12th man helping out at Newcastle?

Posted on November 27th, 2009 | 45 Comments |

Not underestimated?
Not underestimated?
Alan Smith believes that Newcastle Untied’s fans are as much the reason for our good start to the season as the players on the park. Having averaged over 40,000 for our homes games this season, I think we’ve dispelled the theories that we would see some 20+ thousand shaved off Premiership gates following relegation.

Smudger reckons that without the customary ’12th man’ theory, Newcastle wouldn’t be where they are in the league now. And he insists that the ’12th man’ isn’t just a factor at home either, it’s away as well:

“They want to see us win, and that’s what we’re doing,”

“Their support’s driving us on to keep winning, and long may that continue.

“It’s unbelievable. There’s times when people say it’s difficult to play in front of our fans, because they expect so much, but I think that’ll help us.

“We’ll be in games away where it’s difficult – like Preston and Sheffield United – and they’ll be singing for us. It gives us a massive lift to go on and get that extra result.”

“We had a run of winning five games on the trot, and that’s our fourth this time. If we can put another string of wins together, it gives you a gap.

“We want to make sure we give ourselves the best opportunity we can, and every home game, we know we’re capable of winning.

“Preston was a bit like the Sheffield United game. There were no outstanding individual performances, but as a team we all worked hard for each other and go

“We always maintain we want to play football, but we can battle as well and mix it with the best of them. Not a lot of people come to Preston and get a result.”

We entertain Swansea on Saturday and they come with a good defensive record and a reputation for playing good football, which has resulted in them sitting comfortably below us in 4th position:

“They’re a good team,”

“They’re a confident team coming to a place they’ll relish. Everyone raises their game coming to St James’s – we know that.”

“They’ve had a bit more rest than us, so we’ve got to make sure we recover well.”

I expect the crowd to swell close to the 50,000 mark on Saturday, which is remarkable really under the current circumstances. The subject of fans of helping to run the club is topical at the moment, and under debate. What’s not debatable, is the way we resolutely support from the stands and we get another chance to do what we do best on Saturday. Surely, with that sort of backing, the lads can push on and ensure they don’t send another big crowd home disappointed?

NUFCBlog Author: bowburnmag bowburnmag has written 234 articles on this blog.

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45 Responses

  1. If we can nudge 50,000, that would be one in the eye for the press, and it would smash the mackems record. A record that was set on their “promotion party” day……… and we’ll break it in November! Nice :D

    It does concern me though as this sounds again like some of last season pre match player interview drum banging, and we all know the performances that followed them :(. If they can “raise their game” for 40,000+ this season, then why couldn’t they “raise their game” for the 52,000+ last season?

    Sorry for being cynical, but seeing the way we wimpered out of the premier league will take a long time to erase from my memory. The owners, changes of manager and all the other problems can be cited as contributing factors, yes. But in my mind, blame ultimately should be shouldered by the players aswell. Something they are 27 games away from, for me is, putting it right!

  2. Also i’d like to add that i find this blog really good. Much better than .com :). I dont want to add fuel to the “geordie nation” fire but, i do find its better having news and views coming from people who are actually in the area. No1) Its generally not regurgitated hand downs from the press and No2) Ed wouldn’t be able to just pop in the Strawberry and catch an NUST meeting would he? :)

    On a side-note, have you guys thought about some form of travel guide for getting to grounds? Ive been to most of them and know a few tricks about parking etc so maybe it would be helpful? Its probably a poor idea, but if you were looking to expand in that direction i’d gladly help?

  3. anybody heard from wor batty lately ???…is he ok ??…stardust.

    toonsy , crawling dont get you anywhere in this life  , ed’s blog was far better.

  4. Kumfart – I disagree. Ed was too Americanised, and i dont like Yanks.

    And crawling got me a £1500 xmas bonus! Nice.

  5. Outrageous komfort!! 8O

    The boss just nicked off with her bag about 40 mins ago but left her laptop (but I’m not sure if that’s the norm on a  Friday).

    I have a Bud in my hand with about 45 mins left but I’m not sure she’s coming back.

    Who votes that I just bugger off home?

  6. toonsy – sounds like a plan. I’ll let worky make the decision though as it’s his gaff really and he knows how to implement it. I’m sure I could do it if he told me but I’m not really a developer so I’d probably bugger the site up! ;)

  7. toonsy says:
    November 27, 2009 at 5:01 pm

    “If they can “raise their game” for 40,000+ this season, then why couldn’t they “raise their game” for the 52,000+ last season?”

    Simple Toonsy, because they had four managers and five managerial changes. As soon as they were getting used to the appoach of one, then another one would come in and it was all change. This resulted in a lack of cohesion because the team was never settled, and that was ruthlessly exposed in the highly competitive Premier League.

  8. toonsy says:
    November 27, 2009 at 5:18 pm

    “On a side-note, have you guys thought about some form of travel guide for getting to grounds? Ive been to most of them and know a few tricks about parking etc so maybe it would be helpful? Its probably a poor idea, but if you were looking to expand in that direction i’d gladly help?”

    Sounds like a very good idea, toonsy.  Yourself or Bowburn would be  much better on that sort of thing though. If someone could come up with something decent, I’ll put it in.

