Mike Ashley to issue statement of intention.

Posted on May 4th, 2010 | 109 Comments |

An indication of what awaits?
An indication of what awaits?
They are words that will send shivers down the spine of Newcastle United fans worldwide: Mike Ashley is preparing to release a statement!

You can forgive the feeling of worry when words like that are announced, especially when you take into account that previous statements have been followed by massive disruption and uncertainty through all levels of the club. I think this time will be different though as Mike Ashley has looked like he is again enjoying his tenure as owner, albeit from the executive seats and not the stands, and most will be looking for a positive outlook this time around rather than yet another episode involving the ‘for sale’ signs. The official club statement should be in the public domain some time this week, according to The Journal, the contents of which are sure to be the subject of much deliberation until it’s release.

The Journal claim to already know two of the details that will be outlined within the statement. One of them is that Chris Hughton will be manager next season, despite some cruel jibes from some quarters that after a record-breaking season he wont be good enough to manage in the Premier League. Quite right he should be the manager too! Not only does Hughton have a contract for next season, he has worked a miracle this season to turn a club that was predicted to struggle in The Championship back in the direction of the Premier League, and in record time too!

Every hurdle that has been thrown at Chris Hughton this season has been cleared, he even managed to skirt around the potentially explosive situation between Andy Carroll and Steven Taylor whilst not giving the press anything to sniff around, and carried on, with dignity, when he didn’t even know what players would be at training the next day or if he himself would be in charge.

The second revelation will apparently be that Mike Ashley is NOT looking to sell the club and will be keen to avoid any turmoil that such a manouvre can bring about. Having just seen the accounts for the 2008/2009 season, the likelihood of finding a buyer would be slim for the moment anyway.

Of course the club is always up for sale. If somebody decides to splash silly money in front of Ashley’s face and pay far more than what the club is worth then of course he will accept it, a lot of business men would do exactly the same. It’s still different to actively pursuing a sale though and at least shows some form of commitment other than keeping the club running.

You’ll forgive me for sounding like I am stating the obvious, and I am to a degree. But isn’t it nice to be able to think about Newcastle United logically for once? Things have been getting done properly for a while now, long may it continue.

Now let’s see what this Toon manifesto incudes.

NUFCBlog Author: toonsy toonsy has written 643 articles on this blog.

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109 Responses

  1. Let me give it a shot:

    -Hughton to stay as manager, he has done a fantastic job
    -Ashley not selling the club
    -we must continue to be sensible regarding wages and build a sustainable club
    -we are not going to overpay for expensive talent but are going forward with a youth movement based on sound scouting
    -we have the nucleus of a Prem squad already and will only supplemnt that
    -Chris is in charge of transfers and will have the backing of the owner
    -we would also like to thank the fans for their tremendous support this season and we look forward to taking our rightful spot in the Prem

  2. Sorry Toonsy, certainly not my intent.

    That being said, I have no problems if the club statement reads similar to mine. Maybe I’m still drunk from promotion, but I really think the club’s on the right track again.

  3. No worries MDS. Was only messing anyway. That’s what this place is here for, to put your view across :)

  4. MDS – yep, I think you’ve got the gyst of it there! Not that I’m complaining. NOT having any surprises will be a nice change around here.

    I’m sure it’s no coincidence either that this comes the day after the accounts confirmed how much dosh Ashley has put in so far. I know I missed that discussion, but for what it’s worth:

    1. Of course it’s over £110m owed to Ashley. We knew that, didn’t we?
    2. Of course it’s still owed to him. If it was a ‘gift’ the club would instantly owe over £30m to the tax man.
    3. Of course he wants it back. Wouldn’t you??

    So – hoping Ashley’s statement is pretty much as listed above. No surprises, please Mike – just stay on the same lines as the last 6 months and we’ll all be fine…

  5. MDS!u are right we do have jonas and rout down the wings but i cant see us doing well with nolan in a 2 man midfield we need him for goals but i would play 3 central midfielders with 1 up front or we will get over run with nolan playing in the prem but play that system against weaker sides at home.

