expectations managed under this regime…only a couple of seasons ago we where linked with some decent player like Arshavin etc

    Been a weird few seasons…I hope it all works out for us in the end…if I was Mike I would bash 20m on the credit card and at least try and secure promotion at 1st time of asking.

  85. bbb – lucrative …. newcastle haven’t been lucrative in donkeys years, fat freddy sheppard took the toon to the brink by trying to break into the top four and earn champs league cash however his spending of cash the club didnt have managed to get you nowhere. life after sbr at the toon has been mediocre at best and even the most hardened toon supporter must realise that relegation had been backoning for years – Ashley simply helped you get there a bit earlier
    if not for ashley you would be sitting bottom ofchampionship, in administration and docked 10 – 20 points

    @daveyG – you have some serious issues and should see a psychiatrist before you do yourself some harm

  86. SteveP

    My responses
    Fact: he’s tried to sell the club for half of what he paid for it and theres no takers..PLUS ADDED DEBT THAT HE IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE CLEARED, MEANING THE CUB WAS ACTUALLY FORSALE FOR WHAT HE PAID FOR IT!!
    Fact: There are no Northern billionaires gonna save us-WHO WANTS A BILLIONAIRE, JUST SOMEONE THAT KNOWS WTF THEY ARE DOING!!
    Fact: Shearer took us down and didn’t have the motivational nouse to do owt about it (not all his fault but he has to take some blame)IN THAT VEIN THEN SO DID THE TEAM, WHY NEED MOTIVATION OTHER THAN THE SHIRT THEY PULL ON??
    Fact: We have little income other than attendance fees and pitiful championship tv money (+ parachute payment)BETTER OFF THAN MOST IN THIS LEAGUE!! IF NOT ALL IN THIS LEAGUE. THEY ARENT WHINING ABOUT TIGHT MONEY!!!
    Fact: 3 year sponsorship money was spent up front so theres nowt left from that AGREED-SO WHY DIDNT HE PLAN ACCORDINGLEY, YOU WOULDNT BUY A CAR WORTH 10K FOR 20K WITHOUT A PLAN SURELY??
    Fact: we’re still paying wages of Xisco AHSLEYS FAULT, NO ONE ELSES
    Fact: we haven’t yet received transfer money for players that have left i.e martins as payments spread out over 3 years (normal practice)ASHLEYS FAULT, NO ONE ELSES.

    The fat lad brought all of this on himself….if he spent 20million of his own cash (He he he I make myself giggle) in this transfer market, it would not change my opinion of teh incompetent buffoon who has wrecked our club!! THE END….

  87. bigbadbob says:
    January 5, 2010 at 1:25 pm

    I’m not so much an apologist for him as I would prefer he went but we need to get back in the prem and I was happy to see how serious he was about getting us there.

    He’s probably only doing it for his wallets sake but hey if he gets us there then buggers off great!

  88. @DaveyG – I would reckon the majority of players play (I use the term lightly) for the wages they get, can’t imagine any newcastle player last season (other than the local lads) really gave much of a t0ss about what colour shirt they pulled on or what us muppets in the crowd thought of them.

    Fact: Ashley and Llambias are complete TW^TS
    Fact: We’re stuck with them until he can find a buyer with some cash
    Fact: theres nowt saying new owner will be any better
    Fact: we’re not a going concern if the club can’t actually survive without an owner sticking thier own cash in
    Fact: if owner puts no cash in we have to sell Nolan, Smith, Enrique and anyone else on 50k+ a year

    Frankly I think we’re pretty much fooooooooooked

  89. Stuart79

    He wont get us there and bugger off. He’ll get us there, put us up for sale, ask for an astronomical price for the club, wont buy any players, and when people wont meet his valuatiojn on the 29th of August, he will promptly take the club off the market and watch us struggle haplessely until december and then….yup…we start all over again!!!!!!!!

    Deja Vue

    Its happened evertime for the last 2 years!!! FACT

  90. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 1:36 pm

    Fact: We have little income other than attendance fees and pitiful championship tv money (+ parachute payment)BETTER OFF THAN MOST IN THIS LEAGUE!! IF NOT ALL IN THIS LEAGUE. THEY ARENT WHINING ABOUT TIGHT MONEY!!!

    All the other Championship clubs don’t have a wage bill of £40m or so.

