A trip down memory lane for Toon fans at Euro 2016

Posted on June 9th, 2016 | 115 Comments |

Moussa Sissoko - Euro 2016
Moussa Sissoko arriving for Euro 2016
Following a disastrous season to forget at Newcastle United, thoughts among some might be turning to the European Championships starting tomorrow. Moussa Sissoko (France) and Rob Elliot (Republic of Ireland) will be Newcastle United’s only representatives there, though bearing in mind that this will be the biggest shop window for footballers short of the World Cup, this might be a good thing.

Some might wonder how Sissoko managed to book his place with one of the more fancied teams after some of last season’s performnances, some might praise Elliot for some good performances standing in for the injured Tim Krul despite everything. However, players like that will not be the focus of this piece. I’m sure that pretty much all of you will know what they have been up to, along with high profile ex-players taking part such as James Milner (England) and Yohan Cabaye (France). Instead, I will look mostly at the “where are they now” players who will be there who used to ply their trade on Tyneside. Of these, the majority of the players (three out of four) will be playing for the two Irish sides in the competition, and another will be managing the Northern Ireland team.

Without further ado, here is the list.

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Current players

Moussa Sissoko (France),

Rob Elliot (Republic of Ireland).


Michael O'Neill Michael O’Neill (Northern Ireland Manager): A midfielder who made 48 appearences, scoring 15 goals the Magpies between August 1987 and August 1989, O’Neill has achieved a great feat in doing something even the great George Best couldn’t manage, getting Norn Iron’s green and white army to the European Championships for the first time ever. After a very good first season at St James’, sadly his second one was ruined by injury, and he eventually moved on to Dundee.

Shane Ferguson Shane Ferguson (Northern Ireland): The baby-faced left back and winger spent years as an on loan player, with around 18 months at Birmingham City. He was then loaned to Rangers for around three months in a very suspect deal (along with four other mostly injured players), even though he had a knee ligament injury and only ever played two matches. After that fiasco, which ended in playoff final disappointment with the ‘Gers, a new season saw him packed off for another loan, this time with South London charmers, Millwall. Initially, this was only there for three months from the beginning of September, 2015. His loan was eventually extended by another month before he was called back to Newcastle. However this was soon followed by Ferguson eventually signing a full deal with Millwall for an undisclosed fee on 26th January, 2016. His ‘journeyman’ status may continue however, as it was only for 18 months.

Shay Given Shay Given (Republic of Ireland): A legend and a top keeper in his day, Given just seems to go on and on. Despite competition from the likes of Darren Randolph, Keiren Westwood and current Newcastle keeper, Rob Elliot, the 40 year old still holds the Number One Jersey with Martin O’Neill’s ROI squad. All of this has been despite the fact he has been largely sidelined by his current club, Aston Villa, for the last four seasons. However, you might have noticed that Given did make five appeararences for Stoke City last season, three in the Premier League and two in the League Cup. He currently has the second highest amount of caps ever for the Republic with 134, nine behind another Irish Peter Pan, Robbie Keane, who will be joining Given for the Championships from his current side, LA Galaxy. If it wasn’t for his two year retirement from International football in 2012 (he had a change of heart in 2014), Given might well have been the highest.

Aaron Hughes Aaron Hughes (Northern Ireland): Another drinker from the fountain of eternal youth on the other side of the Irish Sea. Yes, the ever dependable 36 year old utility defender is still at it as well. After leaving Tyneside, two successful seasons at Villa were followed by six and a half at Fulham before a free six month transfer to Queens Park Rangers. After another short contract (1 year) at Brighton, Hughes is now playing his club football at Melbourne City. He currently has exactly 100 caps for his national side.

Tamás Kádár Tamás Kádár (Hungary): Early promise went unfulfilled for this defender at Newcastle. He was eventually loaned to Huddersfield Town, got injured, then signed for Roda in the Dutch Eredivisie, where he didn’t quite make it as a real first team regular. He then returned to Hungary with more success and is now an integral part of the back four at Polish side, Lech Poznań.

NUFCBlog Author: workyticket workyticket has written 1095 articles on this blog.

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115 Responses

  1. Good to see you back Chuck, though things have moved on since you’ve been away. I watched some of the French game but I got sick of it and didn’t watch it all. Up to that point, the referee was obviously giving the French a helping hand. He was hardly giving any fouls against them and I don’t like that sort of thing. Looking at the behaviour of some of the Russians, the world cup is going to be a nightmare when they hold it over there.

    I do think that Benitez will have alot of say in running things. He is a “control freak” and they spent long enough negotiating his contract. Though his agant no doubt negotiated a good contract for him, I don’t think he’s an old has been who will put up with interference, and being in the Championship just for a job.

  2. Chuck, Re Sissoko, you know what I think, that we have some good players, including some you moan about who have been very badly organised for obvious reasons (we’ve all moaned about them enough). It will still be harder to judge them next season against lesser opposition too, if the better ones stay that is.

  3. You know I just don’t get this violence crap, and i’m astounded at seeing Russians giving the fascist salute, a country that lost approx. 25 million people to the nazi’s during WW2 and who have now become along with many former Warsaw pact countries, as far right, racist and xenophobic as pre war Germany,
    I mean what is that about ?

    Looks like Cameron is shitting his pants, why did he ever announce he would initiate this crazy referendum ?

    Well we know why but it appears he could have won the vote without it.

    Again xenophobia seems to rule all over, we got The Donald about to get the Mejicano’s to build and pay for a wall between our two countries, with them paying for it, I mean that’s what he is claiming to the American electorate, yeah right!

    This world just appears to becoming increasingly crazier, with more whack jobs in charge, I mean we are about to get a choice between The Donald and Hillary, possibly the most detested pair ever to face off agaist each other, a buffoon versus a Wall St. owned hard line bitch with a sense of entitlement,that believes she is the best qualified person to run the country and the crazy thing is some believe it, god help us all.

    The only good news is the Chinese PM is apparently a big football fan and wants to create a major competitive force in China and has the money to finance it, perhaps he may put in a bid for Sissoko.

  4. Chuck says:
    June 15, 2016 at 12:50 am

    “You know I just don’t get this violence crap, and i’m astounded at seeing Russians giving the fascist salute, a country that lost approx. 25 million people to the nazi’s during WW2 and who have now become along with many former Warsaw pact countries, as far right, racist and xenophobic as pre war Germany,
    “I mean what is that about ?”

    Well I don’t think these young thugs have postgradute degrees in history, Chuck. As for the politics, it really is starting to get as bonkers over here as it is over there, and I really never thought I would ever say that.

  5. Yeah it’s getting crazier wherever one looks these days, I have just about had enough of Brexit it’s all one reads about and it sounds as if the electorate are just xenophobic enough to think they will be better off.
    I see where Tony Blair is about to be blamed for a lot of what happened in regard to the Iraqi war, he deserves everything he gets, being had he had the cojones to tell Bush to go screw himself , it probably would never have happened.
    It could very well have set this crazy pattern, the Arab Spring, Syria, the new nazis of Eastern Europe, Trump etc,etc.
    There are a lotta angry crazies out there , which is certainly not unexpected, when one looks at how the leaders of most countries have treated them, spawning Isis, the Tea Party, Putin with his neo fascist crowd, the whole world is outta control and it has always been the main fear of the Chinese communist party, who realise they are most of all in danger of a political eruption and try to focus the people’s attention elsewhere.
    Hell we thought following WW2 things would cam down, but there has been continual strife ever since.
    I suppose everyone thought similarly following the first WW, I guess we are just a flawed species.

  6. On the football front it appears NUFC are desperately trying to hold onto their better players and perhaps attempt to rebuild, which is difficult, though perhaps Benitez can pull a few rabbits out of the hat.
    If we don’t make it back first time, it could be curtains for the club, being the longer you are out of the PL t
    He more difficult it is to make it back, though I guess the fans are confident enoug “, ignorance is bliss where tis folly to be wise” comes to mind, on the other hand Ashley’s going nowhere untill he registers a profit from his time at the club,could be worse I guess.

  7. Browsig through the rumours sections it appears some of our top players have serious intentions of moving on, not being willing to spend a season in the second tier.

    I suppose a year considered wasted in a short career is not that appealing and one can hardly blame them, I doubt whether we can hang onto say Sissoko, Wijnaldum,and perhaps Janmaat, who will no doubt have admirers willing to scoop them up for bargain prices.

    It’s also rumoured that Pardew’s Palace are interested in JJ Shelvey, let’s hope so, as he certainly didn’t impress me the short time he played and if the club can recover what they spent on him, grab it.

    I purposely left out Townsend as I’m not sure whether he will go or not, a good player IMO.

    Unfortunately the rest are of no consequence and they can get rid of whoever they please, but this has to be the start of a required rebuilding period, with every purchase a part of the clubs future (now that we have a manager with a track record) though he won’t have the funding of many of the big clubs, however three years is a relatively short time to recover from relegation and be competitive in th EPL, in which case I certainly don’t envy Benitez’ rolee.

    Though many claim him to be a control freak and this sort of thing his forte, it’s a daunting task.

    But certainly not before time, had Ashley been prepared to hire someone with his status from day one, instead of believing he could run a club as he pleased, by hiring cheap help, many as ignorant about the game as himself, we may have avoided the last eight or nine years of misery, ah well !

  8. Now that I am on this side of the pond for the summer (can’t take the July and August humidity of NY anymore ) and neither beaches or the mountains have the attraction of earlier times, here I can go fishing and do some reading in peace in a temperate climate.

    One such pleasure was a daily read of the Guardian, which I now find to be almost as boring as the tabloids, and can’t figure why, there are some changes, one of which the long read or the journal usually a long and boring article taking up at least three pages, which I find a total bust.

    Plus I miss certain writers, but most of all, the subject matter is as boring as hell.

    I certainly can’t wait for the Brexit referendum to be over with, plus if the British electorate decide to exit from Europe, then they are just as dumb as their cousins in the USA, maybe even dumber.

    Don’t they realise what major changes that could set in motion, the breakup of the UK, being one as the Scots would definitely leave, plus there is the possibility of the breakup of Europe itself and without the UK as a member who will prevent the EU from becoming a vast stretch of sameness, adding more laws and regulations by the numbers.

    And if the UK or the US think they can stem the flow of hungry people crossing their borders from Africa and Entral America, then think again, the fact is they are needed to replace an ageing population in both the US the EU and the UK if they decide to go it alone! Perhaps Malthuse was right after all, certainly looks that way, as the world population is once again about to become a major problem on the scale of global warming with it’s effects.

    Having had a full life in possibly the best of times, I certainly don’t see that being the case of the milenneums or any group after those born following WW2, who like their car stickers reads “we
    are spending our children’s inheritence” which is truer than many realise.

    Ah well, what to do .?

  9. Chuck says:
    June 16, 2016 at 12:27 am

    “I see where Tony Blair is about to be blamed for a lot of what happened in regard to the Iraqi war, he deserves everything he gets, being had he had the cojones to tell Bush to go screw himself , it probably would never have happened.”

    Well Harold Wilson wouldn’t get involved with LBJ in Vietnam, so Blair could have drawn inspiration from him. Everyone goes on about Trump as if it would be a new thing for the US to elect an idiot who can ruin the world as President. It’s as if the second Bush never existed.

    The economy has to grow otherwise it is in a recession and everyone panics and votes out the government. If the politicians backed up some of their rhetoric and actually stopped immigration, growth would grind to a standstill and they wouldn’t be able to brag about a growing economy. The government here keep repeating this new mantra that there are more jobs than ever. Of course there are because the population is getting higher and there is over 300,000 net migration per year in the UK. The NHS has been a plaything of the brexiters in this debate, but if they get rid of all these fit young Slavs from the EU who don’t use the Health Service very much, they get back an army of British ex-pat octagenarians from Spain who will be using it all the time.

    As you are over here, I presume you have heard about the murder of that poor MP in the most brutal manner possible by a “Britain First” supporter? The Brexit campaign is turning into Daesh.

    Where are you anyway, Chuck?

  10. Yeah, there was a time when the US used to get stick about the number of mass murder scenes and blame the gun lobby and the second amendment to the constitution, written centuries ago, which in no way relates to the present, but apparently he US constitution has taken on a more important role than the commandments, with people constantly quoting it as opposed to using common sense, like barring semi and fully automatic weapons, but strangely enough their sales have always boomed following any major shooting incidents, believing future sales may be banned, go figure.

    And who ever said there are less whacko’s on this side of the pond, if gun sales were allowed like they are in the US, think of all the armed neo Nazi’s and nut cases with automatic weapons and what the results might be.

    Yeah, one MP murdered by a whacko , as sad as that is, just think of the number of US presidents alone that have been assasinated sounds like a contradiction on my part, but I’ m only attempting to stress the danger of allowing people to arm themselves legally, unless they can prove a valid reason for it.

    I’m afraid the world is getting to be a crazier and definitely more dangerous place, with wierdo’s of every stripe willing to kill their fellow human beings for some political or religious difference, not that it is anything new of course, but we may reason that in this day and age things would have improved instead of reaching back in time to a more fundamental age.

    But it looks like ignorance and violence rule!

  11. Watched a few games of the Euro’s, some that we’re ok others interesting, I guess following the recent win over Wales the fans in their eternal belief will now expect to win the series, followed by winning the next world cup, but I see where the old pro’s like Germany, Italy, Spain and France are all advancing and of course Engerland too.

    But I am an eternal fan of the Icelands and Norn Irons and really enjoy the David and Goliath struggles, a forlorn hope no doubt, but who would have thought Greece would ever win the tournament..

    I’m sure their must be any number of scouts looking for that hidden gem, I reccomend three players already playing in the second tier, who coud do a good job for NUFC, the other playing for Celta Vigo in the Spanish premier liege.

    Talking about ROI center fielder Hendricks, now at Derby who can both spray passes around and has the ability to score, also his international team mate Robbie Brady who can play in the same position as Hendricks or at LB where he can bring the ball upfield and has an excellent work ethic and a good engine, giving his all for ninety minutes.
    Another forward or a No. 10 who could be worth watching is Norn Irons McGinn, who although not a starter scored the goal that sealed their win against the Ukraine, could be one to watch.

