I’d love it if Keegan beats Ashley, I’d love it!

Posted on September 14th, 2009 | 165 Comments |

Never forget
Never forget
Well I’m a bit gutted that Simon Bird beat me to it but in fairness he’s got more time for this sort of thing and he gets paid for it. However, despite not always agreeing with what he has to say, he’s got this article spot-on in my opinion. I would hate to think that any protracted and complicated court proceedings would detract from our good start to the season but there are wrongs to be righted so far as I’m concerned.

This isn’t about Keegan versus the club, this is about Keegan and Ashley and a man clearing his name. A man who earned our respect on numerous occasions and helped to lift this club from it’s sagging backside, and from falling backwards into complete oblivion in the third tier of English football. A man who with his many faults, has never let this club down during his spells at the club.

Forget what happened elsewhere, though again there is argument to justify his actions and to contradict the cries of “bottler”. Remember what he did for this club and think about what that means and think about whether you really believe he would intentionally leave this club to rot.

However, also as Bird alludes to, this is more than just about our club or about Keegan. It’s about football in general and the multi-millionaire playground it has become. Where arrogance and ignorance at the top level, seem intent on ripping the guts out of our beautiful game.

Yes, should Keegan win his case, I will be relieved and pleased that my belief that Keegan was correct in his actions throughout this turbulent period was vindicated but much more than that. I believe it will mean much more to Keegan than the money he gets because I believe he’s a man of principles and it is that which he is fighting for.

Even if it costs us a few million quid, I hope that this is one in the eye for Ashley and a kick up the backside for football in general.

NUFCBlog Author: bowburnmag bowburnmag has written 234 articles on this blog.

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165 Responses

  1. “I believe it will mean much more to Keegan than the money he gets because I believe he’s a man of principles and it is that which he is fighting for”

    No he’s fighting for 8 million. I dont agree with the way Ashley played Keegan but to sue the club in the time where money is so tight. Ashley has to lay off 100 or so staff when we got relegated, and the money keegan would get could have paid for them.

    Im not defending Ashley but Keegan just wants money and dont give a crap about the club. I still respected him when he walked out, but not if he sues the club!


  3. If he had walked away with his head held high because of his principles then I would agree with you, the fact he’s taking the club to court for constructive dismissal doesn’t show someone with principles to me, far from it.

    I think he had a problem with the lack of funds available at the club which was obvious since the outburst after the Chelsea game, he also didn’t like working with Dennis Wise.

    Looking back it seems like a man who wanted out for a while but didn’t want to walk away with nothing, so waited for the time he could walk away and fill his pockets in the process.

    If he does lose then it will be interesting to hear what all of the people who backed him without knowing the facts simply because of what he done for us in the 90’s.

  4. From a legal and financial standpoint, he will probably be crucified when Ashley takes it on to the High Court. Still, that would be a fitting end for a ‘messiah’.

  5. there is also the option if he realy is principled to sue the club and then give back the money but that would be unlikely for any 1 in their right mind to do

  6. The fact is noone really knows what went on when he was appointed and what he was told. He has admitted he knew a DOF would be appointed, but abivusly not told the level of involvement. Also in the last few days Keegan came out and said he allowed the sale of Milner, which will go against him. Unless full control of incoming players was in his contract i cant see him winning, as Ashley could argue Keegan wanted Guthrie and Bassong and got them.

  7. Robby Bobson says:
    September 14, 2009 at 5:03 pm

    “The fact is noone really knows what went on”

    Quite a few people, including all the legal minds who have passed comment on the case, know that Keegan almost certaimly wasn’t ‘constructively dismissed’. They also know that his chances of winning are very slim indeed if Ashley decides to take it all the way.

    If Keegan did have a strong case, it would probably have been settled before now.

  8. As far as I’m concerned the important thing is that we find out what actually happened.

    Perhaps then we will be in a better position to judge both men, rather than doing so based on guesswork and the prejudices we already hold as we’re doing now.

  9. Although who am I kidding. I suspect the people who want it to be Keegan’s fault will still find a way to make it his fault after the facts are released. Likewise those who want it to be Ashley’s fault.

    Facts are often irrelevant to people in issues like this.

  10. workyticket says:
    September 14, 2009 at 4:48 pm
    From a legal and financial standpoint, he will probably be crucified when Ashley takes it on to the High Court. Still, that would be a fitting end for a ‘messiah’.

    You say that like you actually know what has gone on, which I very much doubt you do.

    Would KK’s solicitors really let him go this far without having a realistic chance of winning? Ashley has no choice but to fight this but KK has a choice and he’s still not backing down. That says he has more than a good case.

    We hear he’s using the club website and club magazine as evidence. I remember Wise saying that KK had ultimate control on incoming and outgoing transfers. We know now this was a lie.

