Carroll has no intention of leaving Newcastle.

Posted on July 4th, 2010 | 167 Comments |

Carroll: More committed than ever.
Carroll: More committed than ever.
Hot on the heels of all the earlier talk about new contracts and the like, Andy Carroll appears to be giving out a lesson in how to scotch press rumours.

It isn’t the first time that Carroll has turned tubthumper for The Toon, and he has intimated several times before that he doesn’t want to leave Newcastle.

The speculation continued though, with moves to Stoke and Birmingham being lined up by the press, aswell as those farcical rumours that Carroll was being eyed by Chelsea as a replacement for Didier Drogba. I mean, he is highly rated, but the reporter who suggested that must have stuck in the office with the superglue on that particular day.

None of that matters though, if it ever did in the first place, as Carroll has again nailed his colours to the mast and said that he has no intention of leaving. That, teamed with news of a new improved four year contract for the Geordie hitman, can only bode well for Newcastle as those now infamous words from the statement about not letting our younger players slip through the net begin to look like they could indeed be true after all.

All Carroll said was this;

“This is where I’m from and Newcastle are the only team for me.”

But does it really need anymore to be said than that? As a fellow Geordie, I know exactly what he means, as do all fans of Newcastle United. I think we would all like players who are as committed to the club as they are, and in Carroll we have just that.

Controversy aside, this upcoming season is the most imprtant in Andy Carroll’s short career to date as he has the chance to prove he can cut the mustard on the biggest stage of them all – the Premier League. I have written before about how I think Carroll will cope with life in the top flight, and I think he will do just fine as a season in The Championship will have done wonders for his development.

As important as nailing Carroll down to a long term contract is, it should also be remembered that he needs someone up front who can compliment him. Whether that is someone with a bit of pace and the ability to run onto things, or someone who can come from a bit deeper and offer some support is a question that is up for debate, but he definately needs help as he won’t be able to do it all himself.

Carroll is beginning to remind me of Shearer, perhaps not in ability just yet, but certainly in attitude and committment. Like Shearer, Carroll would kick his own granny in the face for the ball, and I like that in that a player.

Big things are expected of Carroll, and they will only be realised once he establishes himself as a top flight striker. The will he/won’t he debate about that will roll on, but I believe he has the mental toughness on the pitch to deal with the pressure and expectancy, and can focus that into his improvement as a footballer.

If he isn’t good enough or doesn’t quite make it, then one thing is for certain – it won’t be through lack of effort and commitment.

Carroll for No9!

NUFCBlog Author: toonsy toonsy has written 643 articles on this blog.

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167 Responses

  1. Hopefully this spells the end for lazy tabloid carroll – related news ‘scoops’. Probably not.

    I agree with you toonsy – the priority now is to find a technical, creative and mobile no. 10 who compliments his power game. Loven has done great playing off carroll but I still reckon the starting position behind carroll is the only one still up for grabs in hughton’s plans.


  2. your right toonsy if attitude is right your more than half way there,as long as he keeps it on the pitch like ;)

  3. Icedog – Aye, no doubt he is a nutjob off the pitch. But credit to him, he doesn’t take it onto the pitch. I’ve said before, after the Carroll/Taylor bitchslap, my estimation of Carroll went right up. There was enough attention and pressure on that game to make him blow a fuse. How did he answer it all? By scoring the winner.

  4. Boater – I’ve been honestly ignoring the tabloids about Carroll, but as you say this should put an end to it now, hopefully.

    Probably not though eh :roll:

  5. I’ve slated Carroll a fair few times, I just didn’t think he had the stones to make it, to be honest.

    But, he proved me wrong last season and I take every word back about the lad.

    I wouldn’t go as far as to say he’s a nutjob either really, He just seems like he doesn’t put up with any crap, which is fair enough.

    However, if you’re reading this Andy, stay away from the Bigg Market man.. You make a massive wedge and should be living it up in Floritas or some similar trendy-fashion-hair place. Failing that, get yourself into the Duke man!

  6. Twittery thing?

    I have a twitter account, which I don’t think I’ve EVER used. Perhaps it’s time to start using it?