    But the best of the bunch is exactly what we need, the former Man. Citeh striker, now playing at Celta Vigo, John Guidetti, a real gem, who no doubt would probably be difficult to extricate from a Spanish prem. league side, especially as he would be going to a second tier club.

    The point is now to search the English second tier for those hidden gems , rather than look at either EPL or continental players, though perhaps Benitez can be persuasive enough to convince Guidetti to sign for the club.


  12. I checked out Guidetti in my scouting quest some years ago. He scored a few in the Netherlands like that Icelander, Finnbogason, but neither of them seemed to travel very well and I thought they would get lost in a league like the Premier League. Of course though, we’re in the Championship again. A second relegation but Ashley has still got away with a lynching. He got away with a lynching in the Houses of Parliament as well. They said that he was he was refreshingly free from “spin”, yet he had that awful PR guru sat beside him the whole time and it was completely obvious that playing the “I’m just a thick herbert who struck lucky and doesn’t really know what’s going on” angle about worker abuses in his company was all just pure spin from beginning to end. It was all complete and utter humbug.

    On the subject of your Second Amendment and its originals intentions, do you think that a Tea Party militia would ever take on the US military? That would be quite funny.

  13. Yep ! Indeed Ashley should be in the running for an academy award for his role, however he faces stiff competition from a number of EUFA championship players and his PR guy should definitely get a raise, that is if you don’t believe a few quid hadbeen spread around.

    Yes my point in regard to the second amendment. It’ts not hard to figure if you just follow the money.
    Arms sellers come in different quantities and were you to check it out the UK is not far behind the US in that regard, supplying many a dodgy state with everything from jet fighters and Warships to small arms.

    It’s regarded as buisiness as usual, what’s laughable is there are no attempts to hide the fact they sell those weapons Aircraft, missiles, well you get the point, weapons of mass destruction, while attempting to keep quiet their sales of what are usually referred to as police weapons, gasses of various types, rubber bullets and small arms, all well tested during the Norn Iron period.

    I’m quite curious to see whether ignorance will rule (never thought of Democracy as a particularly good way of deciding the fate of a nation, but what else is fairer ?) if the Brexit crowd in fact win this crazy referendum, it could set loose all of Europe’s crazies and god knows what else, what was Cameron thinking ?
    If he were the Japanese PM, he would be expected to commit sepuko, too bad he’s not.

  14. Havinng watched Sissoko play his first game for France las night, it reinforced my belief that he is possibly the best signing we have made since Shearer.
    I know many will disagree with this statement, claiming he is both lazy and only plays in the spotlight.

    Well actually he has covered more ground than anyone in the side, a true box to box midfielder, with pace and strength, who both tracks back and is responsible for just about every fast break the side makes, with in many cases a score resulting from his run upfield.

    Does he have a great game every time, of course not, who does, but to calling the guy lazy is an exercise in ignorance.

    Look there have been games where not everyone has given their all and face it a lot depends on the tactical plan laid out by the manager, especially when considering Pardew and Mr Mack, where for the most part there was no plan that was either consistent or definable .

    Had for instance, we seen him play with a decent manager, someone who understood his strengths and defined a role for him, it could have used his talents to a maximum, but that is yet to come and some lucky side will take advantage of it, being I don’t see him staying at a second tier club, not with his abilities.

    Now if you are referring to Wijnaldum, yes he goes missing in games, but he got lucky and scored a number of goals, so his price goes up,and everyone applauds him, but had it not been foe Sissko doing the hard work, it may never have happened.

    I also watched the Ireland vs Belgium game and though Belgium hadn’t untill that game played well, they came out determined and the difference in quality showed, to a lesser degree the same applied to NUFC in the PL, did we not beat some of the leagues best sides, spoiling Spurs run at the top of the league beating them badly 5-1 if my memory is correct.

    And yes I question the sides performances in many games, but I also question the Cheshire cat like McCaren’s ability to inspire them also.

    It becomes like a virus, where no one cares, with only a few exceptions, which are at times no more than shopping themselves in the EPL window.

    Hopefully the club can repeat the experience under Hughton and ace the division, I guess we have little choice than to believe in Rafa., who if he is successful can return the club to a similar state that existed under SBR, now that some kind of sanity has returned and not left in the hands of Ashley or any of the other clowns that he hired (excluding Hughton who given the opportunity has proven that neither Ashley or Llambias had a clue as to his worth) and who may make it difficult for Newcastle to reportedly sign one of his best players.

    As of now it appears Rafa. has held onto our best players, but it could be he will eventually have to balance the books as far as who he needs in the second tier and that extra cash from selling could be just what’s needed to build the side that’s needed to regain entry to the Pl, where money grows on tree’s.

    Let’s see!

  15. Reading some of the present gossip in regard to Newcastle Uniteds future, we come up with some conflicting opinions, for the most part a quick return to the EPL is expected, however when it comes to the transfer market (both outgoing and incoming) we find the difficulties the club faces.

    It appears Rafa wants to hold onto as many of his players as possible, being our ability to compete for players has become limited due to relegation and the loss of the enormous new funding of EPL sides.

    Being it has become more difficult to compete, requires possibly to concentrate on loan deals or recruiting second tier players, sure there are a number of youngsters with top clubs who probably would not get starts with their present clubs and who would prefer to play with a PL standard group of players like NUFC (if we can hold on to them) the alternative would be to buy second tier players, without PL experience, which I am sure includes some youngsters who will end up playing in the PL, the problem is we have still to compete for them against Clubs in the PL.

    With Rafa., having signed a new three year contract, it seems many fans have relaxed knowing we have a decent manager in place, but attracting players to a second tier club , is not that easy,
    especially when looking for top quality players, even for someone with Rafa’s. Reputation.

    Well let’s see what happens ? I believe it isn’t going to be the walk in the park like our last return from the second tier, it probably depends on who we can hold onto, as few quality players see playing in the second tier as an experience that will either enhance their careers or put a few extra bob in their pockets and many prefer to play in a side that will be involved in the champions league.

    Yes it a bit different this time going down, being money has had a serious effect on English football, with the second tier now full of imported players, much like the PL and who’s standard of play could compete with certain top divisions of other countries (Scotland and The Irish leagues certainly)

    This phenomena can be looked at as either positive or in a negative way, being it can’t last forever and it should be taken into account for clubs to spend wisely, (perhaps on improving their grounds, or training facilities) though if the competition is spending on players, the necessity of competing becomes essential, being money dictates.

    Take the situation in regard to what is debatably the worlds richest club,, Man. U.,who of late have won little and who have missed qualifying for the champions league, which has placed them in a precarious position in regard to their earning from sponsors who are presently paying phenomenal amounts to the club to advertise their products.

    This has forced them to pay over the top prices for both the most successful managers plus paying phenomenal amounts for players in order to just remain in place and of course increase their revenues, the question is how long can this false economy last, based mainly on certain tv broadcasters ability to favour one countries league above the others, enjoy it while it lasts.
    have of late won nothing even being

  16. Soh !
    It’s very obvious that Cameron has been hoisted by his own petard, his foolish promise to hold a referendum to gain possible UKIP votes has backfired and he will probably be looked upon as one of the most foolish and egotistical PM’s of his time.

    Of course resigning and leaving it to others to attempt to make a go of The UK is just his style.
    The problem being it will definitely be a case of out of the pan and into the fire, being those who will attempt to succeed him are even worse, with that clown Johnson or the chancellor of the exchecor or who knows who else is waiting in the wings.

    Of course it may result in another general election, but we are all aware that Corbyn did little to stem the tide of Brexit, making him complicit, but he portrays a very pathetic figure in any case generating little enthusiasm , plus the present infighting between the old Labor and the Blairite’s still dividing the party will be of little help.

    But all is not lost, I find it hard to believe the EU will completely sever all relations with the UK and many of the trade relations will no doubt continue (it’s in the interest of both sides) though it will continue at a severe price for the UK.

    The other positive is the EU will now have to reexamine it’s obvious over ambitious attempt to replicate the US as a close group of states totally integrated and I prefer the UK’s vision of a n integration in trade and perhaps having the European Court as the final determining role when it comes to Law.

    It’s also obvious that the monitory union has not worked as expected and the transferring of funds from the richer countries to enable those with less cannot continue, Greece being an example.

    The results of the great ideas of Jean Monet have been pushed too far and fast by the Franco-German duo resulting in a chaotic situation where states have little control over their economies, everything being dictated by the European bank , with that infamous duo the IMF and World Bank lurking in the background to take over the economies of those like Greece, which they have been doing on a regular basis throughout the third world.

    First they conspire to create a failed economy, then they are employed in reorganising the countries economy, meaning open the country to foreign banks and advisors, who eliminate the local banks, the World Bank then comes in with a loan, the repaying alone is near impossible, but these are the conditions and they then end up forever in the hands of international capital.

    Nice work if you can get it !

    Anyone who has watched what is going on in both the US and EU cannot fail to see what the bankers and fat cats have done over this new century, the rich have become richer, in the US by buying the best politicians that money can buy, who in turn create or do away with laws that allow them (the banks and money management organizations) wages have been frozen, the banks are using money schemes that can only be generated by computers ,which end up going bust, though the rich manage to hold onto their money, then the whole system is bailed out by the working and middle classes, who have no say in the matter.

    Many have no idea of what’s going on, though they understand they are getting screwed and are mad as hell with the system, therefor the recent phenomena of Bernie Sanders and The Donald (Trump) voting for anyone but those considered part of the system where the top one and a half percent of the population own well over fifty percent of the wealth and the CEO’s of corporations now earn hundreds and thousands of times greater salaries and bonus’s than the average worker

    With these figures steadily increasing, a time for an educated electorate to bring this situation to a halt by getting rid of those political parties that allow this to happen, by being the bought enalers
    Who inturn create the laws that allow this vast difference between those that have (never enough) and those that haven’t.

    Our Dear Leader Mr. Ashley being one, why do you think he had such an easy time in front of the recent enquiry, because he was a simple fellow who didn’t.t realise what was going on, yeah sure.

    So now the UK is independent from the EU and they now have total control of the direction the nation decides, think again nothing has changed except they will now be subjected to tariffs and have no say in what the EU decide, it’s still the same marketplace that the once were forced to join for economic reasons, economic migrants will still find a way to arrive, the working classes lot will become worse, Sterling will devalue and it will become more difficult to find markets , Japanese and other foreign manufactures of cars and other goods will re-establish elsewhere inside the EU, a vote that will resonate with other EU members as the UK will be subjected to
    whatever circumstances the EU can impose as an example to others who may be considering exiting.

    Ah well is what it is , it’s unfortunately not like an election where you can reverse things next time around and the future will also result in the end of the UK with Scotland opting out and reapplying for entry to the EU, and possibly Norn Iron having it’s own referendum on applying for re-unification with the Irishn Republic and the EU.

    There are any number of changes possible because of this ridiculess choice which has opened up up a Pandora’s Box of unknowns, all because of Cameron’s stupidity.

    Ah well ain’t my problem !

  17. Chuck, people in places like Middlesbrough and Sunderland feel impotent and powerless, and they voted against Europe and immigrants because it made them very potent and powerful just for a moment. In the last year or so since he won his first majority government, Cameron has lurched from one catastrophe to the other, and most of them have fed into this latest, vast “clusterfuck.” Having written all that, I don’t like the EU, but I come at it from the same angle as Corbyn. As for northern Ireland, it could start off the Unionists and the Republicans again, with the unionists for staying with the UK and the Republicans with Ireland and the EU. Cameron’s been such a disaster in the last year or so that it wouldn’t surprise me if he starts off WW3 before he goes in October. He ridiculously kept blaming Labour of creating the last world economic crisis, but he really has caused a world economic crisis now.

  18. A bad decision by a really bad politician for all the wrong reasons and you end up here. It is to me like a runaway train wreck! The initial damage is obvious the further it careers not so obvious.
    With the break up of the UK which will follow the Labour Party will be condemned to a bit player to a bigger ultra right wing tory government.
    The damage to Europe and us as it continues with Boris as driver Golan as fireman Ian Duncan Smith conductor and Farage holding a celebration party in the buffet does not bear thinking about.
    Question when has this country ever “stood on its own” as I have heard so much of lately?
    Protest votes were for a whole host of reasons few were for the right reason. the blame game starts now.
    I’m glad I’m old for the future now looks very bleak!

  19. Those who voted “out”possibly did so out of a feeling of being ignored, that plus a certain amount of xenophobia, who reside to the north of Potters Bar and who’s lives took a turn for the worse following Thatchers de-industrialisation , while watching London thrive, attracting wealth and immigrants, many being the wealthy from places like Russia and other gangster states, protecting their wealth by parking it in real estate and investing through the corrupt banking system, who invest and sanitize money from various illegal sources.

    Yep ! Thes “outers “are the same people who voted for Trump in the recent US primaries, or the anti Wall St. Protesters that voted for Bernie Sanders , the powerless who had no say about the fact they payed for the Bankers and Money Managers screw up’s over the last decade and who are still awaiting their first raise in wages for almost the same amount of time.

    These are people who no longer care what happens and for the the most part have not fully thought out the enormity of their actions, or how it may effect them, only taking advantage of an opportunity to use whatever power they have and use it against a system that rewards the few and ignores the majority, people who realise that the political system the Bankers and moneyed interests couldn’t care less about them apart from the fact they need their votes come election time.

    Yes! what a Pandoras box the outers have opened, it’s clear no one knows where or what it may lead to, there are so many permitations

  20. Plus very shortly there’s an election coming up in Spain, where there has been somewhat of a revolution in regard to political parties, with new leftist groups appearing from what were once demonstrators agains both high unemployment and the Franco -German austerity program’s being imposed on those southern tier (from Greece to Spain) regions.