    I remember Ashley in the magazine saying the same. Another lie just by a different person.

    Open and shut case I reckon….

  11. He’s not doing it for the money? He’s doing it out of principle? What’s he going to do with the money? Give it to Hughton as a gift so we can buy players the next time the transfer window opens? I think not.

    8 million, 10 million does it matter? If it hurts Ashley it’ll hurt NUFC.

  12. workyticket says:
    September 14, 2009 at 5:54 pm (Edit)

    “Although who am I kidding.”

    Yourself, Hugh.


    You’re right Worky I was – I had forgotten just how irrelevant facts are when it comes to opinion.

  13. The fact is you don’t take things this far down the line if your advisors say you have no chance of winning. It will cost KK more if he loses.

    For all we know the club may well have offered an out of court settlement and KK said thanks but no thanks.

    Llambias said back in Febuary they were close to getting something sorted with KK. What went wrong then? I can only assume they offered him something and he said no.

  14. hang on a bit here. if Keegan wins he takes £8million from Newcastle united not from Mike ashley.
    if he took the job without knowing the facts then thats down to him. he walked simply because he didnt get his own way, as he very nearly did when he was here the 1st time. I WOULD HATE IT IF KEEGAN BEATS US!!
    it maybe something comes out during the case which proves him not to blame but i suspect not.

  15. Stuart79 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 5:58 pm

    Llambias said the club was closed to being sold…

    That’s what went wrong. Llampias is a compulsive liar!

  16. workyticket says:
    September 14, 2009 at 6:04 pm

    They (not me) call him “The Messiah” not Robin Hood.

  17. If he wins this case, he was right with a capital R.

    Any man worth his salt would do the same. I am behind Keegan 100 percent

  18. By the way to say he does not the legal bias on constructive dismissal WELL WE SHALL SEE won’t we.

    LMA seems to think so

  19. Most of us at some time have to deal with unpleaseant or difficult working conditions, fall out with the boss. Normal people get on with life, get their heads down and continue working.Prima Donnas like KK stamp their feet and walk away. Whatever MA failings may be we would not be in our current position if the little silver headed dwarf had stayed. Please don’t mention what he did in the 90’s he walked away then when he couldn’t get his own way and then did it again. The biggest mistake MA made was appointing him in the first place. Personally felt that when he back after SA was sacked,no doubt now it was a shocking decision to bring him back. Hope MA wins for no other reason that losing will cause the club even more problems and at the end of the day NUFC far more important than KK.

  20. 42 years of pain:

    Most of us at work would not have players bought and sold over our heads, then get the sack if we did not get results

  21. Its not Keegan vs NUFC its Keegan vs Cashley, if he wins and gets a payoff its makes no difference to NUFC as the FAT CASH puts nowt into the club just sells sells sells, even loan signings are too much for that fat twat

  22. 42 years of pain says:
    September 14, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    Hear hear.

    KK could have done more from within as without.

  23. Geordie Jayne says:
    September 14, 2009 at 6:49 pm

    Do you think that Arseley will pay out of his own pocket? Get real!

  24. Geordie Jayne says:
    September 14, 2009 at 6:49 pm

    “Its not Keegan vs NUFC its Keegan vs Cashley,”

    I’m afraid it isn’t Jayne, it’s Keegan against NUFC and that’s official.

    It’s really sad to see so many people turning against their own club on behalf of the Keegan benevolent fund.

  25. exactly right workyticket.
    it him against us.
    the club will be paying if keegan wins.
    ashley maybe not the best man in the world but, for now he owns the club ( our club) which keegan has walked out on twice. I fail to understand those who are with keegan on this one. if he wins, we lose. it realy is that easy.
    just ask yourselves are you newcastle fans or Keegan fans because as we stand here you cant be both!

  26. workyticket says:
    September 14, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    It’s a case of right against wrong Worky not turning on their club.

    If KK has been treated this shabbly it’s a dam disgrace. If not and he loses well shame on KK. But we need to wait and see because nobody at the minute knows what actually happened.

    Personally I feel between a rock and a hard place with regards to this.

  27. Its not Keegan vs NUFC its Keegan vs Cashley, if he wins and gets a payoff its makes no difference to NUFC as the FAT CASH puts nowt into the club just sells sells sells, even loan signings are too much for that fat twat


    If that is the case then don’t come crying when he sells Taylor in January to pay for it.

  28. there is not 1 person on here who would walk away from a massive pay day,if they thought they had a chance of winning.

  29. worky – that’s a ridiculous statement. Firstly, because it’s a perception and therefore people holding that view, ergo, aren’t turning against their club. And secondly, well secondly you’re just wrong. :)

    Ashley moved the goalposts when it was too late. With hindsight he’ll have realised he should have employed somebody less willing to stand up for themselves.

