Two of the next three Newcastle United games on free to air TV.

Posted on June 15th, 2020 | 48 Comments |

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TV details of next 3 NUFC games announced with 6 to follow
The return of the Premier League this Wednesday, albeit in empty stadiums, also means the return of live football to our screens, along with the welcome news to those who don’t have multiple TV sport subscriptions that two of Newcastle United’s first three games will be broadcast free to air, or all three for those lucky enough to have BT Sport for free on their Virgin Cable package. TV details of the games up to Wednesday, July 1st (the first three games) have been released, with details of the final six games to follow in the fullness of time (details below).

As well as BT and Sky, in the TV games still to be announced, BBC and Amazon will also be broadcasting four Premier League games apiece, with the BBC games being free to air and the Amazon ones available to Amazon Prime customers, though those who aren’t will probably be able to receive the games if they take out a month’s free trial at the right time.

The full list of remaining Newcastle United games

Sunday, June 21: Newcastle vs Sheffield United (2.00pm) – SKY (free-to-air).

Wednesday, June 24: Newcastle vs Aston Villa (6.00pm) – BT.

Wednesday, July 1: Bournemouth vs Newcastle (6.00pm) – SKY (free-to-air).

To be decided

Saturday, 4 July 2020: Newcastle United vs West Ham United (3.00pm).

Wednesday, 8 July 2020: Manchester City vs Newcastle United (3.00)pm.

Saturday, 11 July 2020: Watford vs Newcastle United (3.00)pm.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020: Newcastle United vs Tottenham Hotspur (8.00)pm.

Saturday, 18 July 2020: Brighton & Hove Albion vs Newcastle United (3.00)pm.

Sunday, 26 July 2020: Newcastle United vs Liverpool (3.00)pm.

NUFCBlog Author: workyticket workyticket has written 1095 articles on this blog.

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48 Responses

  1. So this is it! The WTO report is coming out at 3pm.

    Whatever happens, from the point of view of buying Newcastle United, the Saudi PIF being a Saudi government wealth fund chaired by Mohammed bin Salman has been a big problem. Other potential owners with similar problems would have kept things more ‘socially distant’ to use the phrase of the moment.

  2. Erm ! exactly what kind of BIG problem ? As I’m sure there are more sources than NUFC looking @ that fat wealth fund, specifically the UK government now that the country is moving to
    Brexit, there’s possibly an opportunity to sell more arms, so they can teach those unruly Houtis a lesson.

    And which potential owners with similar problems ? and how does one keep things more socially distant than NUFC, being we still know as little as we did, months ago ?

    get real !

  3. The “WTO”, you are going to know more about this body before long, if Boris doesn’t get his act to-gether and ends up without a deal on Brexit’
    Well the WTO has finally given it’s opinion (possibly with the help of some heavenly grease) and it appears to be, NUFC & The Saudi’s
    Not guilty of any crimes or misdemeanors, that’s what I’m talking bout.
    Not so sure everyone is on the same page here concerning the result, and according to certain voices on this blog, it’s obvious that
    there are actually so called supporters who are totally against the sale,
    I suppose those same people are strict law and order folks, you know the ones who believe things said by politicians and think of the police as guardians of people’s rights, instead of angry guys who need a pensionable twenty and out job, with the ability to
    bust heads in the meantime, being the police’s favorite pastime is rioting.
    Ah well, we live and learn .

    not guilty M’laud, lets see who they (the opposition to the deal, which would be a very interesting disclosure and would inform everyone, exactly who oppose the sale and the reasons why)

  4. Chuck, I have now been bogged down for months in my latest read, Hannah Arendt’s ‘The Origins of Totalitarianism,’ and your recent comments on KSA, Qatar and the takeover etc remind me of something Arendt wrote in there. She said:

    “One of the greatest advantages of the totalitarian elites of the twenties and thirties was to turn any statement of fact into a question of motive.”

    And that is what you have been doing too with all this stuff about ‘heavenly grease’ and your picture you try to paint of fans who have reservations about the Saudi regime as ‘so-called supporters’ who are stupid and gullible who believe everything they are told and that’s just one comment. You have also suggested that opponents, including Amnesty International and the fiance of someone who was brutally murdered by Mohammed bin Salman are only opposing this sale because they are being secretly backed by Qatar. It’s classic mob stuff. You are already an unpaid propagandist for a brutal regime and the sale hasn’t even gone through yet.

  5. Worky
    You appear to be a bit angry by my attitudes in regard to the Saudi deal, do I detect a bit of anti- Saudi rhetoric on your part ?
    Perhaps you might re-examine your attitudes to-wards a few of to-days international deals,
    It appears you are no friend of the Saudis, being against the sale from day 1#.
    I have no recollection of mentioning Khasuggian’s ex-fiance, as being allied to “The Qatari’s”, just made that up, did you ?
    As for Amnesty with which I have had dealings with, for you or anyone else information, they are basically a donation generating
    hands on organization, who claim they allow members to write to organizations and governing bodies, but in fact are mainly interested in donations only. make what you want out of that !
    Classic mob stuff, moi ? surely you take this more seriously than I thought, with accusations of “moi” being an unpaid propagandist for a brutal regime .
    Perhaps I should inform the Saudi’s and ask them to pay me for my effort,
    Bogged down by one of the centuries best minds, talking about Hannah Arendt here, perhaps you should have gone directly too “Eiichmann in Jerusalem”, that covers a controversial explanation
    by Arendt, called “The Banality of Evil” stating Eichmann was basically a Banal functionary, within an evil system .
    Of course this was not met with much enthusiasm in an Israel bent on portraying Eichmann as a monster, but found nothing more than a banal German, who pursued his work like any functional citizen.