    I’m looking forward to your updates on when you use the lav, Toonsy. :D

  7. Dave – I have had a personal one for ages, but now the blog has one.

    I’m trying to grab an exclusive interview with someone using Twitter to woo him into it ;)

  8. I can’t join the facebook for some reason, pull your finger oot toonsy ;)

  9. Can’t comment on it then, somethings not right mate, or it’s my iPhone?

  10. I still can’t decide on a bloody avatar.

    I want a picture of Andy Carroll’s left fist!

  11. joe cole spotted at newcastle airport,with a ball under his arm and a pair of football boots over his shoulder.
    i got a source,wor donna lol.

  12. Wor Donna is one of the most reliable sources there is and a real hard worker that keeps her ear to the ground ! ;)

  13. Getting Carroll and Krul tied down to long term contracts will be a major relief. I think both can cut it in the premier league with a bit of experience.

    Are the club having contract talks with targets and these players are getting sorted out aswell perhaps?
    Would be good to get a new face through the door next week instead of leaving it till deadline day as per usual.

  14. Toonsy

    Do you think Ashley will try and sign someone like Joe Cole on £50-70K just so everybody will order the new shirt with Cole 9 on the back. In such a case I wonder how much the signing pays for itself.

  15. DJG – I tend to not put too much faith in rumours, and I don’t mean that with disrespect to anyone, just that I find the wait and see approach works just fine :D

  16. He still has an aweful lots to prove in the EPL and honestly I am not that concerned if he does leave. After all, he would get us a good sum and we could use those money to improve the squad.

  17. Bernie Slaven Was peddling this rumour about Joe Cole a month ago.

    Totall bollox!

  18. @25 Daverism

    Don’t get me wrong tho, he did well for us last season.
    But if we could cash in on Milner (an England international now), why not Caroll?

  19. Can people join the Twitter group to get a certain fat, balding got off my case please :lol:

  20. It’s good, you get to hear little pearlers such as


    Kris Boyd: “I know how good it feels to win a title. I’ve won them with Rangers and I want that feeling with Middlesbrough.” #Boro 23 minutes ago via web Retweeted by you and 3 others

    :lol: :lol:

  21. toonsy

    will me not signing up for your twitter of facebook pages have any affect on my contributing to this blog??

  22. CC – No, it just basically gives you a sneak preview and a link to get here ;)

  23. Twitter has to be the most pointless online invention ever! Who really wants to know what the fck Paris Hilton is doing every hour?

  24. Good well you know what you can do with em… ;)

    Im not good with all these new fangled things i only use the internet to find out the latest footy news, write on this blog, check me e-mails, buy stuff on ebay and gander at a wee bit of the mucky stuff on the quiet…

  25. @ Toonsy: Am from Goa mate. Was offline & only read your reply in the wee hours of the morn. Can’t wait to get the tbh…On an unrelated note, think we’ve seen the back of Stevie T. He doesn’t seem keen on staying, so there’s no point trying to force him to. In all honesty though-, I’m not too fussed. I think Williamson deputised really well since he came in & will be able to cut it in the prem. Wouldn’t mind Wheater in as a replacement. His loyalty to the smoggies may be a stumbling block though…

  26. @ Stuart: I think you mean who
    really wants to know
    WHO the fck Paris
    Hilton is doing every
    hour? :P

  27. Stu – I agree, it seems pointless, but it is actually a massive success (feck knows why it caught on).

  28. Fernando – Goa, that’s an impressive distance :D

    Next itime you’re over let us know.

  29. i posted on here yesterday about Joe Cole, he wants to be at club where he will be ‘loved’ and ‘adored’. do not ridicule the fact that we are in for him because it is true. I have no reason to make this up, i do not support another club, the fact is that Cole is seriouly considering Newcastle, it is just a case of meeting his wage demand.

  30. He was the kid who we were trying to tap up on the documentry where fat sams and arrys bung allegations started, The boy done good… :lol:

  31. i do believe we could be in for joe cole why the hell not do i fink he will come probably not but hell why not try signing joe cole could stop taylor usein lack of ambition as an excuse for leaving show him for what he really is, by the way joe cole on sky sports saying the same thing flash has said that he wants to go were he will be loved by the manager and fans

  32. Been a dull window so far….but Joey Barton will be like a new signing..YAWN.

  33. flash,if the source is not wor donna,then it’s not true.
    wor donna is the font of all knowledge,picks up all the information while doing up the confrence rooms.if wor donna comes oot an sez we’re after joe cole yer can tek it to the bank.

