Keegan to reveal ‘damning emails’.

Posted on September 20th, 2009 | 49 Comments |

Damning emails?
Damning emails?
It’s the News of the World, so don’t take it too seriously, but they claim that Keegan has a bunch of emails that will prove Mike Ashley made his position untenable and he was therefore constructively dismissed.

‘Sources close to Keegan’ (hmm) claim that the emails will blow Ashley’s case out of the water. One such source said:

There are emails people have never seen. If the truth comes out about what went on, then Ashley and Wise will be decimated. The last thing Kevin wanted to do was walk out but his position was impossible.”

The article then goes on to claim that all parties in the tribunal have signed a declaration stating that they will not leak information, although that doesn’t seem to have prevented the leaked information that somehow seems to have found its way to the News of the World.

Apparently the no-leak agreement came about as a result of Ashley’s attempts to defend his position via the media after Keegan left. I can only presume they mean the ‘It is a fact’ statement Ashley made on 6th September 2008, which went as follows:

It is a fact that Kevin Keegan, on appointment on 16th January 2008, agreed to report to a Director of Football and to the Board.

It is a fact that Kevin Keegan worked within that structure from 16th January 2008 until his resignation.

It is a fact that Kevin Keegan, as manager, had specific duties in that he was responsible for the training, coaching, selection and motivation of the Team.

It is a fact that Kevin Keegan was allowed to manage his specific duties without any interference from any Board member.

It is a fact that Kevin Keegan agreed only to deal with the media in relation to Club matters relating to the Team and not to communicate with the media in relation to the acquisition or disposal of players.

It is a fact that NUFC is a business and operates, like all businesses, with financial constraints.

It is a fact that NUFC’s financial constraints inform its transfer dealings.

The Board of NUFC have responsibility to ensure that the club is able to meet its commitments which include the wages and the transfer fees for players.

The structure at NUFC is clear, and has been clear from 16th January 2008.

Personally I can’t see what’s wrong with that as long as it’s true.

I wonder just how much we’ll find out about the goings-on at this tribunal. I would hope for full disclosure but wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get that.

Apparently Ashley is determined to win this case and has employed top lawyer Graham Shear who has represented the likes of Ashley Cole, Kieran Dyer and Robbie Williams. This determination to win – the NotW claims – is an indication that Ashley intends to remain in charge of Newcastle United despite having now received a £100m offer for the club.

Make of that what you will but let’s not descend into another round of tit-for-tat insults eh? I’m quite happy to let the tribunal – which will be party to many more facts than the sparse few we have – decide who was right and wrong in the whole Keegangate affair.

NUFCBlog Author: Hugh de Payen I'm a baby-boomer of the punk rock persuasion, currently exiled in Somerset for crimes committed in a previous life where locals keep trying to poison me with something called 'scrumpy'. Hates sprouts, coat-hangers, Cilla Black, ornaments, Steven Seagull movies and 50 Cent (he's not worth 10). Hugh de Payen has written 634 articles on this blog.

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49 Responses

  1. Ashley’s “It’s a fact…” statement seems watertight, Hugh, as you say if it’s true.

    Anything reported in TNOTW is subject to a pinch of salt (including the date) so how damning these “damning e-mails” are will remain to be seen.

    I, too, hope for full disclosure….. too much like wishful thinking I fear. It’ll be tight-lips, payoff’s and “Not a word to the wife”…if Ashley stays true to his business model.

    As with all things, time will solve this little mystery.

  2. Aye, the only ‘hole’ in it is that it doesn’t actually mention who has the final say on transfers. It does say:

    “It is a fact that Kevin Keegan, as manager, had specific duties in that he was responsible for the training, coaching, selection and motivation of the Team.”

    Which, if that is an exhaustive list, implies he didn’t have the final say on transfers. But I think it’s a little more complicated than that or we would have had:

    “It is a fact that Kevin Keegan never had the final say or transfers” or “It is a fact that the Director of Football had the final say or transfers.”

    My guess is that the ‘mistake’ is that who had the final say on transfers was never actually properly pinned down in a contract. I don’t think things would have got this far if it had been. So I think there’s a lot ‘I was led to believe’ about it if you see what I mean.

