NUFC Blog away shirt competition – And the winner is…

Posted on June 19th, 2012 | 75 Comments |

NUFC 2012-13 change shirt.
Congratulations to DarthBroon!
Many thanks to all of you who took part in our competition for next season’s away shirt.

The winner has now selected at random by the time honoured method of writing all the names of the competitors who got the answers correct on a piece of paper, folding them up, putting them into a bucket, mixing them up up, then picking one out with my eyes closed.

And the winner is:


So, congratulations, DarthBroon. If you could send in your username, delivery name, delivery address and shirt size using the same e.mail address you used for the answers, I will get a new shirt sent out to you.

For those of you who are curious, here are the answers!

Question: What was Newcastle United’s highest ever points total in the Premiership, and in what season did they achieve it?

Answer: 78, in the 1995/96 season.

Question: Alan Pardew won the League Managers’ Association “Manager of the Year” prize for last season, but Which former Newcastle United manager won the first one with Wimbledon in 1994, and which former Newcastle United legend from Crook won it the year after with Nottingham Forest?

Answer: Joe Kinnear and Frank Clark.

Once again, thanks to all of you who took part, and thanks also to for very kindly providing the prize.

Stay tuned for more competitions coming soon.


NUFCBlog Author: workyticket workyticket has written 1095 articles on this blog.

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75 Responses

  1. Cheers Worky.

    I guess there was only about three entries? :)

    I’m just not that lucky. Apart from the odd tenner on the national lottery, the last thing I won was £110 in the works Grand National sweep in 1981 – and no one spoke to me for about a fortnight :)

    I’ve just sent you my contact info.

    Thanks a lot.

  2. DarthBroon says:
    June 19, 2012 at 1:42 pm

    “Cheers Worky.

    I guess there was only about three entries?”

    Nah, there weren’t absolutely loads of entries, Darth, but there were more than three! So you were fairly lucky this time ;-)

    I’ve got your e.mail and you haven’t missed anything out. If you could just send me a quick note to let me know when it’s arrived, that would be great!


  3. Worky: I didn’t enter because I didn’t know all of the answers. So what were the correct answers?

  4. GS says:
    June 19, 2012 at 3:01 pm

    “Worky: I didn’t enter because I didn’t know all of the answers. So what were the correct answers?”

    You could’ve looked ’em up, GS!

    Here we go, the answers:

    Question: What was Newcastle United’s highest ever points total in the Premiership, and in what season did they achieve it?

    Answer: 78, in the 1995/96 season.

    Question: Alan Pardew won the League Managers’ Association “Manager of the Year” prize for last season, but Which former Newcastle United manager won the first one with Wimbledon in 1994, and which former Newcastle United legend from Crook won it the year after with Nottingham Forest?

    Answer: Joe Kinnear and Frank Clark.

    I’ll stick them up in the post above as well.

  5. Get in Darth, well done lad!..

    Didn’t have a go cos i didn’t want a burgundy Toon top. knew the answers though, without checking t’interweb.

    Well in Darth!

  6. Worky, I thought that would be cheating!

    Damn, Frank Clark. You should remember how difficult it was to follow football here in the US in the ’90s. That’s my excuse anyway ;)

  7. Without the interwebs providing the endless loads of shy… I mean information, it must have been really quite difficult. Are you an expat Geordie then, GS? Where abouts do you live in this confused mess we call the US? I’m in Denver.

  8. Does Ashley do transfer negotiations on a “first and only offer” basis like he does with contracts now? It would be sad to lose the players we have targeted for want of a few million.

    This new TV deal will probably be worth 20 million a year to every club so I can see even more inflated prices soon. It would be good business to buy players this year, especially when we need to expand the squad and most other clubs rely on their bank manager for funds at the moment.

    We all know Financial Fair Play is a joke, we just haven’t seen what the top 15 clubs are going to do to fully circumvent it yet.

    But what do I know, I didn’t even know the answers to a simple quiz.

  9. Clint @7

    Cheers mate.

    And I didn’t have to google anything – other than the dates, and the fact that Frank Clark won the LMA Manager of the year after JFK :)

  10. No wifebeaters today. There are two “soccer bars” in Chicago and I am off to the one with a $4 Trumer pils special.

    Maybe I can even work up some enthusiasm which was sadly missing for the last two games.