    Fact: 3 year sponsorship money was spent up front so theres nowt left from that AGREED-SO WHY DIDNT HE PLAN ACCORDINGLEY, YOU WOULDNT BUY A CAR WORTH 10K FOR 20K WITHOUT A PLAN SURELY??

    How’s he supposed to plan for that? He wasn’t the one who had spent a large chunk of revenue up front on one player. Short of asking Northern Rock if they wouldn’t mind sharing the space on the shirt with another sponsor to get funds in, there really wasn’t much they could do.

    Your bizarre

  91. BBB – why thank you for your compliments – I take them with the genuine heartfelt feelings with which they were offered.

    re your “20m a season, so what” remember he made that promise after he had lost more than half of his wealth – that was a game changer many fail to recognise.

    As for attention seeking…nope not here. You choose to label someone with differing views in a negative manner. Says more about your own insecurity than me.

  92. Count me in mate,I’ll just strap them tennis rackets to me trainers and borrow troy stavers grifter. :)

  93. Stuart79

    Fact: 3 year sponsorship money was spent up front so theres nowt left from that AGREED-SO WHY DIDNT HE PLAN ACCORDINGLEY, YOU WOULDNT BUY A CAR WORTH 10K FOR 20K WITHOUT A PLAN SURELY??

    How’s he supposed to plan for that? He wasn’t the one who had spent a large chunk of revenue up front on one player. Short of asking Northern Rock if they wouldn’t mind sharing the space on the shirt with another sponsor to get funds in, there really wasn’t much they could do.

    DUE DILLIGENCE, heard the term before??
    If you do it correctly? how cant you plan for that?

    And you first point…offset the wage against 50000 fans week in and week out, to boro’s 15000 fans week in and week out, is Steve Gibson Whining about relegation half as much as Ashley and Lamearse were?? I also believ that they didnt pay off more than 8% of their staff!!!

    That is good Managment i believ, not excuse making!!

  94. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    I think he’s had a bit of a shock with the relegation ect…

    I honestly don’t think there will be many more mistakes like the past ones.

  95. davy G

    “Fact: he’s tried to sell the club for half of what he paid for it and theres no takers..PLUS ADDED DEBT THAT HE IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE CLEARED, MEANING THE CUB WAS ACTUALLY FORSALE FOR WHAT HE PAID FOR IT!!”

    Can you provide us with the prospectus which was issued under strict NDA which outlines this assumption – or are you making it up?

    Re “Fact: Shearer took us down and didn’t have the motivational nouse to do owt about it (not all his fault but he has to take some blame)IN THAT VEIN THEN SO DID THE TEAM, WHY NEED MOTIVATION OTHER THAN THE SHIRT THEY PULL ON??”

    So are you saying a manager has no impact on a team or morale? If so why do we bother debating who is and isnt a good manager if the shirt is enough.

    I suggest despite your high and mighty approach to Stuart you have limited thinking ability.

  96. Davy G

    Re “DUE DILLIGENCE, heard the term before??
    If you do it correctly? how cant you plan for that?”

    He bought it to have fun when he was wealthy – then you might have heard – unexpectedly the whole worlds financial markets collapsed(its been in the news) and Mike lost over half of his wealth.

    Sometime when unexpected things happen you have to change plans and cut your cloth accordingly – or do you just whack out the credit card?

  97. right iam off too cut me lawn and get the barbie oot catch u lata stardust dont be any lata than 5

  98. @daveyG – you sound like some afro american still banging on about how thier ancestors were slaves and they should be paid 50 million each in compensation to get over grief
    actually my ancestors are one armed irish african homos – you reckon I could get any of that cash to get over my anger at the humiliation they sufferred :-)

  99. Stuart79!!

    Your running out of feasable debate points regarding Ashley as the simple fact is he is incompetent, he has been totally incompetent and there is nothing in my mind that makes me think that he will get things right!!

    Yes sign Beckford, Sign Killgallon but at what cost….there will be a cost….there always is, look at his past transfer dealings!!

    The man is interested in himself and his own wealth, nothing else….

  100. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 1:50 pm

    The lack of due dilligence was a huge mistake, but he didn’t do it so get over it. We are where we are!

    He’s had to cut the cloth accordingly.

    If he had done DD he probably wouldn’t have bought the club. We would probably have gone into administration.

