Pardew gets Newcastle United job – now official

Posted on December 9th, 2010 | 205 Comments |

Alan Pardew - New Toon Manager
Alan Pardew - New Toon Manager
What we all expected has happened and Alan Pardew has been appointed as manager of Newcastle United on a five and half year deal.

It seems the circus is back at St James’ Park and the fans are being served up another custard pie in the face from the clown at the top.

It’s easy to see why we’re the laughing stock of the Premier League.

The recipe is simple. For dinner, take one perfectly good manager who gets us promoted from the Championship at the first attempt, settles us into a mid-table Premier League position and wins over the fans. Then sack him.

Then for pudding, take one unemployed manager with a mediocre record and hardly much more Premier League experience than the one you just sacked. Then employ him.

It works every time as a recipe for making a club a laughing stock. I think I’ll pass on the cheese and biscuits.

Either way we look at it though, Chris Hughton’s era is over and Alan Pardew’s is about to begin.

The official announcement from the club is as follows:

Newcastle United are delighted to confirm the appointment of Alan Pardew as the club’s new manager.

Alan, formerly manager at Reading, West Ham, Charlton and Southampton, has signed a five-and-a-half year contract at St. James’ Park.

Speaking about his new role, Alan said:

“I am honoured and privileged to have been given this opportunity at Newcastle United, one of the truly great clubs in English football.

“I understand what this club means to its supporters. Throughout the football world people recognise that this is a unique club in many ways, with supporters who are second to none in their loyalty, passion and devotion for the team.

“I’m not a Geordie of course, but I’m a football person with a love of the game and I can assure you I bring great drive, desire and commitment to the job.

“Chris Hughton did a great job last season, guiding the club back to the Premier League, and he continued that good work this season. It is my aim to build on that now and take this club forward.

“I have always managed teams that have played attacking positive football, something I know the supporters here appreciate. At the same time I intend to focus on developing exciting young players through the club’s excellent Academy and development squad, and I know the board here at St. James’ Park are very committed to that too.

“I can’t wait to get started and what better way to kick-off than welcoming Liverpool to St. James’ Park on Saturday.”

NUFCBlog Author: Hugh de Payen I'm a baby-boomer of the punk rock persuasion, currently exiled in Somerset for crimes committed in a previous life where locals keep trying to poison me with something called 'scrumpy'. Hates sprouts, coat-hangers, Cilla Black, ornaments, Steven Seagull movies and 50 Cent (he's not worth 10). Hugh de Payen has written 634 articles on this blog.

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205 Responses

  1. Hugh/Worky/Toonsy – I’d like to appeal to any like-minded supporters via an article to make a demonstration of our feelings about this.

    Let me know.

  2. I’m absolutely both gutted and infused! Can’t believe anyone in their right mind would replace Hughton with Pardew and then claim the reason was more experience! You fat stupid prick!
    Anyway, I digress, what’s done is done and at the end of the day weather we like it or not, and we need to get behind the team!

  3. What have NUST been doing for the last 2 years? Is it worth trying to get them back into the public domain a bit more? They seemed to be trying to do stuff but it all kind of fell away

  4. Five and a half year contract!!! Looks like Ashley intends to hang around a wee bit longer then. Next one to watch is January sales – to see who (if any) go OUT!

  5. Sacked in the summer with a big pay off. I thought we weren’t offering anymore long term deals?

  6. quote from southamptons daily echo about his tenure at The Saints …

    “When he came, he said he wanted to instill a winning mentality at the club. He certainly did, and I know I’m not alone when I say his tenure was the most enjoyable 12 months I have ever had as a Saints fan. We played attractive, winning football under him – and we won well”

    Now he’s here we’ve got to support him and the team and get on with it … but he has got a lot of bridges to build :(

  7. this is it,ive almost had enough.its not our club anymore,not like it once was anyway.

    the local media need to get there fingers out and start to put presure on the club by voicing the true feeling amongst us and our despair.the chonicle are spineless.even the london medi are with us on this one,almost the whole country is.but the chronicle? a disgrace.

    pardew is the last straw for many.i thought ashley had turned a corner and was prepared to give him benefit of wife told me not to be so naive,how she was right..

    this is a joke. more experience to take us forward? a sick joke. i will be outside sjp on saturday,have a season ticket so ash already has my cash,but i wont be going in. we need to unite now and get this idiot out of our club. staying away is the only way to do it.

  8. i know its desperate measure,but its the only way to get rid of him.this is it now,he has shown once and for all that he will never you want your club back? fair enough the players will be hit hard by it but they understand and are wth us,we need to take action,i hate to stay away from home games and will always be at away games but im just feeling desperate right now and will do anything to get our club back

  9. BBM,i think ashley knew how the fans felt and didnt give a monkeys so he just went ahead why?because he knows we would turn up come what may,well not this fellow,,there comes a time when enough is enough ive been a fan, as a kid i saw the 50s cup wins ect ect and many crooks run the club,imo players will leave dont think anyone will buy the club now with a manager on 5 and half yr contract,my hopes now have been blown away,ah well such is life time to turn somewhere else

  10. This really does make me think MA is jus sitting back having a good old laugh at us all! But wat is done is done!! I’m making a 10 hour round trip for the game on sat WAS really looking forward it thanks fat man!! Again!!!!!

  11. With a 5 and half year contract it has to be a set up. There was a rumour that Ashley will sell soon and the new owners didn’t want Hughton in charge but didn’t want to be responsible for his sacking as he was so popular. The only way this makes any sense for Ashley to be laid open to 5 years of compensation is that he is not going to be around or responsible for it. This though in the short-term is a f–king disaster.

    Unbelievable, even for our club and what has gone before under Ashley. Gutted.

  12. Cant stop laughing seriously, the cancer takes over at Newcastle, Even a f*ck wit like Eggert Magnusson saw that Pardews a prick, it took Pardew 2 seasons to get west ham promoted, even then it was thru fourth place play off, hardly winning emphatically, he set up problems for seasons, rates himself very highly! good luck, an for all the crap you lot given west ham over the years and sh*t players aprt from Parker, buy the way bad luck on that one, you ccan have some ex west ham sh*t now. ha ha ha ha

  13. Guess we have to accept the fact that the board/owner never thought of Hughton as a manager who could take the club forward, but more so a coach who was merely doing a good job filling in.

