The Perfect Job! – Graham Carr Signs on for 8 Years

Posted on June 7th, 2012 | 81 Comments |

Carr, Ashley and Pardew.
Onwards And Upwards?
Imagine you’re 67 years old, and the Club you’ve supported all of your life, your home town club, offers you bucket loads of cash, plus expenses, to travel abroad and watch football – lots of football. Stay in nice hotels, eat at the finest restaurants – but best of all, watch loads and loads of football. A dream for most fans, but it just came true for arguably one of the biggest United fans of them all – Graham Carr, superscout!

And of course when you’re not away on United business, you can watch the mighty Magpies – without having to buy a seasons ticket!

Graham Carr has just signed a new contract with Newcastle United for the next 8 years! This is excellent news for Newcastle United fans everywhere. Graham, of course, has been digging up diamonds for the Toon ever since he came here. Apparently, he got a phone call from Derek Llambias asking if he could pop in and chat to Mike Ashley about transfer targets. This invitation turned into numerous chats over a few days, then Graham was hit with the contract offer! According to the NUFC Official website, he signed on the spot!

There is an interview with Graham on the Official Site here – Graham Carr – Here For The Long Haul”, and Graham’s delight at being offered the contract is there for all to see. One thing that has worried United fans recently has been – never mind which players might be leaving – what happens if one of these so-called big clubs comes in for Graham Carr? Well, read the interview in the link folks – it’s clear that Graham loves his present job and he’s going nowhere! It’s also clear that he has excellent working relationships with Mike Ashley, Derek Llambias, Lee Charnley and Alan Pardew.

One of the key messages that comes out of Graham’s interview is that, not only is he “here for the long haul”, but he seems to think that so is Mike Ashley. But the key message is that there is a plan, a strategy for keeping United at the top table of the English Premier League. Quote from Graham’s interview:

“I think he wants stable staff at the club. He wants them to hopefully be here for the long haul.
And I think that’s really important. A stable manager – because Alan has a long-term contract here too – his staff, and my staff too, all staying together and taking the club forward.
Last season we finished fifth and that might not be possible every year, but with continuity and stability hopefully we can keep on that circle.”

Presumably stability also means the playing staff, which translates into no massive turnover of players, especially where they are key to taking the club to where the owner wants to be.

That might come as a surprise to some fans. We never really know what is in the mind of our owner as he rarely speaks publicly to fans or the media to give any indication of his views or intentions. But in some ways, that’s part of his style. As Newcastle United fans we have, over the years, been subjected to all sorts of promises about where various people were going to take us, and have then been crushed as things collapsed. I exclude the Hall/Keegan era from that statement because we went so, so close – and Sir John left us the legacy of this massive, modern stadium, St James’ Park.

These days, we have an owner who says little, but quietly goes about his business. Ever heard the old adage “Judge them not by their words but by their actions”? Well in the early days of the current regime we judged their actions to be appalling. The appointment of Dennis Wise – a figure of hate with many United fans, the admission of lying to the fans, the treatment of Sir Kevin Keegan, the treatment of Sir Alan Shearer etc, etc.

But maybe, just maybe, Mike Ashley & chums learned from those mistakes. Their actions in the last two years have bounced us back to where we belong as one of the biggest clubs in the country. And the award of this contract to Graham Carr, and the views expressed by Graham himself about where he believes our beloved club are heading, means we should maybe just sit back and enjoy the ride :)


NUFCBlog Author: UTD111 UTD111 has written 59 articles on this blog.

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81 Responses

  1. “Presumably stability also means the playing staff, which translates into no massive turnover of players, especially where they are key to taking the club to where the owner wants to be.”

    Why? Wouldn’t it be more likely to be the opposite? ie signing a chief scout for another eight years to keep finding replacements for all the players moving on.

  2. Because no matter how many backroom staff stick around for a while, you don’t get stability (the stated aim) if the playing staff are changing constantly

  3. “But maybe, just maybe, Mike Ashley & chums learned from those mistakes. Their actions in the last two years have bounced us back to where we belong as one of the biggest clubs in the country.”

    What actions of Mike Ashley have “bounced us back to where we belong”?

    And how much more is Graham Carr receiving on this new contract? As he has made the club tens of millions of pounds since Hughton signed him, I would presume that he woud also be getting a large increase in his renumeration. I would also presume that’s why this contract has been put to him now, in case another Premiership club, or manager wanted to poach him for a considerably increased salary.

  4. “What actions of Mike Ashley have “bounced us back to where we belong”?