    Would you have preferred that Davey?

  101. Stevep
    You shouldnt mock the afflicted!!!!

    In the meantime, sorry to hear about your ancestors lack of ambidextrosity and their questionable sexuality, and I truly TRULY hope that it isnt genetic!!

  102. Stuart

    We were nowhere near admin mate, trust me, I actually did have a look at the Companies house filed accounts back then and your buddy Mike sharply retracted his deck of cards statement, from ‘was ready to fold’ to ‘may have folded!!’ When FFS threatened court action!! Yet another little whitey Mike eh??

    And your original argument was that he didnt know about the sponsorship money being spent, was it not?? Barking on how could he have done anything about it, I merely pointed out DUE DILLIGENCE!! So i was correct then, if he had of carried out, then we wouldnt be having this conversation now would we??? And who are YOU and Mike gonna blame for that little ooopsie? Us the fans??

  103. ahhhh – remember the days when we all used to wonder who we’d be signing…. Arshavin, Arda Turan, Ronaldo, Beckham, Anelka, Van derVart, no chance of signing them now….. actually there was no chance back then either, we’ve mostly spent a ton of cash on a load of poo (basically anyone how would come up north)

  104. Stardust

    I like you do not know all the facts!! THE END

    So who is thinking they are high and mighty now?

  105. Nando, the Premier league is Lucrative, look at the clubs with small crowds who have been there for years and are making a fortune, all have debt but are managing it including the mackems who have spent a fortune on shite.
    My stance has always been that the fans have kept their part of the bargain but our incompitent board have gambled and wasted millions with poor decisions and signings, we have to endure the pain and its inredulous for anyone to show them any sympathy whatsoever.
    And just how were we heading for administration?
    Liverpool have 300m+ debt and Manu 700m+ debt, its all managed, they have big support and always try to give their fans the best they can, its the way of football, what is made and more is ploughed back into the playing side.
    Unfortunately for us, FCB wants to be the first owner in living memory to make a profit from the game and he is hell bent on doing so wether we like it or not.

  106. I remember them days fondly as each one went up in smoke :)
    At least we don’t have to deal with that kind of disappointment anymore..if we don’t get Kilgallon on Beckford nobody will lose any sleep i don’t think.

    Big Deal.

  107. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 2:03 pm

    The last set of accounts showed that Ashley had to put £20m into the club for it to be a going concern.

    That was in addition to the profit made in the transfer windows.

    Where would this money have come from if FFS was still chairman? Rights issue? Not every year me thinks!

    We would have had to sell more players and we would have gone down the Leeds route.

    So look again at the accounts and tell me where the additional cost Ashley put in would have come from under FFS.

  108. Sorry I forgot to mention the huge debt the club were in to banks. The chances are they would have called them debts in over the last two years when we tried to re finance.

    Rather be in debt to the owner than the banks.

  109. Stardust

    I mean you come on here poo pooing anyone who dare say anything agianst Jabba, talking as if you are the next in line to the Ashley Kingdom, with your attempted high brow statements and wit, when all you really are is just a wee no mark in the grand scheme of things, just like me, stuart, batty, SJT…..

    we come on here to debate, to have a bit of banter, to give our opinions, not to pretend we are some form of intellectual friend to the billionaire society of london!!

    We arent on here to kiss ass, we are here to talk about our love, our passion (Not with Ashley your on wrong site for that matey try

    So please, enough of pretending your intelligent, we are all just a bunch of thick geordie football loving northerners, and so we are not in your class.

    Please spare us and move on to the higher echelons of footy blog!!

    thank a million- i mena billion!!

    PS Ashley is still a twat and if he lost a fortune in the stock crash…so did aye, i cant bloody afford a new carpet but i am not barking on about it, i have to adopt and buy a rug!!! ;-)

  110. Stuart

    Poor argument!!
    Would we have been relegated under fat fred??

    If not, then we would have had further fundings!!

    Sorry to shoot that one down so quick, your speculating!!

  111. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    and Stuart79 suggested he ‘Go to companies house you half wit!’

    Stuart, why Companies House?

  112. will the penny ever drop with the boneheads on here – the lump of lard with a 64″ waist has delboy incharge because that’s what he wants – a yes man doing his dirty work for him regardless that he knows nothing about football , he’s irreplaceable in the eyes of chunky.

    but if he ever did bladder him then there’s a ready made replacement with – stuart 79 who qualifies for both categories.