    On a different note, the fact that he has been given such a long contract shows they have faith in him to take the club forward, so does this mean he will given more funds than Hughton in the transfer market? Can only hope so.

    Just hope everyone gets behind Pardew now, the situation is not of his making, he has merely been offered a fantastic job which he couldn’t turn down. He should be judged on results, so time to start supporting I say, if your going to do the protesting, do it outside, but inside, all energies should be generated towards those wearing the black and white stripes.

    P.S. f*cking Steve Wraith on SSN again, that f*cking doorman thinks he is the voice of Newcastle, he just hates the sound of his own voice…

  14. sacking ch…will the questions be answered at the team selection against liverpool…was ashley seeing the same as us or his indeed taking the piss..players like smith guth and the rest of the shit ch played instead of the young boys to give them chances or playing the pals..we will see come saturday and if smith is anywhere near the squad saturday…and if pardew plays him ..then he will get sacked or his he as daft as ashley..or am i being daft..thinking that way…when smith came brother said how long b4 he gets booked..i said 10 mintues..he didnt even last 10 secounds…thats is ashley all over

  15. See, i think, Ashley wanted to sell CAROLL and hughton just would not do it. now with Hughton out it is easy to sell our stars. year on yeara 10 -12th place finish would suffice ashley. no ambition no nothing. Pardew you can imagine will be a yes man.

    I feel sick to my stomach

  16. Lets be Honest did we expect anything less from Ashley ? of course not, its “OUR” Club so lets give the FAT SHITE negative press at every opportunity. And any of you lot who say lets get behind him can get Fu**ed……

  17. Dont be so silly – why would he offer him a new long term deal and put the emphesis on Pardews contract on youth if he was going to do that? There are others he can cash in on before Carroll, such as Jonas and Saylor (in jan) to generate a small bit of money.

    ILM – what did wraith say I am at work and cant see it till later. Isnt he part of NUST?

  18. Larent Robert says:
    December 9, 2010 at 12:04 pm

    Lets be Honest did we expect anything less from Ashley ? of course not, its “OUR” Club so lets give the FAT SHITE negative press at every opportunity. And any of you lot who say lets get behind him can get Fu**ed……”

    Who’s saying lets get behind Ashley? Calm down dear and read people’s posts properly

  19. it isn’t our club, afraid it’s Ashleys and he can do whatever he wants – Expect Smith and poss other high earners to be offloaded in Jan which to be honest is fair enough remains to be seen if he’ll give Pardew any cash to buy
    This is partly Pardews making – he is buddies with Ash and Owlheed, he’ll def have been discussing Newcastle tactics and CH mistakes previous to him being fired, we can do jack all about it anyway.
    I never thought I’d join the SJP stay away club but to be honest this is the last straw, anyway I prefer away games more as the cracks better and we actually sing and support the team

  20. raffo says:
    December 9, 2010 at 12:08 pm
    ILM – what did wraith say I am at work and cant see it till later. Isnt he part of NUST?”

    Sorry mate, went and made a coffee, can’t stand the guy, so don’t know

  21. i quite like mike ashley. lambias has always gone a good job , ever since i started supporting newcastle 3 years ago weve been quite good. under pardew the champions league is within our grasp
    HWTL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Dont know if Pardew is the answer, after the WBA and Bolton games i wasnt fussed about Hughton leaving either although he has been treated shabbily, but who did we expect, Mourinho?
    The media are slavering at the gills and smell blood and i am sick of everyone and their grannie from outside the club getting stuck in so any talk of protests etc needs to stop.
    If you dont agree with whats going on, dont go to the match, you arent going to change things for the better and will only make it worse.
    At least give Pardew a chance to prove himself and then judge him.

  23. 5.5 years?! WTH?!

    MA is destroying Newcastle. I honestly don’t believe that we will ever achieve anything or have any stability while he is the owner. He’s a disgrace.

  24. Bye bye Smith, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Taylor if you don’t sign a contract you as well ingrateful sh!t. Its about time we had some management instead of player power and Rooney’s agent. Welcome in two more Tiote’s.

  25. Time to get over all of this, no point of protesting it will just cost us three points. Not a fan of this appointment but it is what it is and I am going to continue to support my club.

  26. bowburn,
    why don’t you set up ‘Newcastle Divided’ mate & play y’way into the league?
    I’ve got the copyright on the name though.

  27. The press conference isn’t being televised!

    Another PR masterstroke by Ashley! I assume that it’s due to the hard questions he’s going to be asked.

  28. I was almost heart-broken at Hughton’s dismissal. But I genuinely thought that a great replacement must have been found, for such a drastic change to be made… I didn;t want to believe it could be Pardew and thought maybe it was just a smokescreen for someone better…. I am SHOCKED that this is the reality…

    I can’t find any justification for this at all…..

    after years and years of going through pretty much anything and everything,I finally feel like I can’ take any more.

    For the first time, I feel like Ashley is genuinely spiteful towards the Toon Army.

  29. I love Mike Says “Just hope everyone gets behind Pardew now, the situation is not of his making” Hes best mates with Ashley and its been said this was a done deal weeks AGO…of course hes was in on it from the START.

  30. I like it CLiNT.

    But genuinely don’t want to fall out with people who are intent on going to games. I’ve had my fill.

  31. I don’t think we would have moved on under the guidance of Chris Houghton,granted he done a great job in the championship and was average in the premiership especially against opposition we needed to beat.

    Replacing Houghton with Pardew just seems insane to me and I just can’t see him bringing anything new to the table as far as results in the top flight go.

    I am not going to start bashing Mike Ashley as most of you on here already know the contempt I feel for him,his henchmen and his sheer hatred of Newcastle United Football Club.