  6. International Newcastle Blog Awards….Stand up Mr Ed Harrison…King of Uzi Blogging…..12 new threads in less than 8 Hours :)

    Joey Barton Likes Green Underpants
    Newcastle Chasing every single player in the universe

    Can’t keep up anymore Ed….sorry SJT

    Mike’s statement will be how pleased he is with promotion and that CH will be able to buy 2 players in the summer.
    We are following the Arsenal model,weak and spineless…great football and win fook all :)
    Yours Mike and Derek Owl Heed

  7. Every picture of Ashley looks like he is farting or dropping a bat in his pants.

  8. I think he will mention the new puma shirts and say that the yellow adidas ones are now free to any colourblind retard at the club shop all signed by Leon Best with his name in bold on the back.

  9. The last set of accounts will further persuade Ashley that he would much rather sell the club. It is becoming a real drain on his finances – Something he could probably do without imo.

    He has spent £250m on a football club and the best he can hope for is that it’s mid table – Not worth £250m I don’t think.

    Also NUFC must surely be jinxed – Every other owner has converted their club debt into equity – But our owner wants it back and can have it back on demand – It has changed from beinb paid back on a change of ownership – I presume that was done during last summer when he hated us!

  10. Stuart – The debt hasn’t changed according to the accounts. The only places it says it has changed to an on demand payment was the Sunday Sun!

  11. read statements by ashley before,normally what he says and what he does are two different things.
    lets have some action this time,instead of empty rhetoric.
    i wonder if he’ll tell people that he gets his advice from a 2 thousand year old dog.
    lets just hope it’s not another summer of sam.

  12. Whumpie, I’m with you man. No surprises and a bit of stability is all I ask for. And regarding the financial article, I don’t think there were any real surpises, but I am glad that the debt to Ashley is payable on sale of the club. I had been a bit concerned that he might take a healthy chunk of the television revenue upon promotion.

  13. Maybe he will sell…he has had some fun this season,many fans pacified but it could be a whole different story next season and my gut feeling is after a few batterings moral could be severely dented as fans would start to get on CH and the Players which has been unheard of all season.

  14. toonsy says:
    May 4, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    Never seen it in the SS to be honest. I read it in the Times business section. They were just disecting the accounts and mentioned the change of loan agreement – Wasn’t significant they said, but it puts him in a stronger position.

    Still we would have been in a much stronger position if he changed it to equity. The club will take about 20 years to pay back £111m.

    Mill stone round our neck.

  15. sirjasontoon says:
    May 4, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    Couldn’t agree more!

    This good will towards the owner is on a short fuse – If we get off to a bad start and there hasn’t been much money spent, there will be hell on – Again! Rightly or wrongly.

    He probably wishes he could sell but who in their right mind would buy a newly promoted football club for over £200m?

    You spend that much on a club you want it to have half a chance – We would need to spend about £200m to get us in Europe.

  16. Stu – Not neccesarily. If we have an income of £100 million and a reasonable wage bill we could reasonably pay back £20 million a year I reckon.

  17. sirjasontoon says:
    May 4, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    “fans would start to get on CH and the Players which has been unheard of all season.”

    Well them fans can only blame themselves if it affects morale, to be fair.

    We need to all pull together next season to get through it. There will be tough times but to survive we need to get behind the team at all times.

  18. agree stu,if lardy was to get a good offer it will be the quickest you’ll ever see him move.

  19. With regards to a comment earlier about the £110 million leading to a £30m tax charge if written off. That’s not the case really as the way to write it off is to convert them to shares, like Abramovic has done at Chelsea.

  20. TROJAN 69 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 3:18 pm

    “agree stu,if lardy was to get a good offer it will be the quickest you’ll ever see him move.”

    That was said i the article aswell, TROJAN. It’s also what business men do.

    If somebody offered to buy my house for more than it’s worth, I would snatch their hand off aswell.

  21. I think we will always have our doubts under this regime….I reckon 30m spent between now and the end of January will stand us in good stead on the pitch and who knows an Arab or Something might decide he wants to the Toon to take over the world.