  113. Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    Where’s this further funding coming from?

    You forget the club lost something like £30m a couple of seasons ago and we were still in the PL. How would we have absorbed that under FFS?

  114. lesh says:
    January 5, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    You can get a copy of the previous years accounts for a fiver or something like that.

    It shows quite clearly the loss the club was making and the money Ashley was investing to make the club a going concern. Otherwise the accounts probably wouldn’t have been signed off and we would probably have had a visit from HMRC.

  115. Hi all, seems you’ve got competition for Beckford from a couple of clubs after Sundays performance, which can’t be a bad thing for us. Bates knows how to get the most possible money for someone, so that could drag on for a week or so.

    Killa, another ex-Leeds player (as if you haven’t signed enough already). He’d be a very good signing. Knew he had potential when he came through the ranks and the Leeds fans loved him. Still pretty young and definitely in the right age group for a team looking to build for the future.

    Several Leeds fans have spoken to Becks after the Scum game (they had photographic evidence or else I’d have doubted them) and when asked about transferring, all he said was that it’s ‘out of his hands’. His agent is a slimy motherfucker that seems to do all the talking for him and has caused the divide between Becks and the Leeds fans as it is, so the decisions probably his.

    Best of luck signing them both anyway. We’re resigned to the fact he’s leaving and seem to have more than capable replacements lined up, so we’re going up regardless.

    All the best, TSS.

  116. i see everyone,s still debating on the merits of abott and costello running our football club.

  117. “Davey G says:
    January 5, 2010 at 2:15 pm

    I mean you come on here poo pooing anyone who dare say anything agianst Jabba”

    Not at all – if the criticism is levelled, well thought out and balanced. I realise he has weaknesses – havent we all.

    hate filled folk such as yourself arent really worth bothering with anyway – they just spoil everyone elses lives with their negativity and spiteful bile. Be off with you.

  118. TSS

    The voice of sense.
    All the best to you guys, hope you get out that league next season with or without becks. The upper leagues miss the Leeds Banter!!

    Good Luck Laddie

  119. Boy I`m sure glad Mike ashley bought the club, god only knows where we would be if Freddy and co. were still running things.
    We would probably be in the secind tier and having sold all our decent players would probably be bidding on people from the third tier and having to find players on loan, not only that, probably have some guy possibly a promoted coach managing.
    Man were we ever lucky.

  120. TSS – cracking result on Sunday mate, really enjoyed it.

    Meant to get back on the Shed and say congrats.
    All the best against our 3rd favourite team to hate in the next round.

    Thanks in advance for Jermaine though :)

  121. Stuart

    Shaddap man.
    Your waffling about nowt nor summick For gods sake. Comanies house…ner ner ner…..debt of 30 milll ner ner ner…..

    I thought big fat Mike paid off all the debt…..thats what he reckoned when he took over….oh dear, another little whitey…..white as the fileds outside my house i should coco (As stardust might say)

  122. Fortunes change in football,sometimes quickly sometimes slowly,we have certainly not had much luck in recent times with,managers,owners,poor transfers,relegation,injuries etc

    We have had the whole set of bad things happen,like I said though things change and fingers crossed the excellent job that people say Mike is supposedly doing behind the scenes will pay off.

    I think Mike’s real intentions will be clear at the end of january as the 1st team squad in lacking in many areas.

  123. TSS (Leeds United) says:
    January 5, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    ‘Out of my hands’ seems to be another way of saying I really want to go and will go but I cannot say that.

    Apparently the agent was on TalkSport saying that he doesn’t want to go and Leeds won’t accept anything less than £3.5m.

    Then he tells local newspapers that he wants to leave and will hand a transfer request if necessary.

    The agent will be doing his best to up the price in public.

  124. sirjasontoon says:
    January 5, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    That’s my point sjt.

    I think we will know if Ashley isserious about building bridges on 1st Feb.

    I’m happy to give him the benefit. If he fails to come up with the goods again then that’s it with me personally. I will hold my hands up and admit I was wrong and he’s a complete prat.

    Until then I reserve judgement

  125. Stuart

    Yawn man yawn yawn yawn…

    How many times are you gonna come out with the same vitriol?? You done it last transfer window….he done nowt and you still up his hoop, god, your profestations are as empty as Ashleys…I will do this i will do that and if it doesnt work then i’ll admit I am wrong you HYPOTCRITE!!!!!