  30. I’m not convinced that we (the uneducated!) will ever find out all the facts of this case. Got a feeling KK will be offered an undisclosed settlement and that will be that. There has been a real split amongst the fans, we all have our own views and feelings and there has been many an argument over this. Would just be typical of the club at the moment to try and hush it all up and leave us none the wiser.

  31. hitman says:
    September 14, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    Like I said Hitman if he has been treated this badly he deserves his pay out and everyone would do it even if it meant taking on NUFC.

    But KK will lose alot of support if it comes out that he had no grounds to leave.

    The LMA are paying for his legal team I think so I presume if what he has told them is true he has a case.

    Should be interesting either way.

  32. Matt you are missing the point here.
    if keegan wins the cash will come from the club not Mike ashley. i think you will find he has invested heavily in the club already and though he may now not be putting any more in you can be sure he will not be paying keegan with his cash. unless he sells he will need to put more cash in to pay the wages. lets all think before we comment

  33. If it turns out Bassong was his purchase then the profit will pay for any compensation. The sale of Bassong is the type of thing KK would have wanted to control. Bassong would have gone no matter what a manager said. KK was told that a little too late, is my opinion.

  34. hitman says:
    September 14, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    “there is not 1 person on here who would walk away from a massive pay day,if they thought they had a chance of winning.”

    Not all people think the same way, hitman. Some people are more concerned with dignity and integrity than they are with a “massive payday”.

    Geordie Jayne says:
    September 14, 2009 at 6:49 pm

    “FAT CASH puts nowt into the club”

    He has put well over £100 million into the club, Jayne. That is a matter of record.

  35. david russell says:
    September 14, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    The £30m from transfers will pay for the wages and running costs along with parachute payments and more than expected ticket sales and merchandise sales.

    Ashley won’t have to put his hand in his pocket at all. Otherwise he would have sold before now.

    ‘Lets all think before we comment eh?’

  36. The tribunal will decide if Keegan was constructively dismissed or not.

    If he was constructively then any costs NUFC have to pay are the fault of the person who constructively dismissed him, which presumably was Ashley or Llambias.

    If he was not constructively dismissed then he simply resigned and left the club in the lurch, seriously tarnishing his reputation as far as I’m concerned.

  37. david russell – Perhaps you should take some of your own advice about thinking before passing comment, if you look back you will see that I was quoting what geordie jayne was saying.

  38. KK has walked away from us on two occasions (three if you include the time Terry Mac persuaded him to return), walked away from England and Man City. Despite what he says he is as genuine about his love of NUFC as any footballer who kisses a clubs badge after scoring. This is now a simple choice. Do you support NUFC or KK. Its now all about getting promoted, KK winning means more funds out of the club and more unnecessary bad publicity about the club when people are starting to talk about our on the pitch performances

  39. Hugh de Payen says:
    September 14, 2009 at 7:23 pm

    “The tribunal will decide if Keegan was constructively dismissed or not.”

    Hugh, if neither side backs down, it will be the High Court who decides. On the way things have gone so far, this will be the likeliest option.

  40. “Crucifixion”? (jailer)
    “Yes” (kk)
    “Good (jailer)
    “1st door on the left, 1 cross each”.(jailer)

    kk knew what he was getting himself into.
    This was ashley’s BIG mistake(getting him back, baaad move)
    kk is a big, daft baby who has been ill-advised.
    It’s kk v NUFC (us, we pay the wages).
    He’s trying to rob us. He is as culpable as ashley over the ruination of this great club. Wise up, anyone wanting kk to win is anti-NUFC, not anti-ashley.

  41. 42 years of pain – you are mixing the truth.

    Newcastle Manager (Part 1) – promised one thing and given another. Stood up for himself, came back and look where it got us.

    Newcastle Manager (Part 2) – Walked away when he felt unable to take us further.

    Fulham Manager – Turned the club around and left only to manage England.

    England Manager – Left because he didn’t feel he was up to the job.

    Man City – Left when he felt he couldn’t take them any further.

    Newcastle Manager (Part 3) – The truth will set us all free in time to reflect.

    Now assuming Part 3 hadn’t happened, are you telling me that these are the actions of a bottler and someone interested only in the money rather than the actions of an ambitious man who has the balls and honesty to stand up and say when he’s not good enough?

    Then imagine Part 3 had happened and that’s where I am right now.

    If KK stitches me up I’ll be man enough to hold my hands up and say I was wrong to trust him but everything in me tells me that he is in the right on this one.

    As cliched as it may be, as I agreed in the article with Bird, this is more than just a victory for KK. It’d be a kick up the arse for football in general.

