Archive for tag: Joey Barton calming down.

Well done Joey Barton!

August 30th, 2010 | 116 Comments |

Joey Barton handled himself well.
Joey Barton handled himself well.
Yesterday I praised Chris Hughton, then the club, but now it is the turn for Joey Barton to have his portion of praise.

Is Joey finally growing up? Perhaps it is too early to answer that definitively, but I have to say that if he carries on the way he is doing then it would certainly appear that he is.

You will probably be aware of what motivated me to write this piece, but just to clarify I am talking about the rough tackling he was on the end of at Wolves. Mick McCarthy’s simple tactic would have had the desired effect not so long back and Barton would have no doubt lashed out and seen red at some point for it. He didn’t lash out though, and that is why some huge credit has to go to Barton. (more…)