    If we had of appointed a big European name like say a Jol or klinsman then I think this debacle would have blown over fairly quickly…however Pardew is going to find it a very hostile place if he get’s off to a poor start.

    Let the fun begin.

  32. The only time I’ve felt worse than this was when they announced that Souness was to take over from Sir Bobby!

    I think a very long and loud chorus of “There’s only one Chris Hughton” needs to be sung on Sat!

  33. Larent Robert says:
    December 9, 2010 at 12:22 pm

    “Hes best mates with Ashley and its been said this was a done deal weeks AGO…of course hes was in on it from the START.”

    So he was offered a job, still not of his making. If it was done weeks ago then it’s Ashley and the board your problem is with for being devious, not him.

  34. Good luck to Pardew, suppose it depends on how quickly he can get the players on side and actually play for him, it’s part and parcel of the game and they should remember they are professional footballers. I don’t want the club destroyed by players not putting the effort in, downside is that if we have a few wins and start doing well then Ashley will feel justified.

    As I’ve said my decision is to stop going to home games, just can’t justify giving that fat get money, however each to thier own.
    NUST are useless so anyone hoping they’re going to suddenly come up with a load of cash and buy the club are deluded

  35. Do you not think Ashley and Lambias has done this though so that they have someone who will communicate with them and bring in players that they all agree on. After all didnt the problems start when Hughton wanted too much control and shut the door on Beardsley and the rest of the management.

    We have to accept that the manager WILL NOT be able to go out with a pot of money and sign/do whatever they like under Ashley regime. If Ashley/Lambias/Pardew/Stone/Beardsley/New coaches/Carr now all communicate and share the power surely his appointment has to be a good one.

    Im not saying he won’t go off and find his own players, but it doesn’t seem that way to me.

  36. is there anyone here who has something positive to say about Pardew? Because I just can’t see why HE was appointed. I’m desperate to be hopeful……

  37. What are peoples thoughts on the reasons why the job is viewed as a poisoned chalice as wraith said? Perhaps its the ractions displayed so perfectly on here and on SSN? just a thought. Pardews got odds of 5/2 to be gone by this time next year already. No wonder when a new manager cant even get through the door without being put under pressure.

  38. raffo says:
    December 9, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    “What are peoples thoughts on the reasons why the job is viewed as a poisoned chalice as wraith said”

    It’s not, just another sound bite for the media to show how stupid they believe people to be.

    If we stay up this season, I think Pardew will be here for a while.

  39. raffo says:
    December 9, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    He’s only been put under immense pressure by his bosses. Due to their stupid decision making.

    It’s such a shame. You have to ask the question whether he really stands a chance at all. He’s already under too much pressure.

  40. “Do you not think Ashley and Lambias has done this though so that they have someone who will communicate with them and bring in players that they all agree on.”

    DJG- I think that is exactly it mate. I mean, I can understand somewhat (though disagree with) sacking CH and bringing in someoe with more gravitas. The fact that they did not replace CH with such a person, along with the rumors that they are all mates, it is the only explanationthat makes sense- more control from the top.

  41. It is no coincidence though that whomever the media interview talk about KK and massive club and Europe and this and that. Yes, we have limited success in the mid 90’s through the 00’s, but where were we when I started going to SJP in the late 80’s? Nowhere. We are not a massive club, we have a massive fan base that puts far too much pressure on the club because we acheived limited high status without winning anything. We need a reality check and yes your right I think if he does keep us up then he may well be, though I think alot depends on the jan window

  42. raffo

    I wish for once we could actually have a system where we keep a manager for 5 years+. Pardew is English, the right age and obviously talks to Ashley/Lambias so maybe it could be him. We just don’t know, he has some alligations against him for various things but maybe he sees this as his final change to make a name for himself and realise the potential he had at West Ham. After all we are a much bigger club/more potential than anywhere he has been before.

    It all depends if Mike backs him up, which it hopefully looks like he just might.

  43. 3mill a year deal fatty sells up in jan ,pardew gets the sack off new owners ,and him and fatty share the 15 mill payoff :)

  44. djg or will he just sell the players that fatty wants too sell with oot opening his gob , like hughton would not of put up with shiting on the fans

  45. DJG says:
    December 9, 2010 at 12:54 pm

    That’s the problem though. We know he will have no money to spend and that’s why he’s fighting a losing battle, any manager would be.

    I believe the reason we have Pardew is because we couldn’t attract anyone with a better track record who would be prepared to have no money to spend, a low salary and be prepared to take the shit Llambias and Ashley give them.

    So in some respects he may well deserve everything that he gets.

  46. jobs a poisoned chalice due to having 6 managers in 6 years and perceived deluded fans expecting to win the prem!

  47. Lads,i am sure you all would agree with me on this point.

    That,if Ashley.,Lambias are indeed close friends with Pardew.

    What we hope is Pardew is given a substainable amount of transfer kitty.

    And Hopefully Pardew is able to bring about the close ties between manager and players soon.

    ”At the same time, I intend to focus on developing exciting young players through the club’s excellent Academy and development squad, and I know the board here at St James’ Park are very committed to that too.

    Pardew,i hope whatever you say this,does come out true.

  48. I dunno like, it could be that as he’s been given such a long contract, they have faith in him long term, therefore will back him in the transfer market.

    Live in hope…

  49. 3 million a year deal – where you getting those figures from, highly unlikely – more likely a 3 million 5 year deal

  50. I am glad that most people are venting their fury at Ashley and a fair few seem to think we are now stuck with Pardew so lets give him a chance. Lets face it we all knew it was never going to be Jol , mon , or rijkaard that type are too expensive to bring in . What i have been surprised about is a few of his ex players including Shaka Hislop coming out and saying what a great man manager and coach he is , i was always under the impression that he was of the old school type bullying managers and one thing i am glad too be reading is his sides play attacking , passing football . At least he is no Allardyce or Sourness , as for the expeirence side of things he does have more a lot more than CH the guy has 500 games under his belt as manager and he has had sides promoted and in cup finals . Although i will never agree with the way the club treated CH and i will never be a fan of Ashley or Lambiarse i will still support the team . Good luck Pardew you would never have been my first choice but now your here take the lads upwards and onwards .