    If we did get a sugar daddy in and mixed top international talent with great youngsters it would be amazing…..just costs wedge which we don’t seem to have anymore :(

    Come on Mr Oily Baron have a cheeky bid on us :)

  22. It’ll probably only confirm everything we assumed was going to happen anyway,carry on as you were………or maybe Messi is coming??…….Jeremain Lens won’t be,going to PSV allegedly.

  23. All these people saying Nolan won’t cut it in the Premier League need to shuttup because clearly they know nothing about football.
    He’s a proven premiership talent over many years with Bolton. He is only 27! And was our most influencial player both mentally and on the pitch.
    He HAS to be our captian next season! And half the reason he didn’t look as good as he is last season is because he was playing with Smith or Butt in midfield…
    He is also our ONLY midfielder capable of scoring goals regularly.

    There really are some pathetic Newcastle fans out there.
    All I can say, is thank God they arn’t our manager!
    They are the same bunch that was begging for players like Lua Lua and Ranger to play last season.

    These guys just arn’t ready. And they are the first guys to jump on the “BOOO!!!” chorus went a player slips up once.

    Same guys that moaned about Milner, NZogbia, Bramble, Bellemy, Enrique last year, etc… NOT BEING GOOD ENOUGH for Newcastle.

    Well, YOU are not GOOD ENOUGH to be Newcastle supporters!

    The key word being “SUPPORTers”. So pipe down, shut up and back the team until you know half a atom particles worth of knowledge on football.

  24. @Stuart79 – a drain on Ashleys finances??

    Don’t think so mate – Sports Direct share price is at highest level since 2008 and the stores are making money well beyond analysts expectations – he is not sinking his money into the toon but loaning cash which he will be taking back.

    Spending a ton of cash doesn’t mean anything
    I’d rather be us than Liverpool who look to be in deep sh!t
    Aston Villa have spent a ton of cash over last 3 years and haven’t progressed at all
    Spurs have spent a ton (albeit most of it from player sales) to get back to where they were under Martin Jol

    It’ll be interesting to see which club bets the bank on success next season, I wouldnt be surprised to see a couple more going into administration if they do and don’t manage success (other than chelsea and man u)

  25. Nolan’s stats

    18 goals and seven assists in 44 games this season.

    One goal and two assists in 10 games for Newcastle.

    He may be a poor man’s Frank Lampard, but he’s a damn side better than anything else we got.

  26. toonsy @18 thats proably his thoughts . The wage bill is standing at around 51 million from what i have read . With the premiership TV revenue , season ticket sales , sponsor money and the rest , the running costs for the club will be easily covered next season so he can afford to take say 15 million a year out of the club to refund himself . Lets just hope that he does fund some sort of transfer kitty and we are able to buy the reinforcements to the squad that we need . My feeling is he will , lets face it he did so in january when no one expected it without any extra funding coming into the club .

  27. I am still puzzled with leon best~~~

    1. He ain’t a foreign player.
    2.He played in a sub-average club,yet scoring goals.

    The only possible answer i can conclude is…He should try out to be a lone striker first.Then find a possible partner.Andy Carroll is a no-no. Maybe Shola works well with him.

    Just to add on,Looks like i am right. If anyone truly notice Newcastle games,you will see that whenever carroll partner with “love”,one of them sure will not score at all. Weird right?

  28. AXEL – Mercahndise will be massive next season with the new shirts. We will also be losing at least another £6 million of the wagebill with the removal of Butt and sale of Xisco so that should take it down to around £45 million.

  29. toonsy says:
    May 4, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    That would be totally at the detriment to the team – So the turnover wouldn’t necessarily be £100m.

  30. Couple more though…

    Wayne Routeledge. These clueless clowns are saying “he hasn’t cut it in the Premier League… he’s not Premier League Class.”

    Routeledge may not have cut it as a youngster at clubs like Tottenham because he wasn’t really given a chance due to more established dominant players ahead of him.

    However, he got NINE assists and a goal for a weak Crystal Palace side playing in the Premier league.
    And three assists in three starts when playing for Portsmouth.
    So clearly he has the ability for the Premier League when given the chance.

  31. Stuart79 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 3:54 pm

    Why? There is always the £20 million that he puts in a season which doesn’t need to be spent on running costs now, so what is the difference?

