Sheff Utd’s Kilgallon in and Steven Taylor out to Everton?

Posted on November 26th, 2009 | 47 Comments |

Tyneside bound?
Tyneside bound?
According to online reports in The Mirror, Matt Kilgallon is on the verge of joining Newcastle from Sheffield United. We were linked to the defender in the summer, and indeed reports suggested we had a deadline day bid for him turned down.

The rumours have persisted in the press that Hughton would make him a priority signing in the January transfer window. And The Mirror is claiming that we were ‘in negotiations with The Blades last night about taking the 25-year-old defender on loan, ahead of a full transfer in January’.

Kilgallon has continued to attract suitors and notably, several from the Premiership, however it seems that considering his contract runs out at the end of the season, The Blades will seek to take a cut on the £5m-7m that he is currently rated at, after contract talks collapsed.

Having watched him have a steady game against us this season, and after reading reports he seems like a canny acquisition, even if an initial loan deal from now until January seems a little unorthodox. I guess a propostion may have been put to Sheff Utd and this forms part of the sale agreement for January? What we would need to pay would be anybody’s guess, so I’ll go for a couple of million, which might not be a bad bit of business on our part.

Of course, none of this may be true although it seems to have more substance than other rumours, because it was more or less common knowledge that we were after him in the summer. But if we’re bringing in a relatively cheap option, could the supporters’ fears be realised as we look to ship out blue-chip players and bring some cash in? Steven Taylor has been tub-thumping today but of course he was courted by Everton during the summer, so have The Mirror just put two and two together or was David Moyes presence at the Preston game more sinister than just a passing visit to old friends?

NUFCBlog Author: bowburnmag bowburnmag has written 234 articles on this blog.

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47 Responses

  1. pls pls i hope we dont sell s taylor. kilgallon is overated imo. taylor is faster stronger better lol

  2. even if the club accepted a bid for taylor, he could still just say no, he’s under contract and has no obligation to go anywhere.
    besides, the way everton are going this season, we might be swapping places with them come may!

  3. Would`nt mind if we sold Collo. and brought in Kilgallon, Taylor and Kilgallon, both England u21`s, who could be a future defensive pairing @ The Toon,  they,with Simpson and Enrique as a back four, defense solved, with our youngsters used as backups.
    Hate to see Taylor leave, think he will develop into a solid CM and the fact he is for all intents and purposes a local lad  who has stated he wants to stay is all the more reason to keep him.
    This is the reason why we need a footballing savvy general manager, face it what the Fkuk does Llambias or Ashley know about anything other than odds and $$$. and Hughton is not about to rock the boat.
    As far as Collo is concerned, never going to be outstanding player and being he is part of the Argentina team may still bring a decent price, now is the time to sell both Collo and Jonas, as both are heading to S/Africa as  Argentino team members,  lets cash in now, considering what they have to offer.
    But Taylor ? , no way !

  4. Everton are strapped for cash they do not have the money it would take to buy Taylor and he proably earns as much at newcastle as they would pay him . The lad wants to win promotion with us and he bleeds black & white . Moyes was at PNE because he is mates with thier manager and its his old club . As for Killgallon , if we could get him in for a couple of million it would be a good deal , we could fund his wages by letting Zurab go back to Blackburn .

  5. I would let him come. He is a young lad and I think he will do a good job. For Colo, I think he shld stay he has the experience to help the young lads and I think S. Taylor is right they have a good understanding now.
    Ship Zurab back at Blackburn or keep as a Right back battle it out with Simpson.
    CB: S. Taylor, Colo, Kill, Kadar, Tozer
    RB: Simpson, Zurab.
    LB: Enrique, ?????
    I dont think we are selling any one this Jan except if it is above 5m. We have made a lot of money from transfers and MA put further 20m to handle costs. You never know CH might have a gem on MA.

  6. i think I like the one handling our transfers lately he knows what he is doing well experienced person.
    Pancake – Until end of the season
    Kill – Loan and pay that was good to know that he had jst failed to sign a new contract.

  7. I do not think Tayls will go, but would welcome Kilgallon.  He has been playing leftback for Sheff Utd, hope that is not an ominous sign!.  I do not want to lose Enrique.

    Agree with Axel (4) in that Moyes regularly shows up at PNE games and still lives in the area, also that Everton have little money and are seriously in debt.

  8. If we are looking for new players in January,  have been impressed with Lloyd Sam of Charlton and Adam Lallana of Southampton.

  9. Fair play about the Moyes’ links, that’s a given, as is the convenience of a night when he is free.

    Although I have heard that Everton have more cash to spend this year because of injuries to the midfield and lack of depth in defence/utility players.

    Mags09 – strangely enough just to spoke to a Sheff Utd fan about it this morning. He knew nothing of the rumour but confirmed he’s been playing left-back a lot but that he’s played quite a few positions for them.

    Surely, they wouldn’t let Enrique go though?