    Try opening your eyes Worky….

    Also try leaving “cynical” behind and try “positive”

    The club has won promotion and finished 5th in the EPL in the last 2 yrs. Are you saying Mike Ashley, who owns and is ultimately responsible for every decision and every employee in the club, had nothing whatsoever to do with that??

  5. “And how much more is Graham Carr receiving on this new contract? As he has made the club tens of millions of pounds since Hughton signed him, I would presume that he woud also be getting a large increase in his renumeration. I would also presume that’s why this contract has been put to him now, in case another Premiership club, or manager wanted to poach him for a considerably increased salary.”

    So what? That’s just good business. *shrug*

  6. Im sure a majority of toon fans where gutted when carrol left but that couldnt of been a better decision the team played to him rather than together as a team now we are a force plus it helped the bank balance so a good team and business and team action done there. I say let them get on with it and see where we go and forget tge past like UTD111 said the past 2 years have been so progressive its not like we havnt moved forward.

  7. I think most people inside the club, including Graham Carr, see Mike Ashley in a positive light. Yes, he made mistakes. Yes, he got burned by the fans with chants such as “Cockney Mafia” and “Get out of our club”. But he has hung in with a hard-nosed approach that has ultimately benefited the club. I am optimistic for the club and next season… HWTL!

  8. craigy boy chaddas says:
    June 7, 2012 at 9:41 pm

    “worky your a nob.All football clubs are either a Buisness or a rich boys toy.I think time will show that we are lucky to run as a buisness.”

    Yes, I’m a “nob,” and I bow to your far superior knowledge of finance :lol:

  9. Great signing, Graham Carr keeps it simple, Tiote was an Ivory coast international playing with Toure before hand. Cabaye was breaking into the French team. Ben Arfa likewise, part of a French winning youth team. Cisse was a prolific scorer. Looking forward to see’ing Amalfitano play, his brother seems to be a good player at Marseille

    Some other scouts should be sacked for not looking at these kinds of players, all talented playing for international sides and playing well in their respective leagues. The French, Dutch and German leagues are where the value is at. I take my hat off to Graham Carr for highlighting this.

    Now as for Ashley, same goes, I’ve said time and time again, Why would he want something he owns to fail? It would defy his character if he were to make a company fail. I got berated for shouting his corner whilst we were in the championship, It’s a pheonix in the flames kind situation, Leeds averted, good strategy, the club is being run a different way. It’s hard I accept to get used to a new way of operating when you’ve been used to rash excitement in the past, but the way I see it the foundations look pretty good now for us to move on wards and upwards. I’m looking forward to see’ing how Manchester city do with the new Financial fair play rules coming in

  10. mind if the recent past is anything to go by Andy Carroll and Chiek Tiote both signed long term deals so expect Graeme Carr to be offered to the highest bidder any time soon

  11. GS says:
    June 8, 2012 at 12:29 am

    “UTD111 and Worky: are you playing “good cop, bad cop”?”

    GS, I suppose it’s human to do what everyone else does, to go with the majority and just accept things at face value. However, for whatever reason, I missed that lesson. I don’t get embarrassed by being out of step so I’ll often be the bad cop when most people are being the good cop, or vice versa. I like to turn things upside down so I can get a look at the whole picture. So, I’m just an awkward bastard really!

    The monkey chants at black Dutch players have started already in Poland before they’ve even played a match.

    The England team have to train there later today.

  12. GS says:
    June 8, 2012 at 3:21 am

    “You get called a knob though”

    It was “nob,” GS. When some people insult you, it can actually be a good sign. ;-)

  13. Worky @ 1 & 3… are you serious mate?
    Do you derive any joy from being a Newcastle supporter?
    Unbelievable mate, I hope you were just going for a wind up?

  14. I for one am glad Worky is on here playing “devils advocate”. It means there is always an alternative point of view & I suspect part of his motivation for doing so is to keep us all questioning, in particular the motivations of the club. Where I’m from questiond are a good thing. Keep ranting Worky some of us see the point – its just sometimes when you bang it again a brick wall over & over it has a tendency to become blunt, but then It’s always amusing to see you sledgehammer away. ;-)

  15. Sammy J, there is a fine line between devils advocate and miserable bastard ;)

  16. In the old days I’d read rumours of signing Kalou on a freebie and expect something to happen despite mega wages.
    These days we hear no rumours – Carr finds a jem (who I’d probably never heard of) – we sign him out of the blue – and we celebrate a new star.

