For the sake of poor fans says Llambias.Newcastle United’s Managing Director, Derek Llambias, has been speaking to David Conn for yesterday’s Guardian.
In the interview he spoke on how he has received so much abuse from Geordie ingrates that he doesn’t hear it any more, how Mike Ashley told him that he would have “a horrible job” in May 2008, just before he took over as managing director to oversee Ashley’s Sports Directification of the club, how the club spent all of the £35 million Andy Carroll money (although the club made a mighty profit of £36.731 million on player trading without amortisation in their last set of published accounts). Conn also wrote of many other things Llambias supposedly revealed to him in what is a rather fawning piece overall.
Irritatingly, for much of the “interview,” Conn give his own version of what Llambias told him, rather than just giving the quotes themselves in something which reads like a PR piece, something Llambias usually reserves for his friends at Mirror Group titles such as the Mirror, People, Chronicle and Journal. But I digress. (more…)
SJP Forever! Some United supporters it has to be said were fairly laid back about the attempt by the current “southern-based tenants” to consign the name St James’ Park to history. The geordies amongst us, who were brought up the correct way, refused to give up our history without a fight. The name means a lot to us. It did to our fathers and grandfathers. There’s too much of our lives, our memories, our passion and our families histories tied up in the cathedral on the hill. It will always be St James’ Park.
Some people wondered about Newcastle City Council’s support for the fans’ view – in refusing to change any of the signage in the city – all signs still point to St James’ Park. A publicity stunt? No – an acceptance of reality? yes. The southern tenants squatting in St James’ Park have even muttered about taking legal action against the City Council – now that would be a popular move Mr Ashley – NOT!
The point is that the naming of the ground after a T-shirt shop is transitory, temporary. Even the current tenants admit it, and claim to be actively seeking another sponsor, another name to plaster all over St James’ Park and point at the TV cameras, in return for a fast buck. So why should the city council spend ratepayers money changing the signs, just to have to spend even more ratepayers money changing them again when a new sponsor is found? And all of this when the country is allegedly skint, and the London Government is taking money away from our council (and the NHS, the schools etc) to pay for their 6-week Olympic extravaganza? (more…)
Who's the messiah?Newcastle United appear to have sorted themselves out after a long period of woe but are there are certain similarities between what Liverpool are going through now and what Newcastle have been through in the past?
Liverpool seemed in turmoil on Sunday. We beat them fairly comfortably, their goalkeeper was sent off and Andy Carroll looks like he’s heading for a bust-up with Kenny Dalglish after allegedly voicing his distaste at being substituted with a word rhyming with ‘luck’, of which they had little, followed by ‘off’, which Carroll certainly was.
But I feel just a little for Liverpool because they are currently ‘doing a Newcastle’. We’ve been in their situation in the not too distant past. They’ve brought back a ‘messiah’, spent a fortune on players not living up to their price tag, have an unsettled fan-base and they seem to be plagued by controversy, the Suarez incident being perhaps the most notable example.
Granted they haven’t imploded like we did and got themselves relegated yet, and they are one trophy to the good this season and in with a chance of the second. If truth be told, I think Liverpool will turn out to be a bit more resilient than us and will bounce back, although whether that’s under the leadership of King Kenny and with Andy Carroll leading the line remains to be seen. But it struck me that there are certain parallels between our past and what they’re going through though. (more…)
How do you feel about the renaming of SJP?Christina from Newcastle University is currently writing a dissertation / thesis on the renaming of St James’ Park by Sports Direct, and part of her research work takes the form of a survey to record fans’ feelings on the project.
It is quite painless and should only take a few minutes, and it would be great for Christina’s project if as many people as possible could fill it in. The greater the sample group, the more accurate it will be in reflecting the feelings of we fans on the scheme.
Here’s what Christina herself has to say about it:
“Hi there! My name is Christina and I am a student in Newcastle University. I am currently writing my dissertation which is about the renaming of St James’ Park. The results of this survey are essential for the research. Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire!”(more…)
Derek Llambias: The PR offensive continues.As Mike Ashley’s current PR offensive continues apace, Newcastle United’s managing director, Derek Llambias, claimed that the club have had some “nibbles” from “tyre kickers” expressing interest in the club’s stadium naming rights offer.
In the latest chapter of the offensive, planned on the back of an announcement of reduced losses in the club’s annual accounts after the sale of Andy Carroll, he claimed to “sympathise” with fans concerned over the stadium’s latest name change. I’m flattered to say that he also took a swipe at my own hypothesis as outlined in several previous stories on this blog. My hypothesis being that the sponsorship offer, including the highly questionable “showcase” idea, has broken so many rules of the golden rules of sponsorship, and is so overpriced in comparison to similar sponsorship deals (with one rather dubious exception in the North West), that it seems to be a ruse, something which has been planned to fail from the start, as it has for well over two years so far to Sports Direct’s benefit. (more…)