  6. Worky
    You appear to be a bit angry by my attitudes in regard to the Saudi deal, do I detect a bit of anti- Saudi rhetoric on your part ?
    Perhaps you might re-examine your attitudes to-wards a few of to-days international deals,
    It appears you are no friend of the Saudis, being against the sale from day 1#.
    I have no recollection of mentioning Khasuggian’s ex-fiance, as being allied to “The Qatari’s”, just made that up, did you ?
    As for Amnesty with which I have had dealings with, for you or anyone else information, they are basically a donation generating
    hands on organization, who claim they allow members to write to organizations and governing bodies, but in fact are mainly interested in donations only. make what you want out of that !
    Classic mob stuff, moi ? surely you take this more seriously than I thought, with accusations of “moi” being an unpaid propagandist for a brutal regime .
    Perhaps I should inform the Saudi’s and ask them to pay me for my effort,
    Bogged down by one of the centuries best minds, talking about Hannah Arendt here, perhaps you should have gone directly too “Eiichmann in Jerusalem”, that covers a controversial explanation
    by Arendt, called “The Banality of Evil” stating Eichmann was basically a Banal functionary, within an evil system .
    Of course this was not met with much enthusiasm in an Israel bent on portraying Eichmann as a monster, but found nothing more than a banal German, who pursued his work like any functional citizen.

    As for using the term Heavenly Grease, it is more common in just about every large deal made it’s how certain people make a living
    who are capable of tying up the many loose ends.



  7. “I have no recollection of mentioning Khasuggian’s ex-fiance, as being allied to “The Qatari’s”, just made that up, did you ?”

    “Soh! the Qataris size their opportunity during the NUFC/Saudi sale and bring in all the big guns, Amnesty Int., The murdered Khasoggi , etc. etc. to bear until lately they were running out of witnisses and as the EPL were loath to involve themselves, they finally used the WTO, who were blistering in their assault on the Saudis and who have obviously to be pieced off with decent bribe…”

    You are trying to suggest that it was Qatar who brought in the “big guns” of Amnesty International and Hatice Cengiz. In the comment below you bring money it the picture, suggesting that all the objections are “possibly” being bankrolled by Qatar.

    “No I was just browsing some NUFC article that was so positive that there was so much opposition to the sale (possibly Qatari money) who were determined to prevent the sale from taking place, I won’t go into any detail, same stuff I have been saying for a while…”

    That was just the first two, I started to lose the will to live after sifting through your comments for a few minutes. These are conspiracy theories which have been brought into the conversation by Saudi astroturfers, who have been working very hard on Newcastle United supporters on social media, training them to be apologists for the Saudi regime. Sadly, some of them have been star pupils. It makes me want to retch to see Newcastle United and its fans being used like that.

  8. Soh ! you mean you are convinced that so many different groups simply came to -gether at one time without any urging from anyone;
    if so , you are more naive than I thought,
    From the beginning or when the sale talks began, most fans had no idea other than what had occurred previously, with basically the same actors.
    Which ended with a washout and probably would have had a similar ending, had Ashley not needed the money.
    The fact that it became a long drawn out procedure with anyone and everyone who may dislike the Saudi’s, jumping on the Anti-
    Saudi bandwaggon.
    And you are telling us it took no urging from anyone for a most divergent group to suddenly zoom in on the sale at the desired moment ,
    Khasoggian was killed in Turkey, a long way from St. James” and
    it is their business to solve any case within their jurisdiction, it has nothing to do with the Saudi leader, until it is proven, as for Amnesty Int., when was it any of their business, though they are a popular organization, known to help certain jailed individuals, so who brought them to the table ?
    And apparently Qatar has not proven the Saudi’s have pirated their broadcasts , as for the WTO, you will no doubt change your mind about, when you and your governing body (Boris and co.) end up
    negotiating with (if there’s no Agreement within the given Brexit time allowance) And you believe that there was no prior knowledge
    by any of these anti- Saudi people or organizations other than a call for justice, FFS it’s about the sale of a football club, not a settling of political rights, just a simple sale.
    And why you would object to the sale is puzzling, after all, are you not allied to the Saudis, do you not provide Arms and technicians to them,
    Look There are owners and owners, of football clubs, some decent people, some crooks , many who don’t want to compete with SA money, but that’s why the EPL has initiated rules which prevent this from happening (fair play rules) so whats your problem,? as I am sure you should be as happy as the rest of the fans.
    For ridding the club of Ashley.