  42. workyticket says:
    September 14, 2009 at 7:31 pm (Edit)

    “Hugh, if neither side backs down, it will be the High Court who decides. On the way things have gone so far, this will be the likeliest option.”

    Yes indeed. The point is, people in possession of more facts than us will make the decision.

    42yop made a fair point above that, whatever the outcome, it has little bearing on what happens to NUFC now. It is unlikely the tribunal/High Court decision will make much difference to the future of the club (or for that matter the opinions of many fans).

    And even if this whole mess turns out to be Ashley’s fault and we end up paying KK £10m because of that, it’s still £10m less we have in kitty whichever way you look at it.

  43. I also forgot to say, he left all of his clubs in a relatively respectable position given where he’d dragged them from.

    And I missed highlighting the point I was trying to make. He left before he was pushed and in doing so, passed up the opportunity for severance payment. Principle over pounds. That’s foremost in Keegan’s mind. That’s just what I believe.

  44. Aye
    him, him, him. Not the club, the club, the club.
    bird is a press monster & s-stirrer par excellance.
    get your rose-tinted gegs off, kk has made excuse after excuse for his past failings. He’s either moved on cos he didn’t get his own way, he’s bottled it or more money or prestige has come his way.

  45. If football becomes a better place because of it, then it’s worth paying for it in my opinion. Though I expect it may be less than £10m. If the owners start to have more respect for the people they employ to manage their football clubs, then KK and conversely Ashley, could be synonymous with a favourable change in the way English football runs.

    Of course I might be reaching slightly there but you know….

  46. bowburnmag says:
    September 14, 2009 at 7:44 pm (Edit)

    If KK stitches me up I’ll be man enough to hold my hands up and say I was wrong to trust him but everything in me tells me that he is in the right on this one.


    BBM. That would make you a rarity amongst fans.

  47. It will change nothing & we all know it.
    The rich will inherit everything.
    Lets just hope it goes to the highest court in the land, which shows it all up as the pathetic waste of space it has been.

  48. clint above has it dead on in his last comment.
    anyone wanting kk to win is anti-NUFC,
    it is time the whole issue was put to bed and we concentrate on the big issue getting back where we belong.
    only managers and players can switch clubs.
    we will always be Nufc fans lets stick together

  49. CLiNT FLiCK – so cynical. 8)

    Call me naive, call me emotional, call me a muppet. Whatever you do….

    Anyway, I see you’ve gone for lower case i’s on this blog then. Nice touch.

  50. I’m just looking forward to the end of this debacle. We need closure on this matter.

    This was the start of the horrific chain of events that has brought us to where we are.

    Although my opinion is that the club will never move forward with Ashley I feel there may be a little bit of relief one way or the other after this.

    But beware – If this ends up in a KK victory it could light the touch paper for absolute chaos!

  51. Hey you’ll not see me falling out with anyone. I’m black and white through and through and would gladly buy any of you lads a beer. I just don’t agree with you on this.

    I said in the article I don’t want it to detract from our good start to the season. But it’s something I feel quite strongly about. I don’t see a payout effecting us that much, I really don’t.

  52. david russell says:
    September 14, 2009 at 7:55 pm (Edit)

    clint above has it dead on in his last comment.
    anyone wanting kk to win is anti-NUFC


    That’s poisoning the well and hardly fair.

  53. One minute you are waiting tables at your struggling soccer circus, the next, well, you know the rest. This is not about principles, this is all about money and NUFC have been used for his own gains I am sorry to say. This came at a great time for Keegan and this opportunity to bail out provides further financial opportunity. What was his long term plan? Maybe this was it. Lets forget this myth about Keegan’s commitment, love of the club or any history together. It is an insult to the supporters and NUFC and don’t be blinded by the hate for Ashley as it will be the club which pays ultimately as discussed. There are not many Robson’s or Shearers out there (I am not promoting any management capability) unfortunately with the money involved in the game today. I for one was overjoyed at his return but it all just breaks your heart. On the bright side I am surprised and impressed the way the team has picked themselves up and are performing particularly with absentees and other mercenaries.

  54. bowburnmag says:
    September 14, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    “Principle over pounds. That’s foremost in Keegan’s mind.”

    Ehhh???? He’s suing the club for over £8 million. That has everything to do with pounds.

    bowburnmag says:
    September 14, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    “Though I expect it may be less than £10m.”

    Costs, Bowburn. Top lawyers can receive around £700+ an hour, and one of the two parties is going to have to pay for them. If it’s Keegan that has to pay £2 million plus costs, then he’s in the abyss. It could be a kamikaze mission on his part.

