Steven Taylor to pen new contract at Newcastle?

Posted on June 8th, 2010 | 133 Comments |

Carroll and Taylor will be needed next season.
Carroll and Taylor will be needed next season.
Steven Taylor will be offered a new contract at Newcastle before the pre-season training campaign gets underway in early July, according to The Journal.

Much of the debate that has taken place this summer has been around how much money we have to spend, or indeed if we actually do have any money to spend.

Whilst that is important, there is also another matter of upmost urgency at hand, and that is to make sure we keep hold of the players we already have that can help survive and thrive in the Premier League, players like Steven Taylor and Andy Carroll for example. That is a point reiterated by Chris Hughton today as he moved to quash rumours that two of our local lads, and better players by all accounts, could be on their way out of St James’ Park.

Taylor only has a year to run on his current deal and will be free to walk out of the Newcastle exit door next summer if he isn’t offered a new one. That would be a catastrophe as Taylor is one of our players that is actually worth more than a few bottle tops, and to let him walk away and not recieve a penny for him would cause outrage among fans who are looking for a sign that we are indeed standing by what the statement said and investing in our future.

There is of course always a chance that Taylor could rebuff any contract offer, especially with teams like Arsenal, Aston Villa, Chelsea and Everton all supposedly interested in the defender. Those that take any notice of what I say (I know there aren’t many) will know that this is what I beleive will happen, that Taylor will walk out and blame the club for it. They will know that I am suspicious of him, and I honestly believe that he would have been off last summer had he recieved an offer to move somewhere else.

On the other side of the coin, I would be happy if Taylor did decide to commit his future to Newcastle, as at the very least it would mean we could cash in on him if he ever did want to leave us. Keeping our better players has to be equally as important as making sure we have enough new ones to survive in the Premier League. So with that in mind, it’s nice to hear that Andy Carroll looks like he will be with us for the forseeable future.

Rumours had been flying around that Carroll was attracting interest form other Premier League clubs, with Chelsea being rather amusingly linked with a £7 million bid for the striker over the weekend. This is good news as Carroll has the potential to be a good player for Newcastle for years to come, and it seems he is happy playing for his hometown club.

“We’ve got no intention of seeing Andy leave Newcastle. He’s a young player and he’s got a big future here with us.” That is what manager, Chris Hughton had to say on the matter.

A bit of positive news then, and a show of ambition on the part of our club. Carroll and Taylor are two of the players are future is supposedly going to be built around, as was said in the statement by the club. You know the score, about not letting the likes of Shearer, Carrick or Bruce slip through the net?

Well now it is time for the club to prove it by giving Taylor a new contract! Oh and don’t sell Andy Carroll!

NUFCBlog Author: toonsy toonsy has written 643 articles on this blog.

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133 Responses

  1. So now we’ve started to believe the press?

    It will be interesting to see what he does if he is offered a new contract. Would love to know if it would be an improved contract.

    I suppose what he does will give us a good insight into the future of the club. If he see’s a good future or not.

  2. Sure he will be off-he will be offered a new contract probably on less money than he is on now,he doesn’t get on with many senior players-He is Offski’s…thing is we can’t compete when buying players and now we have a wage cap teams will just wave cash in front of our players knowing most players will move for more Cashola.

    Club excuse would be it was a great offer that we couldn’t refuse…we tried to keep him but sadly that wasn’t the case…however we have loaned a reserve from Blackpool to give us back up :lol:

  3. So did people not take any notice of the question mark in the title then?

    Not my fault of they take it as fact then is it? I mean if people bothered to read the title for what is was then there wouldn’t be any misunderstanding would there? ;)

    Plus I added 4 word into the first line to clarify where the source came from ;)

  4. Toonsy I did notice the ? at the end But as it was a thread about Taylor I expected to have a quote about him rather than Carroll no ?

  5. It’s only what Luke Edwards seems to think at The Journal, so I though it would be a good time to have a moan about us signing up our current players for our future, as the statement said. Thats all :)

    It’s the last words that are important with me, not the first ones lol ;)

  6. Righty oh Mr Edline :lol: Well going by your last words I dont think Carroll will be going anywhere, But im not 100% on Taylor I would really like him to stay as I have allways thought of him as being a future Captain and Mr Newcastle, but im sure he will be rightly looking an improved contract but im not so sure of him getting it.