  10. Ashley in Tesco Tussle……

    (Think somebody used Stardust’s calculator in this one LOL):

    Britain’s biggest retailer is taking legal action after mistakenly paying almost £1 million for six bicycles which should have cost less than £1,000, sources said.
    Tesco is seeking restitution of the overpaid monies following the error by its finance team.
    The supermarket chain should have paid Universal Cycles, a subsidiary of Sports Direct which is controlled by Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley, £984 for six Muddy Fox Suspension Bikes but paid £984,000 instead.
    Link to full story:

  11. Hmm, more made up rubbish from the Mirror.  Taylor, like all player wants to play in the ELP.  I would like to think that he would stick by us until the Summer and then decide on what he wants to do, depending on what division we are in.
    Kilgallon would be a solid signing, but only used as cover for Enruique.

  12. Bowburn Mag – Did you go to the NUST meeting last night?  Interested to read your thoughts. Get a blog up bonny lad.

  13. utd111 , easy to resolve this issue…JUST PAY BACK THE £121,412.00 YOU FCB IT DOES’NT FCKING BELONG TO YOU !!!…hate this bloke with a passion.

  14. Ha ha, fair play worky, although  I always thought Taylor was more heavy metal rather than prog rock. :)

  15. Killgallon would be a tidy signing as regards covering along the back, we need to sign Simpson but scared that that wont happen (the sub of him for Kadar adds fuel to that fire). Kisha to go back unless Simpson cant play Satda that have another look at him at RB.  Cant see Taylor going as he has the final say not Ashley.

  16. we’re into that realm, do we sell the promising young players (taylor, Carroll etc.) to make some cash to buy in a bigger squad – simple answer is no, short term planning at best
    hopefully media mischief again

  17. Bowburn (9) sorry I am late coming back to you.  Kilgallon played left back against us and had a steady game.  They had the 2 thugs as central defenders!!!!!

    I hope it  is just me worrying about losing Enrique (‘cos he’s my favourite).

  18. comedy value isn’t it, for years & years the newcastle defence has always been woeful, we finally get a couple of decent players in the back 4 and all of a sudden all the talk is of selling them!!

  19. Oh dear!
    the press are back to making up stories about again, now that there’s some stability. How f88888888 dull.
    Avoid like the plague.
    Ask yourself, why would Taylor go to everton?
    There is no reason.
    & they are starting to get found out. (everton that is)

  20. Stuart79 says:
    November 26, 2009 at 5:25 pm

    Worky – Who are ELP?

    Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Stuart. A very famous ‘prog-rock’ band, most famous in the ‘seventies. They were renowned for their musical virtuosity and seemingly interminable solos, and are often cited by rebellious punks as a symbol of everything that was bad about the boring old hippy music that was around before they came along. They also had a massive pop hit with their version of Aaron Copeland’s “Fanfare for the Common Man”.

  21. Stuart79 says:
    November 26, 2009 at 7:12 pm

    “Who did love grows (where my rosemary goes)?”

    I used to keep calling them ‘Eddystone Lighthouse’  because I thought they were named after the famous lighthouse off the Devon and Cornwall coast, but I later found out that it was ‘Edison Lighthouse’. Possibly a mistaken wordplay based on the widespread myth the Edison invented the lightbulb, which he didn’t.

  22. Correct – No one person actually invented it.  It was Edison, Davey and Swan who came up with the  ideas and it was just added to overtime.

    Not much of a quiz question I suppose.

  23. Yeah but Edison was smart enough to market it and therefore was generally given credit for it`s invention.
    Who gets credit for the invention of the telephone ?

  24. All depended on your choice of drugs at the time.
    Bands like E.L.P. appealed to psychedelic drug takers, whereas the harder drugs,    speed,     meth, etc.,   users were more attracted to punk,”
    Sex Pistols” and “Clash”  type bands.
    Obviously certain  drugs complimented specific musical genre`s, as they still do to this day.

  25. No amount of drugs (of any type) could make me listen to elp, & like it.
    :) Like listening to paint dry. :)

  26. It’s funny to think that the first house in the world to have electric lighting was in Low Fell.

    Stuart, there is no doubt whatsoever that Joseph Swan invented the incandescent light bulb.

  27. Worky,

    The original idea wasn’t his.  He added to the very early ideas and eventually came the light bulb.

    It’s like saying that Boeing or Airbus invented the aeroplane not the Wright brothers, just because the additions they have made give us the aeroplane we know today.

  28. Wow! between Chuck, Stuart79 and Worky, we’ve a right little font of knowledge haven’t we!

    Wasn’t Swan, rivaled by Edison, said to be the first to demonstrate and patent the incandescant lamp.  The demo was staged in the Lit & Phil, Newcastle.

    For info, the house/ workshop where Swan developed it was (not sure if it’s still there though) located on the Clarke Chapman Victoria works site, Gateshead.

    Just to extend the debate, William (Lord) Armstrong’s home at Cragside Hall was the first to be powerd by hydro-electricity.

    Armstrong, Parsons, Merz, Reyrolle et al, were all associates of Joseph Swan.