  126. Davey G – just recognised the name pal (apologies for administrative snooping) :)

    No need to divulge further, just intrigued.

  127. Agreed Stu, this is an important window and could go a long way to helping Mike build some bridges with the fans.

    I hope serious investment is made if we ended up with Beckford and Kilgallon I would not be very happy,I will also not take to kindly to players like Nolan being shipped back to the premiership for a fast buck.

    All shall be revealed :)

  128. sirjasontoon says:
    January 5, 2010 at 3:36 pm

    I would be delighted if we managed to sign Killgalon and Beckford and nobody leaves.

    I think that will show even more commitment by Ashley as there are bound to be offers for our players.

  129. We need more than 2 players 1 from the 3rd division and 1 from the 2nd is just not good enough if Mike is serious about driving his big red bus through to the premiership finish line…the squad is playing terrible football and needs a couple of additions on top of the beckford and kilgallon deals in my opinion.

  130. @Stuart79 “Apparently the agent was on TalkSport saying that he doesn’t want to go and Leeds won’t accept anything less than £3.5m.”

    I’ll drive him to Newcastle myself for that price – and help him pack!


    It was an excellent result. You just know it’s going to be one of those games people talk about every time the 3rd round is played from now on. Becks’ goal will be shown again and again. He’s made himself famous with it.

    Bates will ignite a bidding war to get the best possible price, but I reckon he’ll end up at Newcastle. The Prem clubs that are alledgedly interested are small teams that are just passing through on there way back down. None of the ones I’ve heard mentioned have a prayer of staying in the Prem long-term.

  131. @Stuart79 “Apparently the agent was on TalkSport saying that he doesn’t want to go and Leeds won’t accept anything less than £3.5m.”

    Could Beckford’s agent be trying to jack up the signing on fee and Beckford’s terms?

    Let’s not forget, these parasites get a slice of whatever’s agreed!!

  132. Wealdstone get 20% of any fee paid to Leeds for Beckford – Ken Bates will be trying to get as much as poss as will beckfords agent as he’ll no doubt be taking a hefty slice as well

  133. Why not just go for broke and sign a star in the making Moses @ Palace, a youngster who will keep improving and when both Manchesters and Chelsea come sniffing around can get our money back with interest.

  134. We need more than beckford and kilgallon that’s for sure,Still not sure we will land these two but got my fingers crossed.

  135. Stuart – I was listening to TalkSport – the agent and presenters said 1.5 to 2.0m was a fair price – there was no mention of 3.5m

  136. Go for Broke £5m haha :)
    I would love to know how big the current War Chest is….few bottle tops,empty tizer bottles and some tin jewellery.

  137. Quick question would you swop Ranger and Carroll in a straight swop for Beckford lads?
    I think I would.

  138. I am certainly no Mike Ashley fan and would like to see the back of him BUT – to be objective, he may well be the best owner to have during these financial times. His penny pinching may well set us up fantastically in a decade or so.

    Also, is it possible for an owner to need to start in a lower league to get the hang of what to do? He seems to have been spot on as an owner so far in the Championship, maybe he needs a less stressful year to learn what to do, lol.

  139. @sirjasontoon “Quick question would you swop Ranger and Carroll in a straight swop for Beckford lads? I think I would.”

    Not a chance mate, Leeds won’t pay ridiculous wages whilever Bates is in charge, which these two are undoubtedly on.

  140. Stardust says:
    January 5, 2010 at 5:14 pm
    Stuart – I was listening to TalkSport – the agent and presenters said 1.5 to 2.0m was a fair price – there was no mention of 3.5m

    I didn’t actually hear it my self, I was just told that he reckoned Leeds wouldn’t sell for less than £3.5m.

    But 1.5 to 2.0m is a fair price I agree.

  141. wickywoowoo says:
    January 5, 2010 at 5:20 pm

    There are alot on here who advocate managers starting at a lower division so maybe owners should too.

  142. Stardust,

    Was it his agent or the guy who actually owns the company?

    I cannot see them having them both on nut you never know.

  143. Stuart79 says:
    January 5, 2010 at 5:44 pm

    Was it his agent or the guy who actually owns the company?