  34. Carroll will be like a new signing and when we replace Taylor with someone from the SPL we will have a new signing :lol:

    MA must love us to he even has NUFC Teddy Bears and Pyjamas at home.

  35. FlashJonas – I heard Rochdale were in for him too, just down to wage demands. They’ve offered him 2k a week.

    Nice to see you’ve got your exit strategy sorted anyway, with the ‘it’s just about wages’ excuse.

  36. Anyone read the new TF article?

    That gadgie just spits venom. Talk about having an agenda, feck

  37. Daverism – It definately has an agenda, but it also makes some good points at times.

  38. urg, True Faith really has lost all sense of credibility like hasn’t it, literally full overt hate, and i hope the authors read this as there are supporters here who see the bigger picture, and are growing increasingly bored of their petty, narrow minded agenda.

  39. Is it just me or have we seriously missed a trick with Boyd?

    He’s a risk because he’s never played in England but his goal scoring record is bloody good and for nothing and relatively low wages that toally reduces the level of risk.

    Maybe we have bigger fish to fry?

    Sticklebacks anyone?

  40. Raffo – True Faith, although there is a poster called Toon Factor who gets TF as a shortened name :lol:

  41. Boyd to the smoggies is obviously down to the sweaty connection, wee shuey macfee Strachan got into his lug. If that is the jokers idea of ambition, then Boyd is welcome to join the smoggies. Good bit of management from Strachan though to get him signed on !

  42. Could it be that Hughton was telling the truth and we weren’t actually interested in him like he said we weren’t?

    Radical I know, but just a thought :lol:

  43. Stuart…..I reckon it just may have been down to the stories about his attitude and behaviour otherwise we would have went for him imo.Even if he hadnt worked out he could have been sold on at a profit.

  44. Toonsy @ 53 :( im surprised you think that, and why can I not leave a comment on the Facebook have ye banned me ;)

  45. I’m guessin OHurley will be off his heed on moonshine now with it being the 4th July :lol:

  46. Dave – Have you joined the new one? Plus you know how I feel about Taylor ;)

  47. Forgot to introduce myself on the facebook, toonsy it says there are 10 fans!

  48. How emotional was the end of that docu with gazza, had tears in me eyes…Dear god Shepherd should swing from a very think, strong rope for the damage he did to Bobbys later life. :x

  49. richietoon says:
    July 4, 2010 at 8:04 pm
    I’m guessin OHurley will be off his heed on moonshine now with it being the 4th July

    big dave often like that m8 sniffs them melted down crayons that toonsy sends him ;)

  50. They may make some good points Toonsy, but I Love Mike has it nailed, out and our hatred.

    All their points and observations and lost in a sea of bile.

  51. CC What you on about?
    Bobby had lost the plot and the dressing room it was game over for him.
    Great Bloke but his management days where over.

  52. cc@72, which docu with gazza ? are there any links on this one, anything on youtube ?

  53. BIG DAVE your good lad m8,ganning off 10 min wor lass wants to send e-mail to nephew in afgan

  54. SJT

    Bobby should have been given the upstairs role at the club at the end of the season before but for shepherd to sack him the way he did and then put the boot afterwards to justify hiring souness was pathetic and typical of the fat twat.

  55. Stuart79- I dont need an exit strategy, if it doesnt happen then i know for a fact it will be because of his wage demands, i have quite a few ties to london clubs and frequently go out on the tiles with the man who is seeing carly zuckers best friend, wife of Cole. I dont have anything to prove, its your own choice, believe me or dont, no strategy needed, im not that sad. Im the one who made money on Bent going to the unwashed, Defoe going back to Spurs, Sol Campbell going back to Arsenal just to name a few, i tend to get news before it gets published in any paper or on any website. Its strange that Cole’s quotes are along the lines of what i mentioned yesterday, i knew this 3 days ago. You dont seem much of a supporter, show a bit of hope, show a bit of faith, we are a MASSIVE club.

  56. CC Yes I agree Bobby should have been given an ambassador role or something but the young players he had once controlled where unfortunately taking the piss and management can sometimes hurt.

  57. FlashJonas, you may have the facts mate…but MASSIVE club…you must be thinking purely of the resilience and loyalty of the toon supporters there mate, cos we aint done nowt massive in my time…Champs League and a couple of years toughing it out with the big boys excepted that is..

