How would YOU spend Mike Ashley’s £100 million windfall on Newcastle United?
Posted on February 26th, 2013 | 74 Comments |
Reading about it in the Guardian’s “Market Forces ‘blog” this morning as I enjoyed my Eggs Benedict. I noticed this part of the article:
“Supporters of Newcastle United, which Ashley owns, must be hoping some of the money is destined for new players in the summer.”
Which made me curious. If YOU were Mike Ashley, and you wanted to invest the whole of that £100 million in Newcastle United, how would you spend it?
After all, Ashley and his Tat Direct have already had tens of millions of pounds worth of free advertising out of the club, so it would only be fair! Of course, as Ashley is as tight as a gnat’s chuff, it probably won’t happen. But nonetheless, I thought it would be an interesting excercise in seeing how you might want to improve the club.
To make it easier for you, I have made a few suggestions below, using the football transfer website “Transfermarkt” and one or two other sources as a reference, I have made a list of suggestions on how this £100 million could be spent. It could buy:
95.2% of Lionel Messi (£105 million not including wages). Alternatively, you could buy the whole of Lionel Messi (there isn’t very much of him) and give them Shola Ameobi as a part-ex replacement, throwing in Mike Williamson to shore up Barcelona’s defence.
A whole Christiano Ronaldo (£88 million) leaving enough over to pay Jose Mourinho’s wages for a year (£12 million).
The whole of the Sunderland first team squad with £500,000 change (£99.5 million).
OK, I’m being a bit silly in some of my suggestions above, but I’m sure that you could come up with some better suggestions. It doesn’t have to be just on players either. For instance, you might want to spend at least some of it on a better manager, or on improving the Academy after it’s dismal failure in gaining EPPP “Category One” status.
It’s up to you.
dont forget “tat direct” has funded us to the tune of £200 million already.