    It only requires a certain amount of education for these people to unite in what could be a mass movement , who’s policies are contrary to those of the German dominated EU and could now be set off unknowingly by the “outers”one only has to read some of the statements in to-days papers and media outlets to realise the pent up resentments felt by many of the EU’s member states and what it could lead too ?

  21. Of course there are a number of different directions the present members of the EU may take, for instance one can’t help but notice the fact there are numerous Nationalist movements that appear to be growing stronger, throughout eastern Europe as opposed to southern Europe where the left are organising .

    Strange that one finds Russian and eastern european gangs using the nazi salute, countries who’s youth have little or no memory of how they suffered under the nazi’s with Russia alone losing somewhere in the region of twenty five million or more of their citizens during WW2.

    While in places like Spain, where many of the left suffered under the right wing Fascist regime of Gen. Franco, it’s the left that are on the rise.

    Of course there has always been a rightist group in the UK, certainly among the titled classes, who were known for their sympathies with Nazi Germany, even the abdicated king himself was sent to the Bahamas to keep him out of the way and we are or should all be aware of Sir Oswald
    Mosley and his blackshirts gangs who attempted to intimidate Jewish residents and immigrants in pre war days in the east end of London.

    Of course there has also been a strong Labor movement within the UK, which by nature was of the left, who now remain as an ineffective party led by a weak leader who has his own agenda and has consistently been at odds with the party’s leadership.

    Of course the most effective and dedicated labor leaders were those in power immediately following WW2, but the deindustrialization of many parts of the UK under the Thatcher government has had it’s effect on the labor movement, weakening it to the point it has like the labor party itself, lost it’s direction now that everyone considers themselves middle class.

    One thing for sure those that once considered themselves working class,are the ones responsible along with UKIP, (to days blackshirts disguised as nationalists, and actually both racist and Fascist) for what may be the breakup of the EU, one just has to look at a map of the who’s and where’s of those who voted in the referendum .

    It’ easy to place the blame on infighting within the Conservative party and there is a thread of truth there, but the present Idiots within that party if allowed to continue in office and deal with the
    amputation of the UK from their neighbours on the continent, then watch out, as so far they have been clueless in anything they have attempted to accomplish and I don’t hold a lot of hope for their opposites the Labor Party with their divisive infighting and in effective leadership

    On concluding one might find the once derided US with it’s clueless candidates for the presidency are looking a lot better and certainly it would have never reached the stage of having a referendum on any major question such as occurred last Thursday, knowing well the ignorance of the electorate and their willingness to go against reason,because they can, never mind the underlying reasons of xenophobia and resentment to- wards the countries leadership.

  22. Chuck says:
    June 26, 2016 at 11:44 am

    “Of course there has also been a strong Labor movement within the UK, which by nature was of the left, who now remain as an ineffective party led by a weak leader who has his own agenda and has consistently been at odds with the party’s leadership.

    “Of course the most effective and dedicated labor leaders were those in power immediately following WW2,”

    Well Clement Attlee had the same treatment as Corbyn. Herbert Morrison, the Grandfather of Peter Mandelson tried to depose Attlee just after he won a landslide election and he was often having to head off plots from the right wing of the party. Plus ca change…

    More recently, when Blair was in charge, the old way of selecting MPs was changed from the focus being on the local constituency to vetted “New Labour” style candidates being sent in from outside. This has created a huge schism between the Labour membership and MPs, and a big inherited problem for Corbyn and the Labour Party as a whole. Meanwhile, the alternative to Corbyn will be a disaster with a huge revolt of members…

    “Of course there has always been a rightist group in the UK, certainly among the titled classes, who were known for their sympathies with Nazi Germany, even the abdicated king himself was sent to the Bahamas to keep him out of the way and we are or should all be aware of Sir Oswald Mosley and his blackshirts gangs who attempted to intimidate Jewish residents and immigrants in pre war days in the east end of London.”

    There’s been racism, institutional racism and loonies, but the organised far right in the UK has never been like many countries on the mainland of Europe which actually had fascist governments. Mosley’s Blackshirts had around 40,000 members at their absolute peak, but we have been too truculent and bloodyminded for that kind of authortarianism to take hold enough, whether it was Fascism, Bolshevism or whatever. The Blackshirts tried to be bully boys but they just got their heads kicked in.

  23. Perhaps within the party of Clement Atlee certain members had their disagreements with fellow party members, which is both expected and not unusual in politics, but not divided and though Atlee wasn’t exactly a charismatic leader, he maintained in control of the party and it’s policies, of course with the assistance of a group of strong willed cabinet members.

    Something that is certainly lacking in the shadow government of Corbyn, who lacks any kind of charisma or leadership qualities and was made a laughing stock during PM’s question time in the commons by Cameron, being slow on his feet so to speak.

    Plus he has his own agenda, which became obvious during the lead up to Brexit, with a very half hearted support for staying, perhaps he secretly was in favor of leaving , which has been stated by a few , the reason why we don’t know and can only guess at.

    Of course this would be an ideal opportunity for Labor to attempt to recover control following this conservative fiasco , but instead we find a party in revolt against their leader, who has shown little in the way of leadership and could be removed and replaced by a Blairite shadow government
    Obsessed with winning power but little else.

    Not that Corbyn has produced anything like a party platform, if he has he certainly has kept it too himself,he was certainly as a back bencher not loath to declare what he was against, which is the last thing people want to hear, a positive platform is what’s needed during this time while the country is in a crisis and no one appears to have any clear cut policies in place to deal with it, the result of Brexit comming as a complete shock to everyone including UKIP and your version of Trump, Boris.

    I’m beginning to wonder which of our two countries is the craziest when it comes to politics and politicians, though nothing surprises me anymore, hell perhaps we may see Ashley run for office one of these days.

  24. Listening to to-days talk radio, there are only the voices of recrimination, those who had nothing to lose, located mainly in places that were left behind decades ago, as opposed to those who live in the capital or areas who have benefitted from Thatchers switching from a mainly industrial to a service industry?

    Many who can’t explain the reasons for their leave vote, willing to take a chance on the unknown, rather than continue and using a variety of excuses, some racist, some plain xenophobia, others
    blaming the countless laws and regulations generated by the EU, (even those introduced by UK members in Brussles)

    It’ s got to a point where a new term has been coined for those who awoke on Friday morning thinking , god what have I done, “Regrexit” !

    There has been a number of proposals of the type, ” erm ! We really didn’t mean to leave let’s renegotiate” none of which will be contemplated by a now pissed off EU, who have had enough of UK nonsense and constant complaining about it’s role, as no one forced them to join , just as no one will stand in the way of their leaving.

    Yes it can’t be denied it will have a major effect on not only Europe’s politics but will reverbrate throughout the world, but mainly it will result in a no longer Great Britain who’s importance and world roles will be greatly diminished, and who’s living standards will be effected negatively .

    Ah well, perhaps a little England may satisfy those who voted for it.

  25. Well that’s the worst week for England in Europe since Dunkirk. Iceland has about the same population as Newcastle and Gosforth, without Gateshead. England and Newcastle United have the same psychological demon which pulls them down.

    Leave my MP alone, Chuck! you don’t know what you’re writing about. He does have a “platform” with far more substance than the other ones. He has more substance than Sanders too. Even as a reluctant remain person like Corbyn, I think that the EU are awful and it isn’t at all bigoted to want to reject them. It’s a difficult, pragmatic decision.

  26. I beg to differ, I came out with fact Corbyn had dragged his feet in the matter until forced to state by media pressure as to where he stood , to which he stated he was in the stay camp.
    Though following that he obviously dragged his feet in regard to making a case or in any way
    Implying he really was adamant about staying, in other words he was just unconvincing in conveying that point to either party members or the electorate in general.
    The results of which was a number of his shadow cabinet made the decision he hadn’t shown the leadership qualities needed under the circumstances.
    Whether you agree or not, as far as I’m concerned he has yet to show shown those qualities since he was elected and to basically sit back and do nothing during what has turned out to be a major crisis for the country, is unforgivable and disqualifies him for the role.
    I mean can you explain what exactly his purpose is, does he have an agenda, if so how about enlightening the public ?
    Listen one thing about Bernie Sanders is he leaves no doubt about what he stands for, whereas Corbyn has yet to inform the public exactly what he stands for, oh! Sure the usual Socialist Ideals, yeah he was great as a voice in the wilderness in opposition to whatever was proposed, unfortunately give and take is part and parcel of politics in general, perhaps he should try it some time.
    It seems whatever his agenda is and I believe it has a lot to do with the working class, his natural constituency who were responsible for Brexit and the unknown that they have chosen, whom he doesn’t,t want to upset.
    A very selfish agenda, which he naturally doesn’t want to disclose.
    As for the EU ,sure it’s an awful thing as you say,but the UK joined because it had little choice it being an economic neccessity and is leaving because of the fact that recent governments have ignored those post industrial areas of the country and are reaping what they have sown, the anger and desire for change where they receive a fair share of the present wealth, that presently goes no farther than London and the home counties.

  27. Chuck I tend to agree with a lot that you say but I agree with Worky where Corbyn is concerned.
    A rarity, a man of principle with belief not given to spin and doing anything just to gain power.
    Turning into a tory should not be the only way of gaining power. Hell we have a Tory party already in fact we have two or even three with ukip.
    Its about putting your beliefs out there and getting them beyond the tory dominated media. This should be the perfect time to be doing just that. Instead the weak willed Blairites without a belief or a principle among them can only think of image and cheap watered down policy’s that will give them that power
    I am a socialist and am proud to be but I bet most of the Labour Parliamentary Party never use the word Socialist it would be bad for their “image”
    Don’t even want to talk about how bad the England football team is!

  28. Erm ! Enough about Brexit, let’s get back to football, after all it’s supposedly about NUFC .

    I was wondering what you thought about the Euro 2016 championship, last night ‘s game will rank right up there with the 1950 defeat in The Polo Grounds, N.Y. by a bunch of non professionals, without a league, unless one called the German American league a pro league.

    That and the fact Newcastle are once again in the second tier, makes for a pretty depressing situation, , I believe the winners of the Germany vs Italy game will play against Belgium in the final, but I suppose anyone can wi it among those remaining, even the Icelanders.

  29. Chuck says:
    June 28, 2016 at 3:35 pm

    “unless one called the German American league a pro league.”

    So it was the bloody Germans again really! :-)

    As for the one the other night, I go back to my comment above about psychology. Time passes, very successful players come and go, but that doesn’t seem to change with England.

  30. Sure Alister Campbell was Blairs pit bull advisor and it certainly comes as no surprise to find the present Blairite’s using him, I only hope you don’t find it surprising and I would assume if you dug a bit harder you would find the name Blair also involved.

    Look I have no particular liking for the Blairite’s, who I believe have more interest in power for the sake of what it brings , rather than any interest in improving the lot of those who vote for them.

    But if you are saying that so many members of the shadow governmen. (people appointed by Corbyn) who basically led this revolt are all Blairite’s, then I find that hard to swallow.

    The fact is he(Corbyn ) has been ineffective as the leader of the Labor government and is looked upon as something of a joke, in comparison with say a Bernie sanders who has had a similar political career, one that was even more difficult than Corbyn’s back bench ineffective career, namely as a socialist, in the belly of the beast, the congress of the US,

    Perhaps you don’t understand the significance of that , but the term socialist is the same as communist in the US,and has been part of a propaganda bombardment directed at the American public for the last hundred years, by the wealthy.

    My point is Bernie by determination got himself elected to various political positions culminating in his election to represent the people of Vermont in the congress of the US and running a successful if not winning campaign for the nomination as the Socialist/Democratic representative for the presidency of the US, and doing so by refusing to accept campaign funds from any special interests,

    In contrast, what has Corbyn ever done, sure he’s an old time labor leftie and has been a pain in the ass to Blairite’s and others who don’t follow the tenants of Labor, but my point is he is ineffectual and certainly lacks the charismatic personality needed in to-days world, I mean think about it how receptive would the voting public be to someone like a Clement Atlee to-day, I believe he wouldn’t stand a chance.

    And I don’t believe for a moment that the present revolt has been totally engineered by the ,Blairit’s, though no doubt they are part of it, but there is only one way to solve it, which is by a new election, which by the way in no way changes my opinion of Corbyn, who I believe like his predicessor

  31. Lost the election because he was perceived as lacking in leadership qualities, unfortunately to-days election are based as much on personalities than the presentation of a party platform, that appeals more than the oppositions.

    Ah well !

  32. Who I believe lost the election through a lack of personality plus a lack of perceived leadership qualities and believe the labor party would repeat this process in any new election in the near future if they stick with Corbyn and that the majority of those in leadership roles within the party agree, therefor the kitchen revolt.

  33. As for the German-American league it was only one of a number of leagues that existed frm an earlier time where. European immigrants to the north east of the US beginning in the late nineteenth century existed in an era consisting of teams from The Boston erea to Philly.
    But mainly established in the northern NJ and NYC area, one of which was The German-American league, which actually consisted of teams representing the various European immigrants and used to draw crowds of thousands in their prime.

    Of course the now extinct NY Cosmo’s (Cosmopolitans) were established in the sixties, which was the brain child of a promotors who hoped to establish a competitive league from the top down, by hiring such retired giants as Pele, Beckenbaur and others which is now long gone.

    Of course the German -American league was a semi pro. league where most were happy just to play the game and like the league where the later established Cosmos played is now extinct.