  9. workyticket says:
    November 27, 2009 at 5:55 pm

    Sounds like a very good idea, toonsy.  Yourself or Bowburn would be  much better on that sort of thing though. If someone could come up with something decent, I’ll put it in


    Do you mean like a trial article or something? Let me know what you’d like and i’ll get on it. Obviously its kind of pointless for home games,  but i can get going on one for say maybe Coventry?

  10. BBM I hope you lifted her laptop mate get you a few quid for crimbo :)
    Toonsy I agree with Worky I think all the turmoil last year was the main reason for relagation, yes I do know that a few players looked as if they didnt give a sh1t but how can you blame them when the when the owner didnt give a sh1t. I know it is easy to say now that we were relagated but I think it will be a good thing in the long run as some fans will now know that we dont have a god given right to be in the EPL and the days of making statment buys are behind us now.

  11. toonsy says:
    November 27, 2009 at 6:15 pm

    Toonsy, erm, aye. There could be a trial article, or there could be a permanent little spot in the ‘sidebar’ as an alternative I suppose. Actually an article would seem better as that would go out on all the blog aggregators (like ‘Newsnow’ etc), but we can keep the other option open too.

  12. toonsy says:
    November 27, 2009 at 6:43 pm

    “Ok then mate, i’ll get on one and send it to the “contact us” bit at the top aye?”

    There’s no need toonsy. Check your profile page and there should be a new “Posts” / “Add New” link on the left hand side. Just type or paste the stuff in there and save it. Myself or Bowburn can then finish it off and publish it. This way, it will have your own ‘byline’ on it (your nickname at the top) too.

  13. toonsy – not sure if you’ve used it before, it might look a bit weird but most of it  is self-explanatory and really just like using something like MS Word (but don’t do it in Word and paste it in, or worky’ll gan crackers).

    Why don’t we do one for each corresponding away trip but take the details and archive them off in a dedicated section?

    Anyway, I got home to a bit of surprise. Because the the little one wanted to go across with her mam and stay at her Gran’s, I no longer need to babysit so I have a free Friday!!! Woop woop!!!

     I contemplated sitting here and doing an article or two and chatting to you lot. But decided instead to hit the gym and perhaps with my ‘pass out’ I’m going to pass out, via Durham for a few and then copius amounts of red on the comfort of my couch. Have a good one gentlefolk of the blog.

    Looking forward to the game tomorrow but the report might be short and sweet as I’m celebrating my birthday, even though it’s on Monday!

  14. Toonsy, have you been to the new cov ground yet? It’s miles better than their old one, but I’m no longer sure of a safe boozer aroid there. It’s my closest away game so I’ll see some of you there no doubt.

  15. batty …. enjoy your stay it’s good to have you with us … i thought you’d been moydered.

  16. Toonsy & Comfort
    Ed`s blog was fine, worked his ass off for a coupla years took real dedication, thanks Ed. !
    This is also a decent blog, thanks to those who contribute their time and efforts.
    Again thank`s !
    However it`s more about those who comment on the blog, their contribution makes it what it is.
    That and an interesting (hook) subject where people cant wait to air their opinions, not always easy.

  17. chuck & chuck .. didn’t ye use to post on ed’s blog with a different personality ? .. yer did didn’t yer , didn’t yer chuck , am reet like arnt’a chuck am reet.


  18. KOMFORT  ive been going on that wot i posted earler and falling oot with the smbs lettin off a bit of steam like

  19. nice one batty … nothing the spam javelin enjoyers dont deserve…the battle hill basher strikes again………….

  20. Micky Toon says:
    November 27, 2009 at 7:47 pm
    Toonsy, have you been to the new cov ground yet? It’s miles better than their old one, but I’m no longer sure of a safe boozer aroid there. It’s my closest away game so I’ll see some of you there no doubt.

    Most of the pubs around the ground are home fans only. There is one called the “JK English pub” on Longford Rd that takes away fans. The better one in my opinion thought is one called “The Black Horse”. Its away fans only ans is about 10 minutes from the ground. 

  21. Toonsy, about the Coventry thing. Firstly, many thanks! I’m going to leave it until this game’s over, then sort it out and put it up if that’s ok?

  22. Komfort
    Yep, posted on Ed`s. blog , as did most on here.
    With a different personality?
    Yep ! maybe.
    You asking or suggesting ?

  23. Worky – Thats fine by me mate. Im not sure when you’ll want to put it up as there is such a short gap between Saturday home game against Watford and Tuesday away at Cov. Thats your discretion though :)

  24. Chuck – Im not sure like, but there used to be a chuck on Ed’s blog and i think he was a mackem.

  25. Guilty of watching Sunderland at The Stadium of Light a few years ago and was once at Roker Park when they were known as the Millionaire team.
    And have a soft spot for most teams playing in the NE area, not sure whether that qualifies me as a mackem .
    Being I live in the US, dont get to a lotta games but manage to see a few Toon games each year,   both at St. James Park and when they  play in London,   also caught the Toon away @ Man. Citeh two years ago.
    Being as time is limited  while in the NE and the Toon are away, have no problem going to watch either The Smoggies or Sunderland, hope that does`nt make me a bad person.
    But no! not really a mackem.