Archive for tag: Sheffield United.

Newcastle United – News Roundup – 11 July 2009 [last updated: 3.15pm].

July 11th, 2009 | 6 Comments |

Shamrock's manager & NUFC old boy, O'Neill.
Shamrock's manager & NUFC old boy, O'Neill.
Shamrock Rovers game (today).

Well, today’s the day of Newcastle United’s first friendly game of the season, this time against the Emerald Isle’s Shamrock Rovers (K.O. 3pm). Shamrock’s manager and NUFC old boy, Michael O’Neill spoke to Newcastle’s Chronicle yesterday about the game, and also of his “heartache” over the current situation facing his old club. He said:

“I have some very fond memories of my times there and you could see then it was a place waiting to take off.

“I played with Gazza and Mirandinha during their pomp at Newcastle, which was a great experience for a young striker.

“Now I’m just as gutted as everybody else up there to see it back in turmoil. (more…)