  34. Hmmm ! Looks like the vultures are hovering around Corbyn and it’s doubtfully if he can survive, watched his performance in the commons where he was shunned by most of the Labor MP ‘s and when told by Cameron (two dead men walking) to just go, seemed to shrink in his seat which told it’s own story
    Contrary to expectations where one would imagine the Tory’s would be on the back foot, it’s clear that Labor is in real trouble and until they reach some kind of unified concensus, could lose a golden opportunity to regroup and possibly gain control (even by allying themselves to the Liberals in forming a government) now that they have obviously lost Scots Labor forever,they may need the Liberals to make up the numbers.
    Who knows could be a more acceptable package to many ?
    It’s a whole new ball game, the unknown to come following Brexit, will the Scots demand another” referendum ” (which I believe is not the flavour of the month right now) where this time the whole of Scotland would no doubt be ready to leave the sinking ship that Is now Great Britain and apply for EU membership.
    It also appears Spain and other EU members are concerned that Brexit and the Scottish desire to exit from the present union , may inspire both The Basques and Catalans to follow suite in regard to independence from Spain, not something they desire and may block Scotland’s wishes to rejoin the EU.
    Just one of the possible scenarios that could take place , though there may be many more waiting in the wings, who knows ?
    Foolishness has certainly opened a Pandora’s Box and will no doubt be interpreted in various forms by the worlds nations, with breaking of present alliencies and trade groups, a possible loss UK.s
    Seat as a member of the security council of the UN and possibly other powerful groups, yes folks a nightmare scenario is about to unfold over the next number of years, good luck with that.

  35. Chuck says:
    June 30, 2016 at 2:36 pm

    “Hmmm ! Looks like the vultures are hovering around Corbyn”

    It’s more like a squadron of fighters are attacking him than a few vultures circling around him, Chuck.

    Way back in the early eighties here (in the days of Thatcher, Michael Foot and Tony Benn) there was a very big novel and TV drama called “A Very British Coup.” It was written by the former Labour MP for Sunderland, Chris Mullin, and made a very large impression. It told the story of a left wing Labour leader with policies not unlike Corbyn being elected as Prime Minister, and what the ‘powers that be’ would do to stop him. It’s a bit like watching that now, and Corbyn hasn’t even been elected as Prime Minister.


  36. Yes believe I saw it, will check it out.

    But reality can be more entertaining than fiction and that’s what we have at present, with both major parties going through power struggles.

    Would be entertaining enough if the characters involved we’re of any substance, but I fail to see anyone of strength or character involved to lead either party, that includes those vying for the US Presidency.

    But I suppose we deserve the so called leaders we end up with.

    But the UK is more in need of someone of substance during these next few years, to determine just where the country is going at this critical time, though it appears there has been no major catastrophies yet and the markets seem to be settling.

    At least it appears Boris has been effectively removed from the scene and most can breathe a sigh of relief, now that’s a scenario that could be used in some future “Palace Coup” made for TV
    mini- series, as I said sometimes truth can be more entertaini than fiction.

  37. As for NUFC,it appears Rapha. Has been busy, signing an extra goalie and a Townsend replacement, who appears to be decent according to the media, as for our signing from Palace
    “Gale” perhaps he can score the needed goals and is well versed in the second tier.

    Perhaps not my choice of players but then it becomes more difficult following the drop to sign top players and of course when income drops to pay top wages, but there seems to have beee a definite raise in the prices of players when second tier transfers reach double (in the millions) figures for average players.

    Though I don’t believe this is a case of the old adage “we need British players to compete inI the “Championship” and if we can keep a core of decent players, though it will be a tough challenge
    I believe we can make it back to the money league, if not it could be a lot longer and how many seasons has Rafa. signed for in the second tier, I would think only one.

  38. The story of Boris would be a farce more than a drama, Chuck. It’s amazing how he’s got away with what he’s got away though, especially being re-elected as Mayor as London. He did f all and lied all the time.

    “In contrast, what has Corbyn ever done,”

    Well he won the leadership by a huge margin, Sanders lost his battle with Shillary. People like Corbyn have been totally suppressed under New Labour, and no proper Labour MP has been able to do anything like what he’s done in decades. He isn’t the greatest speechmaker, but when you actually go away and think about what he has said, and what happens subsequently, he is usually right. This current war in the Labour Party has been a long time coming.

  39. Yep ! I know and believe Corbyn can win any re-election vote and I personally have no beef with him, though impressed by John McDonnell, his seemingly Svengali like Shadow Chancelor,
    whomI find interesting, he being an avowed Marxist, which may not sit well with many party members and could in effect split the party down the middle.

    And though I believe Corbyn to be a straightforward individual, just can’t see him as the leader of Labor, mostly due to his persona and poor performances vis a vie Cameron in the house, I know it’s not something that one should point out, as opposed to the substance of what he says and means, but in to-days world the public demand instant gratification, good looks , the ability to debate , it’s a reality show world unfortunately and a guy with Corbyn’s looks and personality doesn’t stand a chance.

    On the other hand apart from McDonnell, I just find most of the pretenders to the PM role to be just as bad if not worse than Cornyn and a leader without a certain amount of charisma is just a non starter, in which case “what to do” ?

    As for Boris I believe he has run his course and had better find himself a job, being his career in politics has reached it’s end.

    Now Bernie will reach the Democratic Party’s convention with his supporters who will demand certain promises from Hillary, to ensure their vote, which will take the party farther to the left and ensure certain changes to the Hillary platform, certainly a higher minimum wage and changes in the national health plan (Obama Care) meaning his run was not in vain and both he and his followere still have the ability to enforce a certain amount of change in her(Hillary) platform.

  40. Sorry I’ve been so slow recently. If Corbyn goes, that’s it. The replacement will make lots of noise about being a unity candidate, taking on board the message and so on, but it will all turn out to be BS when it’s too late. I wouldn’t be so sure about over there as well. You seem to be in total denial about Donald Trump being the next President over there.

    Socialist (McDonnell), but I’m not sure about “avowed Marxist.” McDonnell used to be the moneyman for Red Ken’s Greater London Council in the 80s. That was during Thatcher’s war against the GLC, which she eventually disbanded.

    The Tories have been bad enough but they’re the government. On the other hand, UKIP have put the UK into meltdown despite the fact they only have 1 MP! They’ve influenced everything, they’ve finished off Cameron, finished off the UK in the EU, in turn stressing the union with Scotland once again. They were supposed to chip away at Conservative votes originally, but they’re having a good try at finishing off Labour as well. They have laid waste to everything in their path.

  41. One would have to be blind not to see the differences between the UK’s various political parties, but it’s the same in most countries, control the media and the rest is easy.

    An appeal to nationalism always seems to work, create an us and them situation, apparently immigrants are the new Jews (as in Hitlers Germany) it could be anyone, there has to be a victim to blame everything on.

    Add the fear of globalisation ,multiculturalism and open immigration to a conservative Island nation, that had never experienced mass immigration apart from the Irish migration of the mid nineteenth century and you have the perfect scenario .

    It’s therefor understandable that the friction between immigrants and those who live in close proximity can’t fail to give birth to a nationalist party (UKIP) and when there is competition for jobs ,again it presents the perfect scenario (the Polish plumbers) not to mention the Islamic immigrants who (as claimed by the extreme right) are intent on bringing Sharia Law to the UK.

    This is not a situation that exists only in the UK, many western European countries have similar anti multiculturist attitudes, even the most tolerant, but a previously somewhat isolated Island nation who had not been subjected to mass migration until the arrival of ex colonial citizens of various religeous and racial backgrounds, following WW 2, though their labor was needed, it was seldom welcome.

    Of course globalisation, the Neo Liberal policies and other major effects only ncrease tensions and effect economies to the point it is difficult for any nation to be completely independent, most belonging to trade blocks, which makes the UK’s decision somewhat ridicules, try and tell that to those that voted for it ?

    One would think people would learn by thir mistakes, WW 1 and 2. and every war since, but on looking at the European continent, it looks more like the 1930’s than the twenty first century with the right wing gaining strength in the former Soviet Block countries and fascism growing even in the former Soviet Union it’self, a country that lost around twenty five million of it’s citizens to a fascist Gerany, who in turn are now accepting refugees from the middle east which is in a state of chaos, it just makes no sense, I guess we are just a flawed species, who thrive on turmoil.

  42. Checking out what’s going on at NUFC , seems Rafa. has taken control in a big way, from reorganising the youth movement to transfers.

    Not that I’m particularly happy with what’s happening on the transfer front, it appears he is preparing for the upcoming season by bringing in “no name players” and getting rid or using the funds from the proposed sales of some of our top talents, such as Sissoko, Janmaat and Wijnaldum, which will leave us with the recent signings , all of which are “no names”.

    Though we are about to get a thirty one year old ex Athletico Madrid defender, with great leadership skills and was described as “we were lucky to get him as a number of EPL sides were after him, yeah sure !

    Though the bookies have the club as a 2/1 favourite for instant promotion, though with what we would be left with ertainly doesn’t convince me, let’s see, I mean the second tier cant be that bad,
    can it ?

    Just wondering about the recent drop in value of Sterling, along with the drop of NUFC and probably the the vaue of Sports Direct, it just hasn’t been a very happy time for our dear leader which seems to be reflected in our recruiting and if in fact the bookies are right, hopefully this time next year we will be spending like drunken sailors, having once again regained a place in the big money league, even though it has been devalued somewhat by a lower quid.

    Again let’s see what happens, being with the surprise of Brexit one can hardly project what the future may have in store for us.
    May have in store for us

  43. Hitler’s Germany? You’re as bad as Red Ken with your Godwin’s law, Chuck. More like echoes of Enoch Powell. Do you remember him?

    How the hell can Tony Blair crawl out of the woodwork front out this Chilcot Report yesterday the way he did? He looked and sounded like he was completely deluded and teetering on the edge of a personal crisis live on tv. That’s charismatic politicians with too much self belief for you. They’re good at lying to other people because they are good at lying to themselves I suppose? It was like getting a peek of some of the madness behind the mask. He is also the subject of comedy and ridicule for his sickly love note to Bush since the report was released; “I will be with be with you, whatever.” It sounds like a Celine Dion song.

  44. Mosely ? Nah ! He was never a real threat, though he had support among the titled ranks.

    You appear to believe that what happened in Nazi Germany could never happen in the UK, well for your information, the rise of UKIP happened, the same kind of propaganda was used and worked amongst a population, posslbly as nationalistic in nature as a pre war Germany.
    Having been even more isolated than many other European countries and as Herrman Goring stated (paraphrasing) “it’s the same in every country, tell them they are being threatened, then condemn the peacemakers as unpatriotic, whether it’s a Parliamentory Democracy or a Fascist or Communist Dictatorship, it works the same”.

    I mean the people of the UK voted against what I consider their best interests, based on ignorance and lies, in which case who can say what they would vote for in the future, look at Russia, a country that suffered during WW2, with it’s Fascist gangs plus eastern Europe fresh from the control of the former Soviet Union, with it’s swing to the right and an increasingly nationalistic attitudes.

    And if the recent vote for Brexit wasn’t based on Nationalism, then what was it based on ?

  45. Xenophobia ? Or what ?

    As for Blair, a man obsessed by ambition , who changed the whole ethos of the Labor party, but who didn’t have the cojones to say no to the Texas draft dodger “Bush” resulting in a war that should never have happened, where a country was destroyed and hundreds of thousands were killed.
    Though I didn’t see his reaction to the ” Chilcot Report” it’s obvious from reading the press he is in a state of denial, but will be forever blamed for his lack of resistance to Bush’s demand that the UK take a substantial role in that unjust war, that not only killed so many, but emptied treasuries and laid the groundwork for the bloodbath that is Syria and created that is now one of the words most dangerous hotspots.

    I suppose he is presently too busy making deals in the area with the local nabobs to let it bother him and I know George has few if any regrets over his role, just what kind of people are they?

  46. chuck says:
    July 8, 2016 at 12:13 pm

    “Mosely ? Nah ! ”

    I said Enoch Powell, Chuck, not Oswald Mosely. Powell was a Tory shadow minister sacked by Ted Heath in the late 60s for his infamous “Rivers of Blood” speech. It was the time of Harold Wilson’s “Race Relations” bill / act / whatever and Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech had some all riled up. Powell was in a different league to Farage. He was a highly complex man of intellect, an old time fire and brimstone type, and a great orator. In a similar way though, although Powell was from the right, he had alot of salt of the earth Labour working class supporting him, like they say about Ukip now, and with the same underlying perceptions about how immigration is affecting those at the bottom. I was only a bairn at the time though. Even as a bairn in the 70s though, I remember Enoch Powell being mentioned alot, and there were alot of Enoch Powell jokes.

    I think you had to actually see Blair. He just looked so deluded and mad, it was scary to think that he was in charge of this country for 10 years.

  47. Yes of course, what was I thinking, I remember Enoch Powell, though I’m a bit vague as to exactly what he represented , other than an extreme right attitude and what you said is so true, the so called underclasses are not as many imagine mostly of the left, many buying into the extremeist right, mostly advocating Nationalism, a disguised form of both racism and xenophobia.

    And when led by the likes of a Powell or Mosley, can be viewed as somewhat legitimate , when one views the present political situation in the USA, what else is Trump other than the USA’s
    Though IMO there is a division between Trump and Bernie Sanders, within a spectrum of both the middle and working classes, the anti Wall St. crowd consisting of mostly middle and working class Democrats, with some republicans, while the former Tea Party are staunch Repulican in nature, some who fail to see where their best interests lie, the former backing Bernie and the others Trump.

    One only has to look at both candidates to realise the general attitude to-wards the establishment when someone like Donald Trump ends up as the candidate of choice for the republicans and Sanders an avowed socialist (the US equivalent of a communist) almost becoming the Dems. choice, though he and his followers will bring their votes and pressures to Hillary during the upcoming Democratic Convention.

    It appears to me that Hillary will be a shoo in, being many Republicans, certainly the established Politicians possibly fear Trump more than they dislike Hillary and may refuse to give him their support in the elections, or perhaps in some way sabotage his candidacy during the Republican convention.

  48. Checking out the recent signings and general direction the club appears to heading, all I see are the spin doctors in full voice.

    I believe we were told that the club were to hold onto their most talented players, a similar situation as the last time we were relegated (thanks to our astute owner) however it appears as I thought, like Sports Direct everything is for sale as long as there’s a profit to be made.