  51. I think this appointment proves the official reason for CH going was total b.s.
    People keep saying ‘get behind the team’ but I think we’Ve hit a point where it’s the other way around. We pay for this farce and I’d like to see the players leading the protests now. Screw the results; I’d rather see us do a Leeds right now than keep bending over for Ashleys amusement.

  52. We all must keep in mind that when NUFC went down, MA had to put a reported 125 million into the club. He was able to hold onto some players, but not all. Another relegation and he will lose more money & a lot more players. He must have been pretty sure he was on the route to the Championship to pull the pin on CH. I think he would have liked another manager, but in his mind, time did not allow. So, he has a new man who usually comes in & lifts a team. With that, he can get on with the long term plan & find the right manager at leisure.

  53. “Screw the results; I’d rather see us do a Leeds right now than keep bending over for Ashleys amusement.”

    It’s views like this that escalate the turmoil to stupid levels, I remember a hell of a lot of these remarks when we got relegated.

    WE have got a club, with a team that we should SUPPORT. That fat bloke owns it, and he runs it – but you hate him so much that you want the club to suffer too? You’re taking completely the wrong way to go about this in my opinion mate!

  54. wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to find out dennis woggle eye wise was still involved covertly working for fatty and co. Fatty’s little stooge. Makes me sick the whole set up.

  55. Trouble was in the end hughton stood up to ashley, and that`s a recipe for disaster. Pardew will tow the party line and we will be treated like mugs until the fat man goes. Sell off our jewels and bring in players like the southampton centre forward where will that take us back to the championship I`m afraid

  56. PL – you’re right, but the truth is most of us would luv it if fat cash ended up broke.
    Me, I just wish him the worst stroke imaginable. A living vegetable wasting away in a home somewhere, getting raped by the night watchman. A long slow death.
    I’m not bitter and twisted mind. oh no.
    You reap what you sow, fat boy.

  57. Tell you what, I always used to vocally despise the likes of city for what they were doing to the game of football. Well Ashley is ruining our club, nevermind the game. Ruining something that is far more personal, to all of us. I won’t be slagging the likes of City any longer. Qatar, come and get us. Please. Ashley, or a bloke with 40 billion looking to invest in a PL team to promote the World Cup. I know what I’d choose these days.

  58. Whumpie – Again…

    It`s time we took a stand.

    Those who haven`t bought tickets, either don`t turn up or turn up and just protest peacefully. Before, during or after. Maybe all three.

    BUT – most exposure will be during the 90 mins.

    Those who have tickets already or are prepared to pay to make a stand, go into the ground and 5 mins in, signal intent with whistles, give it “Walk out, if you love the Toon” just get up & walk out en masse. All live to the world. Not the kind of profile he`s looking for.

    Those who don`t give a ****, go or dont. Do whatever, it`s your prerogative. I understand why you would want to go.

    But even though he already has my money, whether it`s the cliched ‘cutting my nose off…` or not, I feel like I need to do something, rather then just bending over.

    Just have to keep pushing the idea so everyone is ‘United`, or at least enough of us. My lass will go ballistic for essentially wasting money but sometimes you need to take a stand.

    It’s early days, and there are numerous ‘protest’ ideas being suggested. This is mine, let’s see if it’s a non-starter.

  59. BBM

    The fact is you will be one of a handful who walk out the ground. They won’t even notice and think your going for a slash or something.

    Whats the point of a protest. we have been down this road before m8 and it achieved precisely nowt.

  60. Pardew says he hopes to focus on the academy.Well that makes a change ,a friend of mines son is in Southampton’s academy and pardew didn’t speak or acknowledge any of them,as I said on an earlier blog he was percievied as arrogant and up his own backside, he’s also got more baggage than Heathrow airport and the papers will have a field day.

  61. and too all yous trying too put bowburn doon , make sure your kids dont read this blog because they will relize what gutless b@stards you are ,thats if yas got any kids cos ya havent got any balls

  62. batty it’s that c@ck sucker @ 74 – bowburn has forgot more aboot footy than he’ll ever know

    f@cking gobshite.

  63. Roy Cropper says:
    December 9, 2010 at 2:02 pm
    toonsy threaten 74 with the ban again will ya – i love watching him cry like a baby.

    What for? Common sense and rationality.

  64. DJG – no, sorry sunshine, we haven’t. Demonstrating through non-attendance will be a bitter pill to swallow but one worth swallowing. Even if only for my own piece of mind. I don’t expect to change anything in the short term, but I’ll feel better about myself for not supporting this sham of a regime.

    And jesus, will I feel guilt when I walk out of there.

  65. batty-

    You were calling him clueless cris 6 weeks ago so a divvent knaa why your being so dramatic now.

  66. djg roy is right you cry like a baby , ffs man u never heard of ch before he came too us ,your a crank man

  67. batty he tries his hardest at being the clever lad – the truth is he knows f@ck all m8.

  68. I am as angry as any at how Hughton was treated. However, Pardew seems like a good guy. The vision of the club in terms of youth development is a positive one, however without stability that will never happen. Therefore we have to hope that Pardew succeeds, and sticks around for a while right? Ashley is a massive prick, and on my list of people whom I’d love nothing more than to stick my fist in his face. But nothing can be done now. What’s done is done in my mind, so lets get behind the team and its manager, and hopefully continue what to this point has been a relatively successful year.

  69. ‘you cry like a baby’

    :lol: Kin hell batty you turnin into Muhammad Ali or summit, ‘when I beat that Gorrilla, in Mannila, it’l be a thrilla’. :lol:

  70. I need to repeat this.

    Lads,i am sure you all would agree with me on this point.

    That,if Ashley.,Lambias are indeed close friends with Pardew.

    What we hope is Pardew is given a substainable amount of transfer kitty.

    And Hopefully Pardew is able to bring about the close ties between manager and players soon.

    ”At the same time, I intend to focus on developing exciting young players through the club’s excellent Academy and development squad, and I know the board here at St James’ Park are very committed to that too.