  58. FlashJonas not that it will make much difference to you but I dont think your on here to bullshit as you have been on for a while and I just cant see what benefit you would get out of it. But I cant see it coming off mate

  59. flashjonas,wye aye we’re a massive club,that’s why our trophy cabinet is fit to burst.

  60. Trojan

    thats a bit harsh, Weve got the championship and the intertoto cup plaque in there and Shearers silver boots…

  61. The MASSIVE club statement is ammunation for the mackem lurkers. They’ll be throbbing all over that :lol:

    EDIT – My 24 hour ban off the mackem board is up now ;) :twisted:

  62. Flash – Every bit of hope I have is being slowly but surely eroded every time the regime opens it’s gob!

    As for hope – Well that’s all we can, that’s all we have left.

    But let’s be honest here we aren’t going to offer Cole anything like what he wants or could get at every other club, so why bother even offering anything?

    You may have this info in good faith but it’s as likely as us winning the league and cup double this season.

  63. with carroll publicly saying this is great for himself and 4 the club it gives a good example to some of the younger players in the academy and shows meaning of intent it looks like krul is getting his contact signed too which is more ggod news im still a bit scepticle about taylor but sincerely hopes he follows carrolls footsteps that would show theve put past behind them and want to fight for the club which as a manager is a great feeling knowing that players want to play for you im starting to get a buzz i really think were going to buy a couple of good players to bolster squad but i think the current squad has a togetherness a spirit a tight knit which can only be a good thing howay the lads

  64. On the contrary Stu, why not make him an offer? What is the worst he can say? No, which is what most of us expect anyway so it’s no great shakes.

    O/T Anyone watched 2012 Doomsday or whatever it’s called? Bought it cheap from Tesco and want to know if it’s worth a watch now?

  65. Stuart79..I think that’s part of the problem mate, the regime seldomly open their gob, but when they do they make a complete bollocks of it ! Let’s see what the new season brings, I’m still optimistic players will come in. I hope that with a wee bit of tinkering we’ll be able to get a team together who will hold their own in the PL. We are a team on the re-build, need to do things slowly and bring the right players in. Naively optimistic I know, but I aint gonna jump of a skyscraper yet FFS, we’ve just been promoted in style, keep the faith !

  66. 2012 Doomsday, what’s that toonsy, sounds like a potential toon dvd !?

  67. flashjonas

    Last night you said cole had 19 offers from premier league clubs, He cant have. Chelsea withdrew their contract and Man Utd released a statement saying they werent signing him.

    Also do you really expect people to believe Blackpool have wasted their time offering him a deal Or Wigan, Bolton, Blackburn, West Brom, Wolves ETC. I could believe the mackems would have being moronic enough to as part of Quinns world domination plan which will probably bankrupt them.

    I know Wham, spurs, arsenal and liverpool probably will have offered him a deal and as toonsy said there is no harm in us trying but it’ll not happen.

  68. i still think that winker shrek after looking like a sunday league pie eating substitute in world cup wil score against us at old trafford 1st game its nailed on scouse kent

  69. i can say its strange when dealing with nufc,i have some good contacts in spl, last time we were in epl they gave me some good gen which i mostly kept to myself,they say very little now,why because ashley is known up there to change his mind every 48hrs,they ended up looking right wallys,so lets just suck it and see what he will do :(

  70. anyone know whats happened to Nicky Butt, has he been offered a coaching job anywhere ?

    Is Capello one of the few World Cup managers who muffed it, and didn’t fall on his sword ? Dunga has just been toasted by Brazil, big Phil is lurking in the background…

  71. alrite lads!i was playing a bit of 5-a-side at 7 there and one of the lads who plays is originally english (the rest of us are irish)well anyway he went to school with lean best and best got kicked out of the school for f**gering sum girl!suppose that was the only chance he wil ever score!hahaha

  72. Toonsy – it is slightly disprespecful to offer him a really low salary? Especially when it’s obvious he will have huge offers of maybe 90k a week and we go and offer him 45k!

    He’d laugh at us and probably be pissed off that we wasted his time.

    What’s the point?

  73. sirjasontoon says:
    July 4, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    “CC Yes I agree Bobby should have been given an ambassador role or something but the young players he had once controlled where unfortunately taking the piss and management can sometimes hurt.”