    and what have the Saudi’s




  9. Worky
    Watched to-days game, and though we were playing against a newly promoted side, then for a long period played against ten men. which would almost guarantee the three points.
    And instead of taking advantage and giving the forwards a chance to run up a real score, continued to defend against a side that had little chance of getting a goal.
    I suppose the local lad really believes he has a chance at remaining in charge, he’s so much into playing ten men behind the ball, that even if the side wn every game , it doesn’t change the fact it’s garbage football that no real NUFC wants or needs.
    Now that the dancing around the sale is almost over, it’s time to hire a real manager, who is both experienced and
    has the nous to manage those big name players on their way to St. James’.being most fans have had enough defensive football to last a lifetime.
    Yeah I know there’s a lotta fans who believe in Bruce, but it’s obvious he is still, here , because the club have yet to name a replacement, but will start a soon as the ink is dry on the sale.
    A new manager, Coutinho, and whoever else,
    Look if we are going to have top players, can you see them listening to advice from Bruce, thought not !
    And as far as the present side is concerned, the best we can hope for is to once again avoid relegation.
    Rock buns , take your pick ?

  10. Soh ! all we need now is a team, that is once the deal is signed and of course everything that goes with it, what concerns me is the fact we seem to have no one aligned to run the club, talking bout top level management, which has really never existed at this club, there was always the feeling NUFC were a cheap-ass club.
    Even during the good years @ the club the early fifties and Stan. Seymour was running things.
    I men do we have a top management team already chosen, because we are gonna need one, since Ashley filled every role and what does he know about football.
    though when influenced by Carr, he bought some great bargains, unfortunately for sell on purposes
    DeBuchy, Sissoko, Cabaye, Tiote, etc, etc.
    Get on the phone with Carr, who I believe has the contacts needed and knowledge of young players to do a good job in rebuilding this crap side who are barely capable of fending off relegation.
    Hey ! we got more dosh than just about any side, though they claim they will only spend big immediately following the takeover. or did I get that part wrong ?
    However a good top management team is essential for every club, which includes a top level Manager, someone who is tactically astute and has the nous to deal with big name players, but to keep Bruce would be a mistake, as things went he was fortunate to end up at St. James’ in the first place .
    Tell the Saudis to buy Gateshead and make it a development club for future Newcastle youngsters and give him the managers job, well maybe !
    I just want to express the fact that this change in ownership can mean massive changes just like “Covis 19” will change things forever, Ah well, nothing stays the same, just remember how happy and exited the fans were on hearing a British Billionaire was taking over nufc
    Little did we know at the time …………


  11. Well folks it’s a done deal, just as predicted , apparently it went as expected with enough controversy as possible
    signifying that everyone has done a remarkable job and a due diligence or a form of it has been completed,
    Wrong !
    Actually it went as I said it would, where the UK government could not afford to cancel this particular sale , because it may anger the Prince and he may switch to buy French or other manufactured arms and don’t forget the extra billions of future deals down the road as SA begins to splurge on their modernization program.
    Don’t believe it, ?
    Well here’s what her Majesty’s government’s spokesperson had to say.
    Well basically the Saudi;s have given their word that they will crack down on any laws that encourage any kind of
    piracy involving the stealing of others broadcasts.
    (The UK government after increased involvement are keen to preserve and strengthen Saudi ties.) which sez it all. just like I predicted.
    Actually my understanding is the Saudi’s have already applied for a broadcasting license, so they come out ahead once more, I only hope they can work a similar deal with NUFC, by hiring a top management group and don’t leave it to the office idiot and cheapest applicant, like Ashley, who when one thinks about it. juggling nufc and his real business, couldn’t have been easy.
    Like it or not , that’s the story.

  12. Chuck, when we went into that game, Sheffield United were 5th. They don’t score that many but they’d let in fewer goals than anyone else apart from Liverpool. Sending off or no sending off, putting three goals past them and keeping a clean sheet was an achievement. Allan St Maximin was top notch and generally ran the game, it was no more 9 at the back, it was Newcastle’s third victory in a row, the football was more engaging, my eyelids didn’t start to get heavy as the game progressed and Joelinton scored! What more do you want FFS?

    As for the takeover, what are you on about? nothing has gone through yet.

  13. Worky
    All I can say is you are easily pleased, by beating a side that played poorly and was a man down for a majority of the game, we both know that Sheffield are a better side than what we saw.
    And if Bruce gave the word for them to attack, it appears our recent French addition was the only one who heard him.
    Look we don’t really have that great a side, but one that has been playing that same boring defend defend defend, football and possibly believe the only way to score is from a break-away.
    Threre’s a name for it and a style that almost caused Seri A football
    to collapse being the fans there refused to watch the clubs that played that style” cattanaggio” !
    As for our Brazilian center forward, I thought that’s who we rely
    upon as a scorer, the man has two goals to his credit and yet no one considers that unusual, with everyone saying how hard he trains and what a nice guy he is, well perhaps !
    But if it were my club I would have sent him on his way before now and try to recoup that fifty big ones some fool spent on him.
    Shelvey could have brought a beach chair and sat in it , for all he accomplished, and can see why so many clubs have sold him
    It’s called laziness.
    The rest excluding our goalie are just as bad, this club needs to be rebuilt and let’s see some young talent brought in and get rid of these mediocrities, while we have the opportunity.