  32. “toonsy toonsy says:
    May 4, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    AXEL – Mercahndise will be massive next season with the new shirts. We will also be losing at least another £6 million of the wagebill with the removal of Butt and sale of Xisco so that should take it down to around £45 million.”

    Toonsy, we also won’t be paying Geremi’s wages which we were this season.

  33. stevep says:
    May 4, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    You must be the hardest man in the world to please if you don’t think Villa going from bottom half to 6th in the last 2 seasons isn’t progress.

  34. JJ – Good point, that is the wage bill down to around £41 million a year then.

  35. toonsy says:
    May 4, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    Taking money out and putting money in are totally different. We were losing £30m a year – Even though our attendances were topping 50,000 per home game.

  36. Stuart79 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 3:58 pm (Edit)

    “You must be the hardest man in the world to please if you don’t think Villa going from bottom half to 6th in the last 2 seasons isn’t progress.”

    Villa have only finished in the bottom half twice in 10 years Stu. They have been between 6th and 8th for the rest of them years.

  37. toonsy says:
    May 4, 2010 at 4:03 pm

    In O’neills first year they finished bottom half – The last two years they’ve finished 6th and will probably finish 6th this year.

    Is that not progress?

  38. Well said JJ,voice your opinion yes but booing your own players is not being a fan.The lads will need us to back them vocally more next season than we did this.

    Toonsy…..is that £5 for Messi or Lens.lol

    Stevep……agree m8

  39. Stuart79 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 4:06 pm

    “In O’neills first year they finished bottom half – The last two years they’ve finished 6th and will probably finish 6th this year.

    Is that not progress?”

    Well, I guess so. But by that reckoning, us finishing 20th next year is progress as it is better than the season before no?

    They finished 6th last season, had the biggest net spend outside of Man City in the summer, then look like finishing 6th this year. Is that progress?

  40. Harper, Enrique, Taylor, Collocini, Jonas, Nolan, Guthrie, Barton, Routeledge, Lovenkrans.

    All proven quality International or Premier league players.

    So in the experience and quality department we need a right back, and another striker most urgently.

    Then we have Carroll (ST), Vuckic (AMC), Kadar (DC) and Krul (GK) as top up and coming youngsters.

    You would want to see all these youngsters at least on the bench next year. Right???
    Add to that, Simpson, Williamson, Ameobi and Smith who for experienced cover in DC, MD, and up front…

    You can see why Houghton says we don’t need much more. Because we don’t!

    Sell or release: Butt, Pancrate, Best, Ryan Taylor, Fitz Hall.
    Buy: A striker, a right back, a young talented attacking midfielder, and cover for left back. Thats all we need… Any more would upset the balance and harmony in the squad.

    Send: Ranger, Inman, Tozer, Foster, Ferguson and Donaldson out on loan to gain experience.

    So explain to me why these people panic when Houghton says we don’t need much? He’s right!

  41. Take the ability in this squad add three quality players and compare it to say Blackburn Rovers. Who finished 10th and beat Arsenal this week.
    I would honestly say they are equal in ability. And with some good buys, we’d even have the younger and better and squad…
    Anyway. I’ve had my rant!

    Hope you enjoyed it… I’m off to go tear my tendons at Action footie now :-(. I’m 27 and my knees are stuffed already…

  42. toonsy says:
    May 4, 2010 at 4:12 pm

    Well they got to a cup final and a semi final – So yeah I reckon that’s progress.

  43. Stuart79 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    “Well they got to a cup final and a semi final – So yeah I reckon that’s progress.”

    So did Pompey, and Cardiff even got to a final. Have they progressed?

  44. Actually Stuart… I’m on your side here.

    I think Martin O’Neil is brilliant. The only reason it seems like they arn’t progressing is because the gulf between the top four is so big, and it became the top 5 when City spent millions. So to finish 6th is a major achievement.
    Plus, it was only defeat to Man City in the last game which took them out of the running for 4th this year. But their points tally is higher than last year I’m sure.
    Also, they are doing it fairly risk free with minimal debt.

  45. I just wanted to check what progress meant. If it’s having the second highest spend and staying in the same league position then that’s fair ebough.