    That was totally Fat Freddy’s fault. The stupic twatt did what Chairmen should never do, he said in public that he wouldn’t be renewing his contract. It even happened to Ferguson when there were mutterings about him retiring.

  74. Just watching Big Brother and does anyone else think that the guy with two false legs and a glass eye looks like Ashley? Just caught a glimpse of him then. He’s a spit! Poor fcker!

  75. Two false legs and a glass eye could be difficult to live with, but looking like Ashley…poor guy..

  76. nah i am taking advantage of being on my own and not watching that shite. Reservoir dogs for me baby

  77. Agree that it was time for bobby to step down, but do wish he had been given a role upstairs, he would have been the ideal director of football.

    When you look at the list of players who were/are available on frees that was ut on here about a month ago, could build an amazing team around them. Money saved on transfers could go toward bigger salaries, Ashley should use his business head to get a few, develop kids and one or 2 other players to try and cement a mid table place, but going by the past, we know he’s not that clever. But u never know, might just shock us this time round. Get us looking ok again and sell for £250 million or so. Hope it could happen and me not getting carried away with the beer

  78. So just out of curiosity, these guys who say they have ‘sources’? Who are these sources? It does make me laugh and it would be taken alot more seriously if they named them wouldnt it?

  79. Aye, apparently he lost both his legs and an eye in Northern Ireland and he’s got on with his life bravely. But he’s been told he looks like Ashley and they’ve taken his laces and belt off him!

  80. I am ashamed to say I havent seen that film Ice! It is a standing joke with our lass on my taste in films!!

  81. Raffo, sometimes you can’t name them, when word gets out, they stop telling you. I used to have mine a few years back, but would never come out with anything as wanted to keep the trust up. Times lie thus when I wished they were still involved with the game

  82. RAFFO@107 if you are refur eing to me look @97 some dont like ending looking wallys which is not always there fault

  83. Oh I fully understand that bud, I have a source, not for NUFC like but a source, I just wondered who these dudes are, what the connections are

  84. as for sources,for those who come from the newcastle area,you can be sitting in a bar and you’ll always have someone who claims to know always get the a friend of a friend who’s aunties grandfather etc.
    i’ve heard a load of stories about shearer being a greedy cnut etc,someone always knows something,most of the time it’s hydraulics.

  85. I’ve got no sources but ya hear/read things and ya blog about it just for something to talk about it.99% of it will be total bollox.At this time of year and there’s been no actual signings at the club and no solid news all ya can do is talk about rumours/speculation and have a bit craic.If its only facts ya want ya wasting ya time on any footy blog at this time of year imo.

  86. Know what you mean raffo, be nice to know. I can get info for Charlton now but that’s about it.

    What does everybody prefer, windows like we have now where we think about and here all these stories until end of aug and jan or how it used to be with players being signed at anytime up to march? I wish we could go back to the old way

  87. funny enough years ago my uncle knew a bloke who always seemed to know what was going on,the promotion season in 93 he told us at the start of the season that david kelly would be leaving,after his house wasd burgled,this was months before the end of the season.this bloke was a bit of a money man who mixed with certain characters and millionaires etc,if you can get them kind of sources they are normally bang on.

  88. RICHIETOON thats about cock-on m8
    if i told you my source my son would get his tap stopped if you know what i mean ;)

  89. lol thats right Ice. I could get some info for Hartlepool but thats that. It does get your hopes up these guys who say they know this and that! It does take alot not to take it all as 100% gospel

  90. RAFFO thats a good source m8 keep it the way the toon is ganning we might that info lol

  91. raffo so true,ya know it’s highly unlikely but ya always hope.Flash’ll of heard about Cole from someone he trusts and he’s passed it onto us.Again unlikely but ya always hope.That said if blogs had been around in ’82 someone would have posted that KK was gonna sign for the Toon and he would have been ripped apart!! :-)

  92. Thats true Rich, We Ice I shall see what he tells me if owt, but I will know it will be 100% true.

  93. well lads ime off enjoyed banter, how nice not to hear insults and f-offs nee need like imo cheers

  94. Cole to toon
    Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo
    Flash put your money on it £5 bet will be enough to buy the toon if your right

  95. amen to that Ica.

    Alreet Waddles, I seem to recall you having some decent snippets of info from last year on eds blog, anything on the grapevine?!

