Tiote: “I think I’ve improved as a player this season”

Posted on May 7th, 2011 | 19 Comments |

Newcastle's Tiote targets even more improvement next season.
Prospered under Nolan's guidance
Newcastle United midfielder Cheik Tiote reflects on his progress this season and looks to improve next season.

Cheik Tiote has had a good season in black and white and seems like the bargain of the century given that we paid FC Twente a mere £3.5m for him.

Tiote would certainly be a contender for my player of the season, although I’d find that a tough call to make this season with Enrique, Colocinni, Barton and Gutierrez also in contention.

To be fair, bearing in mind we have Ben Arfa and Dan Gosling to come back from injury, I don’t think we have too bad a team. There is an obvious weakness up front at the moment, which needs to be addressed urgently in the summer, and we certainly need more depth and cover – particularly if we continue with our dreadful record of training injuries – but I think the basis of decent team is there.

Anyway, Tiote has been reflecting on this season and is looking forward to next season but first he had a special thank you to make to Kevin Nolan:

Kevin Nolan’s my man in midfield! He’s helped me, and done everything for me.

I want to say thanks to him for that.

Clearly Nolan’s influence stretches beyond his 12 goals for the club this season and it’s important that a team has those sorts of leaders.

Tiote is pleased with the way he’s progressed this season and plans further improvement next season:

I think I’ve improved as a player this season.

If you are a new player, you have to show the players at the club you have the quality to improve in this team. I think I have done that this season.

I hope I do well next season as well – I think I can improve.

A few less yellow cards might help!

I think this season, my first in England, has been good,” Tiote continued.

It’s been very hard, but the team has helped me. I’m happy for that.

We have to stay together to finish the last games.

It’s different to last season in Holland, as I wasn’t playing too many games.

Now I have adapted to English football, and I’m happy with how I have done this season.

The key is now to build on this and carry it through to next season where we hope to have an even better year.

Well if Pardew, Carr, Ashley et al can wheel and deal in the transfer market and bring in more players of Tiote’s calibre at the same sort of value then there’s every chance we will indeed have a better year.

How we fare in the transfer market does of course remain to be seen.

NUFCBlog Author: Hugh de Payen I'm a baby-boomer of the punk rock persuasion, currently exiled in Somerset for crimes committed in a previous life where locals keep trying to poison me with something called 'scrumpy'. Hates sprouts, coat-hangers, Cilla Black, ornaments, Steven Seagull movies and 50 Cent (he's not worth 10). Hugh de Payen has written 634 articles on this blog.

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19 Responses

  1. Call me a negative nellie. But I think, even if we keep our best players next season, we are going to struggle. Season two is always a tricky one. Don’t know why, do the players start to relax a little bit too much? Is the fighting spirit lost as a result of more technical, less heart players? Is the advantage of surprise lost on competitors? Whatever it is, we need our best players to continue to perform and that has to include Tiote who has been a revelation. More power up front….no brainer!

  2. I think next season is more than the challenge for our players. It’s the first time in many years for us to prepare for new season without any outside problem.

    Everyone looking forward to improve and focus for the coming season. That make me so happy and cannot wait for next season.

  3. Mark@1…I think we’ll be ok next season, but the integration of new players into the team and squad will be extremely important, especially if we bring in new foreign players.

    As long as there are three worse teams than us next season I’ll be happy…europe would also be nice !

  4. Didn’t MA try that 3 worse teams philosophy before?
    If investment is poor and players we should hold onto leave the club then I can see it being a season of struggle.

  5. we definatley need signifigant strengthening,as this squad looks like it’s went as far as it can go.
    if ashley were to gamble again,he wouldn’t get away with it this time.
    it really is make or break for him,this coming window.
    if he shows some intent,then it might go some way to him redeeming himself,in the fans eyes.
    either way,come the end of august we will know exactly where we stand with ashley.

  6. sirjasontoon@4….of course…it goes without sayin….

    Trojan….agree 100%….we’ll see what Ashley and Pardew are made of this close season…

  7. Hopefully he wont get 2 more bookings in the last 3 games, because the suspension apparentley will carry over to next season as it would be 15 yellows! We cant go on next season using smith as tiote’s replacement when he is unavailable. Guthrie’s done ok but he is not the answer and i doubt guthrie will be here next season anyway.

  8. Next year’s jersey will have a big “Tiote” on the back.

    And I shall wear it every day.

    Eveeerrryyy daaaay!!! (*Aussie Toon shakes his fist in the air)

  9. See Llamearse has hit out at the fans that give Carroll abuse last week , says it all really . The muppets running our club have no efffing idea about the passion and feelings we have for our club ,Tw@ts

  10. Munich Mag read it on newsnow newcastle apparently its in his match program notes for todays game .

  11. Lamearse is very critical of the fans who gave Ca££oll a tough time last week at Anfield. The stupid t**t just does not get it does he? Because he is not a football fan, AC was just a commodity to him and fat ash to be sold to the highest bidder.

    They just don’nt understand about passion for a club or loyalty. Mind the only people who are loyal to any football clubs are the fans.

  12. Call me negative if you want but …

    … if we lose all our games next season I think we’ll get relegated.

    … if everybody gets injured in the first game we’ll struggle to have a first eleven.

    … if Pardew doesn’t spend any money in the summer we won’t get any more new players

  13. Bris…thats not negative mate…it’s just fact….p.s. how`s the bottle of Lambs Navy Rum surviving !!

  14. MM – just adding to the array of bleeding obvious comments above.

    The rum’s doing fine. I’m a responsible drinker, mate.

  15. Munich Mag – Lamearse interview Sky Sports Website, very different point of view he has now than when Carroll was transferred, then it was all about AC trying to blackmail the club into paying him what Scumpool were offering.

    The bloke is a total and under knob!

  16. A win and we are finally safe! Just hope we can win against West Brom to stay or go a little higher.