  14. Chuck, I think you’re being a bit harsh. We got the job done efficiently and looked like ‘a team’. We’ve definitely improved in the second half of this season (albeit a Covid interrupted half of the season). We’re not one of the more attacking teams in the division, I’ll grant you, but we’re attacking more than we were.

    FWIW I’ve never been a fan of Bruce, but I’ll call it like I see it and say he has improved the team as the season has gone on. At the outset I thought we might be relegation fodder but I now think a mid-table finish is within our grasp. That’s improvement.

    Not that it matters. If the takeover goes ahead I’m pretty sure Bruce will soon be gone. He just might be given a chance but, if he was, he wouldn’t have much leeway before the axe falls (IMHO).

  15. Hugh
    A bit harsh you say?
    Lets see them to-day, oh damn ! not showing it here.
    Ah well, if they are beaten by Villa to-day, what will you say ?
    So far this season nufc has plodded through, defending for three quarters while attempting to sneak a quick breakaway goal or two.
    Which can be both frustrating and with the players we have almost an impossibility, it’s also tough to watch.
    Personally few players meet the standards required in this league and apart from our goalie and recent French signing, it wouldn’t
    bother me to get rid of the lot.
    Which is why I’m looking forward to both the deal being accomplished and signing a few decent youngsters, as along with most fans i’ve had enough of watching what I consider garbage football played by mediocre players and directed by a manager
    who only got the job because he is a local and the fact no one of any stature wanted it.
    Not a very flattering opinion, but it’s what I have seen and if they cannot beat Villa, who are heading for the second tier imo, then will we be fortunate enough to avoid the drop ourselves ?



  16. Chuck, both Benitez and Bruce have played some excruciating football at times but at this point last season, under a manager who has won every European trophy and the World Club Cup, we had 33 points; Bruce has got 39 with attacking players who couldn’t hit a cow’s arse with a banjo. At least Benitez had Perez and Rondon.

  17. Chuck, Alan Shearer, Gary Lineker and Danny Murphy disagree with you as well. They all think that Newcastle have been playing more exciting football since Bruce changed to four at the back.

  18. Worky

    Last few games it was ten @ the back and one in goal.
    A side going nowhere fast, with a manager who is awful and I can’t listen to people who think both the side and the manager are ok !
    We couldn’t then beat Villa a side racing to-wards relegation so Pu’leez no more already !

  19. Chuck, I think you missed my point earlier.

    No, we’re not The Entertainers, but my point was that we have improved since the beginning of the season and we are playing more attacking football. Of course we’re not Liverpool or Man City, but we’re playing better football than we were in the first half of the season.

    I would imagine Bruce’s brief was to keep us in the division as a first priority and that would have shaped the way he set us up to play. Most teams that win a relegation battle do so by defending strongly first.

    As the players’ and Bruce’s confidence has improved and we’ve moved away from the relegation threat, we’ve started to attack a little more and grab more of the possession.

    Where we go after the takeover (if it goes through) — the manager we settle on, the players we buy etc. — is another matter entirely.

    Bruce has been handed a set of players and (probably) a remit to remain in the PL and he’s done the job asked of him. Or all but done it. And pretty much in the same fashion as Benitez.

  20. Both Rafa Benitez and Steve Bruce have played excruciating ‘park the bus’ football but Benitez didn’t receive anything like the same abuse for it. It’s called ‘prejudice.’ I’ve written a blog about it anyway, I’m just about to publish it.

  21. Workey
    Oh ! dear me , are we discussing football here, because there are no rules relating to prejudice that I’m aware of, so no one will mind if you, leave it out, ok !

    No this side we have are definitely not entertainers and are in fact a more defensive side than ever, if I don’t agree with you that others sides facing relegation play park the bus and hope for the best, which they could, being most have at least one or two goal scorers in their side, while we have a big money Brazilian, who has a total of two goals this season, yet all I hear is he’s a decent hard working guy who can hold the ball up.
    I certainly don’t agree with your theoretic idea that poor sides start out playing a defensive role or that as time passes is converted to a more attacking game, a neat little theory but lacking in reality.
    And comparing Bruce to a manager with a record like Benitez is a joke, no ?
    Look, fact is Bruce though not a great, not even good manager. was hired because he was the only one who wanted the job, I’m not accusing him of anything other than the fact he will never be a good manager, except perhaps in a lower division and is not the answer to a club about to become one if not the wealthiest sides in the wealthiest league in Europe.
    Plus no one wants to see the present style of football, win or lose, being football is supposedly a game that is both exciting and entertaining and to be bored every two weeks, well !
    FFS St.James was fuller when playing in the second tier, because they played a decent and winning style of football .
    Sadly something missed.