  46. Toonsy, take a look at what has been spent the last three seasons. Then judge.
    You’ll find, Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea, Man City, Tottenham have all spent more than Aston Villa.

  47. toonsy says:
    May 4, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    Why can’t you just except something that is glaringly obvious?

    If you spend money and finish higher than you did the previous season, that’s progress.

    If you spend money and finish the same position as you did the previous year, yet reach a cup final and a semi final, that’s progress.

    If you take it over a couple of seasons Villa have progressed season after season – Not just in points acrued but in the cup competitions – On the whole, they have progressed.

    If you think Portsmouth being relegated is progress don’t bother having a debate.

  48. Stuart – There are loads of variables there. Cup competitions are random by their nature and anyone can reach a final. It has been proven. Portsmouth made the final, by your definition that is improvement aparently.

    So onto the league, your original point that you conveniently shifted from to suit your argument. Finishing the same is progress right?

  49. Toonsy, in order to progress, sometimes one needs to stablise first.
    Look at our own example with Sir Bobby. We finished 4th, 3rd and then 5th!!! So we saw that as not progressing so we sacked him…
    Look were we are now!!!

  50. Also, note how in any graph, progression is marked over a period of years – not three seasons… There are ascents and decents, but as long as that curve or graph averages on the ascent… then their is progress…

  51. JJ – That was my point when I said about Villa in the last 10 seasons. It was Stuart who wanted the short term alternative, much like he wants with our football club.

  52. Ah… well in that case… Stuart, I have to agree with Toonsy on this one! haha.

  53. toonsy says:
    May 4, 2010 at 4:49 pm

    Look at the points tally, toonsy.

    Are you that silly that you cannot understand the definition of progress? If you acrue more points than in your previous season, it’s progress.

    If another team invests money and they progress too and that stops you going up a league position it doesn’t mean you haven’t progressed – Just that the other teams have progressed more.

    This is Villa’s points total from previous years:

    2006-07 – 50
    2007-08 – 60
    2008-09 – 62
    2009-10 – 64 with one game to go.

    Going off your thinking Liverpool haven’t regressed at all this season.

  54. JJ, you’re on form today, fella. Agree with so much of what you’re saying – including the rants!

    SJT – not agreeing with you, but at least now I understand why.

    You seem to envy the likes of Citeh and Chelski, whereas I have no interest in that model and no respect for anything those teams ‘achieve’ (read: “buy”) during this stupid period of time. Roll on Platini’s fiscal rules.

    Question for you (and this isn’t a dig; I respect your opinion, I just don’t necessarily agree with it!): If you assume that Platini’s rules come into force, would you have any NUFC owner do anything which is different from the model Ashley is currently applying?

  55. Every Club that has gone for the short quick fix has suffered…

    Portsmouth, Leeds, West Ham.

    The ones that have worked it over time (Everton, Aston Villa) they are in the best position. And in time will be even over the likes of Man U and Chelsea (because of their debts). The banks can only let that debt go so high, before they say, ah ah… no more spending…

  56. Stu79……..but you can’t just go off points either,one season you could stay up on 38 points then the following season go down on 40.That’s not progress mate.

  57. By the way, I include Newcastle in that short term quick fix list… Because although spending got us there quickly, look how quickly it went wrong!

    Please, please please… never again!!!

  58. Platini won’t get his way – He cannot, it’s against the EU laws – Restriction of trade and all that rubbish.

    Clubs will just pay players another way.

    Even if they brought in a wages to turnover ratio the clubs with wealthy owners would just get a massive sponsorship deal through their owner.

    There’s ways and means for everything.

  59. Stuart79 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:02 pm

    “Look at the points tally, toonsy.

    Are you that silly that you cannot understand the definition of progress? If you acrue more points than in your previous season, it’s progress.”

    So we need to get 103 points next season to progress then Stu?

  60. richietoon says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    Look, if nobody thinks Villa haven’t progressed over the last three years I think I am debating with people with no brains.

  61. Stuart79 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    “Look, if nobody thinks Villa haven’t progressed over the last three years I think I am debating with people with no brains.”

    Or maybe we just have a different opinion? Can you not accept that?