  55. People should want whoever was correct and honest to win. The money should be nothing to do with it, we are still paying Dennis Wise but people aren’t kicking up a fuss about that money! We have made over £30 million in transfers including Milner, N’Zog and the people who have left in the summer, yet NONE of it has been spent on rebuilding the team, so why are people saying that the £8 million KK might get could’ve been spent on transfers? It clearly won’t be.

  56. My point was, that it’s the former that’s more important to him. It’s a double-edge sword because in standing by his principles he’s hurting us financially and I just don’t believe that sits well with him. But he’s doing it for the right reasons.

    I meant the overall costs as well but I realise if it becomes protracted it ramps up. However, I think it’ll be done and dusted and he’ll take him to the cleaners. Then he’ll put the money back in the club, step back into the hot-seat and we’ll be off again on another roller coaster ;)

  57. lets be honest whether kevin was in the right or the wrong,his only option will probably be to accept some kind of settlement.
    kevin may have knocked back the first offer,but i think he,ll just be waiting for the second offer.
    if this was to go to the high court,kevin wouldn,t win simple as that.
    one reason he doesn,t have the money to take ashley on,does he!.
    it,s like some rock or pop groups who are trying to sue atlantic records as an example,their lawsiut could be successful but all atlantic has to do is appeal and take it further then the pkaintiff is knackered.
    all that will happen is keegan will sit tight and accept a deal his lawyers will advise him is the best he,ll get.

  58. Tino 11 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 8:08 pm

    “we are still paying Dennis Wise”


    Do you have any evidence for that? Apart from Anal Oliver’s highly questionable “inside source” that is, or the several other papers who repeated the same story?

  59. workyticket says:
    September 14, 2009 at 8:07 pm

    I was under the opinion that the LMA are supplying the lawyers for him and occuring the associated costs.

    Even if KK is going alone he knows if he loses he’s finished financially. I assume from that he has a more than good chance of success. I don’t see him as a kamakaze pilot…..

  60. TROJAN 69 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 8:17 pm

    “lets be honest whether kevin was in the right or the wrong,his only option will probably be to accept some kind of settlement.”

    He has another option, to press on and face a £2 million claim for breach of contract, plus alot more in costs, Trojan.

  61. the timing of this is typical newcastle united,just say for one minute keegan was right,and it all came out into the public domain.ashley would be even more despised,and our good start to the season could be undermined.
    there will be only bare bedsteads across tyneside,this could ruin everything.

  62. workyticket says:
    September 14, 2009 at 8:20 pm

    Tino 11 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 8:08 pm

    “we are still paying Dennis Wise”


    Do you have any evidence for that? Apart from Anal Oliver’s highly questionable “inside source” that is, or the several other papers who repeated the same story?
    No i don’t have any evidence but there has been no denial from the club that they aren’t. Considering the way the club has been run i’d actually believe Oliver for once.

  63. worky,that,s what i mean mate,it,s just not worth his while to pursue it too far.
    i think he,ll take the first decent offer,and ashley doesn,t need the agg,what with everything else that,s going on.

  64. TROJAN 69 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 8:30 pm
    worky,that,s what i mean mate,it,s just not worth his while to pursue it too far.
    i think he,ll take the first decent offer,and ashley doesn,t need the agg,what with everything else that,s going on.

    Why would Ashley offer him an out of court settlement if he feels he is right?

    For all we know KK might have declined an offer already.

    Either way this week should be quite telling. KK has more to lose that’s for sure.

  65. Thanks David, we need this behind us.

    bowburnmag, me, cynical? Ok, maybe a little. but hopefully logical too. You remembered me. LOL
    Nah mate i respect your view matey.

  66. keegan and ashley should put aside their differences,and go into business together because we have become a bigger soccer circus than the one in glasgow.

  67. we should get alan sugar to buy us,because we have become like the show the apprentice.
    in the last couple of years we,ve had=an apprentice owner,two apprentice chairmen,apprentice dof,two apprentice managers,stand ins for stand ins,whats next chris you,re fired.

  68. Stuart79 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 8:21 pm

    “I was under the opinion that the LMA are supplying the lawyers for him and occuring the associated costs.”

    That’s a good question, Stuart. That Bevan gadgie said that the LMA would be “supporting” Keegan, but I don’t recall him going into much detail about it. They certainly won’t be paying the £2 million for Keegan if he has to pay out for breach of contract.

    Stuart79 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 8:33 pm (Edit)

    “Why would Ashley offer him an out of court settlement if he feels he is right?”

    When did he offer Keegan an out of court settlement?

  69. workyticket says:
    September 14, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    It’s a case of right against wrong Worky not turning on their club.

    If KK has been treated this shabbly it’s a dam disgrace.


    If not and he loses well shame on KK. But we need to wait and see because nobody at the minute knows what actually happened.