    The spin guys are praising Rafa. for his ability to attract some fine players, namely an ageing full back who sat on Atletico Madrids bench for the most part, (there goes Janmaat) a couple of no names and a coupla youth players, all of which were considered as good signings which had it not been for Rafa. in charge we may not have got them to sign, (total bull)

    I expect our Dutch contingent to be sold off, namely Krul, DeJong, Janmaat and Wijnaldum then possibly Sissoko, leaving who? Nobody that’s who !

    Seems our former manager Christ. Hughton has implied it will be more difficult to achieve promotion from the second tier this season , being there is more money and every club wants to get a piece of the EPL’s big buck and unless we bring in some talent or manage to hang onto our better players (most who are only here as a stepping stone to bigger and better careers In the
    EPL) so what can we expect, probably more spin and a much weakened side and a struggle to gain promotion though I also project a full house at St.James’ every week,

    Hey ya gotta give Ashley credit, the hiring and retention of Rafa. was a master stroke and looking at Rafa’s deal, three million a year for three years is a nice retirement package and if he has any success , hell it may turn out he will find another job or perhaps an extension at NUFC.

    Yep ! Doesn’t exactly make one jump for joy but when have we gone into the new season with expectations during the Ashey regime.

  49. chuck says:
    July 9, 2016 at 11:44 am

    “Yes of course, what was I thinking, I remember Enoch Powell, though I’m a bit vague as to exactly what he represented , other than an extreme right attitude”

    He was a complex character, Chuck. He wasn’t “far right” in the way you mean either. He was a child of the British Empire and something of a biblical style prophet with his appropriate old testament style name. He played the same sort of controversial maverick role in the Conservatives (until he left for the Ulster unionists) as someone like Tony Benn in the Labour party.

  50. Yeah, I have a recollection of him and can picture his face, well he certainly ended up in a party that suited him, talk about biblical types……..

    There lies a a quandary for Britain ,the statelet of Norn Iron, a total joke that costs the British taxpayers something to the tune of thousands of pounds per annum, per person, with almost half the working population employed in the public sector.

    Which raises the question, does the Irish Republic want to take on that burden, I think not, as they appear to be doing pretty well without them, certainly the UK as it is, would drop them like a hot potato if it were possible,on the other hand many Norn Irish Nationalist would certainly vote for the status quo, which is remain heavily subsidised as opposed to competing in the marke

    Though it must be difficult for them (the nationalists) kinda like dealing with a political opposition consisting of nothing but Enoch Powells, as the world has changed enormously in the last hundred years, other than in that ridiculess statelet and I’m sure in retrospect given the opportunity things would have been done differently.

    Ah well. !

  51. I can’t help but wonder what the consequences of Brexit will be and how Cameron failed to either think of or at least have consideration for the possibility of divorcing from the EU.

    The permutations for the present UK are enormous.

    Will Scotland devolve ?

    What about both Wales and Norn Iron ?

    All of which coud effect the present world roles of the UK.

    In regard to NATO, the UN security council and countless other roles.

    Is it not Corbyn’s policy to end the Trident program, if elected though I understand he is opposed by the Unions, the list of questions is both never ending and complex and some with enormous repercussions if enacted.

    What has become of he apparent status quo world we lived in, with the only constant being change.

  52. Having watched Sissoko since he arrivved at NUFC, I always regarded him as a very good player, tall enough and one of the best engines of any player I have seen in this club, tracks back, is involved in just about every fast break, ghosts past defenders and leaves them in his wake, I have rarely seen such talent at this club.

    Though not a starter in the early French side in the Euros., certainly impressed in the latter stages earning himself a starting role in the final.

    Was the outstanding talent in that game,many giving him a rating of 9# of course I have always thought of him as an outstanding force, only limited by poor managers, who had no clue how to use him, he has the ability to be whoever he wants, a Viera or a TaYa Ture and will be an asset to whichever club has the nerve to sign him fo the thirty five big ones or more he could cost.

    And though I would hate to see him leave, it’s inevitable and I’m sure Rafa. could use the funds received, plus he deserves better than a year in the second tier.

    The only thing that concerns me is the attitude of many of th NUFC fans, though I understand it too a degre., but face it most talented players don’t go willingly to the second tier
    But to knock the guys ability and scoff at his recent valuation is simply sour grapes, either that or they have no idea how good a player he is.

    Now we have already lost Townsend, a decent player and it looks like Wijnaldum is probably going to Spurs, but neither put in the work Sissko did, in him we are loosing a hard working platyer as opposed to Wijnaldum who often dissappeared in games, I can only wish him luck and I am curious to see how our recent acqusitions turn out, I suspect they are not that good, ok for the more perspiration league than the inspiration league, let’s see ?

  53. Chuck, Scotland really would have problems outside the UK with the oil price at current levels. If they left the UK and applied to join the EU, the EU would have to pony up for it. If they were given special favours to join quickly and outside the rules, Spain and maybe some others would go bonkers for a start and others would be jealous. It’s far more complicated than it looks

    Say what you like about my MP, even when they throw the kitchen sink at him, they just can’t knock him down. I saw a humiliated Bernie Sanders being paraded like a trophy by Hillary today. Corbyn couldn’t be tamed like that. He’ll go down like Scarface.


    The UK has had one narrow escape. We nearly had an English Sarah Palin, not as a deputy but actually as a Prime Minister to replace Cameron. Her name was Andrea Leadsom and she was awful. No one had ever heard of her a few weeks ago then all of a sudden she was second in the running to be Prime Minister, then it turned out that she’s a bit mad.

    Finally, as a token piece of football comment, Portugal won the European Championships in a manner not totally dissimilar to the way Greece won it in 2004. They were like a Fat Sam side, but with Ronaldo.

  54. Yeah, I couldn’t but notice how Portugal were so similar to Greece, played Pardew ball, a variation of the catenaccio or park the bus and hope for a quick goal on the break, but without Ronaldo in the final.

    Yeah, sure they are entitled, they won, except it wasn’t a thing of beauty, to watch ten men behind the ball, who then take all day crossing the half way line, basically killing time, nah!

    Look I respect Corbyn, he just ain’t got the persona to lead in this present time,like McLuhan said the “the media is the message” and in to days instantaneous world he comes across as a somewhat wimpy pensioner, who never seems to get in a sound-bite and i have even less time for
    the pretender from Liverpool Angela Eagle, too bad it’s not Bessie Braddock, who though a woman , had more cojones than most of her male peers of that era.

    Bernie ? II guess he forced Hillary a little to the left, in regard to minimum wage and the things that she has some control over, but there are untouchables that she obviously made deals about and she has her own attitudes on health care, but it becomes obvious she has been bought and owes, but that’s the reality of American politics.

    The difference about Bernies campaign is he “never took”( an old NYC term) in regard to bribery.

    His average campaign check was something in the region of thirty bucks, which caused fear and loathing among the wealthy, having someone who not only promised to make their world change
    but some kinda socialist , which as far as they were concerned was. a f***ing commie.

    And don’t forget that those who played a role in his campaign, ain’t going no-where and who knows what might happen four years from now , knowing anything is possible now , in this fast changing world.

    I mean hey ! Who’d a thunk it ? That the present political shambles that is taking place in both the UK and USA would accur , leaving so many people not only in the UK, but around the world, wondering about Brexit and how may effect them and I’m sure the reality has for many not really sunk in yet.

  55. Is this just all a bad dream, or did I read Boris Johnson has been appointed Foreign Secratery ?

    ok! Things may look bad in regard to “The Donald”in these here United States, but you guys take the cake, what the f**k is going on, is Parliament on drugs or something, this is insaniy personified.

    Well at least the drama between the Labor factions has become trivial, when compared with the latest Tory story and now would be a window of opportunity for Labor to stand a chance at getting elected FFS anything but a combination off Anna and Boris.

    The question is should Labor let them f**k up the upcoming Brexit negotiations or demand an instant election.

    Listen I’m astounded as most of the world is, with this insanity and I’m afraid to look at the rest of Mays re-appointed cabinet and please accept well wishes for the future of the UK, being the party in power have gone completely insane.

  56. Sorry that should have been ” Thresa and Boris”

    ps, Gotta laugh, being you believed Andrea Leadsom was a bad choice, so whadda you think now ?

  57. Well apart from dumping those Carr signings that either were given no chance to strut their stuff, or just didn’t fit into either Pardews or the grinning Cheshire cat’s sides, there have been a few signings, nothing to shout about, fairly cheap second tier players, who are I suppose expected to deal with a rough and toumble second tier and gain promotion much like the last time.

    And of course what comes with that, the selling of a record number of season tickets, with great expectations in regard to Rafa. and what is expected of the club in the near future, I even think some may expect Newcastle to be the new Leicester , umm ? yeah right !

    Hey ya gotta give Ashley some credit, he knows how to pull the rabbit outta the hat.

    As far as our two star players, Sissoko and Wijnaldum are concerned, the spin merchants have Ashley as not keen on selling, unless of course he gets an offer he can’t refuse, but either way he comes out a winner, depends on how much Rafa spends I guess.

    What the f**k is wrong with DeJong now, the guy is a medical wonder, hasn’t been fit since he arrived, now there’s one we should dump as soon as possible.

    Though the bookies appear to think the club will ace the second tier, I’m not so sure, there’ plenty of stiff opposition there and most will be gunning for the Toon, though if we keep Sissoko, Janmaat and Wijnaldum it should hopefully be a done deal.

    So if you havn’t yet applied for a season ticket, you had better hurry, as they are going fast.

  58. Chuck says:
    July 14, 2016 at 11:02 am

    “Is this just all a bad dream, or did I read Boris Johnson has been appointed Foreign Secratery ?

    “ok! Things may look bad in regard to “The Donald”in these here United States, but you guys take the cake, what the f**k is going on, is Parliament on drugs or something, this is insaniy personified.”

    Trump and Boris, two crazy New Yorkers (Johnson was born in Manhattan), a bit like you, Chuck. :-)

    It would be Teresa May on drugs, though she certainly doesn’t look like a drugtaking type. It was her decision. It does look insane. I bet there’ll be messy haired little Borises springing up all over the world now he’s going to be travelling the world too. He’s notorious for that. I know about being a Londoner and in eight years as mayor of London, he was absolutely lousy and yet he got re-elected.

    Poor Corbyn is fighting a full scale war on all fronts and it’s hard for him to do much else right now.

  59. Nah ! It seems that some Brits., believe Boris is a bright guy who only acts like a jerk, but the real truth is he is a first class jerk and will be found out, the fact he was elected twice as Londons Mayor sez more about the electorate than Boris himself.

    It’s probable he will be fired for some offensiveness , actually it’s inevitable being his controversial act is what has brought him to the publics attention, (his sctick) which at a certain level may be acceptable, but to have the UK represented by someone who espouses both racism and other unacceptable Ideas, I think not.

    It appears that Theresa May has in fact set him up to fail and get rid of him, hopefully before he creates any major calamity in the diplomatic field, which could have major repercussions.

    A jerk is a jerk, and like “The Donald” may be tolerated untill they become a danger to all, including themselves.

  60. Chuck, Boris has had a haircut and is behaving himself now. We shall see how long it lasts. The downfall of Red Ken as London Mayor (and the rise of Boris) was “Kengestion Charge 2”, Ken’s proposed extension of the London Congestion Charge over West London. This was backed up with alot of Ken smear stories, especially in the Evening Standard.

  61. avatar chuck says:
    July 15, 2016 at 10:15 pm

    “It appears that Theresa May has in fact set him up to fail and get rid of him, hopefully before he creates any major calamity in the diplomatic field, which could have major repercussions.”

    No, that’s too far. However, the Brexit gang have been given control of Brexit so if it all goes tits up, she can blame them for the whole mess from start to finish. It isn’t just Boris, for example the actual minister directly in charge of Brexit is Tory tough guy (he’s ex SAS), David Davis. I went to see him in discussion with Tony Benn once. I don’t believe in so-called “right wing libertarians” but he would be described as one by quite a few. He’s right wing, but occaisionally swings right over with full left people (like Tony Benn) on civil liberties issues and such. I suppose that people like Ron Paul and his son over there might be similar in that respect, though of course, the Pauls are completely loopy in that special Yank way on some issues. There’s ‘Brixiter” Priti Patel at International Development as well, which of course is another foreign diplomacy type position. She isn’t worth knowing about.

  62. Well obviously you are more aware of UK politics than I, and I am only describing how I interperit things as I see them.
    Which is let Boris (who is someone , much like Trump, a loose cannon) hoist himself by his own petard,
    And in the role as foreign secretary, he has every opportunity to create the circumstance for that to happen. and quickly, which would basically end his career and take the Brixit crowd with him, leaving Theresa May a free hand to handle the Brexit negotiations as she sees fit.

    However there’s much more than that to concern us and I don’t think that most people realise the extent of Brexus on the world stage, considering the extent of what has accured only recently, though I don’t believe the secularist attempted coup in Turkey has anything in common, with it, though that particular circumstance may very well have given various groups thru out the world the believe anything and everything is possible.

    Face it, it has becoming a more viotable world since Bush and Blair went to war with Iraq, though the so called terrorism is obviously based more on a division no longer religious in nature, more of a secular world vs. a religious world, one based on a seventh century religion opposed to that of a modern world based more on secularism.

    With random terror, acted out by mostly disturbed individuals, not as claimed by many by Islamic Islamic organisations, people who have some kind of death wish and hope to be remembered as some kind of Islamic hero.

    The fact is no one as of yet has figured out the numerous problems that a really ignorant yet pissed off group of voters have created, but it sure has changed this predictable world to the extent few have any idea of what will happen next.

  63. Actually I see no more than the fact he appears to be in the process of cleaning up his act, in a physical sense, which means what ?

    Look whatever he intends, he can never eradicate his history of insults and poor judgements,plus I doubt if he can refrain from repeating his act, as it has become constant part of who he is.

    And believe it sooner or later he will create an international problem, that will bring about calls for his firing or resignation, after all is his job not a political minefield, tough enough for a diplomat, for Boris an impossibility.

    It’s my belief that PM May has it planned this way and it will work out as planned, being his desire for attention and the fact he got away with lots of crap as Mayor, may well give him the false assumption he is Teflon , that may have been true on a smaller stage,but is not acceptable at the present level.

