Newcastle release new away and change strip, finally!
Posted on June 18th, 2010 | 176 Comments |
There had been some kits leaked on the internet a few weeks back, which were widely disregarded as the home kit looked rubbish.
From them leaked pictures though, it looks like the away and change strips were pretty much bang on, so does that mean that the home strip will look like what was leaked aswell? You would have to think so wouldn’t you? Although I do still cling on to some vain hope that perhaps there was a ringer thrown in there to disguise the situation!
The strips will be on sale from 15th July, although these shirts may be given a miss by me as I just don’t really like them. They aren’t Adidas, and that has been what I have been wearing since I was twelve years old. That sounds a bit like I am in a huff, but I’m not. I just thought that perhaps with it being our first kit supplied by PUMA that they would perhaps make a bit more effort with them as they do look kind of basic.
There are some more detailed pictures of the new strips on the clubs official website, which you can view for yourself here if you wish to do so.
So what do you think? Are you, like me, left feeling a little underwhelmed? Do you like them? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below.
What is everyone doing for the match later?