    I’ll stick to the Carr system thank you.

  17. I suspect the abuse from fans is nothing to Ashley. He’s a tough cookie who appears to have been brought up in the school of hard knocks when it comes to business, and he takes it as a challenge. I do think some of the abuse got too near the knuckle and I could understand his trepidation about bringing his young’un to the match when it was at it’s most virulent. I doubt it’s all going to be sweetness and light from now on and suspect some rocky times again, but maybe the fans & Ashley have learned something about each other and will show a grudging respect during any future rough times…’s hoping anyway!

  18. I’ve got a beat up old volvo estate, perfect for my work – it’s already done a quarter of a million miles and is going strong. So no expensive flash buys for me – like NUFC I’ll stick with my Carr for another 8 years (boom boom).
    sorry about that

  19. I don’t think the term “staff” as used in this piece refers to the squad at all. Context seems to make that clear.

    As for MA’s image “inside the club,” he likely doesn’t have one or simply seen as an absentee landlord. Now, Llambias-he’s the boss and as with any boss there will be plenty who hate him and even a few who like him.

    I do think you have to describe the club’s achievement on the field this season as “despite” AshleyCo’s guidance as much as “because” of it. They brought in Cabaye & Cisse. They likely cost us a good number of points through not bringing in a CB. It’s a wash for me, and that’s the best this admin has done so far. So let’s see what happens in the next year and hope we can all agree next summer that MA has done some net positive for this club.

    Finally, as far as Ashley “wanting something he owns to fail”-I’ve not seen that argument made seriously. He’s all about profit, for himself, which comes via his SD empire. If getting to that goal hamstrings the club (think: one of England’s major stadia branded with a corporate logo for next to nothing), he’s indifferent to that. I’ve seen worky and others make that point, and I agree with it. He should have taken his money and bought an American franchise (as should Venky’s)-no threat of relegation and they’re net moneymakers. Too late now…

  20. What a bunch of sheep we have on here !
    All willing to kiss both Carr and Ashleys ass, for a fifth place finish.
    Were you the same sheep responsible for SBR’s firing, for the same fifth place,(probably jumped on that bandwaggon too) that AP is now your hero for achieving ?
    Of course you are all willing to accept the fact Ashley has changed the venerable old St. James’ Park, to Sports Direct Stadium, without any bother and the fact he receives free advertising (the plan all along, yes he lied again)from NUFC.
    Workey is like the messenger, when he enlightens you and you dont like what you hear, you collectively jump on him, not with a counter-argument , but with mindless insults.
    Some of you people, have yet to say anything constructive, about anything, though it’s your right to do so, but you sound like a bunch of baying hounds.
    Bout time you thought things out for yourselves, instead of getting your info from, the media whores, who are willing to write anything (the more controversial, the better) to either get their name on a headline or sell papers. Agghhh!

  21. Absolutely spot on, tunyc.

    Everyone saw Ashley’s attempts at trying to make the club a success, bringing in people such as Llambias, Dennis Wise, Jeff Vetere, Tony Jimenez etc, putting them together with Kevin Keegan and all the acrimony and chaos that caused.

    When he was all out of friends and ideas, he was left with Hughton, a real football man with real football connections at the highest level and he brought in Graham Carr instead for a pittance, only to be sacked for his troubles. Thankfully for the club, Pardew has managed to carry on the good work so far, but that’s been a matter of sheer luck on Ashley’s part, much like Hughton was.

    It’s the football people, Hughton, Carr, Pardew et al who have been responsible for our current success, it certainly isn’t Ashley and Llambias, who could have brought about the downfall of the club. Even on the financial side, the results have been mostly due to Andy Carroll and, of course, the stupidity of Damien Comolli, another snake oil salesman.

  22. Wouldn’t it be soooo much better if we could return to the good old days chaps….You know when we had the likes of Westwood & McKeag or a bit later with Hall & Shepherd. Those were the days of real stability where we challenged year in year out for trophies and titles, where fans really felt they were an important part of the club and the decision making processes …..? Halcyon days Eh!

  23. I’m pretty sure that Ashley can put a figure on the free advertising he gets as owner of NUFC and add that into the NUFC accounts to see the true cost/benefit of the club to his SD Empire.

    He advertises every day in other channels and has plenty of bean counters on staff who could do the analysis.

    If the goal was to get free advertising from a successful club then he is starting to achieve that and might NOW just be vested in the future success of our club. He was probably sick of it when he got abuse from the terraces because he is a F@cking billionaire with a billionaire’s ego.