    Personally I feel between a rock and a hard place with regards to this.

  70. i doubt very much ashley or anyone would settle out of court if they are right, why should he?
    kk will go all the way, start to cry, then run away, forever probably.
    He’s backed himself into a corner.
    If it is a matter of principal, it’ll be kk’s over-emotional principals, not principals per se.

  71. Yet more anti-Keegan diatribes, predictable but no less shmeful. If only he’d stuck it out like those other paragons of virtue or principles like that Souness fella or that Allardyce character.

    Some people seem to have had a large memory lapse as regards everything Kevin Keegan did for Newcastle United football club. And they wonder why they call us deluded…

  72. workyticket says:
    September 14, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    “It’s a case of right against wrong Worky not turning on their club.

    If KK has been treated this shabbly it’s a dam disgrace.”

    I didn’t write that, 69!

  73. CLiNT FLiCK says:
    September 14, 2009 at 8:49 pm

    “i doubt very much ashley or anyone would settle out of court if they are right, why should he?”

    It happens alot, Clint, especially when people are in the public eye,.

    Sometimes people bring crazy lawsuits just because they know this.

  74. workyticket says:
    September 14, 2009 at 8:56 pm

    Aye normally with someone who has a good reputation to protect.

    That is something we certainly cannot accuse Ashley of having.

    So if he does settle out of court it will be an admission of guilt IMO.

  75. The trouble with out of court settlements is that they can be contracted to avoid admissions of responsibility (and to ensure non-disclosure for that matter).

    If either Keegan or Ashley are convinced they’re in the right on this I doubt they’d accept an out of court settlement of that nature.

  76. kk helped create this round of s****.
    The good kk did for this club is now well & truly history.
    To suggest otherwise is little more than a romantic notion.

  77. Do you remember where you were on 2 Sep 2008? Yeah, it’s like the death of JFK and 911. You just don’t forget. Do you remember the reason? Xisco. If Keegan hadn’t walked. How long would it have taken him to prove that Wise is a know nothing? 2, 3 games. Shearer comes and Wise goes. If keegan had stayed, we wouldn’t be where we are now. It’s not fat Arseley who’s to blame. Arseley had to be taught and Keegan refused to teach. Now he want’s to have 8, 10 million of NUFC’s much needed funds. God I’m pleased that he loves NUFC.

  78. Hugh de Payen says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:02 pm
    The trouble with out of court settlements is that they can be contracted to avoid admissions of responsibility (and to ensure non-disclosure for that matter).

    If either Keegan or Ashley are convinced they’re in the right on this I doubt they’d accept an out of court settlement of that nature.

    Wouldn’t alter the fact that is would be seen as an admission of guilt on Ashley’s part regardless of KK saying nothing.

    Is this typical NUFC? We start winning, five in a row (CC) included and we are some how managing to get negative publicity.

    The media will have a field day when this comes out.

  79. Workyticket, aye you’re right man, what a sad world, in fact it’s the saddest world, in the world.
    Especially when crazy people bring crazy lawsuits.
    Big deep breath.

  80. GeordieGerman says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:06 pm

    Why should KK have taught him how to run a football club?

    He employed people like Llambias, Jiminez and Wise to do that.

  81. What does it tell us, that Shearer & kk could form a pact?
    Now there’s an interesting little aside that i hadn’t thought of before.

  82. Stuart79 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:10 pm

    After 3 games with Xisco even Aresley would have seen that Wise is/was a willy rubber.

  83. aye,lads michael jackson didn,t offer jordi chandler a few quid to disappear,that,s the way of the world i,m afraid.

  84. GeordieGerman says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:14 pm

    Took him another six months after Xisco’s debut to work that out mate!

  85. TROJAN 69 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:15 pm
    aye,lads michael jackson didn,t offer jordi chandler a few quid to disappear,that,s the way of the world i,m afraid.

    But he had a good reputation then and was a respected musician.

    Can we really say Ashley has a good reputation and is respected in the business world?

    He’s had more battles than Uncle Albert man!

  86. More than anything it’s a shame it’s come to this juncture, especially in light of the suprisingly decent start to the season.

    What’s the chances of big Mike waking up one of these days and giving it a proper go at running a football club successfully?

  87. Stuart79 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:16 pm

    No it didn’t. Even JFK kept Xisco in the reserves, but JFK was a “yes” man. Shearer wasn’t and Wise walked.

  88. GeordieGerman says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:20 pm

    Wise didn’t leave until Feb/March when Shearer came in. That’s about 6 months since Xisco came.

    If Ashley thought Wise wasn’t up to it he wouldn’t have needed Shearer to tell him.

    The fact remains that it was Shearer who said if I come he goes!