  7. Toonsy

    I know it could just be more press rubbish, but there was a report over the past few days where he was in America with a fitness coach from Newcastle and talking about looking forward to the season ahead with Newcastle and excited about it. Like I said, could be rubbish, could be the fact he’s under contract for this season anyway, who knows. Lets just hope an offe comes his way and one worth him signing

  8. Meant to ask Toonsy do you know if Taylors Dad is still his agent as I thought I read somewhere a while back that he wasn’t ?

  9. Dave – Nah, I don’t think he is anymore, Dave. I think he actually has a proper one ;)

  10. Stuart79 says:
    June 8, 2010 at 6:53 pm

    “Are people going off piste again, toonsy?”

    Not using one of your other usernames today Stu? :lol:

  11. toonsy says:
    June 8, 2010 at 7:07 pm
    Did I say, goodbye Stuart?

    Something similar.

  12. toonsy says:
    June 8, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    “I told you Stuart, I didn’t ban you. I don’t know what happened.”

    What’s this about Waldorf being banned like? :-)

  13. workyticket says:
    June 8, 2010 at 7:14 pm
    toonsy says:
    June 8, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    “I told you Stuart, I didn’t ban you. I don’t know what happened.”

    What’s this about Waldorf being banned like?

    You don’t have to look so happy!

    You should harness talent, not ban it…

  14. Come to think of it if it was Toonsy it could have been
    You are the Negative Link Goodbye.
    But I dont think of ye like that ;)

  15. This could be a big year for both Taylor and Carroll, a year which can make each a star or reveal they dont have the potential to reach that top level.

    Taylor has shown even as a youngster he is capable of playing in the PL, question is can he reach that top level?
    As for Carroll, seems that certain clubs have shown an interest, but this is not second tier stuff this season, so the jury is still out on him.(no pun intended)

    It appears that EPL sides are preparing for the forthcoming rules changes, which will limit the number of foreign players, which i hope doesnt happen, as it could ruin the league.
    Fact is if it were to happen there`s such a dearth of decent home grown players, it would be like watching the fizzy all over again.

  16. Big Dave says:
    June 8, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    “I didn’t know you got banned mate”

    Waldorf didn’t get banned, did he? Sound like a good idea though! :-)

    BTW Dave, I did get a bit OTT with you a while back, and I owe you an apology for what could have been a genuine misunderstanding for all I know, so I’m sorry. In hindsight, I was wrong about one of the things I wrote about you as well.

  17. Worky – Stuart claims I banned him, even though I didn’t, because two of his comments got gobbled up by the spam flter :)

  18. workyticket says:
    June 8, 2010 at 7:21 pm

    BTW Dave, I did get a bit OTT with you a while back, and I owe you an apology for what could have been a genuine misunderstanding for all I know, so I’m sorry. In hindsight, I was wrong about one of the things I wrote about you as well

    Can someone stop the world, I wanna get off!

    I don’t think I will ever see this again!

  19. C`mon guys Waldorf is one of the most entertaining guys on here, as was Angeldust.
    Hope the blog is`nt going to be reduced to ankle biters like batty and ice dog, repeating the same old mantras.
    though batty can be humorous.
    Give it some thought.

  20. Chuck – I didn’t ban Stuart, For gods sake lol

    As much as he can be more irritatin than thrush at times, he does, occasionally, have a point or two worth listening to.

  21. Worky what can I say mate, I accept your apology 100% as I say it takes a real Man to say sorry so you have gone back up to Skipper in my estimations ;) .
    So does that mean the slate is wept clean and im not having to walk on egg shells incase I get evicted :lol:
    Worky Thanks for that ;)

  22. Well time for a stroll in the park, temperature down to the low seventies, great day, but not yet Amstel time.
    Manana companeros !

  23. Worky – That reminds me, and just in case you didn’t see it yourself but, Icedog is says he is still trying to find the ’69 Cup final DVD for you to use :)

  24. think we should ban TOONSY from talking about liverpool now hes bought a season ticket there as his 2nd team

  25. LIVERPOOL :mad:

    Never ever have I wanted one team to fail so miserably and be erased from the planet as much as I do with them!

  26. toonsy says:
    June 8, 2010 at 7:49 pm

    Now I know you don’t talk any sense.