    I know if the old regime were still in charge we would be in deep shit without a white knight. And when we were put up for sale there were just a few local “businessmen” chancers interested. You know, the ones that get lucky in property whilst there is a boom and it could all come crumbling down on them.

    Does he really have to have every subsidiary and sub-division of SD make a paper profit, or can he see the big picture and see the contribution it may make to his whole business. Look at Microsoft. They have run XBox at a loss for years.

    Most clubs’ supporters moan about their owners.

  24. Ah ! St. Graham is it ?
    Any time now we will hear the sheep bleating, to beatify the great Graham Carr.
    Yes i understand to take any stance that threatens his recent popularity, is not the most popular choice.
    It’s just that i fail to see, where he has done to deserve such adoration.
    Is it cause he’s a Geordie ?
    Sure he has signed some decent or at least identified those he thinks should be signed.
    But then where were the defenders we needed last summer, a desperation signing of Santon ?
    Cabaye, good signing, but not an unknown factor, everyone knew he was a French international and every scout should have been aware of his get out clause.
    Marveaux? so far looked good, but we only got him because of his injury prone problem, having been turned down by Pool.
    HBA, seems to have targeted us, no Carr claim on him.
    Tiote, following a period where everyone was chasing him, all of a sudden no one wants him.
    Why ? cause it was probably instigated by the club, wanting a windfall transfer fee and face it this guy has a lot to learn.
    Obertan, less said the better.
    Amalfitano, who knows, certainly took a chance on this guy.
    Cisse, everyone knew about him, he was touted @ 15m quid, we got him for 10m. good buy.
    Ba. we got him cause no one, (not unlike Marveaux) wanted to take a chance on his knee blowing out.
    So which of these deals is a miracle, just regular scouting as far as i can see.
    But again, noticed Carr is not shy in accepting the accolades thrown at him, and the fact he has been elected to the dizzy heights of super scout , for doing what he gets paid for.
    Another point is he knows who to focus on, the free agents, and for the most part cheaper continental imports.
    Wheras bigger clubs have little or no limitations on their scouts.
    So, still think he’s all that ?

  25. Chuck: you missed the mad scramble for Brian Ruiz at the end of last summer – helecopters at the ready and all that. You will probably say that was a smokescreen anyway.

    Shit, I don’t disagree that Ashley has done some stupid things but he is far from the disaster that he is sometimes painted.

  26. GS
    How many drunken rants by Llambias, does it take to give you a clear picture of who these people are and what they are about?
    Self admitted nasty people, aint that what he said?(Llambias)
    And for those on this blog who have no real understanding of the enormity of re-naming what was St. james’ Park (for well over a hundred years)and can accept it as ok, think about it !
    The fact he mentioned one of the worlds foremost brands, (Nike) as being a possible name renter, was nothing but a smokescreen (he lied again) when all of the time he had it designated for his rag trade business, on a rent free basis.
    Oh, by the way anyone on here interested in a great deal on a bridge, got one for sale in Brooklyn ?

  27. Oh Joy of Joys. Michael Ballack has replaced Tommy Smyth on the ESPN Euro coverage.

    I’m giving the bar a miss for today’s games as a barstool has my name on it on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday at the very least.

  28. They rename the stadium, other clubs move and rename the stadium.

    For Christ’s sake, Spurs wanted to move their ground many miles away. How well would that go down in Newcastle.

    Lliambas thinks he is Gangsta when he is just Ashley’s bitch. Did he ever run naked at SJP?

  29. UTD111
    Try opening your eyes Workey!
    Also try leaving cynical behind and try positive.
    Su UTD111,are we are only supposed to agree with your assesment of what’s happening ?
    Anyone who does’nt think that a fifth place finish is success, does’nt get it ?
    The fact we signed two injury prone players , is the result of good scouting, as opposed to having a parsimonious owner, is positive?
    The fact our owner openly lied about renaming the stadium, with revenue coming in from possibly Nike,
    which was a smokescreen, when he knew it would be a freeby for SD, yeah right,thats positive !
    Perhaps you might examine more closely some of what’s happening at the club, before you start labeling things as either positive or negative.