    I presume you mean the company that has Beckfords Agency rights.

    Not sure Stuart – but the same guy went on to elaborate on how he speaks to him after every game (or 2) and is there to smooth over problems (Like when he stormed off when he was recently subbed) either way he is obviously close to him. I had taken from the interview he was the agent but could be as you stated.

  144. Well whover he is he will have a financial interest in him.

    He’ll be telling NUFC sources privately that he wants to leave, then in public ie national radio he’ll be spouting he doesn’t want to leave.

    It’s all a big ‘who’s got the bigger balls’ game.

    IMO Leeds really don’t hold any cards at all in this situation.

  145. Try telling our fans it an inevitability – – check the comments.

    I just can’t see him staying at Leeds when Newcastle gives him the cahnce of Premier League football in twelve months. Regardless of what other Leeds fans tell you, he’ll produce the goals. It might take 3 or 4 chances, but how many strikers do you know that can get in the sort of positions where they get 3 or 4 chances? His pace allows him to do that.

  146. Oh… and to add to my previous comment (which is under moderation, presumably because of a link) we don’t want any of your under-performing players that are on ridiculously high salaries thankyou very much!

    We’ve made that mistake before with Seth Johnson et al.

  147. It was hypothetic TSS :)
    I think Beckford would be more of an impact player than anything we currently have.
    Good result against the Mancs and good to see Leeds getting back on track.
    I heard your manager may be off to Burnley as he only has 6 months left on his contract?
    Rumoured on talksport Earlier.

  148. TSS (Leeds United) says:
    January 5, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    Money talks doesn’t it.

    I imagine that his agent has already spoke to Newcastle about his wages and he will probably earn three times what he earns now at Newcastle.

    At the end of the day I can see this one getting a bit messy, with transfer requests ect…

  149. TSS (Leeds United) says:
    January 5, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    “Oh… and to add to my previous comment (which is under moderation, presumably because of a link)”

    TSS, It was the word “Scunthorpe”. It’s a common problem. The software thinks that it’s a very rude word, because it has a very rude word in it!

  150. @workyticket “TSS, It was the word “Scunthorpe”. It’s a common problem. The software thinks that it’s a very rude word, because it has a very rude word in it!”

    My blog has similar problems whenever the word Manchester is used. It often just changes it itself to Scum, in order to prevent any confusion.

  151. @Stuart 79 “I imagine that his agent has already spoke to Newcastle about his wages and he will probably earn three times what he earns now at Newcastle.

    At the end of the day I can see this one getting a bit messy, with transfer requests ect…”

    Nah, can’t see it ‘getting messy’. You just have to agree a price with Bates (not easily done) and he’s yours. May rake a while, but Bates loves money far too much to prevent it.

  152. Big Bad Bob
    Actually it`s possible to make a profit in the PL, The Arsenal do it on a regular basis, besides being a successful side.
    Just takes the right kind of business plan plus the right manager who can work hand in glove with the money man.
    There`s a shit load of opportunities to make money in the league, with the right people running things.
    Just recently Ed. from Ed`s. blog was lauding the club for reducing the debt and going after the two cheapo`s we are currently persuing and complaining about how bad the policys of the past were, paying high wages and transfer fees, for players and their agents.
    Then making the comment we will need at least 5 PL class reinforcements if promoted in the summer.
    Well where are you gonna find 5 PL class players without paying the approprate wages and fees, they all got agents.
    Even Arsene has been known to pay over the top, just a fact of life in the PL.
    Afraid it takes a skilled structure to come out ahead and thats not exactly what we have at present.

  153. Chuck says:
    January 5, 2010 at 6:57 pm

    “Well where are you gonna find 5 PL class players without paying the approprate wages and fees, they all got agents.”

    There’s nothing wrong with that Chuck, it’s about investing in the right kind of player who is young, not at the end of his contract and wanting a big payday before he retires, not injury prone and will have a HIGH RESALE VALUE that will probably be much higher than the sum paid for him originally. That’s Arsenal’s secret, well, it isn’t a secret exactly, it’s just intelligent business strategy.

  154. At the moment the SJT jury is out on the younger players I have seen playing 1st team football…ranger has look pretty plop and a mile away from prem quality,kazenga lua lua has looked weak when he has had a chance.

    Kadar played ok by all accounts against a pub team at the weekend so I don’t think that really counts.