  22. Chuck, we’re just going round in circles again. You have been watching football longer than any of us, yet after all these years you still don’t seem to understand what’s happening on the pitch. Bruce’s ‘trench warfare’ style of football with five at the back was abandoned around the end of February. There’s one less player at the back and instead of letting the other team having the ball for most of the game on hoping to capitalise on the odd chance to hit them on the break, the play is 50/50, there are fewer long balls and sometimes we are actually dominating possession. Don’t you notice any of this stuff?

    It’s early days, the strikers still have a lot to prove but Joelinton isn’t nearly as isolated as he used to be and far more chances are being made.

  23. Worky

    Well what ya know you are a tactician! ! quoting such well known tactics as “Trench Warfare with five @the back”? excuse me ?
    Please don’t embarrass yourself by saying the equivalent of now they only use four, giving an extra man back to the mid-field .
    Listen, when you play ten men in a defensive role, which is the norm for Bruce, it matters little being the norm is ten men defending still.
    The point is the side has no goal scorers and the forwards usually
    screw up any attempts @ a breakaway, guys like our fabulous bald playmaker who mostly fails to show up for games and a total clearout would be the best thing for the club, now we (one way or another)
    will have enough gelt to buy whoever is willing to play for the club.
    Time to get rid of this bunch of loosers and their tactical genius Bruce, which both yourself and Hugh believe to be a good tactician
    When nowt has actually changed, playing lock the door football, in other words a form of “catanaggio” which almost ruined “seri A”
    because of its negative nature.
    Yes it did work for the club, but as soon as Sissoko left who could track back and then carry the ball upfield, no one !
    And yeah, I’m tired of watching a cheap-ass side who belong in the second tier, and their tactical genius manager (according to you and Hugh)
    I want a clearcut from top to bottom, being I recall when Citeh first upon the scene, it took them a couple of years before they produced a winning side,
    The reason being it took former continental managers, who were tactically and technically way in front of the useless re-tread managers, ex players without a clue, fortunately most have been weeded out by now, except Bruce.
    It’s just too bad certain people don’t recognize that.






  24. Chuck, I never said anyone was a tactical genius. Just that Bruce has been setting the side up in a broadly similar way to Benitez — i.e. defensively — but that recently we’ve been keeping more possession and attacking more.

    As Worky’s latest article points out, if you calculate by points-per-game, Bruce has actually been more successful than Benitez at Newcastle.

    You seem to be demanding a brand of football from Bruce you didn’t demand (or get) from Benitez.

  25. Chuck, I meant dug in like they’re in a trench, holding a straight line without advancing. It doesn’t sound any more daft than ‘parking the bus.’

    Hugh, they’re pretty much the same, I just rounded it up or down to 0.5 instead of using lots of decimal places. Were in an FA Cup Quarter Final tomorrow though.

  26. Worky
    C’mon man ! Had Bruce inherited the same bunch of players as Benitez, who managed to find some free agents and with the signing of WBA’s center forward found himself somewhat comfortable as a leader in the relegation fight.
    The difference is obvious when one looks at each managers resume.
    Unfortunately for those (mostly ex-players) the bunch I call the retreads or those that were called upon when many clubs were seen to struggle and relegation threatened, who immediately called the likes of Pulis, BSA, even Moyes, high ball , high ball kick the ball and run, football, the way those who invented the game new best.
    Fact is England met their Waterloo in the early fifties. when Hungary thrashed them at Wembley, but they learned from the lesson, did they f**k, they only thought of it as an aberration and continued asb4.

    the stupidity and ignorance continues until the EPL being the richest league who hired managers from the continent, who were tactically astute bought mainly by foreign owners who saw the possibilities of the EPL as a moneymaker.

    Unfortunately for some the EPL and pay tv are becoming too expensive for mere millionaires and we are seeing some of the older top sides advancing to the EPL, mainly being they have the structure (stadium) that hold a decent crowd.

    Sheffield, Leicester, Wolves are examples while clubs like Sunderland and Portsmouth are examples of poor top management, which has also been the major failure @nufc and this proposed sale is the only thing preventing the club from being another elevator side, being we were relegated twice with Ashley.

    Yes 1. I guess there are other suitors who have the dosh to take the club to a new level, but when it comes to describing wealth, there’s
    nowt like The Saudis to impress.

    Although this bullshit waiting for the EPL to reach the inevitable conclusion, (who fear a new euro-league would effect them financially) but too include the Saudi’s within the EPL, gives it a sense of substance and a collection of clubs with the financial ability to retain it’s role as the No1 league .

    I’m afraid there’s more things going on in football that we are aware of, but in a sport that has been renown for corruption, don’t look for the controlling bodies to become honest, but to find more ways of enriching themselves and fact is, it’s more likely than not and money will always be the driving force.