  30. Chuck
    When did I say you had to agree with my assessment – show me
    You think our scout has only signed 2 injured players? Fine
    Ashley & cronies did a lot of shite at first – but to say he’s had not had anything to do with turning the club around is bollox
    I”m fed up with the bollox on here – views that were valid 2 yrs ago still being expressed by folk incapable of taking the blinkers off and accepting how things are moving on.
    You’ll be pleased to know I’m going to take a break from here – somebody can write the stuff you want to hear and you’ll be happy

  31. GS sez

    Other clubs “move” and rename the stadium….
    Sure, like Sunderland, Arsenal, who could’nt very well name them Roker Park 2 or Highbury 2, which is perfectly ok!
    What i’m talking bout is a stadium in place.
    I dont hear of any renaming, Anfield, Stamford Bridge, Old Trafford, The Boleyn, (gotcha) Parkhead, well you know them as well as I.
    We appear to be the only EPL side to do that, thanks to our benevolent owner, who wants free advertising for his brand name.

  32. UTD111
    If you cant stand the heat…..
    And bollox is not an argument !
    Relax, it’s just sound and fury amounting to nothing!
    Have an Amstel and things will look better.

  33. Chuck, Ba and Obertan were pure Pardiola signings, and Tiote was first brought to the attention of the club by Hughton when he was a coach under Keegan and Carr wasn’t at the club.

    GS, by Llambias’ own estimation, as much as it can be believed, Sports Direct have had over £25 millions worth of free sponsorship (just over 2 1/2 years at £10 million per annum) from the stadium naming rights alone, and that isn’t to mention the ridiculous amount of signs everywhere you look at SJP. Arguably, the club’s “brand” has also lost in terms of being cheapened by it’s association with the Sports Direct brand and made it a far less appetising proposition to potential sponsors from outside.

  34. GS
    So the choice is listening to Michael Ballack’s Krout accent, or Tommy Smyths Co. Louth accent, hmmmm!
    Perhaps we could get McManamans Scouse accent or Andy Greys Scotch accent, or even worse (except for Geordies)
    forgot his name, was it Hudson? the guy with the whack commentary, in a broad geordie accent.
    Think i would prefer the last mentioned, at least it’s entertaining.

  35. UTD111
    Hey at least we can agree on something,the fact we will both be rooting for Ireland against the Croatians.
    Mainly due to the fact i got Ireland in the lottery, but besides i like to root for the underdog and i think Trapitonni is a great coach, who has the Irish, punching above their weight and who may yet surprise some teams.

  36. joesoap says:
    June 8, 2012 at 3:55 pm

    “Wouldn’t it be soooo much better if we could return to the good old days chaps….You know when we had the likes of Westwood & McKeag or a bit later with Hall & Shepherd. Those were the days of real stability where we challenged year in year out for trophies and titles, where fans really felt they were an important part of the club and the decision making processes …..? Halcyon days Eh!”

    joesoap, Ashley has now been the owner of the club for five years, and I can hardly see the relevance of bringing up the likes Westwood & McKeag from a previous century. That smacks of desperation and is a fallacy. You can’t attack points directly so you are trying to sidetrack the argument. It’s a little like arguing that Stalin was a good man because he didn’t kill quite as many people as Mao. Still, you got that Shepherd the bogeyman tactic straight from Ashley’s PR consultants, that’s the argument they’ve been pushing relentlessly.

    Shepherd and Hall may have ripped money out of the club, and hardly enhanced it’s reputation with their behaviour, but at least they didn’t rip the soul out of the club and cover the remains in red, white and blue plastic.

  37. Worky @39: therefore as I said in my post @28 they will be able to see the value of NUFC to SD even if it does not show up as a specific item on the books of either.

    As for the cheapening of the brand, probably a bit. What about Wham (bongo) and Blackburn (cluck, cluck)? Glazers arn’t exactly loved at Man U. FSG are a vapire squid hedge fund. You yourself mentioned Abramovich the other day.

    I see what you are saying that if SD sells tat then we are associated with tat and there may be no direct association of the other owners’ “ventures”. Maybe there is though?

    There was some thing the other day from some “brand experts” showing a big increase in our brand value. I don’t have a link though.

  38. UTD111: if you must take a break then I for one will miss your articles and positivity. Enjoy the Euros and sailing. Hopefully, you will just blow off a bit of steam, have a few pints and be back refreshed.

  39. GS-that’s special pleading about the stadium. Spurs are moving because they covet the ability to draw crowds like us (and the Mancs, and the rats)and can not do that at their current site. They’re dealing with a vocal protest campaign by their own supporters against any move.

    What happened here: one of the largest stadia in the nation, a very old ground associated with one of the country’s more venerable clubs-rebranded as “Enter name of corporation” Stadium-was pretty much unprecedented. Now other clubs will probably do it and cite the example of NUFC. Not exactly a positive legacy.