    One interesting plan, which has arisen unexpectedly is that of the UK evolving into a federation of States, consisting of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland,by doing away with the present parliament and each state becoming responsible for it’s own government,well I won’t go into details, but the overall reason is to prevent the breakup via Scotland opting out, it’s in the news and it appears backed by such names as former PM John Major.

    I’m afraid only one of what could be many surprising changes that were never imagined by Cameron or anyone else, and they will be confronting the people of the UK for years to come, who knew the result of Brexit would be so far reaching.

  64. Back to what’s happening @ St. James’ Park.

    Well it seems Benitez is in the process of selling off our only decent players,with both the Dutch pair of Wijnaldum and Janmaat heading for Liverpool and of all places Bournmouth respectively.

    There appears to be no action on selling Sissoko, though I don’t doubt he will also leave.

    That leaves us with a typical second tier level squad, no doubt Rafa being under great pressure to make the best deals he can, without breaking the bank.

    I have no clue as to how good a side will result, but who can be happy to see their only talented players leave and IF we manage to gain instant promotion, then is when money will have to be spent, but on saying that we are all aware of the costs of relegation and the fact that true stars certainly don’t want to spend a season of their career playing in the second tier.

    Though on reading the fact there has been a record number of seasn tickets sold for the approaching season, apparently many Newcastle fans seem happy enough and have faith in Rafa, I just don’t happen to be one of that group and believe the future of the club is in doubt,
    But I have been wrong before, at least I think so….

  65. It’s interesting to note that in this somewhat unstable world we live in, there appears to be a trend to either appoint or elect a record number of female leaders, with over twenty current countries having female heads of state and possibly more to come.

    With Angela Merkel in Germany being joined by Theresa May, and Hillary Clinton about to vye for the US Presedency and considered by many as a strong favourite , then we have Le Penn in with a outside chance in the upcoming French election

    And of course there is possibly another in Nicola Stugeon, leader of the SNP having ousted Alex Salmon, ( does sound somewhat fishy) and possibly the future leader of a Scottish independent nation, should they decide to part ways with the UK.

    “Then there is the challenge by Angela Eagle, for Corbyn’s shadow PM role, I mean what’s going on here ?”

    Interesting phenomena, but of course not before time, being women voters are approximately half the worlds population , though I wonder if there is some significant reason or is it not before time after all women had only had the right to vote for the last hundred years or less, I suppose they have every right to exercise their demands and have a viable share in running this presently
    discordant planet we share.

    And hopefully in a better way than their male counterparts have over time.

  66. chuck says:
    July 19, 2016 at 12:07 pm

    “Actually I see no more than the fact he appears to be in the process of cleaning up his act, in a physical sense, which means what ?”

    No, he is been more circumspect and boring in what he says as well. Even if he keeps it up though, there is still the history, like his stuff on Obama, Clinton and others. Being head of the FO makes him the number one diplomat in the UK. Whatever his qualities in other ways, making him a diplomat seems a bit like giving a Jack Russell a job guarding sausages, or even giving the job to Nigel Farage. It is completely counter intuitive and seems bonkers. It could be the result of a deal struck with Boris during the leadership elections. This Conservative government have always put political manoeverings ahead of the welfare of the whole of the UK, whether it’s the the Union or the EU. Whether the referendum was right or not, it was held to get rid of a problem for the Conservatives at a certain point in time (the rise of Farage and UKIP). A matter of huge importance for the country was risked for a matter of pure self interest for one party.

    “And of course there is possibly another in Nicola Stugeon, leader of the SNP having ousted Alex Salmon, ( does sound somewhat fishy)”

    It’s Salmond, Chuck, but I know what you mean. Quality fish is big in Scotland, like whisky so there are a few more fishy names than the average I suppose. She didn’t “oust” Alex Salmond, he retired after the referendum and she took over with his full blessing as his annointed protege / successor. He talks about her like a proud father. In the world of realpolitik, Scottish Independence is more reliant on stuff like global oil prices, highly complicated nationalistic concerns in the EU and potentially damaging precedents that will make other EU nations jealous than most of the rhetoric on the surface.

    “Then there is the challenge by Angela Eagle, for Corbyn’s shadow PM role, I mean what’s going on here ?”

    It’s all over for her now, the eagle been shot down. A Labour clone called Owen Smith who used to be a lobbyist for the drug industry employed by Pfizer and Amgen. has taken over as a supposedly more credible, charismatic “left wing” alternative to Corbyn, which is a joke from the start when you see his history. Eagle was always going to be a sacrificial lamb (or mutton in her case). However Owen’s a totally bland company man who is about as interesting as his surname. Then again, so was Eichmann. Whatever you think about Corbyn, the idea that Angela Eagle and Owen smith are the alternative is risible.

  67. Yes I think I said that, what I mean is it not obvious that May found the perfect solution, in her selection of Boris, it is both his reward for support of Brexit,which would satisfy the Brexit people and at the same time his death sentence, knowing in such a sensietive position, it would be only a matter of time before he creates a situation that requires his resignation, leaving her blameless.

    As for Eagle, hmmm, don’t know that she is a sacrificial lamb, probably foolishly aggressive is more like it and anyone who believes that Smith is the sensible alternative , no way, being that anyone who ousts Corbyn will have to be a strong personality with obvious leadership qualities,
    which at the moment is as far as I can see, a non existent talent.

    Though I could see McDonnell in that role, which due to his relationship with Corbyn remains very unlikely.

    Plus the present Labor Party has, before they do anything, to define themselves and unify either that or they will become a voice in the wilderness, constantly bickering and instead of concentrating on winning elections, will become another Liberal Party.

    As for what’s next for England’s neighbour to the north it appears that the Scots see themselves being better of within the EU as opposed to the UK which I have to agree with and it will only be a matter of time before that happens,

    It is unfortunately for the UK (Brexit) a major crossroads, where major changes to the two islands
    consisting of four countries and a statelet, being The Irish Republic will also become seriously affected, being the are a major trading partner to the UK and share the only land border with it, plus the fact the statelet of Northern Ireland voted heavily anti Brexit. further complicating

    In which case even the bookies would be well advised to stay out of the betting on the eventual outcome.

    There has as I mentioned before been a proposal for a federation of states, each responsible for their own
    governing , which will obviously reduce the present role of the UK in regard to it’s present position in international affairs, not something acceptable I believe to what’s London, by which I mean the wealthy areas of London and the home countie, who are doing quite well thank you and thank Maggie Thatcher.

    However these are just proposals and as I said, this is a Pandoras Box that no-one can project .
    With many thanks to former PM Cameron and the Tory Party and a where the hell was Labor and Corbyn while it was all comming down, that’s why I have little good to say about Corbyn, who sat on his hands when he could have had a serious effect on the outcome had he so decided.

    Hey sometimes you get what you wish for, I only hope it turns out that way, but change for the sake of change, without serious thought, is not very bright.

  68. Yeah saw that, looks like poor old Sam has coveted the Engerland role for ages and even at this time when it appears to many as a poisoned chalices,, hell let him enjoy it.

    He may just surprise a few, his knowledge of the game is well known, even though he for the most part employed a not very entertaining style of play, that is not to say he can’t.

    Sam has always been known as something of a statistician, employing statistics to both understand and as an application of how best to apply tactics both for and against in games and as we know he keeps a tight rein on the tamctical style of play and if their is anyone who has had more success with set plays, I would like to know who it is.

    I mean look at some of the jerks Engerland has had as managers, it appeared that the most suitable reason for becoming appointed was how well you looked in a blazer, which will probably get Pardew appointed next, knowing how he also covets the gig, but he’s gotta make some bread first as I doubt whether Ashley paid him that much.
    After all the Engerland job is a reward for about to retire managers.

  69. chuck says:
    July 21, 2016 at 10:48 am

    “being that anyone who ousts Corbyn will have to be a strong personality with obvious leadership qualities,
    which at the moment is as far as I can see, a non existent talent. ”

    Define “strong personality,” Chuck? It can mean different things to different people. With the exception of Thatcher and Churchill, who were both mavericks chosen for glory by peculiar turns of fate, I would say that most of the “strongest personalties” there have been in politics over here were regarded as being a bit too dangerous for leadership. Most of the leaders have been like bland bank managers when you go through them. Then again, you might define “strong personality” in a different way.

  70. Look this is the twenty first century, not the post WW2 Britain, where debate at question time is broadcast even in the US, where everything has become a reality show and the ability to project both personality and ability both in Parliament and in everyday life is expected, Tony Blair was very good at it, whereas a more dour Brown was not and where a Clement Atlee would n’t have stood a chance, though he was a very good PM.

    It’s the public’s perception of the individual, even to the point where an individual looks play a role (JFK vs Nixon-looks) (Obama vs McCain -personality) )plus the fact Corbyn has by his poor choice of questions and lacklustre self, been taken apart in the commons by both Cameron and May,

    As the expressin goes in the deep south, “that’s what ahm talkin bout”

    And if you don’t see it, then what did you see ?

    It has unfortunately reached a stage where certain people are elected for their good looks and personality, rather than their political beliefs and I can guarantee Corbyn stands little chance of ever becoming PM., not only because of his looks and personality, but mainly for the public perception of him, based on his failure so far to do anything but become a punch-bag for the opposition.

    Do you not get it that this is the reason for the growing opposition to him within the Labor Party
    Itself and is not just fuelled by Blairite’s, who by the way just might represent the majority of the Labor Party, I mean how many Marxists have you run into lately and how likely would they be to
    win an election, this is not post WW2.

  71. Well Wijnaldum is gone and no doubt Sissoko will be next, good luck to them, though it appears a number of fans were unhappy with them, I can’t imagine why ?

    Both were productive players for the side and their sales will probably finance the rebuilding of the side facing this approaching season, which seems to be going well, a side which no doubt will be highly fancied for instant promotion, with no doubt a few more additions.

    As to the quality of the side, that will only be known in time, as possibly some have been signed for next season only, not being considered as long term prospects, either due to age or ability.

    The glaring lack is a guaranteed goal scorer and with only Velez and Mitrovic available, that should be the next target, though I have been impressed by all that’s been accomplished by Rafa so far, the guys been phenomenal and hopefully his talents will pay off.

    It’s a far cry from the confusion created between Ashley ,Pardew ,Carr and whoever negotiated the deals for Ashley, which I have consistently moaned about, complaining about the lack of top management.

    The question being has Ashley resigned himself to the fact that you get what you pay for as far as top management is concerned and will he give Rafa the freedom (within reason) to make the changes needed within the clubb ?

  72. Well Wijnaldum is gone and no doubt Sissoko will be next, good luck to them, though it appears a number of fans were unhappy with them, I can’t imagine why ?

    Both were productive players for the side and their sales will probably finance the rebuilding of the side facing this approaching season, which seems to be going well, a side which no doubt will be highly fancied for instant promotion, with no doubt a few more additions.

    As to the quality of the side, that will only be known in time, as possibly some have been signed for next season only, not being considered as long term prospects, either due to age or ability.

    The glaring lack is a guaranteed goal scorer and with only Velez and Mitrovic available, that should be the next target, though I have been impressed by all that’s been accomplished by Rafa so far, the guys been phenomenal and hopefully his talents will pay off.

    It’s a far cry from the confusion created between Ashley ,Pardew ,Carr and whoever negotiated the deals for Ashley, which I have consistently moaned about, complaining about the lack of top management.

    The question being has Ashley resigned himself to the fact that you get what you pay for as far as top management is concerned and will he give Rafa the freedom (within reason) to make the changes needed within the clubb ?

  73. chuck says:
    July 22, 2016 at 11:41 am

    “It has unfortunately reached a stage where certain people are elected for their good looks and personality, rather than their political beliefs”

    Good looks? George W.Bush? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? David Cameron has that porky, toffee nosed twat look. You mention JFK, but you don’t mention his successor, LBJ, who I think you’ll agree was no oil painting? You also forgot to mention that the shifty, shady looking Nixon was elected twice eventually.

    But I’m picking holes again. The main point is that if Corbyn was slick like Bill Clinton or one of those types, that wouldn’t be right. After the x-factorisation of politics, quite a few people actually like Corbyn’s awkwardness, and his schoolteacherly way.

  74. Awkwardness and schoolteacherly ways, eh!

    Sorry I see nothing of the sort, what I do see is a person who has taken on a role that he is totally incapable of filling, his performance in the house is embarrassing,failing to ask the right questions, his voice no more than a mumbling drone and the final straw was Cameron’s demand to “just go” talk about embarrassing !

    His position is so obvious that seventy percent of Labor MP’s want him to resign, but for a long time dissident old time leftie backbencher, it appears his brief period in the limelight has caused him to believe he has what it takes to lead the Party and is not without a few allies and has enough guile to manipulate parliamentary rules to his advantage.

    However it appears a certain Mr. Smith has seen his opportunity, described as Labor Lite and also described as young and ambitious,he has seized his chance and has now put himself in the role of opposing a wounded Corbyn.

    Seems kinda familiar, young and ambitious could this possibly be the new Blair, certainly there are enough Blairite’s around just looking for the right horse to back and possibly a role in a duly elected Labor government, as opposed to having to deal with the remnants of old Labor and time in the wilderness.

    Certainly the upcoming vote will be an indication of the future direction of the Party, one which
    I believe will be the beginning of the end of old Labor with it’s half century of flirtation with Marxism and it’s support by a deminishing labor union movement.

    Whether that’s a good thing or not, time changes everything and politics is no different but in order to survive political parties frequently become more like their more successful opposition,
    Just ask Slick Willie or Blair and Brown.

  75. Chuck, there was another JC a long time ago. He too was a humble bearded man in simple clothing who wanted to help the poor and heal the sick. He was mocked by people like you as well. :-)

    I must say our recent efforts to try and top you Yanks for sheer political lunacy have been very good indeed, but of course, we’ll never come close to the the world’s biggest lunatic asylum, the one with over 300 million inmates. Am I seeing things and hearing things? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/25/us/politics/donald-trump-russia-emails.html What is it with Hillary and e.mails? If that is in any way true about Putin and Trump and trump gets to be President, it’s a huge event. I wonder what Joe Macarthy would think? The last speech of Trump’s that I heard was actually chilling even though it was all drivel. He wants to ban all the French from America now.