  27. Yes ! I understand some of the best laid plans are apt to go astray.
    Which is why I advise Bruce to not get carried away .
    The guy doesn’t realize he is just here to fill in, now that we look fairly safe or when the deal is signed he will be told we need a bigger name (sound familiar) and face it we do.
    Just look upon this season as a highlight in his career and go manage Blythe Spartans or something.
    What makes these ex players even imagine they can manage, they have no connections their tactical nous and ability to manage players is sadly lacking, most have little in the way of imagination,
    Just look at the clown second in charge of NUFC who claimed he was the best manager in the EPL, look you get what you pay for these days .
    and to try and imagine Bruce as a first class manager is difficult to say the least.




    yeah I understand many of th best laid plans often go astray

  28. Well, Chuck, if you said that Man City game was toally defensive ‘park the bus’ football, you definitely would have been right this time! Even so, if it wasn’t for Schar’s needless foul and Gayle’s lousy shot when he was standing right in the middle of the goal, things still might have been different.

    And what are all these strange arrangements of numbers and letters you keep putting at the bottom of comments? Are you sending secret spy messages?

  29. Was with you all the way Worky on the Bruce Benitez debate till that horror show against City yesterday!
    First game I have watched in an age ( wished I hadn’t ) We gave them the first half and that was down to Bruce not the players. Then when he changed the game plan to what it should have been it didn’t last long before his substitutions killed that off too.
    Sorry the blame was all Bruce
    On the takeover I still think It won’t happen ‘if at all’ till we are assured of playing Top Flight football. I certainly wouldn’t want to pay out 300+ big ones for a second tier side.

  30. Worky

    Look face it, we have a crap team and we know why, simply due to a lack of spending.
    We play crap football, the amount of possession in the first half of the City game was Citeh 86%, with no shots on goal for us.
    There was a window where we thought Ashley was about to have a change in policy, when we bought a bunch of decent French players. but sold them all for a decent profit.
    Along comes a savior who intends to spend and rebuild the side, much like almost every consistent major league side, yet most of the opposition is from an element of the supporters themselves.
    Hey ! I liked Algecira TV and I’m not a fan of bombing the people of
    Yemen, but I’m also a fan of NUFC combined with the Saudi money
    that could see the club as a regular top six side and following the last decade…………. “that’s what ahm talking bout” !

  31. Well the usual rubbish from the so called writers of the NE newspapers, without a clue as to whats going on its like a relay race where each one places the baton into the others palm and sez, run with it.
    Just read Nutmag’s version above, who it appears agrees at least the quality of both players and the tactical genius of our manager is something to behold, (or not) the fact figures don’t lie and the outstanding ones are MC 86% possession, NUFC no shots on goal,
    Would you pay around thirty quid to have to persevere until the final whistle or head for the nearest pub at half time,
    Better not go to a pub to watch the second half as you could be seen as aiding piracy or some other trumped up charge, I really find it a bit weird how many people I find who oppose the sale, I can understand the fans of other clubs may find things tougher, while playing against a wealthier side, that’s natural, but all of the petty MP’s looking to present themselves as Leaders in the fight against
    So called criminality, plus it’s considered bad form to accuse those of committing crimes, who have yet to be tried for the crime.
    Which includes pirating a neighbors broadcast of football games,
    while fact is, all kinds of people are and have been doing for years now, it’s a case of fans unprepared to pay cable companies massive amounts of cash just to watch a game, perhaps they should be the ones that need investigating,
    However what has the murder with took place in Turkey months ago got to do with NUFC, and it’s sale ?
    Well it now appears this has gone on too long and the government though giving no hint of any preference will soon come to it’s senses and just tell the EPL to “sh*t or get off the pot” cause there’s a lotta dosh at stake in the immediate future all being controlled by the same Saudi Prince, think about it .



    epl games


  32. Nutmag, if we play like that at Bournemouth and lose, I would call that a horror show. To be honest, I’ve had to fight off sleep watching quite a few Newcastle United games under both Benitez and Bruce, but I was quite interested in the battle between Manchester City’s attack and Newcastle United’s defence. The horror show for me was that silly push by Schar and that awful shot from Dwight Gayle, St Maximan did a lovely job of putting it on a plate for him too. I know that Gayle had only just come on but even so…

    That’s an alternative view anyway.

    Chuck, you still haven’t explained the strange code at the bottom of your comments? eg






    epl games



    Are you sending secret spy messages?

  33. Worky I agree about Benitez, how many points did we loss in the last minutes of games trying to defend one goal leads. It was the agony of those that stopped me watching matches and a lot of those were at ‘home’
    I still think with the ‘City game’ we should have got in their face’s from the off. Allowing them to play their game was dire, and was always going to bring a mistake or a foul, as it was it brought them both together at the same time. I feel Gayle’s miss was bad but understandable given the game time he’s had this season.
    Chuck I did not blame the players as they were obviously playing to Bruce’s game plan. Which showed when it was changed in the first fifteen minutes of the second half. The constant substitutions there after just finished it off.
    I don’t know what planet your on if you think any new owner would just sack the lot and buy a whole new set up. successful teams are built over time and constantly ‘tweaked’ by people like Brian Clough, Bobby Robson and Kevin Keegan.
    In my working life I have taken over a few different kitchen brigades and made a point of not changing anything until I had watched them all at work for at least two weeks.
    I have no doubt anyone spending that kind of money on Nufc will have their plans and timetable in place. If it ever happens?