  40. Chuck: it’s not Smyth’s accent, it is he is a moron. Haven’t seen enough of Ballack yet, but it can’t be bad having a recent German captain give his opinions on European football.

    Mcmanaman is OK as you know from the ESPN EPL games he does.

  41. Tunyc: is every other case of a move or renaming a “special case”? When have fan protests ever succeeded?

    What did NUST come up with when they had the chance to get backers to buy the club from Ashley on the cheap?

    I understand what you are saying, but exactly how different are we?

  42. PEACE, my brothers!

    UTD-don’t take a break, man. I like your stuff. But then I’ve always valued a civil argument. I’m not upset when those on the other side suggest that my thinking about something is wrong and should be modified in a specific way. If they didn’t think that, we wouldn’t argue. I tend toward’s worky’s positions but I like that there’s a counterpoint here and you do get quite a bit right.

    Either way, best wishes.

  43. Chuck says:
    June 8, 2012 at 5:48 pm

    “i think Trapitonni is a great coach,”

    He is, Chuck. He’s one of the most successful coaches ever, an Italian Fergie. But he was also one of the high priests of your favourite system, the “catenaccio.” ;-)

    Even now, Ireland always know exactly where to park their team bus, right in front of Shay Given’s goal!

  44. GS-again, I’m fine with those who take the position of not being upset with the name change. Whatever-I’m American and contrary to popular belief, corporate sponsorhood of sports buildings wasn’t always the rule here. I grew up watching my hometown ice hockey team in the St. Louis Arena; now they play in the Scottrade Center. My Cardinals play at Busch stadium, true-named after the Busch family that owns Anheuser-Busch but that’s an actual local family and originally a local business.

    I said your position outlined above was special pleading (a term in logic, law and other fields) because if you’re going to bring up the context of other stadium rebrandings, you have to consider all of the circumstances of those. Spurs isn’t a very good example.

  45. tunyc: I hadn’t heard of that term “special pleading” and didn’t get fully what you were saying. I looked it up and don’t think I used other rebrandings out of context. We can leave it there as I can also see your point of view.

    I have lived in Chicago for 20 years. The true paradox would be Cubs fans complaining about the rebranding of Wrigley Field were that ever to happen :)

  46. lots of gossip about a £7m bid fot Ajax’s VURNON ANITA – looks good to me – a Tiote replacement?

  47. Back to “St. Graham”. Who is this Anita he has unearthed in the Ajax ladies 11?

  48. GS says:
    June 8, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    “As for the cheapening of the brand, probably a bit. What about Wham (bongo) and Blackburn (cluck, cluck)? Glazers arn’t exactly loved at Man U. FSG are a vapire squid hedge fund. You yourself mentioned Abramovich the other day.”

    GS, Consultant’s in the marketing industry have already said that in relation to the stadium renaming “showcase”, including the one I spoke to personally. I cited one or two of them in my stories about the renaming too.

    Do Blackburn play at the Venky’s Arena? Do West Ham play at the Private / Ann Summers Arena? Liverpool at the Vampire Squid Hedge Fund Arena or whatever? Of course, if they spent 100s of millions on a brand new stadium with no history, things might be different.

    But it isn’t just that, it’s the sheer overkill. Look at the photos of Sullivan and Gold’s Upton Park from last year (or any of the other stadiums / teams we’ve mentioned for that matter). Can you see the 70+ free advertising signs for dirty DVDs, sexy underwear and sex toys? :-)

  49. I see the bit about overkill on signs. I don’t really see much difference between naming a new stadium and renaming an existing stadium.

    And just because Venkys etc. haven’t done it yet, doesn’t mean they won’t.

    However, Worky, you will say they got the blueprint from Ashley so there is no way I could win that argument :)

  50. GS, you have missed out one of the most salient points, that any club selling the name of their stadium would expect to receive a sum for it, without quoting a price in public (a big sponsorship no-no in itself) that was way above the going rate. This, along with some cock and bull story about a free “showcase” for a highly profitable Public Limited Company which has so far run for over 2 1/2 years. Can you think of any other examples like that?

    You mention Spurs, but they would be seeking naming rights for outside sponsors for a new stadium, and haven’t mentioned anything about renaming the current White Hart Lane the “Black Wednesday / Mr Byrite Arena” (how Joe Lewis and Daniel Levy made much of their wealth).