  3. In any case involving constructive dismissal there are “Grey Areas”, what usually happens is, the job in question, comes with it implied consents i.e. area’s not contractually outlined that are “Taken as read” by all parties…this may be one of those areas. If this is the case, it would be entirely consistent with Ashley’s incompetent running of NUFC.

    His hiring of cronies, idiots and yes men in key areas of club business may well swim up and bite him in the arse, on this occasion.

    I take no pleasure in the thought of “The Club” footing the bill for KK’s compen…if reports are to be believed (and that’s a whole other question) then it’s a stumbling block for the purchase; but he should have the same legal right as everyone else…with a grievance.

  4. i dont know if any 1 does or doesnt know this but apparently r taylor has fell out with enrique after being asked in am matchday programme who was the least inteligent he refered to r taylor

  5. Could someone explain to me why Ashley is seriously considering staying when he has confirmed they have recived a bid that matched his asking price?

    Does he see this start as almost a guarentee of promotion and doubling his money?

    Surely he knows without further squad strengthening we probably won’t go up.

    If he says ‘I’m staying’ will he commit further funds in January?

    Big question I reckon…

  6. A more interesting story today was the fact that it has been leaked Newcastle have appointed the renowned lawyer Graham Shear – a man known for outstanding defence.

    I expect KKs side to have leaked this – it is not in Ashleys interest to leak this as if he loses with one of the best lawyers – his case was really fundamentally flawed.

    Therefore the leak will be in all likelihood be from KKs side – so if KK loses – its because their lawyer wasnt as good.

    Just my interpretation.

  7. The odds are stacked against KK anyway because constructive dismissal case are renowned for being hard to win. If he wins he must have an extremely good case.

  8. Stardust says:
    September 20, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    “I expect KKs side to have leaked this”

    Or maybe they just did the usual thing, Stardust, make it all up!

  9. workyticket says:
    September 20, 2009 at 12:47 pm

    Stardust says:
    September 20, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    “I expect KKs side to have leaked this”

    Or maybe they just did the usual thing, Stardust, make it all up!

    Keegan loves money more than anything, so I don’t think he would jeopardise his £10 million by breaking confidentiality.

  10. Hugh de Payen says:
    September 20, 2009 at 12:44 pm (Edit)

    “The odds are stacked against KK anyway because constructive dismissal case are renowned for being hard to win. If he wins he must have an extremely good case.”

    According to lawyers who have commented on it, he has a pretty bad case though, Hugh. We’ll see.

  11. The People are claiming that Ashley offered KK half the amount he wants s out of court settlement but it was turned down point blank.

    If that’s the case KK is only interested in getting as much money as possible from this IMO.

    Although I’m sure some will say he is entitled to his contract to be paid in full.

    But as Worky says, they could have just made this up.

  12. workyticket says:
    September 20, 2009 at 1:03 pm
    Hugh de Payen says:
    September 20, 2009 at 12:44 pm (Edit)

    “The odds are stacked against KK anyway because constructive dismissal case are renowned for being hard to win. If he wins he must have an extremely good case.”

    According to lawyers who have commented on it, he has a pretty bad case though, Hugh. We’ll see.

    How would they know though? Even if they did know something it would be incredibly unproffesional of them to comment on it surely?

    I would also think that KK’s lawyers wouldn’t let him go this far down the line if he didn’t have a decent enough claim. I know solicitors have a bad reputaion but their not fool hardy.

  13. i would also just like to say good look to bowburn i i know he is probz still running so when you get back bowburn and are well rested perhaps you can tell us how the run went ??

  14. Stuart79 says:
    September 20, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    “I would also think that KK’s lawyers wouldn’t let him go this far down the line”

    I don’t know, Stuart. You get alot of lawyers and clients bringing oppotunistic cases, hoping that the other side will cave in and offer a settlement to save embarrassment, lost income etc.

    We don’t really know for sure that Ashley has already offered a settlement, that was just paper stuff, with other indications that Ashley is determined to fight this to the bitter end (ie the High Court).