    Pardew,i hope whatever you say this,does come out true

  71. What’s done is done.

    Chrissy Hughton did his role – to bring us back to the premier league and bring some stability. Coming back up in one year is no easy feat. Well done to him and the team on that.

    Who knows what Pardew will bring. His statement is sound to me. Best of luck to him.

    We can either be the whinging mob who sulk and let others view us as the “laughing stock” or we can sing louder for our team than ever – and let them know that it is them and us in it together – Before there is any manager at all.


  72. Well Lads, thats the finish for me till Ashley’s gone, I hate him and the people in charge, NUFC does’nt even seem like a football club anymore, it just a place for the rest of the premiership to laugh at and that fat turd is to blame.

    Replacing Chris with that waste of space Pardew (Ashleys Bitch) is totally unbelievable, its the straw that broke the camels back. Last game on Saturday and only going to that to vent my fury at Ashley.

    I urge all fans to join the NUST campaign to get rid of Ashley and have more supporter involement in clubs.

  73. smart arse @ 95 – your views change on a daily basis & thats down to posting wot other people are telling you – try posting something original for a change.

    f’cking mouse.

  74. just when you think things cannot get any worse!!!!
    talk about a curve ball , this is more like a boomerang thrown in.
    i thought ashley was supposed to have brains?why put pardew on a five and a half year contract , who will probably be sacked after six months?it’s inevitable this will end in tears , yet again.

  75. I won’t be at the match BowBurn,

    But I fully support you and anyone else who follows.

    Enough is enough, we have to make a statement, and I hope the players put twenty transfer requests on Pardews desk tomorrow morning.

  76. This is how much fatty and owl heed care. They aren’t even attending the press conference. Pardew is on his own. Already. :-)

  77. BBM at 71- at least sing a Hughton song or two first, to show the man the respect we all have for him. The players would probably aprreciate it too

    AOD at 91- that really is my only hope at this point.

  78. ‘& thats down to posting wot other people are telling you’

    Aye keep tellin yurself that, have you took your medication yet. yawn. I think you’ll find Im one of the few on here who says what they think and doesn’t use about 10 nicknames.

  79. Micky- I think they are afraid to get asked the following question:

    “You claim that CH was releved so you could apppoint a manger with more experience- why then did you appoint a maneger whose only Premeir League experience is relegation?”

  80. I`ve gone through a lot this last fity year and it`s taken it`s toll. I love this club like i can`t explain and I feel a wrench in the gut far greater than when I`ve taken a beating. I just hate ashley and all he stands for but that club means more to me than any treatment ashley can dish out. Up and at them on saturday and do the city proud F..k you ashley

  81. DJG says:
    December 9, 2010 at 2:26 pm
    ‘& thats down to posting wot other people are telling you’

    Aye keep tellin yurself that, have you took your medication yet. yawn. I think you’ll find Im one of the few on here who says what they think and doesn’t use about 10 nicknames<<<< your the only 1 on here that says what stu thinks

  82. I know i am probably going to get slagged off for this and be called a moron but would it not be better for us that want Ashley out , For the club to do well and the support stays in the ground . If in a short space of time say next season we qualified for europe( el ) or won a cup it would make someone out their interested in buying a club (like the Qatar royal family) take more notice of NUFC and thus more chance of them making a bid to buy the fat tw#t out , so actually supporting the club could be the quickest way of something changing . You never know Pardew might just surprise us all and make a good job of it .

  83. batty :) – he’s looking foward to the highlight of his week – sat neet sitting infront of the telly with his laptop on his knee watching the toon & posting whatever his da’s comments are & passing them off as his – the tit.

  84. Roy crapper

    You had that brain implant yet. Oh an Ill be watching it on me telly not laptop. Are you going like??? Are are you gonna chain yursel to the railings ootside LMAO. ;)

  85. Come on!! we’ve been through this so many times I think some of you have got to quite like it.There will be a while of huffing and puffing We will all get pissed over Xmas and the New year and settle down till the next time Ashley wants to screw with us.
    There is no backbone for one show of disgust.As I have always beleaved “Fight on your feet or live on your knees”

  86. And so we start again…

    All those hoping to boycott, stay away etc… Its not gona do jack sh!t apart from cause more trouble. Don’t be stupid…

    We just have to put up with his decisions until he p!sses off on his own accord.

    And like we did with Hughton (who everyone bitched about for ages too – including myself). Lets try give Pardew a chance. Fack, who knows. The world is full of suprises.

    It was a horrible decision to sack Chris, as it was to sack Sir Bobby when Shepherd did. Both should have had the season.

    But its done and dusted now. We need to move on… Our allegance is to the players not the owner.

    We may even start winning some home games.

  87. posting whatever his da’s comments are & passing them off as his – the tit.

    Are you retarded or something, why would I post other peoples comments as mine. You really haven’t got much to go on have you.

  88. Feckin shit press conf.
    Journo’s all to shit scared to ask the real searching q’s
    Lame q’s to feed off. What a load of tosh. He never knew nowt til monday. bs
    This guy is a slime ball. Perfect for slidding up asleys arse.

  89. Give Pardrew a break and at least don’t judge him until the end of the season! Need to get behind the team and i for one is looking forward to Saturday and the rest of the season as Pardrew mentioned he wants the team to be on the front foot and pressurise teams. Hughton didn’t know the word pressurised existed. AT home we should be putting pressure on teams defences every time they get the ball and force them to make a mistake with the roar of St James Park. Hughton made wrong tactical desicions against teams we are better than and he is to defensive. I think Pardrew might be a good desicion.

  90. Yeah, totally agree with you JJ
    As much as I disagree with both the sacking of Hughton and the appointment of Pardew, we’ve got to stick with the team, and give Pardew a chance. I mean blimey, after all the so called “good” managers that came here and were supposed to work wonders but ultimately proved Sh1te, surely the reverse is quite possible for us?

  91. I just wanna say to the ones that aren’t gonna come to st james’ because of this that they shouldn’t complain if pardew gets no money in january.