  76. Yeah ! I already read about the e-mails and am not one bit surprised, politics is a dirty business, with a lot at stake.

    However the Sandernisters appear to be going nowhere soon, and may in fact be Hillary’s nightmare, by refraining from voting, which in turn could tip the balance to “The Donald”

    I’m certainly no fan of Hillary, but to elect someone like Trump is pure madness, though don’t discount it, as we have already experienced something similar in Brexit.

    I’m surprised by you would stoop to such a level by equating JC to the other JC, he’s no more than an old contrary leftover lefty from a different era and I stand by what I said about him, that is if The Labor Party wants to win an election any time in the near future.

    And being out of power does no one any good, no! time to find a new leader and reorganise the party and find a platform that the majority can agree on.

    Let the Tory’s struggle with Brexit where Labor can make them look poor as they surely will, having at present absolutely no plans in place, but someone of substance is required, not a mumbling pathetic figure like Corbyn, who has had his day in the limelight and proven to be inadequate.

    Look i feel sorry for the man, but his obstinacy is becoming detrimental to the Party and it’s time for him to realise it, politics is a dirty business and Corbyn is no saint, just another politician
    who has for a time experienced a certain amount of power and doesn’t want to let go , but to equate him with JC is simply ridiculess.

  77. And yes as you say We Yanks are a bit crazy when one observes some of the political high jinks and listen to the varying platforms, but The USA was founded on certain principles and a system was put in place with numerous checks and balances , with a great deal of foresight by the founding fathers, knowing well that power placed entirely in the hands of a single personor group would be madness, therefor the elected congress consisting of an upper and lower house, shares power with the sitting president, dispersing power between them.

    If one looks at history, you will usually find one party represented by the president while either one or both houses are represented by a majority of the the other party, it’s not a great system in my opinion, (the two party system)but I’m happy enough to have the checks and balances that even a Donald Trump would be held in check and would find it hard to override the congress.

  78. I quite like the “Sandernistas” one, Chuck. Of course, you are right about the checks and balances of politics over there, and that it isn’t a great system. Every time the Democrats are in power, the Republicans just sabotage everything like spoiled children, because they can. You are in denial though if the thought of Trump blinds you to the horror of Hillary.

    Of course, you are just trying to wind me up again about Corbyn and Owen Smith. Smith is awful, a cipher who will describe himself as a socialist son of Nye Bevan, but has worked for Pfizer and Amgen to lobby for a bigger role for private companies in the NHS, which everyone knows would have poor old Bevan spinning in his grave. He also has foot in mouth disease which has only started to become apparent now he is in the limelight. He even did the same thing which led to the downfall of Angela Leadsom in the Conservative election, even after everyone had seen how stupid it was when Leadsom tried it. When opposing Angela Eagle (a lesbian without children) for the right to run against JC, he went out of his way to describe himself in an interview as the “normal” candidate “with a wife and children.” He pretty much got away with that one but His latest foot in mouth is hitting him harder. That is his threat to “smash” Teresa May, another woman, “back on her heels.” Even Trump wouldn’t say those things and that is really saying something! Now the press are digging up other unfortunate quotes from him, like another one related to violence against women when he said in the that that the Liberals would want a “divorce” from their coalition with the Tories “as soon as the bruises start to show through the make-up.” Call me mad if you like but to me, a seemingly irrestable urge to use violent misogynist imagery in 2016 is actually real, substantial reason to say that someone doesn’t have leadership qualities? Will he brag about giving Merkel a good kicking if he gets to be Prime Minister?

    This is what they said about him locally when he was imposed as a candidate in Welsh constituency of Blaenau Gwent:

    “Owen’s appointment would make Nye cry

    “HATS off to the Labour Party, who have learnt the lessons of selecting an English Blairite lackey to fight the seat of Blaenau Gwent in last year’s election by radically opting for a Welsh Blairite lackey this time around.

    “Owen Smith, a senior lobbyist for pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, was chosen last week to take on Dai Davies, the agent of the late Peter Law whose death sparked next month’s Parliamentary by-election.

    “So what can the people of this most Old Labour of Valleys constituencies expect of Mr Owen? A fine heir to the likes of Aneurin Bevan and Michael Foot?

    “Er…not quite. For example, on the issue of ‘choice’ – that is, huge companies buying up schools and hospitals – he’s not quite in league with First Minister Rhodri Morgan.

    “Choice is “not really relevant in Wales whether you’re talking about health or education”, Mr Morgan said in June 2004.

    “How different from Mr Owen who, lobbying for a bigger role for Pfizer in the NHS last October, said: “We believe that choice is a good thing and that patients and healthcare professionals should be at the heart of developing the agenda.”

    “Who would Nye Bevan have voted for, I wonder?”


    That piece pretty much sums up most of the war going on in the Labour Party right now.

  79. Yeah ! Mr Smith is certainly coming on a bit strong about who he is and what he’s gonna do, I think I had him sussed early on.
    A guy who saw an opportunity and is going all out being the only one who is, but who knows he may just be who the Blairite’s are looking for and it appears politics are so messed up at present
    he may very well get what he wants.

    Actually Hillary is someone I really detest, her only consistency is she believes her own press, her sense of entitlement is unbelievable, owned by the special interests and the two hundred million she and Bill are worth could triple by the time she finishes her term in office, being she has a lot of the women’s vote, the African American vote, most of the Latino vote and probably the Asian vote, whereas The Donald has the solid deep south and the angry white man’s vote.

    Strangely enough, few white women I have talked to seem to like her and I don’t really know why,
    but who the hell knows I have been wrong before, but I still think she has the best shot and a very capable campaign group.

    Though it hurts when the polls show that Bernie would have no trouble defeating Trump, plus as I stated above, perhaps the Sandrnistas may sabotage her chances, they are still pissed at her and no doubt will be back four years from now with another challenge, perhaps not Bernie, but hopefully there may emerge a strong left wing younger candidate, who can take over from Him.

    By the way he will return to the Senate as an independent not as a democrat.

  80. That grating, whiny voice of hers certainly isn’t a good start, Chuck. It gets right on your funny bone. I would imagine if someone tried to shoot her at the convention, instead of blood, smoke and wires would pour out of her, and she’d just keep repeating the same phrase over and over again.

    “but who the hell knows I have been wrong before”

    You are wrong most of the time, Chuck, ;-) but you are dead right about that woman! I’m not the Yank but I always thought that hating Hillary came naturally to most people over there because she just isn’t natural at all.

    “but hopefully there may emerge a strong left wing younger candidate, who can take over from Him.”

    Corbyn’s young Obama style protege, Clive Lewis has been coming to the fore recently over here. He’s a tougher target for the left baiters here in many ways with their usual cliches as he confounds their current stereotypes about the Labour left. He isn’t a middle class Islingtonian professional politician, he’s an an Anglo-Grenadian council estate boy with a great American style “back story.” He studied economics, went to Sandhurst (like “West Point” over there) and served as an officer in Afghanistan. He’s also very good speaking on TV because was a TV presenter as well. He is one of the Labour left’s great hopes for the future so far. Looking at Corbyn’s youngsters in football terms though, they are like talented academy players who have been promoted prematurely because most of the first team have buggered off.

  81. So Trump finally said that he hopes Russian hackers will find all those e.mails. Unbelievable for a prospective Commander in Chief. Chuck, wouldn’t that have been almost like treason when you were a lad? He says he’s going to make America great again but surely being hacked by the Russkies would have the opposite effect?

  82. Chuck, Trump has overtaken Clinton in the polls. America is as mad as hell and it isn’t going to take it anymore. Trump’s America is getting closer everyday so I hope that you are ready to help make America great again?

  83. Yeah ! I remember the movie, I,m mad as hell……..

    An Australian actor can’t remember his name, yeah many of us though in the same terms,
    though few thought that any similarity could possibly happen

    I just don’t get it are the American pubic actually that ignorant. ?

    On the other hand the British public have proven they are out of their minds, via Brexit,whereas the US election isn’t untill November and the jury is still out.

    The only conclusion I can reach is the electorate in both countries are in fact mad as all hell and couldn’t care less what the results of their votes bring about, they are simply tired of being screwed continually and are taking a swing at the system, regardless of the consequences.

    People are no longer willing to accept the crumbs of Wall and Threadneedle streets, wheretheweathy know how to protect their wealth, where the difference between the haves and te have nots grows enormously each year.

    As I stated on this blog previously, both the Tea Party and The Anti Wal St. crowd are basically in the same boat, the difference being one group are Republicans and the other a mish mash of Deocrats and others from both the left and right, including greens , whereas the only allies of the Tea Part are the Ibertarians.
    ,though the Tea Party

  84. It’s still a long time until November, so there’s still time for the public to come to their senses, as I just cannot visualise Trump and his utterances as a reality as the acting President of the US.

    But on saying that,not every former president was a Lincoln or a Washington, I know it’s hard to believe but there have been a number of awful presidents, some who could very well be compared to Trump.

    Though I see him as a controversial figure and don’t forget, not every elected president lasted the entire term of four years, in a country where guns are so readily available the possibility of assassination is not difficult to imagine, as is the possibility of impeachment .

    One thing I know for sure is the degree of anger and hopelessness felt by the middle and working classes of both countries that has been directed at an establishment that has taken from the poor ad given to the wealthy.
    Of both countries

    The only ray of light from the US race was Bernie Sanders, who took ons Christlike role and managed to establish a party within a party, who are apparently going nowhere and hopefully will be around four years from now regardless who is elected.

    Of course they are at present a group that can seriously hurt Hillary and now is the time to excerpt pressure, to include many of the Sanders demands to be included in her proposed platform.

  85. chuck says:
    July 29, 2016 at 6:36 pm

    “Yeah ! I remember the movie, I,m mad as hell……..

    “An Australian actor can’t remember his name, yeah many of us though in the same terms, though few thought that any similarity could possibly happen

    Peter Finch. I remember from some TV thing about him that he was a child of the British Empire who was born in London to parents who lived all over the place and his real daddy was a Scot from the Indian army as well. I looked it up in the Wikipedia to check and it was all very complicated:


    Sidney Lumet’s “Network” is a brilliant, prophetic film with an incredible plot and screenplay that is even more relevant today than it was in the 70s. Everyone remembers the “I’m as mad as hell” scene but I think of the one in boardroom which was arguably the key scene in the film. It could just as well be Jeremy Corbyn or Bernie Sanders sitting in the chair instead of “Howard Beale” / Peter Finch.

  86. Certainly a great performance by Beatty, which though I consider myself somewhat of a movie buff, fail to remember for some reason and yes obviously the key scene, and truth be known, there is more reality spoken than many would care to admit

    In which case the present trend of movies which seem to focus on a dystopian world , appear to follow reality, the reality of hundreds of thousands of refugees, both from war zones and poverty
    Streaming through Europe looking for the promised land, for some a steady job in Germany the workhouse of Europe for others who knows anything would be an improvement over their former reality.

    The present possible ending of globalisation system by those who see themselves as victims, the workers of the first world, who are building walls to keep out it’s real victims, (those that enable the first world to enjoy the fruits of their labor ) and egged on by their leaders, the politicians bought and sold in the market place by the super wealthy.

    I mean what’s the difference between Trump and Hillary, promises that can never be fulfilled , between Labor and Conservative the same corruption, Orwell and others had it right understanding well the nature of man and what that meant for the future, while the religious zealots and their competitors the new religion of Marxism believed they were the answer.

    I always refer to a cartoon in the “New Yorker” magazine many years ago which sez it all

    It depicts an obviously wealthy elderly man observing the crowds of workers descending into the subway who stated “work, strive, persevere, you are all victims of a monstrous hoax”

    Of course there will always be those who take advantage of both, the super rich and their hirelings using religion
    and political systems, some involved to enrich themselves, others for the sake of power, it being the ultimate drug.

  87. I see where Rafa is buying at a steady pace, making so many changes the side barely resembles last seasons lot, from what I understand most are either prospects from the perspiration league ,some who can hopefully progress into the PL, others good for the present season,for which we shall certainly need numbers owing to the physicality of thie second tier and the extra games involved.

    Looks like we may luck out and sign Diame from Hull, who could be a replacement for Sissoko, who are similar players and both come from a Senegalese background, though I have yet to hear of any bids being forwarded for Sissoko, though doubtless there will be, he’s just too good a player .

    And it wouldn’t surprise me to see a few more of last seasons flops being moved on, or released.

    Hopefully with all the changes made, it won’t take too long for the players to familiarise themselves with both the expected style’s of play and tactics employed by Rafa and I have to say he has done Trojan work in getting so much accomplished, though I suspect he has been fortunate that his reputation is such that the signings of many were fairly easy and no doubt many saw an opportunity they couldn’t refuse, both because of the obvious signs that the club is a big club, with a good manager and was determined to go right back to the PL where they belong.

    I suppose a few may drop by the wayside, but for those youngsters determined to become top players, it’s a great opportunity, which if we can do half as well as Leicester, we will be ok.

    Should be an interesting season to watch and I suppose the fact that many games will no be televised , there has been a big increase in season tickets sold, if only Ashley had done something similar years ago, we wouldn’t have had to deal with all of that drama and could have been competing for a top five or six spot and possibly have earned a few bob in the Euro’s.

    Ah well, we appear to finally be on our way back with an excellent opportunity to work our way back to the PL, I mean that’s where the money is !

  88. Only a matter of time before Sissoko undergoes his medical at RM I suspect, and with it the possibility of two loan players, plus something in the region of thirty five million quid.

    I just don’t understand it, we had a number of toon fans who didn’t rate Sissoko,in which case how come the biggest club in the world want to pay that much for him, aw I guess it must have been a case of sour grapes because he wanted away, FFS! Even Thauvin wanted away,or at least his missus did,heard she cried when she first saw Newcastle, ah well !

