Archive for tag: Teteh Bangura’s work permit.

Work permit issues end Toon interest in Bangura. Erdinç decision expected today.

July 29th, 2011 | 34 Comments |

Teteh Bangura no longer allegedly a Newcastle United target.
Not on the radar anymore?
Newcastle United allegedly end all interest in Teteh Bangura while Alan Pardew is keen to get a decision from Mevlüt Erdinç by the end of today.

You have been spared my rambling nonsense for a few days due to the village I live in once again having had its telephone exchange stolen. To be more precise, it’s the copper wire that links the exchange to the houses in the village that was stolen. It’s really getting tiresome. I’m now on first name terms with some of BT’s customer service staff who are, I must say, polite, courteous and completely useless.

But I’ll spare you a rant about that and move on to Newcastle instead.

News hot off the (Daily Mail’s) press is that we’ve ended our pursuit of AIK striker Teteh Bangura after work permits delayed talks. The Mail has suggested that Manchester United are now interested in the player and that scout Martin Ferguson is off to watch Teteh play this weekend. (more…)