  89. Why is everyone so surprised by how we’ve started the season?
    Could it be yet more believing our own self-serving paranoia, worst of all possible worlds & if we shout it loud enough it must be true-ness?

  90. CLiNT FLiCK says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:20 pm

    Who brought in the kids that everyone is starting to praise? Ashley–No, kk–No. Then who?

    Beardsley and Money.

  91. GeordieGerman says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:26 pm
    Stuart79 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:24 pm

    And Keekan could have said that after 3 games.

    He did in the end and Ashley sided with Wise.

    Is that not obvious?

    He didn’t have a choice with Shearer as it was Ashley’s last throw of the dice and was that desperate he would have agreed to giving him BJ in the car park if it meant getting Shearer in.

  92. Anyway, to reiterate. Why is it that kk & Shearer the 2 messiahs of beatitude & double divine aspect of the x2 god-head couldn’t work together?
    Or doesn’t that question bare thinking about or fit into the hero-worshipfulness of all things messianic?

  93. geordie german,there seems to be alot of homosexual activity at st james, park.
    there,s rumours about derek being gay,xisco being gay,now xisco hasn,t came for six months,shearer had to tell dennis wise he couldn,t get it up,shearer says if i come,dennis will go after me wtf.

  94. CLiNT FLiCK says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:27 pm

    Alot of the lads have come through the academy.

    What we have now is a very good (though thin) championship side. But if we get back into the Pl we’re knackered, unless our owner (who ever) spends. otherwise we’ll become another Sunderland and start yoyoing.

  95. now ashley,s lashing out the bj,s in the car park,sorry lads i,m thinking about supporting another team.

  96. CLiNT FLiCK says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:30 pm

    You mean, Shearer as manager and KK as director of football? wouldn’t work. Both have massive egos.

  97. TROJAN 69 says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:36 pm
    now ashley,s lashing out the bj,s in the car park,sorry lads i,m thinking about supporting another team.

    Fairweather fans…..

  98. CLiNT FLiCK says:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:30 pm

    “Anyway, to reiterate. Why is it that kk & Shearer the 2 messiahs of beatitude & double divine aspect of the x2 god-head couldn’t work together?”

    Because it would’ve been impossible to fit both their heads into one room?

  99. Vuckic, kadar, tozer, Ranger & others did not come through the academy. They were brought in. By whom? No not Beardsley or money.
    That’s a view, that we’ll yo-yo & we’ll be crap in the PL.
    Just like it was a view that we’re crap & we’ll get stuffed week in, week out in the CCC, a view that, so far, has been proven dead wrong.
    Are we ready to see what happens yet, without trying to predict the future & falling on our non-clairvoyant arses?

  100. two year ago derek and mike were pondering on which football club to buy,derek says mike why dont you buy newcastle united,they play at st james, park i,ve heard queens played there.

  101. keegan will win the case then all the shit houses who have slagged him can hang there heads in shame or better still hang them selfs oh clint flick see you have crawled doon oot of ashleys arse for an hour must be why your still spouting shite your coverd in it

  102. bowburnmag you have brought all the shithouses oot of the woodwork with this 1 m8 long live the ledgend who is kevin keegan king kev

  103. That’s a pretty strong assumption batty, based on what?
    You abusive little shitehawk. Get your heed out of not only your own arse, but kk’s. Don’t like the truth-whistle.

  104. batty,im not a massive ashley fan,but simon bird is a trouble maker.
    the things he is saying are mostly conjecture,and his own opinion who people seem to have taken as fact.
    no,one really knows what went on behind the scenes,but if everything in the garden was rosy simon bird would still be looking to put the boot in.
    i would be one of the first to give ashley stick,if it came out that he was treated badly.
    until that time arrives it,s all still speculation though isn,t it.
    everyone is shouting before they are hurt,dont listen to simon turd as he is probably talking bollox.

  105. simon bird was even trying to scupper us when jfk came in,whether you were for joe or not that prick bird was hellbent on whipping up hatred.

  106. Yea, & this kk crap is just adding more fuel to his poxy fire. They will stop at nothing to keep giving us bad press & the saddest thing is that people believe their crap & talk about it like it’s gospel.

  107. TROJAN 69 havent read it m8 its just what iam thinking and if you know clint flick you would relize hes a complete shithouse

  108. batty says:
    September 14, 2009 at 10:14 pm

    “bowburnmag you have brought all the shithouses oot of the woodwork”

    When was I “in the woodwork”, batty? :-)

  109. what kind of antithesis of human kind is supposed to be interviewing a man off the record,then leave a tape recorder rolling.
    he then proceeded to wind up joe kinnear to make him crack,then he presto judas gets his thirty pieces of silver.the worst thing about it is that piece of excrement sadly hails from the north east.

