Keegangate: Is this the REAL Nacho video? Are these the Brazilian agents?

Posted on October 2nd, 2009 | 16 Comments |

Nacho: The intrigue continues.
Nacho: The intrigue continues.
]In the wake of the Newcastle United / Mike Ashley / Keegan tribunal fiasco, the Daily Mail published a story asking if a Nacho Gonzalez video on ‘YouTube’ was the one Kevin Keegan was supposedly asked to watch by Dennis Wise? A video which was, supposedly, the only thing he had to go on in deciding whether he should be signed on loan for Newcastle United. However, the video linked to was only uploaded to YouTube 7 months ago, so that would be impossible.

After researching more closely, it is highly likely that it was actually this video, uploaded by Brazilian sporting agency, ADM Esporte well over a year ago.

Are they, perchance, the mystery Brazilian agents Dennis Wise and the NUFC recruitment squad sought to curry favour with in the one year loan signing of Ignacio ‘Nacho’ Gonzalez? The ones of which Keegan said:

“I was being asked to sanction the signing of a player in order to ‘do a favour’ for two South American agents. No-one at the club had seen this player play and I was asked to sign him on the basis of some clips on You Tube…”

Remember, if it is, NUFC Blog telt ye forst! ;-)


The other Nacho videos that were available in the same period on YouTube are here and here. Both of these clips are less than one minute in length though.

NUFCBlog Author: workyticket workyticket has written 1095 articles on this blog.

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16 Responses

  1. Good research DI Workyticket.

    How about ‘Toon must handle Bristol City?

    Maybe with the word fondle struckthrough!

  2. bowburnmag says:
    October 2, 2009 at 11:31 pm

    “Good research DI Workyticket.”

    Thanks Bowburn.

    Rememba who telt ye that the Serious Manboobs interview didn’t exist? And that the Profitable Group were full of sh*te and involved in highly questionable land deals? ;-)

  3. Hugh de Payen says:
    October 2, 2009 at 11:31 pm

    “Seems more likely based on the dates. Dennis Wise could probably confirm.”

    It’s a Brazilian agency video too, Hugh. I will probably investigate further.

  4. bowburnmag says:
    October 2, 2009 at 11:31 pm

    “How about ‘Toon must handle Bristol City?”

    Divven’t worry Bowburn, the breast innuendoes are in very capable hands!

  5. I find I keep getting trapped in YouTube. I went from Nacho to Ranger to Vuckic and then, unaccountably, to Jessica Alba, just by following interesting looking ‘related links’.

    It’s easy to waste time on that site.

  6. I’d like to say take the word ‘innuendoes’ out of that sentenbutane that’s me very shortly but I probably mean take the word ‘breast’ out of that sentence……

  7. If this is really the video he had to watch, I strongly feel for Keegan. The football on display was nothing short of awful. As I come from Norway, I see this kind of crap every week in the SECOND tier of norwegian football, a league wich can be financially and talent wise compared to the English Conference League.

    That being said, I am truly disgusted that a man who says he loves the club would go on and sue them for £25M. That is completely out of proportion. If I was a member of the Tribunal, I would have ruled in favour of Keegan, but only sanctioned a nominal fee in compensation. After all, it was the second time he just walked out on Newcastle, as he has from virtually every job he has had.

    I love Keegan the manager, but I’m not so sure about Keegan the man.

  8. Hugh de Payen says:
    October 2, 2009 at 11:48 pm

    “I find I keep getting trapped in YouTube. I went from Nacho to Ranger to Vuckic and then, unaccountably, to Jessica Alba, just by following interesting looking ‘related links’.

    It’s easy to waste time on that site.”

    I find that Google’s even better for wasting time, Hugh, then you can get them from everywhere. Original Punk, Johan Cruyff and Garrincha are my main vices usually.

  9. Last comment might make more sense now!

    Got tickets for Leazes Corner tommora! Lets make some noise!

  10. Christ, I’m getting sick of this Keegan serial quitter tripe people keep spouting.

    Yes, he quit the toon the first time, but that was down to the fact the club was going to be floated on the market and become a Plc, a system which keegan totally disagreed with as he didn’t think it’s how a club should be run. I guess he had a point, as aside from a few years of prosperity under Sir Bobby, the club didn’t exactly go on in leaps and bounds after the flotation, did it?

    At Fulham, he left because he felt he needed to focus on the england job full time (he worked both jobs for a few months simultaneously). Hardly call that walking out and quitting, would you?

    England, yes he quit, but surely it’s the mark of a man who can hold his hands up and admit he just wasn’t good enough? Can’t question his integrity there.

    Next up, Man city, his contract was expiring and he told the chairman that he intended to retire from football in the summer. Despite the fact that the club were doing pretty well under him in the league at the time, the chairman suggested Keegan leave in march, rather than wait until the end of the season, to allow his successor some time to work with the team, rather than starting afresh in preseason.

    And lastly, us again, where yes, he did quit, but i think that today’s ruling has made it pretty bloody clear why he did it, and let’s face it, he was completely justified in doing so.

    When you actually look at the facts of the man’s managerial career, you can see that he isn’t the serial quitter the media portray him to be, and up until last season he hadn’t exactly ever left a club in the lurch when he departed.

    So, the moral of the story would appear to be; “Stop regurgitating the spiteful bullshit the tabloids feed you every day, muppets.”

  11. Tino 11 says:
    October 3, 2009 at 12:34 am

    “Sorry Worky but someone beat you to it!”

    That’s the wrong one Tino. The one the Daily Mail posted was only from seven months ago. Read the story more closely.

  12. Yes, he quit the toon the first time, but that was down to the fact the club was going to be floated on the market and become a Plc, a system which keegan totally disagreed with as he didn’t think it’s how a club should be run. I guess he had a point, as aside from a few years of prosperity under Sir Bobby, the club didn’t exactly go on in leaps and bounds after the flotation, did it?


    Load of rubbish.

    Pointing to the failings of managers while we were a PLC as reasons for it not working is like pointing to us under Allardyce, Keegan the second time or Kinnear as reasons for not being a PLC as being a problem.

    Keegan walked out on us as a PLC because he didn’t want us to go down that road but he was proven wrong to do so IMO, plenty of money available for transfers under the next few managers that followed that he would have had if he had stayed.

    You’re wrong about Man City too by the way, he said he was leaving the following Summer but he left over a year earlier.

  13. Chris F says:
    October 3, 2009 at 12:38 am

    Tino, did you even read the first line of this article?

    workyticket says:
    October 3, 2009 at 12:45 am

    That’s the wrong one Tino. The one the Daily Mail posted was only from seven months ago. Read the story more closely.


    Oops, i’ll get my coat! :-)