  92. Hows staying away going to cause trouble?
    Agree that it’s not good to protest in the ground, def won’t do any harm to sing Hughtons name on Sat tho – least that can be done is a show of support for CH and the disgaceful way he was treated

  93. I grudgingly see where your coming from jj :)

    Look pardew is here n not really anything we can do about it now. Ashley is not bigger than the club and we can still go to have a good season.

    Keep the Faith

  94. JJ

    There a buch of kin t!ts man. Ask them a rational question and they post anything they can other than the answer. We’re still waiting for the answer to the question, who has he developed and sold so far? We can ask them all day and we won’t get an answer. Good job these dopes arn’t in charge or we’d be in blue square premier getting ready for derby with the heed.

  95. Can I remind everyone that they weren’t particularly overjoyed when Hughton got the job and he didn’t turn out too bad, did he?

    Lets give the guy a chance and see what he can do. Hate Ashley by all means but support the players and the manager.

  96. He knows enough to take control of our club, he thinks we are 11th in the league, thinks we have a player called Noland and he aint sure what our last manager was called. Sir Bob was like that.

  97. Roycropper @ 98 –

    My views always change? Mate, I’ve posted on here about 10 times. And my views are always in support of the club no matter what.

    We’re a club that is laughed at because we have done some incredibly silly things in our time, why moan when another is done.

    Hughton would say “just get on with the job” – so I suggest we do.

    And if you want me to speak my mind I will – I think this has all the ingredients to sink us down into the fizzypop league again, and if we do we won’t slingshot back up again like we did last year. But I’m not gonna come on here and write a Bryce Courtney sob-story.

    We still have the same 11 on the park against Liverpool – the manager won’t change the fact that Jonas can’t cross and Guthrie hasn’t completed a pass in 2 matches. But I still want good things for the club, and in the end my opinion, like yours, means sweet f*** all to the actual happenings of the club.

    HOWAY THE LADS from Australia.

  98. Ed has changed his banner so that C.H is gone and Pardew is in. Didn’t take him long like lol.

  99. Ro Crapper I was about to point that out to him cheers, he obviously cannot understand what the f you gan on about either. :)

  100. Stu-I don’t think most of us were upset when CH was made permanent. I think there was a sense that of “let’s see what he can do.” he then got us promoted so most of us felt he had earned the right to manage us in the Prem.

    I’ll give Pardew the same chance, but personally I am more pessimistic about the state of the club than I was at the beginning of the week. “Underwhelmed” with the appointment is the word I would use.

  101. DJG – why dont you just stay on judas’s blog? Let batty/roy wind someone else up for a change.

  102. It’s done now lads. We need to show a bit of restraint right now for at least 3 months.
    The disapointing bit is that the fat man once again used our club to give one of his buddies a job. But if hoots was never going to get the backing from the board then really he was doomed from the start. Let’s see what pardew can do with this squad and what kind of investment may be done in Jan. Carroll isn’t going anywhere otherwise cashley wouldn’t have just given him a 5 year contract.
    If in two months time we haven’t made any progress and it’s obvious that descisions on the pitch are being influenced by cashley, then we must do what ever it takes to get him out even if it means delegation again. But let’s give him a chance first
    Absolutely gutted right now. This is our club. There is no Newcastle united without it’s Geordies. If it wasn’t for the support, Newcastle would not be the famous club mike Ashley owns today. Owners come and go, but what keeps the club alive are the supporters who love it. Newcastle united is not mike Ashley, and mike Ashley is not Newcastle united. The club was here before him and will be here long after him.

  103. No sweat Roycropper. Very nervous about Liverpool. All the best to the lads, I hope if we get a point you celebrate it well over there.

    …I think about our situation and familiarize with Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction where he is trying to figure out if his story is a tragedy or a comedy.

    Perhaps we’re both.

  104. Plus i lost my passcode to Ed’s blog a LONG time ago and needless to say I didn’t request another one. :)

  105. Hopefully in his next board meeting with lord sugar he’ll get a sub to buy us out, he’s used to big responsibility toonsy. He’s a very clever boy :)

  106. What did ya’s think of his press conference then? Some of it sounded scripted to me, like the bit about suddenly being contacted, and only knowing Lambias vaguely from a charity event, yeah right :lol:
    and the bit about bashing on the chairmans door, he won’t even be the one signing them.

    PB and Stone basically in charge for Liverpool then.

  107. Lad’s has anyone read or recieve the NUST email statement?

    Seriously if i am born in england,i would even consider giving my savings to them in ensuring the club owner changes to a better person.

  108. “I have a good record in the premier league”?? West Ham’s worst run in 70 years and relegation with Charlton

    I dont like this lad however He has to be given a chance – gettin on his back straight away will only be to the detriment of team morale & results.

  109. This David Craig lad’s a joke – asked him nowt of substance and even repeated some of the questions we already heard in the press conference.

  110. So Pardew more or less infers he’s also capable of untruths? He’ll fit in well with the board.

    I’ve never had anything against the bloke but to jump in Hughton’s grave when he clearly knew what the craic is, is hardly going to ingratiate him with supporters.

    Nice conference – referred to him as ‘Houghton’, said we’re a town and claimed he’s got a good Premiership pedigree. Another blagger by all accounts.

    My distaste remains mainly for the morons in charge though.

  111. I am of the opinion that these ideas of protesting by no shows or walk outs is silly. I think that the team and pardew need out support, and where do you think the money for players is going to come from? And what if Ashley is still here when the season ticket renewels come out? Are you going to renew and continue not going, cos there are plenty of people who will take up those tickets and go.

    What I think is a better idea is to try to work with the guys at nust,, council, local mp and local businessmen to lobby for a consortium to buy him out. That’s the only way. He simply won’t walk away on his own we need to get moat/shepherd + others to buy him out, or to work on the supporters behalf to find someone willing to buy the club.

    This will also require a unified fan base behind it but also behind the team to show what we are about and we are worth the investment.

    Just a thought

  112. djg we can all do what we feels right ,but theres no need too try and take the p:ss oot of people like you are doing u little runt


    The last 48 hours have been an emotional rollercoaster for us all. We’ve passed through anger, some of us into more anger and others into downright apathy. I don’t blame anyone for their reactions. I’m somewhere between the two. However, we must remember that we’re not Luton Town or some other mediocre club. We’re Newcastle United, and we should never lie down and die.

    Saturday is the ideal time to make our feelings known.

    ESPN will be there. Sky Sports News will be there, and a host of other media agencies. A protest is in order. A highly visual, peaceful protest.

    Anything organised must be:

    1) Peaceful.
    2) Of visual significance both outside and inside the stadium.
    3) Convey our messages of support to Hughton, and more importantly, to the players who remain contracted to this club.

    I’m proposing a huge sit-out outside St. James’. If you have a ticket already for the game, as I do, so much the better. It guarantees your seat will be empty for the television cameras inside. I propose we line the outside of St. James’ in peaceful protest with flags, banners, posters, shirts, everything we have. We don’t go into the stadium in the first half.

    Hell, even if you don’t have a ticket, so much the better. Demonstrate the amount of cash revenue that is at Ashley’s fingertips that he’s completely lost. 25,000 inside the stadium, 50,000 outside would be a tremendously powerful message.

    I think we need banners expressing our admiration for our favourite players. Enrique, Tiote, Carroll, Coloccini, Jonas… the ones who must be feeling devastated or frustrated and angry at another managerial changeover. If they don’t play for Pardew, hopefully they’ll play for us. I want Coloccini to look like this

    We need the usual anti-Ashley propaganda spattered around. The more people in Toon shirts the better. Use your imaginations with your messages of support for players/condemnation with Ashley.

    Most importantly, this must stay peaceful.

    I propose meeting at St. James’ in (very) warm clothing for 4PM, in time for the cameras to get set up, and staying there until at least 7PM. This is the club we love, and if we have to suffer to get it back, so be it.

    The only way to get rid of Ashley is to make his position untenable. Yes, we tried that before, but we forgave. I think many consider this the final straw, simply because of how Hughton was removed and the circumstances surrounding it. This protest must persevere. We have to continue to as long as necessary.


    Date: Saturday 11th December
    Time: 4.00PM
    Venue: Circling St. James Park
    Additional Info: Bring as many as you can!

  114. There seems to be a much stronger backlash against those intending not to go.

    It’s easy to try and pick a fight and try to make someone feel like a cnt. Have a look in the mirror.

    I refuse to fall into the trap of letting Ashley’s actions divide us. I’ll do my bit, you do yours.

  115. AOD – Don’t trust Cropper and Batty mate. Send your savings to me and I’ll make sure they end up right ;)

  116. Just saw this very good description of Ashley.

    we should look on Ashley as the 21 century’s version of Adolf Hitler, this waste of skin has declared war on the fans of Newcastle united football club, we have to defeat this arrogant piece of the brown stuff, we have to encourage supporters of other teams to boycott his tacky shops, we have to stop buying tickets, & season ticket holders should stop spending any money inside the stadium, boycott any products of any company advertising within the stadium, don’t buy anything associated with the club, then email the companies telling them that you are boycotting them for their support of Ashley. We have then to refuse to renew season tickets, it does not matter how hard it is we just have to make a stand to force this piece of blubber out of our club. To me this is war. & for those that say we are destroying our own club remember these words “NO MATTER WHAT THE COST”.

    Sieg Heil??? Ashley?

  117. Sorry, BBM – dragged into an interimable meeting.
    I can see both sides of this, but for me it is time to take a stand – something we’ve completely failed to do in the past. That’s not just on a ‘last straw’ basis, but because this is different. This time, the players are as upset and betrayed as any of us, and a lot more – many have moved their whole lives to the NE because of Hughton, only to be left high and dry. (And no, lots of money doesn’t make that any less painful, before some idiot suggests otherwise.)
    We already know how Sol and Jose feel, and I’m pretty sure they players are sick of the fans just bending over and taking it again and again.
    I’d love to see the stadium empty as per BBM’s suggestion, but I don’t think it’ll happen, sadly, as many still go with the ‘support the club no matter what’ despite the clear evidence that doing so simply keeps the likes of Ashley in post, laughing at our gullibility and shoving his mates into jobs.
    I’d still like to see a player revolt. I’d also like to see 40,000 Christ Hughton masks at the ‘pools game. I know it sounds childish, but it’s at least a realistic idea that most fans would go along with if only it could be organised in time.

  118. By the way, have a good take on all of this, with a very good point: if only Ashley would simply explain the REAL reasons for CH going, we could move on. As it stands, Pardew’s arrival makes it clear the ‘experience’ reason was a lie and until that’s resolved the fans can’t unite behind the new manager.
    I know it’s not Pardew’s fault, but there are more important things right now than him. AND more important than premiership survival, in my opinion.

  119. AOD don’t trust any of this lot with your savings. They claim they will pass them on, but they will just spunk it on scratch cards.
    Send it my way I will guarantee a solid return on investment.*

    *this is not a legally binding statement no return guaranteed.

  120. AOD: Funny you should make that comparison. I was just thinking how the “support the club no matter what” people resemble the Italians in the war…

    That’s not supposed to be as insulting as it sounds – I do get their point – but just like the Italians, they should be able to recognise when the easy option just isn’t the right one any more.

  121. BBM – agree that there should be a protest. I feel physically sick every time i look at Purdew and realise he is the manager of NUFC. For those who say it’s not Purdue’s fault get behind him – how can you be so naive? He will have been cooking this up with his cronies at the casino, giving it large about how good he is. Everyone says he has a FSA size ego, and fattie and co will have fallen for it. I do not believe for one minute that he first heard about this Monday. Does the bloke think we’re all thick as too short planks? Enough is enough. We have been and are continuing to be treated with contempt. Make sure Chris Hughton knows how much we appreciated him on Saturday, but let the two stooges and his sleazeball sidekick feel the full force of our displeasure. For those who say there’s nothing we can do – grow a spine – good job we didn’t have people like you in the war who would roll over. Time for action people or don’t whinge and whine as we continue to get shafted

  122. Four months of misery, three players out in january, two clueless cants and a Pardew in a pear tree. :)

  123. Whumpie says:
    December 9, 2010 at 4:12 pm

    “As it stands, Pardew’s arrival makes it clear the ‘experience’ reason was a lie”

    Is Pardew not more experienced than Hughton as a manager?