  110. worky i class you as an ashley lover like some i dont think you have a good word to say aboot any body including yourself lol

  111. What you on about arse wipe, you don’t know me batty boy.
    & you know nothing about what i think about ashley cos i’ve never said what i think about him, you’re assuming you ass.
    thick f88K. Get back under your stone you little girl.

  112. CLiNT FLiCK your spouting the same old shit as you used too on ed harrisons blog dipshit now iam gonna blank you you dirty w@nker cos you will get me banned off here you fckin tosspot

  113. You’re not the same as anyone though chore are you, you’re poison lad, ugly, abusive little tw@. Think you can shout people down with your vile crap. up your batty.

  114. You’ll ban yourself pal, cos you can’t control yourself when someone doesn’t share your view.

  115. This is what Keegan does to people. They end up looking like him in the photo at the top. He’s just as bad as my dad used to be, he was a shortarsed little troublemaker as well. He even could have taught batty a few lessons!

  116. batty,ed,s blog is like the da vinci code,ashley is the anti christ who had sex with mary magdelin,had three two thousand year old kids who he cannot take to the match for fear of violence.

  117. Seems to me that a few of you have been looking to deep into the brown ale bottle. I’m going. maybe see you tomorrow, when your sober.

  118. Hey
    Lads & lasses, i’m really sorry that you had to witness that. He seems to think i’m an ashley apologist when to be honset i’m a NUFC supporter, not an ashley or anyone else supporter. I care about how things affect NUFC & don’t see why i should tow someone elses line, i have my own views, like everyone else & don’t expect anyone to agree with me.
    I’m just offering an opinion, that’s why we’re here, right?

  119. batty says:
    September 14, 2009 at 10:48 pm

    “do they live in newcastle”

    No batty, but my brother and his missus still go up there alot. All the missus’s family are there.

  120. lads we,ve had a good start to the season,now it seems the professional agitators are not happy.
    these muck rakers thought we would lose every game,thus giving them the ammunition to say we told you so.
    this stuff with keegone has just passed 1 year,s anniversary,and we are still talking about it.
    kevin keegan did great for us in the 90,s,and we can all look back with fond memories of what might been.
    that,s where those days are,in the past,for instance if we got a new owner and they wanted keegan as manager for a third stint.
    would all us as fans say with hand on heart,this would be a wise move pardon the pun.
    it would be be absolutley ridiculous,what happens if he doesn,t like thwe new owners,and walks what then?.
    we need to move on from this chapter,and consign it to the history books where it belongs.
    what we have is the here and now starting with a small matter of blackpool away on wednesday,lets get behind the lads.

  121. worky,why divvent ye come hyem?it,s not the same withoot ye.we aal thowt that lass was eighteen aswell,divvent worry a fatha isn,t pressing charges,come hyem soon wor kid.

  122. batty says:
    September 14, 2009 at 11:07 pm

    “worky why divent y come back home man”

    I love Newcastle batty, but I’m addicted to London and things that happen here.

  123. apparently tickets from the plymouth fans are selling very quickly


    im not expecting an easy game but if the game was played on paper we would beat them hands down unfortunately the game isnt played on paper

  124. Morning guys
    Good article Bowburn and generated a very interesting thread. He still has the power to generate strong emotion with the fans seemingly one way or the other. I loved Kevin Keegan during his earlier times at the club. I remember his debut, leaving on the chopper, returning as manager and the dizzy heights he took us to. The Entertainer period has to be one of the best times for most Newcastle fans. I remember being incredulous when Ashley brought him back last year and heart ruling head, hoped for the same roller coaster ride to start all over again. Sadly it wasn’t never going to happen. One of the things I loved about Keegan was his passion. Wearing his heart on his sleeve and the special relationship he had with the fans but his passion and impetuousness were always going to contribute to his downfall. I was gutted to hear he had walked out last September and was disappointed that he couldn’t have just bitten the bullet and soldiered on until the end of the season despite the cr*p that was going on. In life we all have to compromise and see the bigger picture – especially at work. Kevin knows how important this club is to the fans and must have known what the inevitable fallout would have been and how it could have affected the team, the club and the fans if he were to walk. I don’t know the facts so I don’t know if he was right to leave or not. My issue is he could have swallowed his pride and sense of indignation if the job was not quite how it appeared on the brochure and come to an agreement with Ashley in private to leave in the summer.Instead it seems there was an opportunity/excuse for him to leave and at the same time earn some money out of the club that he desperately needed for his own business and he took it with the resulting start of the fiasco that was last season. I wish him well for the future, but his halo has been tarnished in my eyes especially holding out for such a big payout which he may be entitled to, but he knows the club cannot afford