It could be worse, we could be Liverpool.
Posted on June 5th, 2009 | 49 Comments |
Now I don’t know about you, but if I were a Liverpool fan at the moment I’d be a bit uneasy. For all of his faults, and he has many, at least Mike Ashley hasn’t taken the club to the point where it could be taken over by the banks because the owners have defaulted on a loan. If we had gone down the same route that Shepherd and Co. had been taking us down then we might have been in a similar situation. Currently Kop Holdings have until 24th July to pay back the £800,000,000 they have borrowed from two separate banks. If they don’t pay back the money the banks could take the club as payment! Imagine that. If the Liverpool fans thought money was tight now, imagine what it will be like with accountants running the club. The owners are confident they will find the money, but from where? The banks aren’t exactly in a lending mood at the moment. They may lend the money, but at a vastly increased interest rate which could make last years £36,000,000 in interest payments look like small fry.
There are rumours abound that other big clubs could be in trouble too, although I think Manchester United will have enough money and clout to see off any financial worries, especially as they’ve just signed a new shirt sponsorship deal.
Would you swap places with Liverpool at this moment in time? I know I wouldn’t. We though we were in a precarious situation, but it could be worse, we could be Liverpool.
Here’s a little game – Spot the ex-Newcastle players and an Aussie who looks like Dogtanian!
Quite frightening that Liverpool of all teams could be taken over by number-crunchers. They really would be boring again. I wonder if they’d have Grobelaar as cheif cheque writer and Venison, Lawrenson, Hansen and Beglin as the couriers? They’d be ready to speculate and just keep passing the cheque back everytime the markets looked dodgy. Of course, some might say Grob would run off with the cheque but I wouldn’t. I love his tache too much.