  34. Nutmag

    Strange things happen, just as I was about to shut off my telly and flipping channels , on came a football game and it was the CIteh vs. Newcastle game so I saw segments of the first and second half.
    We can just as well ignore the first half with it’ s 86% possession, which in case you are uncertain, that’s for Citeh !
    And yeah, perhaps Bruce may have taken the leash of earlier, though I doubt if it would have mattered .
    I just don’t get it and when compared with the Italians, who introduced the catenaccio, or lock the door, where it was the first team to score would immediately go into a defensive shell, that ruined the game, the Italian fans wanting to see a more open game .
    But from the kick-off to defend is a direct insult to the fans, it also suggests “you are better than we are”………..

    I can remember times when no matter who was playing at St. James”we the fans were never intimidated and that’s all I want, is that too much to ask for ? “howeh the Saudis ” !

    I doubt whether we can find owners as wealthy as the Saudis, but it does take big bucks to belong to a top six side in the EPL and the Saudis have the histories of those clubs who have found that out ,that to be successful a top level management team are required, which involves a young and successful manager not an overweight
    local , who believes in playing some of the worst football in the history of the club.
    Who is a walking talking guy waiting to get fired and if he doesn’t
    realize it , he should !
    And for the simple reason , “well he’s a local lad that has the side
    playing nothing but defensive football’.


  35. Nutmag

    So you don’t believe that we could fire all of our side yet become a successful club, say top six
    I have never stated that, but with the right people most things can work, how long did to take Klopp to rebuild and become a successful manager.
    How many managers did M.C have prior to the present one and just what does money bring to a club.
    I can tell you, that one person who can rebuild a side, buying certain players who can link up well with others, understanding the latest tactics , horses for courses players etc.
    My point is that contrary to whats being talked about, time is not on our side right now, yes there are a lot of top players available, but is that what we want a bunch of over the hill ex stars, with big paychecks for their retirement funds.
    It’s been my experience that when employed, money can still buy success.
    And the Saudi’s got it in spades.


  36. Newcastle United 4 – 1 Bournemouth, lots of goals, brilliant performance from St Maximin with three assists, 42 points on the board now. Oh ye of little faith!

  37. I don’t know why you’re both moaning because in our last five Premier League games we’ve won 3, drawn 2, scored 9 goals and won 11 points.

  38. Worky Read again! I was only moaning about the negative game plan for the City game! Still I’m not gushing about beating a very bad Bournemouth side just yet. I’ve got used to wanting to carry the manager shoulder high after a couple of wins, to be quickly followed by wanting to run him out of town when they are not so good.
    ‘Its the Geordie way’!

  39. Nutmag, Bournemouth certainly aren’t going through through a good spell at the moment and will almost certainly be relegated if their current results continue but I think you’re being a little harsh. In their last few games at least, Bournemouth haven’t been getting hammered, they’ve been losing games by the odd goal. They were only beaten 2-1 by Liverpool and they drew with Chelsea earlier in the season.

    Surely you can gush about St Maximin a little bit? Even though he didn’t score, his performance against Bournemouth was magnificent and his development is going so well generally. I also admired the way Steve Bruce still started Gayle after his awful miss against Man City and he scored in five minutes. I know he doesn’t have the best of records but Bruce has been making some good decisions recently.

    As for your final point, looking at the history of Newcastle United, I’m not sure that the Geordie way is always the best way! ;-)

  40. Worky At my age I don’t gush about anything, but yes St Max is something special. If Sissoko was worth 35mill St Max has to be double that at least and he has a final ball unlike Sissoko who ran down cul-de-sac’s with no final ball. Makes me hope Ashley is gone soon so he can’t cash in.
    Bournemouth on the night were a bit flat for a team fighting relegation even their manager looked out of it. The remaining games will now be very interesting lets see what Bruce’s game plan will be for the City game this time around.
    I have always thought there was a place for Gayle playing off the main striker he has lots of goals in him if used correctly. I’m not like Chuck and think we should sack the lot and start again.

  41. C’mon guys, calling anyones game as magnificent , especially any-one playing for NUFC, is in this present time way over the top and some of the other comments especially Nutmags criticism of Sissoko, who was possibly the best player we had for years, I mean the guy could and did cover more ground than any midfielder coast to coast and despite some ignoramus’s claims at the time he had no finish to his runs, I say then why would a side like Spurs, (with whom we may have a close relationship soon) and Pochettino spend big bucks to acquire him ?
    Look getting rid of the whole side, was not my plan, more a figure of speech, yes there are players who may develop and shine like the two Geordie kids, so give them a chance, then here’s our goalie, who has been playing his ass off, the Frenchman is showing he can entertain and become a fan favorite, possibly our central defender and captain, however we are all aware how many of this present side will survive, once we get the green light to spend.
    While all of these things are taking place, what about those jobs such as “the scouting system”, the new manager and what kind of freedoms do they have, and there’s the youth system, are we giving the Manager the freedom to sign whoever he believes will be best for the side, plus bring in their eventual replacements to a youth system and prepare them to fill in for certain games and eventually
    win a place in the side ?
    We have to ensure those we hire for such positions are @ the top of their game, because neither Citer or Liverpool will be resting n their laurels and the return of sides like Sheffield, Wolves , Leicester and other former clubs to the EPL, won’t make things any easier, regardless of how much money one has if not well spent .
    Which is why we can’t have guys like Bruce and the general manager “pudgy”, a clear-out of a poor top management bunch, which in truth consisted of suggestions by Carr to Ashley who was the top management.
    I mention these required changes, but with the uncertainty of the deal gong through and the stalling tactics of the various ruling bodies, it appears we are stalled in place, in a position where we have to demand government come down on those who are actively
    blocking the sale, despite the fact there are no criminal charges involved, I mean what does NUFC have to do with either a murder that took place in Turkey or claims of piracy from Qatar. hell all we want is to get rid of a lousy owner and have the promised wealth,
    which should give us a decent football club, one that can contend against any side, what’s wrong with that, isn’t that what every club would like.?