    With the position Mike Ashley has been in at Newcastle United, it could be a classic case of this. I’m not saying that it is, mind, but there have been alot of cases like that before.

  15. I suspect that money is motivating both Ashley and KK (either gaining it or avoiding losing it) but I also suspect that both want to win their case and prove a point.

    I’ve heard speculation that Ashley has tried to settle ahead of any hearings but I haven’t seen anything that could confirm it for definite (although I could have missed and/or forgotten such a statement).

  16. summerof69 says:
    September 20, 2009 at 1:17 pm

    “i would also just like to say good look to bowburn”

    Aye. Hear, hear, 69!

    I really hope the footballer’s knee he’s been moaning about is OK. Those long runs are absolute murder on the knees.

  17. Hugh de Payen says:
    September 20, 2009 at 1:22 pm

    Aye Hugh, if KK wins his case Ashley will have spent more on payin off managers than he has on buying players!

  18. Yeah, I hope BBM’s okay and manages to finish without completely screwing up his knee.

    I can’t abide running TBH and the last thing I’d do is voluntarily enter something like this, so fair play to him for having a crack at it.

  19. It does amuse me that the papers are reporting that Ashley has a “top lawyer” as if that’s news in some way. He’s still worth several hundred million pounds, of course he’s going to have a top lawyer!

  20. workyticket says:
    September 20, 2009 at 2:06 pm
    It does amuse me that the papers are reporting that Ashley has a “top lawyer” as if that’s news in some way. He’s still worth several hundred million pounds, of course he’s going to have a top lawyer!

    And there was everyone thinking he was on legal aid….

  21. I don’t buy the NotW’s claim that his determination to win is an indication that he doesn’t want to sell the club either.

    Other than simply conceding, he has to do this tribunal and he’s bound to be trying to win it.

  22. Hugh,

    I’m not too sure he really wants to sell at this moment in time.

    He has shown he doesn’t understand football in the past with strange decisions and he will see our great start as a promotion certainty.

    He will think he can double his money if we get promoted. The only problem is we won’t get promoted with this squad and he won’t invest any more money.

  23. I really hope the footballer’s knee he’s been moaning about is OK. Those long runs are absolute murder on the knees.

    yes they are worky it probz wasnt the best idea for him to do the worlds longest half marathon on dodgy knees and i also bet hes regretting it lol but hes definately earning those donations

  24. Stu, I’m not denying that he may be thinking about keeping the club for a bit longer. It’s just that I don’t think his determination to win this tribunal is an indication of that.

  25. Yeah he just wants to win because it’s human nature.

    Oh and he doesn’t want to have to pay him £10m.

  26. wow what a manchester derby its a shame micky owen couldnt have pulled a few miracles out the bag for us but i guess its due to the nature of the 2 clubs man u are by nature lucky and us by nature arent but never mind

  27. Well I did it!! About 2 hours and 14 mins.

    The knee held up OK with a support, and although it was sore it didn’t really give me too much grief except for stepping up onto the verges occassionally.

    However, one of the lads running with us made the same fatal mistake I did and played footy yesterday. He hit the wall about a mile before I did last year and really struggled but we helped him round. I think if he’d been OK, we might have hit 2 hours.

    Considering my condition and the fact the most I’ve run this year is 5 miles, I’m more than happy with the time.

    More importantly I enjoyed it this year. It wasn’t a miserable end to a great event. It was just a really amazing experience. You can’t beat it.

    However, I’ll get some photos up shortly and show you my blisters. They’re impressive enough to point out.

    I’ve just had a bath and feel more human now, so off for the barbie and beers. Might get on later.

    Cheers again for all the support.

  28. 10 out of 10 BBM! Running is a tough gig at the best of times…let alone with a dodgy knee!

    You put us (well, me) to shame with your athleticism!!

  29. well done ENGLAND for thrashing the aussie boys today..yowza,and well done the next time mate it’s more fun!!!..more bmw and less lbw.

  30. geordie deb says:
    September 20, 2009 at 6:44 pm (Edit)

    Are you still on your sick bed Hugh?


    Not too bad thanks Deb. This TamiFlu stuff seems to be working. My temperature’s a bit more reasonable now.