  51. For all Ashley’s mistakes some were because he was pandering to the fans’ wishes. Shearer, who brought Dowie, is only one example. Did Dowie replace Hughton as first team coach, I can’t remember? No matter, he had a lot of sway and look what happened.

    You can give me the whole list of Ashley lies again if you want, but some of the decisions were very popular at the time (sacking Allerdyce).

  52. Worky @58: let me think about that, because I am not sure that because there are no other examples ncessarily makes it a bad thing.

    I’d rather hear your opinion on Anita as that seems like it actually might be a valid rumour for once.

    You are the Oracle of Ajax after all :)

  53. I get the impression that even if we won the league there are some of you who would complain that it would be impossible to do it again next season or that it would harm our champions league chances. Talk about glass half empty! Enjoy basking in being nutdorth east top dogs by a country mile and the memories of thehumping of man utd and Liverpool. On a side note, congrats to Hughton on his return to the premier league. Hope he gets cheers not boos. Save them for allardyce!

  54. Worky @57: Etihad are doing the same thing with made up numbers and Ashley is doing it under the table/off the books.

    Is that what you think Clint ?
    Not very interesting!, why ?
    You invent a scenario, then present it as something those who have a different opinion than yourself would possibly believe.
    It’s the old strawman type argument, boring.

  56. GS says:
    June 8, 2012 at 7:29 pm

    “I’d rather hear your opinion on Anita as that seems like it actually might be a valid rumour for once.”

    Firstly, I’m not the greatest expert on him but he seems to be a very tidy player. He’s looks tiny for a defender / defensive mid though, think Lennon, Defoe, SWP etc.

    I’m not exagerrating.

  57. Eeee!

    I dunno what the old strawman arguement is but surely there’s a name for the one you’ve just presented chuck? Where you disallow anything that questions your opinion.
    Not very neighbourly bud.

  58. Worky…thanks for your reply matey…however you’ve got me wrong. I’m not trying to sidetrack from the issues as you say, I’m just reminiscing…My recollections [since the 60’s] are that NUFC has never really cut into the ‘top echelon’ of English football…it’s been the domain of about half a doz clubs with maybe Notts Forest and Aston Vanilla plus Derby C spoiling their party. Newcastle have a fan base which should/must deserve more and until we give the current regime a chance to right the wrongs, I intend to give them the benefit of the doubt. You and your chums like Chuck etc don’t seem to want to give them the lick’ns of a dog and it’s becoming a bit tedious to say the least. I appreciate that contrary views should be aired and letting the current bunch of millionaires have a free ride is not a good thing…they’re business men and are innit for the money….so what ? George Eastham started it with his minimum wage strike and it ain’t going to end anytime soon!

  59. I’ll tell you what this line of argument is getting good at. Getting people angry who would normally want to talk NUFC.

    I vote we stay off this topic until at least we get another press release from Lliambas or Ashley sacks Kath the tea lady.

  60. Not quite yet, GS!

    joesoap says:
    June 8, 2012 at 9:58 pm

    “You and your chums like Chuck etc don’t seem to want to give them the lick’ns of a dog and it’s becoming a bit tedious to say the least. I appreciate that contrary views should be aired and letting the current bunch of millionaires have a free ride is not a good thing…they’re business men and are innit for the money….so what ?”

    He’s been here for five years and I defended him for a long time after he took over the club. I gave him “the benefit of the doubt” but he just kept lying to cover his real intentions for the club until the time came when I simply couldn’t defend him any more and realised that he wasn’t going to change.

    You seem to have this quaint idea that everyone who criticises Ashley is opposed to the very idea of business and commerce which would be a rather silly fallacy if I am correct. My parents were very successful businesspeople in the North East who started with absolutely nothing. I have always been self employed and have run several businesses in the past too. However, that doesn’t mean I would defend a huckster like Ashley simply because he is another businessman too, it has simply given me a greater insight into what he is doing.

    I don’t see your point about George Eastham? He was from the time when footballers were like indentured servants and had every right to demand better.

    GS says:
    June 8, 2012 at 7:31 pm

    “Worky @57: Etihad are doing the same thing with made up numbers and Ashley is doing it under the table/off the books.”

    They aren’t doing the same thing at all, GS. Etihad are putting up to £400 million into the club to circumvent the forthcoming “Financial Fair Play” regulations. What has Sports Direct’s rebranding of Newcastle United put into the club?

  61. Worky @67: I have already stated my opinion that I think (and I have nothing to back this up) that Ashley can see the bigger picture that the NUFC books are not reflecting the true profitability of NUFC because SD gets “free” advertising. That’s what the rebranding puts in. Plus, Ashley is the owner and does what he wants including allow an interest free loan which directly benefits NUFC.