  62. Stuart79 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:11 pm

    “How old are you?”

    27, but I’ll progress to 28 in August.

  63. Well I do think they have progressed over the last three years. Buts its been slow progression (the right kind)… An affordable and stable progression. Mainly due to a fantastic manager.

  64. Not when it’s in black and white, no.

    It’s just sad that some people cannot except when their wrong.

    Low self esteem probably.

  65. Stu79……..I’m not saying they have or havn’t I was just pointing out that you can’t just go off points as a progression indicator.Villa have done ok but they start off with alot of promise then tail off a bit.Imo to progress they need to sustain it all season,that said I’d love to be where they are now.

    oh and if I had brains I’d be doing better things than blogging with you lot.lol

  66. I think Villa have done well, but realistically they have only broken the Europa league place. Progression isn’t finishing 6th then 5th in my opinion, as the end result is much the same. Qualifying for the Champions League would progress for Villa.

  67. I sort of agree with Stu – my point albeit badly made is that Villa have had to spend a ton of cash to stay still, mostly due to other clubs spending as much or not more to progress (i.e Spurs, Citeh etc). Is that progress – not really but if they hadn’t spent they would be halfway down the league
    However you could look at the Fulham model, spent next to nowt and in Europa final thats progress
    Portsmouth spent a load and won f.a. cup last season, in final again this season…… oh and relegated is that progress
    Hull spent well beyond their means including spending some of next years parachute payment and relegated
    Spending beyond your means doesn’t mean we’ll be guaranteed progression or even stand still

  68. JJ says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:15 pm

    I don’t think it’s taken them long at all to be honest. I think three years is pretty impressive – Steady and they have brought in some good players.

    They have been scuppered this season because Spurs have progressed from last season at a ridiculous rate!

    Oh and the fact that City spent about £150m.

  69. Stuart79 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    “Low self esteem probably.”

    Says the man who wants to see Newcastle fail so he can bleet on about how we should have spent that extra £10 million and tell people he was right.

  70. Stuart – I hope you’re wrong on that, but I really don’t know.

    I think the basis of Platini’s rule is that a club can’t make a huge loss, basically. If it was me setting it, there’d be no wage caps or limits on proportions of expenditure – that’s the club’s business.

    I would just have one rule: If you spend more than you earn by more than 10% over any 3 rolling years, you are docked 1 point for every percentage point over.

    So Chelski’s league would be, um…

    Somewhere just underneath my old school’s 2nd 11…. :)

  71. jj u a dreaming if u think we dont need many players! if jonas and routledge get injuried. 4 man midfield would be smith nolan gutheri barton which of these players will make chance and run down the wing. and thats only the wingers i am talking about. these 4 playing we would have the slowest players in the league we would get beat 4-5 nil every game

  72. toonsy says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:20 pm

    That’s obviously right, toonsy.

    I would obviously like to see us get beat 5-0 every game next season and get relegated with a worse points tally that Derby.

    That would be brilliant that.

  73. Whumpie says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:25 pm

    In an ideal world that would be how it could be done, but they would get a ‘gift’ from their owner to pay the transfer fee and the players would have a basic salary that was inkeeping with their turnover – They would just have an extra £60k a week paid into their bank account in Belize – tax free.

  74. Whumpie – The way they will do it by refusing entry to competiton. They do it in France already. If they carry too much debt going into the season then they get relegated. It happened to Toulouse not so long back.

    UEFA could do it with the Champions League and Europa if they wanted.

    Stuart79 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:26 pm

    It really wouldn’t surprise, such is the negativity that comes from you.

  75. toonsy says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:30 pm

    Eufa won’t have the bottle to do that. The big clubs would just break away.

  76. Who the hell wants our club to be remembered as one of those who were stupid and vacuous enough to spend several times their turnover in a vainglorious attempt at buying silverware?

    Does anyone actually think history will admire Chelski or Citeh? At all?

    No – they’ll be seen as the pathetic wastes and folly that they are, basically the pointless playthings of unworthy individuals desperate to show the world their gold-plated everything.

    I do NOT want NUFC to be heard in the same breath as those clubs.