  11. One of the very best player of the tournament went out tonight on a high – he may be controversial but Ibrahimovic has shown his class & scored the goal of the tournament so far. Truly awful hair is a good indication of a great forward!

  12. CLiNT FLiCK says:
    June 19, 2012 at 11:33 pm

    “If you’re interested?”

    At the end of the video:

    “Send your top three goals, along with your NUFCTV login address and you could win a brand new change shirt!”

    What a bunch of cheapskates! :-)

  13. GS says:
    June 19, 2012 at 3:40 pm

    “We all know Financial Fair Play is a joke, we just haven’t seen what the top 15 clubs are going to do to fully circumvent it yet.”

    Well, we know what Manchester City have done to try and circumvent them so far, GS. An obviously phony, ludicrously inflated sponsorship deal from a member of the owners own family for up to £400 million.

    Meanwhile, we have an obviously phony sponsorship deal for £0.

  14. Worky @17:

    I think you are underestimating the former fat man if you don’t think he can see the bigger picture of free advertising for SD.

  15. worky,


    uefa reckon they’re gonna root out such financial swerves, whether they do or not is moot like. Although, if it mashes english clubs i’m sure they’ll give it a shot. They’ll probably have to find a way to ignore barca/real/milan et al’s finances first though, they’ll find a way though.

  16. What are the odds of England nil, Italy nil boring me to death on Sunday. May as well go straight to penalties.

  17. Clint: I was referring to the top 15 european clubs when I said they would get around FFP.

  18. GS,

    aye, i know you were mate.
    But uefa have a particular dislike of everything from england, they aren’t like that with other uk parts. They always find a way to treat us differently.

  19. Clint: I have a dislike of everything England national team at the moment. They play like shite and act all self satisfied, like.

    F@cking Rooney (shite) saying other teams should be scared of England now. What! Scared of the zero goal attempts in the first half?

  20. GS,
    i’m more on about ‘club(real) football’, i have very little time for int./england ‘football?’.

    rooney’s play smelled like a bad french cheese all the way back to blighty last nite. But he got lucky with his tap in to gloss over it a bit.
    Ya’ can feel the smug, self-satisfaction building even as we type mate.

  21. Clint: it is a really slow time other than the Euros. Only the usual transfer rumours which have been around forever.

    I heard that it is so slow that Worky is working on an article discussing how many Demba Ba Agents will fit on the head of a pin.

  22. Aye mate,

    Not much going on other than the euro thing.
    Most clubs will have to wait ’til that’s over with to do business.

    Although now that we’re down to the final 8…

  23. I that England nil, Italy nil will be the first time in football history that neither team get out of their own half. Catenaccio indeed!

  24. GS,

    i think england will get a shock from Italy like.
    They have some good & dangerous players mate.
    Can’t see it being 0-0 like.

    Tough game, for both teams.

    chuck’s away on vacation isn’t he?
    Worrying fish or something?

  25. I think Chuck said worrying sheep. He should join the 20th Century :) We have mobile communication devices now. He said he was going for about 2 months when he was telling me off about something or other.

    I agree about the Italians havings good players but they do have a tendency go back to their defensive roots.

    Hopefully Carroll will get a game. Rooney’s done nothing for England but is still revered by the press.

    Stevie me said that “we played some good football”. When? For 10 minutes against Sweden.

  26. :lol:

    rooney looked well out of sorts last night, coulda cost england the game with his misses & bad touch/passing.

    Woy commit the cardinal sin of changing a winning team to accommodate a ‘name’ player, in a massive game.
    But as someone or other once said “better to be lucky than good”. Worky’ll let us know on that one.

    If Italy revert to type, then england revert to type, eesh! Italy’s archetype should kill england’s!

  27. Aye,

    woy made another mistake in bringing ac on late so england could keep giving ukraine the ball back with minutes to go, bypassing the midfield.
    It’s a weird set up. An attacking 442 form, playing a defensive, conservative game? Basically being a counter attacking team with a basic attacking form is kamikaze, inviting suicide.

  28. F@ck it, I’m going to do something better with my time on Sunday like see “Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Killer” or the latest Adam Sandler brain death.

  29. GS,

    It’s a lot easier to be analytical about something you aren’t passionate about, isn’t it?
    Wouldn’t you agree?