    I am unsure if anyone of the current youngsters will make the grade required to make a mark in the premiership.

  155. The idea that Mike would scout the Earth and use the Arsenal development model as a template is never going to happen as the structure at the top of the toon has no football experience and the scouting network has all but crumbled too.

    I can’t see anyone paying mega bucks for our developing youth players anytime soon.
    Bassong was good business for Mike but not a player we developed in house.

  156. and before u start leaky butt stu on aboot hes tryed to sell well he hasent tryed hard enough has he

  157. BATTY; some of lads down steel city say shef wed to make approach to KING K,to lift there profile above sheff unt heard oot?wwhats your thought on it?

  158. ice dog i hope he does come back into football m8 ashley and his muckers shit on him and sir alan

  159. BATTY it was no joke m8 thats what some lads down there have heard could be wishful thinking i hope he does,ime with you on that,you are being a bit kind with your comments on ash&co,thing is con-men dont like straight talkers Al will be back one day

  160. aye no doubt AL will m8 and icedog ive always sed if i bump into ashley i would do jail for him and it still stands i hate the fat ugly c@nt

  161. dont drag yourself down to his level m8 everthing comes to those who wait i should know at my age nice to chat to you m8 keep the faith while others crawl going for jackie dee and dream one day,one day

  162. Batty there you go again – pretending to hate Ashley – have you told Icedog that you were at Ashleys function last week accepting free beer from him personally lol.

    What a loser! Someone might tell Mike on you – no more freebies for you – youre no better than leaky butt lol.

  163. jeez are we still going on about ashley, can we not talk about something else just for a bit like potential new signings, players oot how crap our midfield/strike force is
    how hughtons going grey, how i’m losing my hair/mind/money watching this sh1te every week…. anything :-)

  164. Just looking through the comments and there’s some good banter and some proper decent contributors here.

    Can’t help thinking we seem to have a lost few though who were on early doors, who added to the mix.

    Where’s ShiverMeTimbre, UTD111, AlanMc, Beardsleys Boots, Summer of 69 (formerly beyethegreat), ESAMIM, JinkyGenius, Norn Iron Mag, Partizan, Shot Bru, shrews mag, spiderpig, StanHardy, Spitfire, Starkadder, Wallsend Will, Warwick Hunt, Waldo P. Barnstormer, Waddles Mullet, even hitman recently?

    Haven’t seen some of these lads for ages (unless I’ve just not been paying attention) 8O

    And there’ll be a few more I’ve missed (nee offence). Some great craic in amongst that lot.

    And not forgetting Rodz, wherever the crazy fecker is…

  165. bowburn >>>>> Where’s ShiverMeTimbre, UTD111, AlanMc, Beardsleys Boots, Summer of 69 (formerly beyethegreat), ESAMIM, JinkyGenius, Norn Iron Mag, Partizan, Shot Bru, shrews mag, spiderpig, StanHardy, Spitfire, Starkadder, Wallsend Will, Warwick Hunt, Waldo P. Barnstormer, Waddles Mullet, even hitman recently? <<<< iam here

  166. Stuart79 says:
    January 5, 2010 at 10:15 pm
    batty says:
    January 5, 2010 at 9:57 pm

    Not sure why though?
    <<<< not sure what

  167. well i dont talk as much shit as u leaky butt stu have u worked oot what iam calling u yet leaky butt

  168. glad too see u have took workys job as stardys minder now but even stardy is calling u leaky butt :lol:

  169. To be fair batts – I am not one for micky taking or cheap lines or wind ups – but the name sits well kinda comfortable with him lol.

    No offence Leaky – the new you is quite refreshing – even if the stuff out of your bum isnt… :~

  170. BBM – ESAMIM gets on here a bit. I’m sure of it. He has the Family Guy baby as his pic.

    I can’t believe we are still whinging about Ashley on here. What’s happened has happened, we can’t change that. No point in opening old wounds.
    The cynics out there will say that Ashley is lucky that we are doing ok at the moment, football wise, and it’s keeping our thoughts occupied with football instead of him. Well, that may be true, but I’m past the point of caring. Plenty of football clubs have had owners the fans don’t like and they’ve done ok. As long as we are doing ok on the pitch, that is all that really matters, isn’t it?

    BTW it’s Lay man’s terms, Lehman was an Arsenal goalie.