  77. Stuart79 says:
    May 4, 2010 at 5:33 pm

    “Eufa won’t have the bottle to do that. The big clubs would just break away.”

    In which case they will need to backed by another FIFA recognised body. They can’t play anywhere without the necessary paperwork.

  78. Whumpie – It’s short termism at it’s best with Man City and Chelsea. People are impressed now, but what happens when these rich owners get bored, pull the plug and move on?

    You get Portsmouth.

  79. Isn’t the Bundeliga run along similar lines to the way Platini is proposing? all clubs have to live within their means or they aren’t allowed to compete,or did I imagine that?

  80. Richie – France is like that. The Bundesliga run a different model where the fans have the power and the tickets are cheap. I think the fans must own 51% of the club or something like that.

  81. lads lets forget slagging each other off. we should just all wait for are first signing and talk about that. i am not going to call people any more but if people talk about other things aND people dont like it then tuff.

  82. Toonsy…Yeah I knew about the fans,just thought they had to run at a profit too……….like I said earlier tho,I have no brains.lol

  83. toonsy the german league is different! the clubs have got to each season give the accounts to their fa and if they are not running at a profit or spend more then they make they are not allowed to compete in that league. so if they make 5 mil they can only spend that much. so if the english clubs were playing in that league none of theses clubs would be allowed to play we will never go down that route here.

  84. In short, Platini can introduce pretty much anything he likes, and he will. Can’t wait.

    Mind you – we can’t talk, as yesterday’s figures show! At least our benefactor expects to get it back…

    Has anyone noticed that we’re arguing over smaller and smaller margins these days? Must be ‘cos Stardust has vamoosed…

  85. Off the topic lads but who does everyone think will win the World Cup ? i was going to put my money on Spain but Torres is going to miss the start of it at least and maybe all of it .i think i will stick my money on Brasil now .

  86. Whumpie – Stardust had some valid points aswell to be fair.

    AXEL – Argentina ;)

  87. Brazil have gone off the boil recently. I would put my money on Spain and Argentina in the final.

    Italy = OAP’s
    France= rubbish
    Portugal= Not sure
    Ivory coast, Gahna ect might do well.

  88. OOps forgot England. They should be shot if we don’t get to at least the quarter/semi finals. Don’t think we’ll get further than that though.

  89. Stuart I bet stardust wish’s he was here to “debate” with you.
    Asim what has happened you has someone stole your identity ;)

  90. anyone else follow opta stats at all? just saw this tweet:

    Of the 3 teams to be promoted to the Premier League with 100+ points, one finished next season 7th, one 8th and one 13th

    let’s hope we keep with tradition!

    also, (realy going out on a limb here) think spain or brazil have the best chance of taking it, though i think they’d end up meeting before the quarters, given the groups.

  91. Toonsy yeah just finished about an hour ago ;) I had a quick wiz through the comments there I see you and Stuart are getting a lot closer :lol:

    To add to MDS @ 1 list Lambsarse is leaving with immediate effect and will be replaced by David Dien, would be nice

  92. Toonsy
    What makes you such an argumental little cnut, why dont you relax a bit, you are blitzing again, time out dude!

  93. Platini, shit ! he`s got no real power, head of a toothless organization, that supposedly governs European football.
    Just like the EPL at it`s inception, the big money clubs could form their own European super league and tell Platini and FIFA to go pound salt.
    You think because Platini feels jealous of the EPL and how it dominates the euro scene and would like to regulate it, to where it`s on par with French sides, will it happen, no way!
    Money talks and bullshit walks, seven days a week and the billionaires that presently own the top EPL and Euro sides are not going to take any shit from Platini and that`s a fact!

  94. Agree Chuck.

    They will just break away and create their own league.

    They don’t need any organisation that exists at the minute – They could form their own – They have the money to do that and they have the fans.

  95. ….let’s just hope Ashley’s chubby knuckles can squeeze into the pockets of his cheap Geordie Jeans to find his wallet.

    John Beresford says “I personally will be delighted if Newcastle can simply survive”.

    B@lls to that. Last season was a freak of nature. I want top 10 AT LEAST!!

    …reet, I’m back to DIY…….