    plus I have heard the same

  42. Nutmag, when St Maximin came he had bags of energy and was a good dribbler but didn’t quite have that final pass, now he has and it has made a difference to the whole team. As for Gayle, he’s never gets a run to prove himself in the Premier League, the manager’s we’ve had have wanted big target men at the front.

    Chuck, St Maximin was “magnificent” in that game. Players getting a hat trick of assists happens less than players getting a hat trick of goals.

  43. Oh ! what you seem to be saying is that our recent acquirement from La Belle France , that you claim is “Magnificent” and at the same time cost less than half the price of Sissoko, is a better player
    is certainly a claim, but one that is based on a handful of games.
    Well an adjective of “Magnificent” is “ostentatious”, perhaps we may be able to sort out which it is , following his taking part in more than just a handful of games, being I like yourselves, am happy to see any improvement in the side.
    I’m afraid I have no time for critics of Sissoko, a player who covers more ground than most and IMO was better than anyone forward or midfielder who has an engine second to none.
    Which is nothing new, NUFC has always been a selling club.
    I have no idea as to how you came to the conclusion you have reached in your final paragraph, but if you say so ?
    Must be the influence of our excellent manager I guess ,

  44. Just as well there were no spectators allowed, perhaps we could make this “The New Norm”, being lots of things will never be the same, possibly some may wonder why they ever attended games
    in the first place, just became an unbreakable habit I guess.

    Watched to-days game, pretty boring, though I was impresses by WH’s Rice and their big Check forward.
    On the other hand I wasn’t impressed by the commentators, nor the officials and it’s about time the epl got it’s act to-gether and supplied commentators (without heavy local, or otherwise , dialects).
    But why it’s all a part of the charm, innit ?
    Nah ! ya gotta be able to understand, what the f**k, he’s on about
    Even the guy who does the Real Madrid and other top Spanish league games, the one with the Geordie accent, who when you hear this guy roaring ninety cent words to an English audience while commenting on a Spanish games , it’s a trip, but if you listen closely he makes more sense than most EPL commenters.
    Though I don’t particularly like Shelvey, when he feels good and wants to show what he’s capable of, he can stroke that ball perfectly, which he did to-day.
    Our recent French acquisition wasn’t particularly active and our 50M., two goal Brazilian wasn’t assigned a role.
    Of course our Goalie was his usual brilliant self, he and the Hammers forward I mentioned appear to be good friends, perhaps we could poach him if the Hammers are relegated,
    On the other hand Rice was my choice player, but it’s doubtful he having only signed a recent contract and understanding his quality
    that WH would sell him, but with Saudi money soon available, why not !

  45. Chuck, I said that he was “magnificent” in that game and he was, so what’s wrong with that?

    As for the game earlier today, it’s rather odd watching Newcastle dominating the possession. Whatever the results, and a draw isn’t too bad bearing in mind that West Ham beat Chelsea in their last game, we’re certainly playing in a more interesting style now and there was four goals. West Ham’s first seemed like a bit of a clanger for Lascelles. It just seemed to let the ball go straight past him, then on to Antonio’s boot and into the goal.

  46. Sorry Worky you must be confusing some other side with your conclusion that anyone in this side is magnificent, who knows the guy is still quite young and NUFC as a club have been lucky with some French players, mostly suggested by our famous scout Carr.
    However we have also been bitterly disappointed with similar prospects , who on their return to France gained international duty with the National side.
    I’m afraid the Saint must have been off his game against W/H, being I saw few either spectacular or magnificent moves from him, but am willing to take a wait and see attitude.
    Could the problem arise from the fact Bruce changed the tactical lineup to play a more attacking style of football, horses for courses.
    Something rare for those complaining about the ugliness of having to watch their team defend for …..well they defended against Cited
    for 84% of the first half, in their recent cup tie, with no shots on goal, tell me what fan wants to pay big bucks to watch such crap.
    And the only thing that could be referred too as magnificent is the possibility that The Saudi’s will eventually be there to provide the basis for a sound club, otherwise its Championship football along with Sunderland and Boro.

    could it be that the sudden change of tactics was to blame , being