Archive for tag: NUFC Blog on

Have ‘Time4Change’ lost their chance to seize the day?

November 17th, 2013 | 74 Comments |

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My latest piece on was published earlier today.

Entitled ‘Have two Newcastle United victories cost ‘Time4Change’ their momentum?,’ as you might have guessed from the title, it takes a look at the Newcastle United ‘Time4Change’ movement.

In the piece I ask if they are now in danger of losing their momentum after their first march almost a month ago, which made more of an impact than they might have imagined due to Mike Ashley’s childish and ludicrous overreaction to their little stroll through Newcastle before the game with Liverpool on 19th October.

You can find it by following the link below.

Have two Newcastle United victories cost ‘Time4Change’ their momentum?


Krul’s record-breaking performance against Tottenham [video]

November 11th, 2013 | 7 Comments |

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My latest piece on was published earlier today.

Called ‘Tim Krul – the best performance by any goalkeeper this season?,’ it is my usual look back over the week-end’s game on my other Newcastle United blog. As the title suggests, it is mostly about Tim Krul’s performance in goal on Sunday, which pretty much overshdowed everything else.

Krul’s fourteen saves in one saw the Flying Dutchman breaking the OPTA’s record since they began collecting Premier League stats back in the 2006-7 season.

You can read the story by following the link below.

Tim Krul – the best performance by any goalkeeper this season?


Sports Direct get free advertising, but what about Dunlop, Firetrap, Cruise etc?

November 6th, 2013 | 61 Comments |

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My latest story on is now up!

As is usual with the Metro, it now has a veritable cornucopia of titles chosen my their crack team of headline writers, sub-eds or whatever. However, my original title for it was the same as this piece, ie “Sports Direct get free advertising, but what about Dunlop, Firetrap, Cruise etc?” so I’ll stick with that one here.

On the piece itself, well we all know that Sports Direct don’t pay anything for all the advertising at St James’ Park and the club’s Benton training ground. However, some of you who might not follow Mike Ashley’s ever expanding business empire quite as closely as I do may not know that there are several other Sports Direct sub-brands such as Dunlop, Firetrap and Cruise who are also advertising at St James’ Park on a fairly regular basis. (more…)

Did the Kinnear scouting Shane Ferguson story start with a Sunderland fan?

November 4th, 2013 | 47 Comments |

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My latest story on is now up!

Entitled “Is Kinnear scouting Ferguson a Sunderland spoof?” or alternatively “Did the Joe Kinnear scouting Shane Ferguson story come from a mischievous Sunderland fan?” (they seem to think that two titles are better than one over there), it originally had the same title as this piece but never mind, at least I’m getting paid!

Anyway, in it I take a look for the origins of Alan Oliver’s laughable story about Joe Kinnear allegedly going to watch Birmingham City’s League Cup victory over Swansea and asking about signing Shane Ferguson. Of course, as Kinnear and all Toon fans know perfectly well already, he is already a Newcastle United player who is currently on loan at the Midlands club. (more…)

Newcastle United vs Chelsea: A great day slightly tarnished

November 3rd, 2013 | 18 Comments |

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Dear readers, this is just another quick note to let you know that my latest piece for was published this morning.

Entitled, well actually it originally had the same title as this piece when I wrote it, but the Metro in their infinite wisdom have decided to retitle it “How Alan Pardew tarnished Newcastle United’s great win over Chelsea.” They are my reflections on Newcastle United’s 2-0 victory over Chelsea on Saturday.

You can find it by following the link below:

How Alan Pardew tarnished Newcastle United’s great win over Chelsea.