  96. All sh!te
    Still nothing about transfers in but plenty out.
    As for the reserve team coach the salary a year is only £30k so no chance of carver or any quality coming in.

  97. Heard Stoke sniffing about Nolan and if right money about £5 mill it’s goodbye.
    Think we will lose a centre mid for certain.
    Club not CH try best to get rid of Barton. No body interested.
    As for players in fingers in pies in French league but all very quiet until the Turk story came out and club just wrote that one off for spouting gob.

  98. well i cant say im suprised, though i would be happier if they got shot of smudge if they had to. I can see a couple going to be fair.

    As long as they are replaced, but we need to add aswell.

    I have to admit that I thought we would lose a GK this window, so am a little happier to see Krul on the verge of signing

  99. Celtic still want harper. I was told that 3 weeks ago.
    As you know Norwich want foster back but club not CH waiting to see if a bid from celts for harps comes in. If nothing then foster will go on loan again.
    I think cleverley is a cert IMHO but it’s up to him so anything could happen.

  100. I have to say that I wouldnt be all that upset to see Harps go. I am also not suprised the club want shot of Barton, esp as he seems to be preventing us getting in ppl such as Onhua etc.

    Do you think we stand any chance of getting shot of Best or Strolla?

  101. IMHO could see a champ side wanting best like millwall.
    As for shola the club have loan him out to Northumbria police to find this moat nutter. Shola is armed with a spoon and a vuvuzaler

  102. lol he is indeed. I think we shall see some interesting goings on thats for certain. Keep us posted my man

  103. I was Flicking between blogs last night, somebody on Eds who works in a hotel and got the R Taylor & Routledge ones right, claims Perch checked in over the weekend and should be annouced today. Just have to wait and see, but could this be the first?

  104. Aye Simon,saw that on a Forest website yesterday.It said it would be announced today for £1m but the forest fans seemed glad to get rid which worries me a little.He is versatile tho which is good,that is if the story is true.

  105. James Perch? Fecking hope note.

    Sousa to Fulham, you heard it here first ;)

    Lump on it, I’m giving that tip away for free ;)

  106. Yeah, I didn’t think much of him, but to be fair, hardly seen him play either. If it is true, at least it boosts the squad size after we lost a couple of players

  107. Why are we wasting our time talking about cole and gosling? Torres looks like he might be “moving onto another pl club”..there’s our no.9 situation sorted lads! ;) haha

  108. Good shout with Fulham Toonsy.
    Aye Ross straight swap with Leon Best :lol:

  109. Ross – Torres? Frigging shyte man!

    He hasn’t scored at the World Cup, he would be nee good for Newcastle man ;)

  110. Rich – Sky reckon he is a shoe-in for Leicester. I reckon different. Let’s see who is right ;)

  111. does anyone else think there’s summat fishy about the Perch story? :lol: ……………….ah the old uns are the best.

  112. Should be signing for The Canaries that Perch fella :lol:

    £1 million is pretty cheep though ;)

  113. Rich – :lol:

    You have to admit that things are pointing in that direction though :lol:

  114. Wish you hadn’t have posted that Rich. Just fifnished a blog, now I have another to crack on with :mad:

  115. It would shut a few of us up too………..maybe ;-)

    really can’t see it as he’s got the chance to play in Europe with other clubs.
    If he wants to be idolised tho there’s nowhere better than the Toon.From a business point of view it would make sense with shirt sales and extra season ticket sales.I just really can’t see Cole moving up here even if we were a top 8 side……Cole’s to Newcastle,highly unlikely………we can dream tho.

  116. A lot of these catchy headlines point at things happening, however, when one goes on to read the article – the is nothing in it. Just sensational headlines that give people false hope.

  117. He fecking better do, I know what he looks like now :twisted:

    (My interpretation to you of his looks will be based on his answer ;) )

  118. Ye Toonsy not your headline… sensitive #%#%!!! ;)

    Richie, that is one of the official songs. The main one is the Shakira one though.

  119. Oh – Toonsy there are so many official songs haha.

    The R Kelly one, the Shakira one, the K’Naan song and then there are some local bands here that have made loads of better songs but I guess they couldn’t afford to pay Sepp enough to make em official.

  120. Rich – You should see that JJ. Looks like a god like type figure ye’knaa :lol: