Where is all the Keegan news?

Posted on September 30th, 2009 | 90 Comments |

I'm no puppet manager
I'm no puppet manager
These 3 gadgies sitting on the Tribunal panel finished listening to the respective Keegan and Newcastle United sides of the story on Friday and then wanted to give it the weekend to mull things over. Well they’ve had the weekend and two days now and we’ve heard nowt.

We simply want to know who won and how much was awarded to Keegan (assuming the general factivity of that statement). How hard can it be?

Don’t these tribunal judges realise how much speculation, scaremongering and general bickering fans have to put up with while they sit around deliberating on these things? If they think it’s hard being on a tribunal panel they should try being a Toon fan for a few months.

I’m suspecting Keegan won the tribunal and will be awarded about £9m although sources close to me suggest he may get a couple of million extra for all the mental anguish he’s suffered. And then of course the club will have to fork out for costs, which I would imagine aren’t trivial.

Still, as Keegan once said “it’s understandable that people are keeping one eye on the pot and another up the chimney“. Wise words indeed, although obviously beyond the ken of mere mortals.

Anyway, that’s it. I just wanted a rant about the time this is taking and my own desideratum for precipitate denouement.

So let’s hope we hear something about the Keegan situation soon so that we can put the issue to bed (unlikely), get the club under new ownership (maybe), win the Championship and get promoted (obviously) and then shoot straight into the Premier League top 4 (I’m on drugs).

NUFCBlog Author: Hugh de Payen I'm a baby-boomer of the punk rock persuasion, currently exiled in Somerset for crimes committed in a previous life where locals keep trying to poison me with something called 'scrumpy'. Hates sprouts, coat-hangers, Cilla Black, ornaments, Steven Seagull movies and 50 Cent (he's not worth 10). Hugh de Payen has written 634 articles on this blog.

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90 Responses

  1. The panel probably cant agree, one way or the other, as it isn’t as black and white as it seems. There has probably been a good case put up by both parties, and with the size of the compen claim, these old duffers wont want to get it wrong. Verdict will probably be in the form of a written statement, and very long winded. Probably 5 pm on friday we will hear something!!!!

  2. I don’t think Keegan will win. He has a history of walking out on clubs which must be considered. Also he publicly put it on record he understood the structure (Wise, Jimenez and Vetere) He apparantly asked for the club to sign Henry, Beckham & Lampard (£200M) I honestly believe the club have a much stronger case then KK. One thing is for certain through I don’t think the man can ever set foot back in SJP, even as a media man.
    The day after he walked I put £20 on him being the next manager and although the bet still stands there are very few things in this world I would want NOT to happen.

  3. Maggie Pie – Just to play devil’s advocate to your comments.

    – The history is complicated and the reasons varying for why he ‘walked away’ from each of his roles. There really is no equivalence other than with ’92 and even then we don’t know the full story of either but look where his ‘dummy spitting’ got us. I’d take that again.

    – He spoke with the deliberation of a man caught off guard when he was asked about Wise etc. Look back it now and it’s plausible he was just keeping up appearances for the good of the club.

    – You really believe he wanted to buy those players? Genuinely?

    We should stop beating him with these sticks and await the outcome. I really hope he shoves it up some people. Not necessarily you.

    Hugh – enjoyed the article. Sorry again for my letting the side down. I’ll make up for it with a match report!

    On the ‘verdict’, we’re bound to hear something by ‘Friday’ like BB says ;)

  4. This isn’t even a proper tribunal. If it was all the gorry details and evidence would be laid bare for everyone to see.

    For this reason I don’t understand why it’s taken 1 year to get tio this point and 2-4 weeks to get to a conclusion.

    I can only presume it’s not a open and shut case.

  5. I know…..but the fantastic number of comments that support Sir Kevin isn’t…..just the odd anti comment from whingeing mackems…..

  6. FAO bowburnmag

    “I really hope he shoves it up some people” who? because if he wins his case the only people who are getting shafted are the supportes of NUFC. This is not a contest between KK and MA its between KK and the club I support and I know where my loyalties belong.
    Of course MA is playing the media, as is keegans camp, but ultimately if KK wins then the club suffers. I’d put money on the clubs takeover hinging on the outcome of the case. So for me the best outcome would be for Keegan to lose, the club to be sold and MA to sod off back home and never show his face again. I stand by my earlier comments on Keegan and “I would love it” if he never set foot in SJP again.

    FAO batty

    Only read it about half a dozen times in my lifetime, I prefer to gather news from a number of sources and make my own conclusions rather than have it fed to me.

  7. I’d prefer he is vindicated, clears his name and takes a payout which he will be due (the club will not suffer to the detrimental proportions some make out as a result). And then we move on.

    I also know where my loyalties lie but even as I stand tonight in the Leazes, I will be hoping for the right thing to be done by this tribunal. Even if it does not benefit Newcastle United in the short term.

  8. To Maggie Pie, what actually happened with Keegan talking about players was that he was being interviewed at the time and the interviewer asked Keegan, if he had a dream fantasy team, what would it be? Kev laughed and said he probably shouldn’t answer that question as he knew he would be misquoted by some people and they would make out he actually wanted these players. But in the end he said, Beckham, Henry etc but it was pure fantasy and not reality that he was talking about. Sure enough people then misquoted him making out he actually wanted to go after these players. I saw the actual interview myself on youtube a while ago. Hope this clears up that misconception for you. PS to Bowburnmag, is that you mate from Team Talk? If it is, I miss your wisdom and clarity of thought on that site. It gets worse daily depending who is on it. Hope you haven’t abandoned it altogether as it needs the voice of reason. Cheers, Jill

  9. 17 batty says:
    September 30, 2009 at 10:32 am
    spot on bowburn it isnt if the cash is gonna get spent on new players is it


    You should by now that Ashley prefers to waste the clubs money on sacking managers not buying players.

  10. Maggie Pie says:
    September 30, 2009 at 10:52 am
    Am I missing something here, how can Keegan taking £9m+ out of the club be a good thing?

    I think he means morally mate.

  11. Jill, one and the same. Rarely get time to get on there by the time I help out with articles on here. Great to see you on here. If you browse through some older articles, you’ll recognise an illustrating acquaintance of your’s from TT too. Excelsior has managed to ruffle some feathers after I encouraged him to write for us.

  12. Maggie Pie – Stu is right. I mean morally.

    I also mean that it will hopefully be a kick up the ar*e for owners who come in with scant regard for what their playthings mean to us. The responsibility of running a club is lost on some of the guys who own our clubs these days and I’d like to think it will be another reminder that they should do their homework before jumping into something on a whim, and pay us due respect in their actions once they do.

    We’re also not privvy to exactly how much Keegan is pursuing. So we cannot judge the financial side of the argument yet. It remains the principle for now.

  13. Maggie Pie says:
    September 30, 2009 at 10:52 am (Edit)

    Am I missing something here, how can Keegan taking £9m+ out of the club be a good thing?


    It isn’t a good thing that the club has to pay money out on this, but if Keegan does take any money out of the club it’s Ashley that’s actually costing us the money because he constructively dismissed Keegan, which is illegal. So we can hardly blame Keegan for that.

    If on the other hand the tribunal rules that Keegan walked then it won’t cost us anything and Keegan will be cast in the role of having breached his contract, walked out on the club and tried to screw them for £9m.

    Personally I’d like to knock their heads together. I’ll accept the tribunal’s decision because they’ll be party to far more facts then we have, but I can’t help but feel there’s been an awful lot of miscommunication, poor negotiating and ego-flaunting all round.

  14. There is so much scaremongering going round us at the moment. I don’t think even for one minute that KK’s case has any chance of putting us into administration, especially when we are promotion favourites. We should also expect nothing to happen with the ownership until this case is done and dusted, as I’m sure Moat doesn’t want to foot a bill that Ashley is more than capable of paying and adding to the debt we already owe him.

  15. batty says:
    September 30, 2009 at 10:19 am
    utd did you see stardys comment on there?

    Aye Batty – like I said earlier “just the odd anti comment from whingeing mackems…” LOL

  16. Hi,
    A bit of lateral thinking to help work out who’s on the side of the club. How much cash (approx.) have each of the following given or taken out of the club?

    Sir John Hall
    Douglass Hall
    Freddy Shepheard
    Mike Ashley

    When you think about it, all but Mike Ashley have taken vast sums out of the club in salaries, bonuses and expenses and have also, in at least one case, had NUFC award lucrative contracts to their own businesses.

    OK, some might rightly point to mistakes MA has made and think it justice he’s made a loss from his investment. Previous chairmen/owners made mistakes too and some milked the club for what they could get!

    If we’re talking about morality (Maggie Pie has a point), unfortunatly there hasn’t been too much of it in the last c20 years in the board room at NUFC.

  17. HeatonRick – you can’t argue with the facts, but the argument isn’t about who is the more morally questionable between our previous and current boards. It’s about the right thing being done in this instance. Why should Keegan suffer because of the previous incumbent? And why would that suggest someone is not on the side of the club?

  18. Stuart – Not just Ashley though. Think of the millions we’ve wasted over the years on the likes of Souness,etc..

  19. Hugh de Payen
    nice to hear a bit of calm sensible logic about the Keegan business. I’m fed up with being told that I’m part of a “hate campaign ” or not a true supporter if I dare to question whether a huge payout to Keegan will be damaging to the club or that there might be fault on both sides. Some people need to get over their emotions and use their brain for one – and respect other opinions.
    But then they’re probably part of the lot who think you can’t be a true fan if you don’t happen to stand up when some low-brain chants “Stand up if you hate Sunlun”. I plan to start chanting tonight “Boil your head, if you love the Toon” and accuse all who choose not to do so of being Mackems.
    (PS – I’ve had season tickets for about 40 years and supported the Toon through the Frank Pingel/ Steve Carney/ Stimson/ Cunningham years – so don’t accuse me of not being a Toon supporter if I happen to think Keegan might be in the wrong. GRRR!)

  20. magpie6699 – you should spend more time here fella. Unless you’re on the attack, you’ll not get that from regular contributors on here. I probably disagree with you on the subject mind ;)

  21. Heaton Rick – Maggie Pie, Magpie, I have argued this case for more than a year with these same posters.

    They choose to support Keegan irrespective of any fact – you can never and will never change their mind, its a sad reflection of our club that fans riot against all others in support of a one man’s (illegitimate in my opinion) cause

  22. bowburnmag says:
    September 30, 2009 at 11:10 am

    “We’re also not privvy to exactly how much Keegan is pursuing.”

    Yes we are Bowburn. He’s pursuing the full balance of his contract plus legal costs. The greedy get! ;-)

  23. worky – do we actually know that though? Is it in the public domain? I’m being serious by the way. I haven’t missed it?

    Howay Stardust – the argument over old board vs new board has nothing to do with this situation and is a legitimate argument only outside of this debate.

    “riot”…… :)

  24. Bowburn – it has everything to do with it.

    The hate campaign against Ashley started with the “Asset Stripping and Only in it for Profit” smear campaign (which we now know to be rubbish post accounts).

    KK walking was a catalyst that reaffirmed that – (as Cashley, as the mob put it) was wanting to do it on the cheap, but nothing could have been further from the truth – he had been rebuilding the club and paying their debt off.

    It has everything to do with it – not nothing to do with it.

  25. Toon fans have a reputation of being passionate and knowledgeable about wor football. Whether or not you agree with magpie6699 and others, let’s not start insulting each other just because we disagree: it does make us toon fans sound like a bunch of morons!

    On the Keegan fiasco (and that’s just what it is IMHO), whether Keegan wanted to sign this player or that may not be relevant. The fact is he walked out.
    If I walked out of a job I wouldn’t get compensation unless it was unfair constructive dismissal.
    Constructive dismissal is:
    1. Your employer has committed a serious breach of contract
    2. You felt forced to leave because of that breach
    3. You have not done anything to suggest that you have accepted their breach or a change in employment
    (DirectGov – “What is constructive dismissal?”)
    Did this happen in Keegan’s case?
    Apart from Kevin’s considerable track record of walking away from jobs, he was not sacked nor was he constructively dismissed, according to this definition.

    Apparently Kevin is hard up (him, me and many others likewise) and is chancing his luck on this claim.
    I understand that Kevin is associated with NUFC’s “entertainers” era and inspired dreams of great things from many of us success-starved fans when he was re-appointed manager. However, if he was rightly praised for some of his past exploits, he hasn’t done us any favours this time around.

  26. I hadn’t realised the tickets are priced differently for different games. I was thinking I’d been stitched a couple of times.

  27. HeatonRick says:
    September 30, 2009 at 11:52 am

    I have to say I don’t think you can compare the Halls, Shepherds and Ashley.

    The Halls were major shareholders and employees of NUFC so it was their right to take money in wages and divdends(all be it maybe they were paid too much in salary. The Shepeherds were the same.

    Ashley bought a football outright and too into into private ownership. People who do that know they aren’t going to get a wage from the club and also know they will have to put money into the club or the club to progress.

    You don’t buy a football club and expect to put nothin in!

    Ashley has put money in, we cannot deny that. I just happen to think he neglected the first team squad.

  28. HeatonRick – Or conversely Big Mike didn’t do us any favours by dropping KK back into an emotional melting pot? That’s my point about doing his homework and having scant regard for the history of the club and what it means to supporters.

    25 pund for a ticket and my lass has just rung to say the camshaft on the car is fecked.


  29. Heaton Rick – Just how I see it.

    I maintained the biggest wrong in this was KK walking – not the fact they/he had a different opinion about the subtleties of how things were handled behind the scenes. Those things were easily changed given time and trust between all parties.

    But he never stayed to try to change those things, he unfortunately reverted to type and walked again at our expense.

  30. Keegan and Ashley had a meeting on the Friday night before the Hull game to try and sort out the mess.

    What was so bad that KK and Ashley could sort it out?

    Something must have been seriously wrong if KK was still not up for returning.

    Remember how many times he resigned in the 90’s? But he always changed his mind.

    Why not with Ashley?

    Or did he just really want a big pay off?

    Suppose we’ll never really know what the problems were due to the evidence not being released. That’s the frustrating thing for me…

  31. Stuart – looks ridiculous yet again “The Halls were major shareholders and employees of NUFC so it was their right to take money in wages and divdends(all be it maybe they were paid too much in salary. The Shepeherds were the same.

    Ashley bought a football outright and too into into private ownership. People who do that know they aren’t going to get a wage from the club and also know they will have to put money into the club or the club to progress.

    You don’t buy a football club and expect to put nothin in!”

    So on one hand Hall and Shepherd paid themselves untold millions in dividends of NUFCs future – and took that money from the club after only putting in a few hundred K.

    BUT Ashley pays in 250million AND WHILE HE IS STILL ENTITLED TO PAY HIMSELF DIVIDENDS AS LTD CO. but takes nothing, not even interest on the money owed.

    AND YOU SIDE WITH THE HALLS AND SHEPHERDS – LOL – you could discredit yourself any more if you tried.

    The governance of a PLC and LTD CO is different insofar that the PLC trades its shares openly – therefore it has to report in certain ways to the markets so they can judge value. Dividends are paid all the same in BOTH.

    Ashley has made provisions for the sale and purchase of players, the previous regime bled the club dry into their grubby pockets and paid for NOTHING out of their own. Other than that first investment.

    As normal your point of view is based on hatred – not logic or thinking.

  32. Stardust says:
    September 30, 2009 at 2:25 pm
    Stuart – Post 44 – the most normal post you have ever stated.

    Shocked you can actually think.

    Thanks x

  33. Stu kind of summed it up there.

    The ultimate argument simply comes down to this –

    Whether you blame KK for his walk out is determined by whether or not you believe more that he spat his dummy than that his tenure was made impossible?

    And that implicitly means that your decision will be determined by your view of the man himself and his previous roles.

    Some of us just see it differently. And it’s been talked to death as a result.

    As Hugh said, where the bollox is the news to finally put this thing to bed?

  34. ‘Dusty – he kinda took the wind out of your last post though, eh? 8)

    Point being that I have rarely (perhaps never) seen anyone argue that the Halls and Sheperds were the good guys necessarily. Most people had issues with how they handle the club either during or at the conclusion of their ownership.

  35. Stardust says:
    September 30, 2009 at 2:23 pm


    I in no way side with the Halls and Shepherds!

    They were shocking! Changing managers ever two minutes, spending future earnings ect.

    I’m more dissapointed in Ashley because he had a unbelievable chance to get something great going here, but he blew it in a most spectacular way.

    Supporters see a billionaire buy a football club and have every right to expect great things. It’s happened at Chelsea and is happening at Man City.

    So you can see how supporters would think.

    As it’s turned out, he has paid off debt but neglected first team investment, made horrendous PR mistakes and appointed ridiculous people to un the club.

    I’ve said before he has been let down by his so called ‘friends’ and if I was him I would never ever employ any of them again.

    Having said that it was his investment and when he saw it going pear shaped he should have been stronger and come and sorted it all out. Or at least tried.

    All in all a very dissapointing time, were supporters feel let down.

  36. BBM “As Hugh said, where the bollox is the news to finally put this thing to bed?”

    Irrespective of which way it goes – I just want it all behind us and to be United again.

  37. Sorry Post 48 – I also meant to say that to a degree we can only look it that way because Ashley was effectively an unknown quantity whereas we knew/know Keegan. Ashley has since not done himself any favours with poor communication and decision-making and effectively ostracised himself.

    He said for the 143rd time.

  38. My god – Stuart at 50 – two rational sensible posts in a row.

    Trying to kill me with shock then Stuart are we? A new tactic?

  39. Stardust says:
    September 30, 2009 at 2:37 pm
    BBM “As Hugh said, where the bollox is the news to finally put this thing to bed?”

    Irrespective of which way it goes – I just want it all behind us and to be United again.

    Bloody hell!

    Now you’re saying something normal!

    You may well be human…..

  40. batty says:
    September 30, 2009 at 2:51 pm
    i can see you 2 gannin to the match together shortley

    LOL – better than Corro this Batty eh?

  41. iam just over the moon were keep winning matches if we have look with injurys this season think we will p:ss this leauge

  42. batty says:
    September 30, 2009 at 2:59 pm
    stardy i think you have brain washed him he actualy felt sorry for your buddy at the ipswich match

    It was only because he looked so miserable!

    No doubt there will be the chorus ot ‘get out of our club’ tonight but he won’t be there to feel sorry for I don’t reckon.

  43. Long long way to go Batty – we have to earn the right to win every game. Success should follow though – with a wee bit of luck of course.

  44. Stu – I won’t be singing that. Even my mate frowns on it now, and he can be the angriest man on the planet.

    He’s just like “what’s the point?”. Which I agree with really despite my feelings about the man being pretty useless at running a football club.

    However, the tune is so catchy, I keep singing it all day under my breath. I try to sing the original but the more modern lyrics have just stuck.

  45. bowburnmag says:
    September 30, 2009 at 3:26 pm

    The only think that seems to unite the fans in song is ‘stand up if you hate Ashley’ and ‘get out of our club’.

    You’re right though I don’t see it making any difference. But if they enjoy it so be it.

  46. The trouble with a lot of the assumptions about this Keegan v Ashley stuff is that they are in fact merely assumptions.

    Some assume he ‘walked’ some assume he was ‘pushed’. Why bother assuming when this tribunal will tell us what actually happened any day now (I hope it’s a matter of days anyway)?

    It will say a lot about various debaters here how they react to result of this tribunal.

    Sadly, I’d like to bet that many of those who think he ‘walked’ and pushed the club into oblivion will continue thinking that and many of those who think he’s a demigod who can do no wrong will continue thinking that too.

  47. Does it look like the surprised smiley on the right is jabbing the one on the left?

    That wasn’t the intention but the debate can get heated!

  48. And another thing while I’m in Hugely Rantingspoon mode …

    It’s possible to isolate events and there doesn’t have to be ‘sides’ in my opinion.

    For example it’s quite possible to be grateful for what Keegan did the first time around and yet think he was a tit for walking out the second time around.

    Or it’s quite possible to think Ashley received a lot of unwarranted stick over Keegangate after Keegan ‘walked’ yet still think Ashley was a nobster for appointing Wise as DoF.

    Or it’s quite possible to think Ashley completely screwed up and cost the club dearly by constructively dismissing Keegan yet also think he did well to save the club from the greedy hands of Freddie Shepherd.

    Nobody is betraying any ‘great principle’ by thinking variously good and bad of a person depending upon the individual incident in question.

  49. Good arguments all round. I will always stick by the club irrespective of in the right or in the wrong. This is why I argued that a man of such influence over the fans as Keegan has is simply too dangerous contain. Exacerbated by the fact he knows his strength.

    No Newcastle owner in their right mind will hire him now because of his knack for walking and his audacity in claiming constructive dismissal afterward. That there are laws in place that allow this. I think it was Cicero who said, and I paraphrase: society has too many laws but not enough justice. I can only hope in this case we get some form of justice and that is Keegan losing the case.

    That some fans can find themselves defending Keegan and hoping he wins is a travesty of a true fan.

  50. bowburnmag says:
    September 30, 2009 at 1:33 pm

    “worky – do we actually know that though? Is it in the public domain? I’m being serious by the way. I haven’t missed it?”

    Ah! That brings up a very interesting question, Bowburn.

    “An employee who has been constructively dismissed is not entitled to be paid for their full contractual notice period IF they have undertaken paid work for a new employer during that time. This was the finding confirmed by the Court of Appeal in the case of Stuart Peters Limited vs Bell.”

    Keegan the pundit on ESPN?

    When a football manager is suing for constructive dismissal, it is presumed that he will suing for the same as if he had been sacked, which would be the balance of his contract plus costs. The figures bandied about are just rudimentary maths using his £9 million contract, deducting the period he was working and adding estimated legal fees.

    However, it is “understood” that there was a clause in Keegan’s contact which stipulated that he would only receive £2 million if he was sacked, and that the club would receive £2 million if Keegan stuck his bottom lip out, threw his rattle on the floor and walked out again.

  51. Michael, have to disagree with you there. In my opinion ‘justice’ is served by the tribunal, having considered the facts, coming to a decision they feel is correct rather than simply ‘Keegan losing the case’ regardless of the facts.

  52. workyticket says:
    September 30, 2009 at 4:32 pm

    However, it is “understood” that there was a clause in Keegan’s contact which stipulated that he would only receive £2 million if he was sacked, and that the club would receive £2 million if Keegan stuck his bottom lip out, threw his rattle on the floor and walked out again.

    That begs the question why if were led to believe did KK reject NUFC’s £4m offer and why did the club make that offer?

  53. Stuart I would suggest that that’s because he wasn’t sacked whichever way you look at it. He was either constructively dismissed or walked out.

  54. Stuart79 says:
    September 30, 2009 at 4:37 pm

    “That begs the question why if were led to believe did KK reject NUFC’s £4m offer and why did the club make that offer?”

    Stuart, I never saw any real evidence for that apart from press piffle. Did you?

  55. So if he’s not entitled to the wedge and therefore presumably not after the wedge, it’s all about clearing his name?

    I knew it!!

  56. workyticket says:
    September 30, 2009 at 4:43 pm

    Stuart, I never saw any real evidence for that apart from press piffle. Did you?

    We can say the same for the entire debacle!

    That’s why everyone is so frustrated. We just don’t know.

    A official tribunal releases all the evidence – This won’t, why?

    I imagine whichever way it ends up both sides will have signed confidentiality contracts so we may never know.

    Only the final outcome might give us a clue.

  57. bowburnmag says:
    September 30, 2009 at 4:46 pm

    “So if he’s not entitled to the wedge and therefore presumably not after the wedge, it’s all about clearing his name?

    I knew it!!”

    Keegan Radgie, :-)

    If he’s not after any wedge, will be be donating all the proceeds to charity if he wins?

    Michael12 says:
    September 30, 2009 at 4:15 pm

    “I think it was Cicero who said, and I paraphrase: society has too many laws but not enough justice.”

    Michael12, Have you ever read Cicero’s quote on Keegan?

    “He only employs his passion who can make no use of his reason.”

  58. Oh, are we back to this old ground again?
    Let’s rake over it all some more & cause divisions along the way. Great.
    This is the biggest rift EVER between Toon fans & it’s going to take years to heal.
    kk has helped cause this rift, based upon his greed and need to appear whiter than white. All he did when he came back was to profess that he couldn’t compete with the likes of chelsea etc.

  59. CLiNT FLiCK says:
    September 30, 2009 at 5:23 pm (Edit)

    This is the biggest rift EVER between Toon fans & it’s going to take years to heal.


    Nah, we’re going line everyone up on either side of a field, tooled up and settle it like men.

    Although I’m washing my hair that day.

  60. I’m going to angry smiley everyone into submission.

    Loads of QPR fans in the bar below me.

    Gonna have to jack this work lark in early and go down and have some banter before the game!

  61. I dont know whats keeping them from publishing there verdict, and its sad to see you’s are all being nasty to starbust again, its not his fault he is only the poor monkey that tries to stick up for his organ grinder boss mike

  62. On that from Moondust…..

    Hugh – commenting on a few of your entries above – irrespective of the verdict – I will always believe Keegan put himself first when he walked not the club.

    Therefore he was wrong – he should have made proper arrangements for him leaving under agreement once an appointment had been found – i.e. put NUFC first not his ego.

    But he didnt, he reverted to type.

  63. Stardust, I thought you might say something like that. However, I think it’s largely irrelevant whether he put himself first or not.

  64. “MOONDUST says:
    September 30, 2009 at 6:45 pm
    Stardust one thing about you is you have balls”

    A squeaky voice though Moondust – you lot are always chewing on them lol.