    Etihad are playing the same game because they are only paying lip service to FFP, but would never pay that amount otherwise. So the Etihad money is also smoke and mirrors.

    However, I doubt FFP matters that much as the big clubs would just threaten a super-league to get avoid any consequences.

    I know the SD branding is tacky but that is what we are stuck with. Would you rather have a beautiful woman in a C&A dress or a fat tart in Chanel?

    Look, I feel like I am defending him more than I want to because you are so insistent on the other side.

  62. Worky, you say:

    “He’s been here for five years and I defended him for a long time after he took over the club. I gave him “the benefit of the doubt” but he just kept lying to cover his real intentions for the club until the time came when I simply couldn’t defend him any more and realised that he wasn’t going to change.”

    So you go from giving him some credit to giving him no credit no matter what he does. Even if this is sanctioning the signing of Cisse or giving Carr a new contract? They did also manage to sign some of our better players to long term contracts which will either keep them at the club or ensure a higher sell on price – both beneficial.

    In my opinion, you might have gone too far to just a knee-jerk of Ashley is wrong on everything. At least in this thread. You might be guilty of getting a bit caught up in the background noise.

    Big picture – good players, good team spirit, generally good football, improving atmosphere, Europe, 5th, progress :)

  63. You know GS, there’s a buisiness plan going on here that most of you rubes havent figured.
    The acquisition of Umbro, combined with not only a successful football club “at least one that captures the public imagination”.
    Plus the sales outlets to acquire the cheap alternatives to the major brands and selling cheap immitations of brand names still living off their former reputation.
    It’s all in place, even the free advertising, with cheap billboards, everywhere.
    That’s the reality !

  64. but he just kept lying to cover his real intentions for the club until the time came when I simply couldn’t defend him any more and realised that he wasn’t going to change.

    The quaintness you refer to is apparent in the above sentence and similar, seen previously stated by yourself & other opponents to the Ashley regime. Maybe it’s because you and your family displayed character traits not normally seen in business people such as honesty & integrity and it’s made you expect the same in others….unfortunately the real world today isn’t like that!…………..I mentioned George Eastham only to highlight the probable time when self interest and money became the driving force of everyone in football, previously I believe people did it for the love of the game!

  65. there’s a buisiness plan going on here that most of you rubes havent figured.

    No Chuck…the naivety is in the way that some people have only clicked since Ashley made it blatantly obvious what the plan was. Like I said in my last comment, it’s a long time gone since professionals in the game of football let anything other than money be their raison d’être. I actually respect Ashley’s approach more so than previous “hucksters” as Worky put it, because he doesn’t pretend he’s anything else….from “I’ll die for this club” statements made by a certain ‘bow legged striker’ to “11 Geordies on the pitch”…platitudes I for one can do without! We’re paying customers & they’re money grabbing capitalists….a match made in heaven!

  66. GS says:
    June 9, 2012 at 3:59 am

    “So you go from giving him some credit to giving him no credit no matter what he does. ”

    GS, Stop trying to twist what I’m saying into something it isn’t. Is it some kind of Geordie disease?

    And joesoap, what do you know about my family, or business for that matter?

  67. Worky @74: You should know :)

    As for your comment to joesoap, you were the one that brought your family up and he certainly never said anything untoward.

  68. Worky you appear to like a rational discussion and I too believe that personal insults on blogs is unnecessary and childish. However you do have tendency to throw your toys out when someone on here resorts to using logic to retort on your proclamations and put forward an alternative viewpoint. Honestly it’s really not that important you know, Shankly was definitely wrong when he made his inane statement regarding football all those years ago!

  69. joesoap says:
    June 9, 2012 at 5:52 pm

    “However you do have tendency to throw your toys out when someone on here resorts to using logic to retort on your proclamations and put forward an alternative viewpoint.”

    Where am I “throwing my toys out,” joesoap? I don’t get that.

    And what is Mike Ashley’s “blatantly obvious” plan?

    Bill Shankly had something called a sense of humour.

  70. And why is it that targeted advertisers think that all people on football blogs, or Newcastle United ones at least, are interested in is “mature dating” with 60 year olds trying desperately to look like eighteen year old strumpets and mail order brides from developing nations?

    They obviously have a very high opinion of us. :-)

  71. And what is Mike Ashley’s “blatantly obvious” plan?……………………….make money, football is by-product