Archive for tag: Club Takeover.
WTO Report on Saudi Piracy – Conclusion and Full Report
June 16th, 2020 | No Comments |
7.4.4 Conclusion
7.294. For these reasons, the Panel finds that the requirements for invoking Article73(b)(iii) are met in relation to the inconsistency with Article 42 and Article 41.1 of the TRIPS Agreement (*850) arising from the measures that, directly or indirectly, have had the result of preventing beIN from obtaining Saudi legal counsel to enforce its IP rights through civil enforcement procedures before Saudi courts and tribunals. The Panel also finds that the requirements for invoking Article73(b)(iii) are not met in relation to the inconsistency with Article 61 of the TRIPS Agreement arising from Saudi Arabia’s non-application of criminal procedures and penalties to beoutQ. (more…)
Would a Saudi led Newcastle United be allowed to compete in Europe?
June 14th, 2020 | 8 Comments |
At this time, the Saudi led consortium’s bid to take over the Magpies hangs on the (much delayed) decision by the Premier League as to whether the prospective buyers are ‘fit and proper’ people to take over a Premier League club. Many column inches and web pages (mostly drivel) have been wasted on it. However, there is another aspect of the deal which doesn’t seem to have been thought of at all. What I mean is that overcoming the Premier League hurdle will not necessarily be the end of the story if the new regime have ambitions for the Magpies to compete in UEFA competitions such as the Europa League and the Champions League. (more…)
Newcastle United: Takeover close, Pochettino lined-up, Kane may follow.
May 26th, 2020 | 62 Comments |
Supporters are desperate to see the back of Mike Ashley and embark on what many believe will be a brighter future under the Saudi-led consortium.
With huge resources expected to be pumped into the club, there will be plenty of fans using the bet365 bonus code to back Newcastle to win silverware next season.
Read on as we take a closer look at the latest state-of-play regarding the takeover and the immediate impact it could have on the club. (more…)
Magpies eye chance to take flight with new owner
May 3rd, 2020 | 53 Comments |
The departure of Rafa Benitez last summer to be replaced by Steve Bruce was perhaps the final straw. Despite his local links, Bruce wasn’t a popular choice. His links to nearby rivals Sunderland did little for his popularity but more poignantly, Bruce is a typical ‘journeyman’ manager at this stage in his career. (more…)