  27. Damn right you have to watch the foxes, they’ll eat your babies you know ;)

  28. Ice I meant to say to you that old boy that my Bro bred Greyhounds with was called Jimmy Johnston ? did you know him he was in his 80’s and he was up to all the tricks of the day.

  29. Are you going to do anything on the World Cup, toonsy?

    It would stimulate football banter and get us away from Ashley and the perils of the club.

  30. BIG DAVE,yes m8 i knew “of” him,through billy hough from county westmeath where i bought my dogs,sorry to hear that like the good guys go first,might have seen your bro truth be know

  31. Stu – Thing is, how far do I go with the World Cup? Do I just stick to England games or what? questions questions…

  32. Course you just stick with England. That’s whay were intrested in.

    I just think it might be a bit of welcome relief from Fat Man!

  33. England and Argentina the later more so because of Jonas ?
    Does anyone else think that Rooney will get injured or get sent off ?
    Ice your right the old Character’s are all going its the same in my hobby breeding Parrots all the old hands are being lost with very few young ones coming into the hobby :(

  34. bloody hell toonsy, your normally much better than this… its like you have cut nad pasted one of Eds loads of waffle!
    it is liek i said to you early today mate, CH has moved fast to say he wants to keep carroll… he has said bugga all about keeping taylor even though there has been jsut as much , if not more speculation about him. Taylor is in the last year of his contract and its a cert he is leaving. put money on it.

  35. STUART,so called tv whizz kids saying cappelo will go with crouch in qualifying rounds,then drop him for heskey in later games whats your thoughts?

  36. One thing that bugs me, why is Carroll quick to tell the press he desn’t want to go anywhere? Where is Taylor? Especially considering he used to spout to the press an awful lot?

    That fecker wants out, and he will use the club as a scapegoat!

  37. Well I cannot understand for the life of me why he would change the formation and team that won 9 out 10 qualifying games – Won easily too.

    If it’s not broke, don’t fix it I say.

  38. toonsy says:
    June 8, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    To be fair, could you honestly blame him, if he did want out?

    There doesn’t appear to be too much to look forward to at NUFC. He could go to Everton or even Arsenal have been mentioned.

  39. Big Dave says:
    June 8, 2010 at 7:35 pm

    “So does that mean the slate is wept clean and im not having to walk on egg shells incase I get evicted”

    Of course it does. You were never going to get banned, Dave, otherwise Waldorf would’ve banned long ago! Toonsy’s much stricter than I am though if his first banning is anything to go by. :-)

  40. BIG DAVE,this just beats the makers,wor lass says its a WU,but i kept pigeons for years and won the big one,sold up and went into breeding A/GREYS and amazons(yellow naps)what a small bloody world

  41. Toonsy = Robomod 8)

    If I had have banned Stuart, he wouldn’t be around now ;)

  42. TC – I know I can, and obviously Worky can, but I don’t know if everyone can.

  43. If Taylor does leave the Toon it will be his own choice. We all have to be confident that CH will have the bases covered for all options…sigh…optimistic old me…

  44. Ice its a small world ;) I have Amazons, Hawkheads, Greys, Macaws, and Cockatoos .
    Worky ;) yeah I will have to watch I dont get on the wrong side of Toonsy as I said to Ice the other day he is turning in to a mini Hitler :)

  45. Mini Hitler? :lol:

    I don’t get what the fuss is about? I mean you have all see me have far worse things said to me than anything Stu has ever really come out with, and I didn’t ban any of them.

    Mini Hitler indeed :roll: :lol:

  46. anybody read the write up by frazer on sky sports pages AT LAST some good kind words for the toon,good write up, if a little dreaming like,some canny comments too

  47. chuck says:
    June 8, 2010 at 7:30 pm
    C`mon guys Waldorf is one of the most entertaining guys on here, as was Angeldust.
    Hope the blog is`nt going to be reduced to ankle biters like batty and ice dog, repeating the same old mantras.
    though batty can be humorous.
    Give it some thought.
    <<<<<< as can you for a p:ss heed

  48. toonsy says:
    June 8, 2010 at 7:22 pm
    Worky – Stuart claims I banned him, even though I didn’t, because two of his comments got gobbled up by the spam flter
    <<<<< stop running too the boss u grass :lol:

  49. Batty – :lol:

    I downloaded that song, cheers for saying thanks, you ignorant sod ;)

  50. oh toonsy thanx m8 none of theses tight b@stards can spare 79 p there all a bunch of p:ss heads

  51. toonsy if ya wanna ban me divent worry ya can and ile hunt ya doon through facebook :lol:

  52. Jay Jay now that you mention it I haven’t seen MO on in a few days.
    Batts were you in that video ? and is the youngun due home next week ?