    I can watch it dispassionately.

  30. Clint @32: it was the Pardiola Shola hold the ball up tactic except wor Andy isn’t as good at it as wor Shola.

  31. New spidey looks/sounds a bit soft mind.
    Why a reboot, so soon?
    Just move it along you hollywood mongs!


  32. Only 18m odd watched that game last night, i remember games getting 32m.

    Apathy, right there!

  33. I watched the game with an American and he wondered why England had a few of players over 40 in their team. He watched the build up when they had close-ups of Gerrard, Rooney and Terry.

    I explained it was the stress of the Premier League and having to get by on 200k a week.

  34. :lol:

    Aye rooney is an auld get for a young bastard!

    Terry’s back legs have gone & stevie g is the most miserable looking millionaire that i’ve ever seen.

  35. Can’t ‘afford’ a smile that lad.
    It’s gonna cost ya’ a few million!


  36. Terry did his Bambi on ice trick with Ibra but got lucky.

    Most of me wants England to win especially since the press would have to eat crow for their Woy disdain and ‘Arry love. Then again, we would have the three heroes on the front page of the Daily Mail and on TV for ever more.

    I liked that Capello said Rooney doesn’t speak English either.

  37. :lol:

    rooney can’t speak…period!

    Terry’s ‘front legs’ (arms, in the box) still work though.


  38. Clint: looks like it is you and me mate, and I have to walk the dog. I tried to get Worky involved by mentioning Catenaccio. Maybe if I say Pardiola is a good manager AndyMac will show up :)

  39. Since I am on a bit of a moan, why is Malcolm McDonald so miserable about Newcastle all the time? It is like any success after him dims his star.

  40. GS, midfielder, Jimmy Buzzard, discusses how his Jarrow United team rendered Alberto Franfino’s catenaccio system obsolescent with an almost Proustian display of modern existentialist football at Jarrow’s Stadium of Light.

  41. Worky: isn’t that a classist thing where the Cambridge Monty Python types make fun of the stereotypical working class thicky footballer? What about (Sir) Trev Brooking, he got 10 O Levels.

  42. GS says:
    June 20, 2012 at 2:39 pm

    “Worky: isn’t that a classist thing where the Cambridge Monty Python types make fun of the stereotypical working class thicky footballer? What about (Sir) Trev Brooking, he got 10 O Levels.”

    They’re also making fun of pretentious middle class arts presenters, GS.

    Akademisk Boldklub goalkeeper, Niels Bohr, was brainier than Trevor Brooking. A Nobel prize and being one of the fathers of quantum physics trumps Trevor’s 10 O Levels.

  43. Worky said

    “They’re also making fun of pretentious middle class arts presenters, GS.”

    Sorry Worky, I have selective reading sometimes. You said “also”, which meant you were agreeing with me.

    Must be a first :)

  44. Sorry to hog your blog Worky, but I must get one thing off my chest. Peter Beardsley is overrated.

  45. A salute to the Chronic. Here is my NUFC worst 11:

    Louise Taylor

    John Gibson, Luke Edwards, Alan Oliver (Cap’n), John Nicholson

    Shawn Custis, Barry Glendenning, Mick Dennis, Lee Ryder

    Martin Samuel, Nick Miller

  46. What a shower of shite!

    That Martin Samuel is so awful he’s like a pantomime villain. I’m sure that he was the model for that awful fat journalist in “Mike Bassett – England manager,” the one played by Phil Jupitus.

  47. GS says:
    June 20, 2012 at 9:12 pm

    “Worky: what’s a GCSE?”

    Thatcha’s replacement for O Levels and CSEs, GS. They came in in the late eighties. The politicians, Tony Blair especially, tried to make it look like education is improving all the time so they started making the exams easier all the time. Even a chimpanzee could pass some of ’em nowadays, but that isn’t enough. All the bairns have to get a dozen straight As nowadays. It’s so bad that Universities complain that they can’t tell the difference between geniuses, and the merely good and average, because they all just get bloody As!

  48. Clint: how many GCSEs do you think Uncle ‘Arry Redknapp would get? An A in tax fraud, D- in English and F in reading and writing?

  49. Worky @72: Why don’t they interview them then? I have interviewed plenty of people for jobs and can usually tell who is the spawn of the Devil (Chuck) or a genius (Clint).