  124. Can everyone get a grip!!!!

    This guy is a moron, we all know it, but we cannot do anything about it, we all know that too. Do you think it will bother him if people protest or don’t go to a game or two? He will just spend less on new players and say we cannot afford it becuase the supporters arent coming to the ground.

    Get behind the team, not Ashley and show why we are the greatest set of supporters in the world. You never know, someone mught just want to buy Ashley out…

  125. ok guys. knock it off..

    i need to ask you guys something. 3 weeks ago i purchased a home ticket against MCFC together with pass for stadium tour. certainly after this unfolding of shameful event I would not want to give my hard earn money to cashley anymore right?

    So is it possible if I write to the box office to get a refund due to the unforeseen change of manager? i simply don’t have any heart to watch any game from now on.

    Sorry for my bad english. I live in germany.

  126. This getting silly and out of hand, why is everyone so starry eyed and emotional about Hughton?
    Did he walk when KK was shit on from a great height?
    No he got into bed with the board and looked after himself, so what crime has Pardew committed, give the guy a break will yous.

  127. I seriously hope that Qatar rich guy rumour of intending to own a english club which includes either us,everton or spurs is true.

  128. crokonut… you can try writing to them but its very doubtful they’ll refund your money.
    Viel Gluck.

  129. bowburnmag says:
    December 9, 2010 at 11:13 am
    Hugh/Worky/Toonsy – I’d like to appeal to any like-minded supporters via an article to make a demonstration of our feelings about this.

    Let me know.

    OK then, Bowburn, I’ll make the arrangements.

  130. AoD

    Forget about the Qatar royal family, they are gonna buy Spurs after they move into the legacy olympic stadium and will become the next Chelsea.

  131. Giving pardew a 5 1/2 contract (old acquaintances) could be a sign that rashly intends to sell the club in the near future, leaving his mate with either a good pay off or a good contract under new owners. Maybe I’m just suspicious, because the move makes no sense at all.

  132. Three things you need to know

    1. GDebs is right there are web sites (toontastic for one) that had Pardew tipped as manager in November. Although some knew as early as October after Calderwood left to join Hibs.

    2. Whatever Saints and West Ham fans have said about Pardew he’s not an attacking coach just a percentages coach. Often his teams play the percentage option because he believes in statistics and some players buy into it while others think he’s a nutter :)

    3. If Pardew had consulted Souness before he took the job he’ll know that he’ll probably never win over all the fans just as Souness failed to do. He replaced a much loved Manager in SBR and he was fighting an uphill battle from Day One until the day he got sacked. I give Pardew less than one and a half seasons which is about the going rate.

    Hughton hears the sad news from Fat Man

  133. I never thought NUFC would actually generate feelings of sympathy in my mackem soul … but you have.

    WTF is your management team playing at … ChrisH is probably the best thing thats happened to you in a long time. Any other club would be getting a statue put outside the grounds for the great escape he’s pulled off. And look where you are in the table … just when you need a bit of stability for a push over christmas to try and get on up.

    F**k me … its not even funny taking the piss out of you anymore … the capers at StJames park just makes the rest of the world think everybody in the NorthEast is an illiterate, thick, fat, ignorant, greggs pasty munching twat member of the Geordie Nation!

  134. workyticket says:
    December 9, 2010 at 5:03 pm

    “OK then, Bowburn, I’ll make the arrangements.”

    Dangerous liasons :lol:

  135. “Hugh/Worky/Toonsy – I’d like to appeal to any like-minded supporters via an article to make a demonstration of our feelings about this”

    Someone on R5live phoned in after the CL commentary finished asking the Beeb to let people know about a protest outside SJP beginning at 4pm before the 5.30 kick off. Apparently details are around the web somewhere ?

  136. Andy – I’m hoping to piggy back off that. I’d like to suggest to them that those of us with tickets who want to make a point, can join the protest then enter the stadium for kick off and walk out en masse, and gather back again to make a point.

    As much as it will kill me to do it, I feel it’s for the best. I think it’ll send the right message. Basically, if enough are behind it, I think it’s worth doing. It might not get enough support but if I don’t try I’ll feel like I’ve been shafted this time. Everything about the decisions this week is wrong for our club.

    If it doesn’t work out, I guess I’ll look a chump and sit at home festering but I know deep down I’ll feel better about myself.

  137. “If it doesn’t work out, I guess I’ll look a chump and sit at home festering but I know deep down I’ll feel better about myself.”

    You and 50,000 others hopefully

  138. 2:30PM Alan Pardew: I will be asking our owner mike ashley for a bit of money

    2:35 PM Newcastle sack Alan Pardew

  139. P1 “Quite clever PR from the club making him do the conference by himself. No photos of him and Derek grinning together, lessens the perception that he’s their man etc. Might all be accidental like, but if not it was a good idea”

    P2 “I can imagine the conversation just before they went into the press conference.
    Pardew: “Are you coming in with me Derek?”
    Derek: “Oh, erm, yeah I..I just need to get something from the car. Be right back.”
    *Patter of running feet, car door slamming, car driving away, plane taking off*”

    As long as we keep our sense of humour the Fat Man will never grind us down ;)

  140. ffs……why all the moaning?? i dont get it at all. this is typical of ashely is it not? it stuns me that anyone is even suprised by it all. i have nailed ashely to the wall since the day he took over nufc and had stick for it. only recently – about four months ago i was getting stick from all sorts for my continued slagging off of the fat one. i think that that fans that have always stuck up for ashlet should continue to do so because i dont see that he is acting any different now to what he ever has done. Thats you to Debs!! lol