  53. dog no mate not yet got go pick me lad up tomoz from down suffolk he,s back for 2 week

  54. i just paid too get it done all proceeds go too help the heros and donna louis childrens cancer trust the guy singing is a good freind of mine ex hooligan lol

  55. BATTY good on him,hope you kept some of your winnings and give him a good time ;)

  56. Ice breeding but not as much over the last couple of years as I dont have the time to handrear them so just just a few younguns a yr mate.
    Batty dont forget to tell the youngun, and remember if ye can try not to let him dwell on things mate

  57. jay jay says:
    June 8, 2010 at 9:44 pm
    I’m a pisshead, I never cause trouble
    <<<< IAM talking proper p:ss head 30 pints a day and cant get drunk

  58. BIG DAVE know what you mean m8 (h/R)used to do lab work for over 20yrs at home on birds ie droppings crop smears for illnesses,stopped now like,except for a few mates when i go over to malta for mates,as you know the costs of vets are out of this world (crooks)

  59. Batty Worky I think he has been busy lately with work he doesn’t get on that much, and I cant see him falling out with you as he has allways known yer a cheeky c*nt and still talked to ye :lol:

  60. dave me and worky did fall oot once on judases blog i sed things too worky and felt a right c@nt after like and apoligised but got on since

  61. batty says:
    June 8, 2010 at 9:56 pm

    “worky dusent speak too is no more dont know what ive done”

    You’re always saying that you daft get! All my work’s gannin’ up the swanee and I’m up to my eyes in it ATM. I get on here whan I can and I never ignore you, batty.

  62. i used too love it in me younger days when the bailifs knocked on the door they would retreat quicker than a dose of the trots :lol:

  63. Batty @ 104 I remember it well ;) and I can remember how ye felt :) Funny enough it was the same when I fell out with Stardy on Uncle Eds but after it I felt bad and ended up getting to know him and got on with him.

  64. batty says:
    June 8, 2010 at 10:11 pm

    “worky hope ur fine mate xxxx”

    Thanks batty. Feeling much better now, but because I’m feeling much better, I’ve got a whole load of shite to sort out from when I wasn’t feeling so good, if you know what I mean? :-)

  65. batty says:
    June 8, 2010 at 10:20 pm

    “worky well stop chatting on here and get it done ya lazy tw@t”

    It’s past ten and I’m still at it man! I feel bad because I haven’t been helping Toonsy out much.

  66. Batty @ 119 yeah mate I left you a wee msg on another thread, he will be ok with that mate and its normal to get a “buzz” out of it, But it’s losing a mate ye have to keep an eye out for as it normally hits you on your 1st leave mate so try not to let him drink on his own to much and dwell on it.

  67. Worky im sure Toonsy will understand mate as everyone else will, But as my Lass say’s to me, “remember you have to live a bit of yer life not work the whole way through it “

  68. Reet Lads im away to get something to eat, and Worky im glad we got the chance to get talking tonite and get everything sorted mate ;)
    Take it easy Lads

  69. Big Dave says:
    June 8, 2010 at 10:30 pm

    “But as my Lass say’s to me, “remember you have to live a bit of yer life not work the whole way through it “

    Aye, I knaa, Dave. But we’ve all got to stay and fight our way out of a hole sometimes, and this is my time.

  70. As wor Cheryl says ‘we’ve gotta fight for this life, if what having is worth fighting for’.

  71. workyticket says:
    June 8, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    “I feel bad because I haven’t been helping Toonsy out much.”

    I told you, divvn’t worry about it man :)

  72. Ice Dog

    Curious, as the subject has been parrots and you mentioned Malta.
    I remember way back in the late fifties, I think it was either Floriana or St. Angelo, there was a bar that had an aviary filled with different types of birds overhead, which could be dangerous for those below.
    Also an African grey who sat on a perch near the door and whistled at every woman who passed, he also gave a good rendition of the song “How much is that doggie in the window” and had an amazing vocabulary, some of which was a bit on the salty side.