    But hey, Wor Rafa. is buying players every day, sometimes more than one, so where do you think the money is coming from, with the odds on acing the league at 7/4 and instantaneous re entry into the big money league, so get your money on the toon, it’s a no brainer.

    All joking aside if things work out according to plan, the deal for Rafa. will be well worth while, though he’s now the thirteenth highest payed manager in the world, did you ever think Ashley would pay that kinda dosh, for a club in the second tier.

    But, he’s got the Geordie Nation figured out, with ticket sales that Villa could only dream of and will have access to the big bucks of the PL to play with, too bad about Sports direct and Wonga
    Where the future of both are not looking quite so good, hell ! NUFC could end up as one of his big earners in the near future.

  89. It also appears “The Donald “is in the process of self destructing with even the republicans calling on him to act decently, seems he just can’t help but piss people off with his constant hate program.

    The old adage you can fool some of the people some of the time ……..?
    But when your own party turns on you, what are you left with ?

    Not that Hillary is that much better, a supporter of Globalization and the next big trade agreement, that was refused passage when proffered by Obama, which apparently is worse than NAFTA, signed into being by her old man Slick Willy, which was devastating for the average American worker.

    Hopefully the Refusenick Sandernisers, that she badly needs in order to win the election, can force her to change some of her platform, further to the left on some matters, but apparently Bernie himself failed badly to negotiate anything important, noted by his followers who in turn booed him on the podium, perhaps believing he was a pushover, who had possibly made a deal for himself.

    The point is these people some of who came out of the Anti Wall St crowd others from the union ranks a group who found a leader in Sanders and came close to ousting the systems candidate and forced her to move in their direction, these people are not going away and I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see them vote for other smaller parties (Green’s etc )rather than be forced to vote for a candidate that they resent and disagree with, which in turn could lose her the election, it’s certainly not something she should ignore.

  90. Sorry I have been so slow in replying, Chuck, things have been a bit of a nightmare here over the last few days. So we have football again, albeit in the Championship. We’ll definitely see some new players tonight anyway.

  91. Cheers Hugh.

    Not a good start, we could have been much better than that and there wasn’t nearly enough chances, but we were robbed a bit too with some shite decisions.

  92. Poor game, definitely second tier level, which leaves me puzzled as to what on earth were the bookies thinking by rating NUFC @ 7/4 odds to make an instantaneous return to the EPL.

    I believe Fulham finished in the bottom five last season, in which case if this is the NUFC side that is favourite for promotion, why were they outplayed by a bottom club, which doesn’t bode well .

    Apparently Rafa. has blamed it on nerves and sure it’s almost a new side that has yet to gel and possibly not the the final first choice in each position, but there’s work to be done and a side that
    looked like they had never played to-gether, who played against an organised side in Fulham,who deserved their win.

    Look I hate to see a loss blamed on the ref. and yeah the handball could have been called, but beside that, Fulham were the better side, I hope this is not going to be a trend, as it is certainly an incentive for the other clubs in the division, that Newcastle are beatable.

  93. Aye, the team was so different to last season that I was a bit lost. The squad is obviously still a work in progress because it is way too big as well and Rafa will know that. I don’t just mean the rules, things start to fall apart, the dynamic of the team starts to go when you go too far over the 24-5 mark, two players for each position and a few for good luck. NUFC’s is more like 35 right now.

  94. Hope it’s a case of nerves and unfamiliarity, but some things don’t change, especially Colback,
    who has already began collecting cards, someone should wise him up.

    Not a fan of Dummett @ LB, or CB for that matter, had a poor game and we sacrifice the ability to go forward when he plays, though he did take the ball upfield when he first got starts as a FB ?

    Perez looked lightweight and neither he nor Gale got much service, with little improvement when
    our shaven headed (playmaker ?) Shelvey came on later.

    Nah ! Not impressed, we have to improve a hell of a lot if we are to make an early return to the PL.

    Though Janmaat gave it his usual effort, glad to see him still here.

  95. So Colback is your new victim now Williamson is gone, Chuck. It’s just like the “gingerist” abuse suffered by Nicky Butt when he performed the same role in the team. It’s a dirty job but someone’s got to do it.

    It’s true, Colback gets alot of yellow cards, 11 last season which was enough to get him a one game suspension and a two game suspension. However, he would get his one yellow card, but he always managed to behave himself so he didn’t get a second one in the same game. The “liability” is the player like Mitrovic who gets straight reds (and a corresponding three game ban), or gets a yellow, fails to moderate his behaviour then gets a second one and sent off with a one game suspension. Colback was suspended for three games in total last season in the worst role for picking up cards on the pitch (see also players like Tiote, Cattermole, that de Jong who broke Ben Arfa’s leg etc…). He got a one game ban for his first five yellows and a two game ban for his second five. He was taking it for the team as they say. On the other hand, Mitrovic, a striker, was sent off two or three times. As well as leaving the team with ten men in those games, he was also suspended for seven games last season. Colback is a professional who gets stuck in but he knows how far to go.

    I rest my case.

  96. No, that’s not it at all, I used to defend the other ginger or red head, Butt was a very smart player and yes he did foul a lot (when your legs go, there’s no choice) but he seldom fouled in a position that was dangerous to the side.

    On the other hand I did complain about the fact Tiote had to send opposition players into the stands,rather than redirect them to a less dangerous direction, (it’s those little differences that make certain players so valuable to a side) and his was to bang people as hard as possible, Every time , why ?

    Whereas Colback just can’t seem to resist that dumb-ass and totally un-necessary foul in an area of the pitch where there’s really no danger of anything happening, why ?

    Look I believe he can become a decent DM,but he has to play smarter and I disagree that he knows how far to go and it should be explained to him and it’s not as if I don’t like physical players, being one of my old hero’s was “diortyJimmy Scoular”

    As for Mitrovic,I was disappointed in him, actually I think he is a bit of a whack job and not that good a striker, there have been rumours that he may be sold and it wouldn’t bother me one bit,as I doubt if he will amount to much.

    One thing I do hope is that we can make it back to where the money is in one swell foop, because the longer we spend in the second tier, the less likely we are to return, competing against some tough sides, plus the present PL clubs are now spending like drunken sailors making it harder to compete for those newly promoted sides.

    And forget about, it ain’t gonna happen to us, being we are a big club, so we’re Leeds.

    Yep EPL football is.barely recognisable as a professional sport anymore,it having become a major money based professional TV program that rivals show business, who’s owners are billionaires from various countries around the world and I don’t think it’s a good thing and remember when the NBA was in a similar position and seemed impregnable, however they have lost a lot of their popularity, though still doing fairly well.

    But I guess that association football is the worlds game, but every league is only as good as their TV deals and nothing lasts forever and by the way, where does that tv money come from ?
    Yes folks outta your pocket.

  97. Chuck, with all due respect, I think that Premier League spending overtook that of drunken sailors quite some time ago! Aye, Mitrovic is a hot headed Serb. They don’t call Serbia the “powderkeg of Europe” for nothing.

    I don’t think we were outplayed, it was just that as you say, Fulham were a bottom end side last season and we were expected to be better than them. It all looked like a new team that hadn’t come together yet. I’m trying to remember your thoughts on Nicky Butt, Chuck.

  98. Watched the Arsenal vs.Liverpool game to-day, well actually the second half, if this is what we can expect from the EPL this season, then it will be very entertaining viewing.

    It appears the quality of football in this league is increasing in quality directly with time.

    Not only with the quality of the players and their tactics and technique, but also the fact they play on superb surfaces, which has brought this game to a new level and will no doubt continue to be the pre-dominant professional sport, throughout the world, and with it generate great wealth.

    At present through the graces of Sky (or Fox tv) and dominated by games from the English premier league, it appears to be a money maker, though that may not last, being other leagues such as the Spanish, Italian and German leagues will not be happy playing second fiddle to the EPL and their superior earnings , which entails sending their best players to the EPL,due to superior tv contracts and may very well decide to create an inter-euro league, one which could rival and possibly outdo the EPL in it’s coverage of the game.

    Well we may see this come to pass as men like those belonging to the precent and future systems add and develope their natural abilities looking to emulate the incomes of the modern day athletes and earn the accolades of our present day athletic hero’sabilities to make that one step quicker or counter step better, making them both richer and more famous, and hero’s of the fans who flock to the stadiums distracted from the realities of life, by a vicarious system no different from that of Romes displays in the coloseum centuries before.

    combining the top sides of their own leagues, in a competitive Euro League

  99. Watched the Arsenal vs.Liverpool game to-day, well actually the second half, if this is what we can expect from the EPL this season, then it will be very entertaining viewing.

    It appears the quality of football in this league is increasing in quality directly with time.

    Not only with the quality of the players and their tactics and technique, but also the fact they play on superb surfaces, which has brought this game to a new level and will no doubt continue to be the pre-dominant professional sport, throughout the world, and with it generate great wealth.

    At present through the graces of Sky (or Fox tv) and dominated by games from the English premier league, it appears to be a money maker, though that may not last, being other leagues such as the Spanish, Italian and German leagues will not be happy playing second fiddle to the EPL and their superior earnings , which entails sending their best players to the EPL,due to superior tv contracts and may very well decide to create an inter-euro league, one which could rival and possibly outdo the EPL in it’s coverage of the game.

    Well we may see this come to pass as men like those belonging to the precent and future systems add and develope their natural abilities looking to emulate the incomes of the modern day athletes and earn the accolades of our present day athletic hero’sabilities to make that one step quicker or counter step better, making them both richer and more famous, and hero’s of the fans who flock to the stadiums distracted from the realities of life, by a vicarious system no different from that of Romes displays in

  100. The coliseum centuries before, known to the present generations as the age of bread and circuses.

  101. Houston, do we have a problem? It’s not a good start, is it? At least we were losing to Premiership teams last season rather than Championship ones. I’ve been watching games on NBC for a while now and it’s not bad at all really. Regarding the Premier League, it was interesting too see how despite the pound taking a substantial “Brexit” related fall, the Premier League deals for top euro players just got even more bonkers anyway.

  102. Well ! I’m not so sure “all is goot” as far as the club is concerned, certainly as far as retaining Rafa. It appeared we, along with the bookies @ 7/2 odds on returning to the EPL thought so.

    However the recent defeats by two crap second tier clubs seems to have brought our present side, including what appear to be mediocre second tier bunch of signings, into doubt.

    Face it we are in the process of loosing any top level players, which means Sissoko will be sold to finance these mediocrities we have signed and those to arrive.

    No folks ! Obviously we are no Leicester City and appear to be closer to a Leeds Utd. than a side bent on forcing it’s way back to the PL.

    I mean apart from Janmaat who do we have that represent a decent PL player, we got the lame the sick and the lazy and I’ certainly questioning Rafas recent buys, hey ! they are possibly half assed secon tier level, but not IMO PL quality.

    And it’s obvious that Sissoko will pay for all of them, when he is eventually sold.

    No guys this does not look good, but certainly Rafas staying has sold a lot of “season tickets” and he may be earning enough to give himself a decent pension but I just don’t see this club making it back to the PL any time soon and it’s about time we aresignd

  103. Here we go again, Chuck, Mr. Doom and gloom after two games! I’ll bet that in a years time you’ll be saying “as you know, I always said that Benitez would win the Championship…” :-) I noticed that Trump’s flagging a bit as he can’t find any more people in the electorate stupid enough to vote for him. That’s also what they said about “Brexit” though. What’s it like to be desperate for Hillary Clinton?

    What can be said Great Britain’s huge triumph in the Olympics? A tiny country in comparison with China and the US, but from the mire, thanks to John Major and the National Lottery, we are now up there with them in the medals table. What can learned from this phenomenal success for a sport I’m more interested in that England are still fairly crap at, ie football?

  104. chuck says:
    August 15, 2016 at 2:03 am

    “The coliseum centuries before, known to the present generations as the age of bread and circuses.”

    I don’t know if you’ve been there, Chuck, but when you look at the Coliseum and compare it with a similar sized modern stadium like St James Park, the Romans definitely put more modern stadium builders like Cameron Hall developments to shame. Besides being much better looking, it even had a retractable roof which also acted a ventilator and many other innovations too. I don’t think that SJP will last as long either.

  105. Just catching up a bit. Concerned about Chuck, last post was a bit doom laden which I don’t agree with. It takes one type of team for the Championship and another for the PL. I think Rafa has it about right.
    Can not see that your out on the campaign trail with Donald or Hillary Chuck but miss your posts.

  106. Aye Nutmag, I’m concerned about several people at the moment, including myself. I will try sending him an e.mail when I get my latest hospital thing over with if he doesn;t say anything in the meantime. Sorry I have been awol with the site as well, it has just been a really bad period recently where everything seems to go wrong at the same time. I do think that Chuckles has been crossing the pond recently so maybe that’s it?

  107. Worky Know exactly what you mean. Was touch and go for a good while that my best mate was going to loose a leg. Then a grandson had a four storey fall and weeks in an induced coma. To make it worse it happened out in OZ. Thankfully both have had happy outcomes. Wish good things happened in clusters.
    I suppose two good outcomes following to bad incidents can be regarded as that.
    Hope your troubles are successfully resolved to soon.

  108. Sorry to hear that Nutmag, though you said it was ok in the end. Tomorrow hopefully, so I’d better go and get ready. I’ll make another comment if I come out the other side :-)

  109. Yep back in the US of A again now that hopefully the hot and humid summer is over, anyone intending to visit New York City should take note that the most appropriate time (weather-wise) is that period between mid September and probably into early November, especially if it concurs with an Indian Summer (a prolonged summer)
    And happy to be back, I describe it as going from the sublime to the ridicules, having spent the summer without a tv, which enables or actually forces one to do some reading.
    And yes I did take note of the fact NUFC are a serious second place Championship side with a recent record scoring win, though it’s a long season and I doubt whether they are another Leicester, but I ain’t complaining either.