Coloccini’s letter to San Lorenzo translated
Posted on January 26th, 2013 | 23 Comments |
There is another English translation floating around on the Interweb, however they can be somewhat misleading sometimes so I thought I would check for myself and do my own translation of el Capitano’s original Spanish missive just to be sure.
So, here’s what I came up with, but please bear in mind that my Spanish has become rather rusty in recent years!
24th January 2013.
To the San Lorenzo family,
I write these lines from afar, missing to my country, to my family and to my affections; and with the sadness to know – after a series of meetings held here in Newcastle that my return to Argentina is halted for the moment.
Unfortunately in life not everything goes as you want or need, and many times the third party’s lack of understanding and the inflexibility of the contracts, they are stronger than the reasons of the heart.
Nevertheless, I am convinced that this moment of disillusionment should not be an obstacle to declare my deeper gratitude to each and every one of you, by the affection and by the support you have offered me and that you have sent to me during these last months, in all imaginable ways.
Likewise, I wish to recognize the patience and the respect of the press and the seriousness with which they conducted themselves in all this time with me and my family.
I am sure that they have known to measure the personal situation I am going through and to understand that the silence kept by me and by my Representative, Marcelo Lombilla, in this time, has not been capricious but beause of the need to keep certain matters private.
Finally, I wish to thank to the authorities of the club San Lorenzo of Almagro and very especially to declare my gratitude to their President, Dr. Matías Lammens and to their vice President, Mr. Marcelo Tinelli, for all the affection, the support, and the accompaniment, who since the first moment and without any type of objections or conditions, were interested for my family and personal situation, and were available as much as was needed.
Essentially I wish to thank them for the enormous effort accomplished and involved, from every point of view and that is certainly evident to me – to smooth out the difficulties of any road that I have travelled.
In these times, in which the leadership of the Argentine clubs appears at the very least questioned by diverse motives, with deep pride as the member of the San Lorenzo family – I wish to recognize the professional qualities of the gentlemen Matías Lammens and Marcelo Tinelli, the excellent management they conducted which is evident to me – true to their words, honest in their work, and serious in their commitment in placing the human being above any another interest, all of which is a clear guide from the chosen path for our club; and from a distance, certainly, I am filled with satisfaction.
Sincere thanks and affections,
Fabricio Coloccini.
So basically, he loves his wife, his family, San Lorenzo, it’s Directors and it’s fans, though not quite enough to spend the millions he has earned in football buying himself out of his contract to go and join them.
Meanwhile, before I sign off, here’s what Alan Pardew had to say to the media on the kerfuffle:
“His reaction on the training ground has been brilliant – almost like he’s accepted it himself. Perhaps he was questioning himself but maybe now he’s answered it.
“I thought I could lose him. The personal issue he had, it’s delicate. It’s not nice and I wouldn’t want anybody to be in that position. He’s such a brilliant guy and man, and now he’s going to help us.”
Sorry but I made a bit of a boo boo when I first posted this piece. I pasted in the wrong translation to this piece, just a very rough draft and not the final one that is there now.
My apologies but we (mostly Hugh who runs the server) are wrestling with some fairly severe difficulties keeping the site online at the moment and I was distracted by those for a moment.