Toon after 7 players. Yeah right.

Posted on February 20th, 2011 | 22 Comments |

Carlton Cole, latest alleged Newcastle target
Toon target? Or blather?
Newcastle United are allegedly interested in the services of (at least) 7 players if the last 7 days of press speculation is anything to go by.

The Sunday Mirror has us planning a £10m move for West Ham’s Carlton Cole. Staying with West Ham, we’re also reportedly interested in 21 year old defender James Tomkins.

Chelsea’s Daniel Sturridge – who is currently on loan to Bolton – is another one apparently on our hit list, and of course Tottenham playmaker Niko Kranjcar has been connected to the Toon a few times recently.

Then there’s the alleged moves for Seville’s Argentinian winger Diego Perotti and French striker Alister Tangane at £6m a piece according to The Mail.

We’ve also been connected to Valencia full back Miguel with a £3m price tag and my mate Big Bob at Milverton FC with a £2.50 price tag.

Even Tino Asprilla is tipped to come back to Newcastle, although only to open a bar and restaurant.

No doubt the speculation will run on and on up to the summer and beyond. In fairness, we probably are genuinely interested in some of these players but I expect most of it will turn out to be unsubstantiated rumour. I’d want to see one of these guys in a black and white shirt before believing anything, or at least have some sort of confirmation from a named source at the club about alleged interest.

The Daily Mail is particularly good at sounding authoritative when it announces our interest in players without the slightest bit of evidence to back it up. Sometimes there’s even no ubiquitous ‘sources close to the club’ quoted (or even ‘sources close to sources close to the club’). The Daily Mail is simply an omniscient higher authority and that’s that.

If we’re going to speculate we may as well just think about who we’d like to buy and who – logically – would fill a gap in the team. In all bar a few cases I’d suggest our speculation has as much chance of being true as that of the press.

My suggestion on a Sunday morning, though, is to forget about it and go back to bed.

NUFCBlog Author: Hugh de Payen I'm a baby-boomer of the punk rock persuasion, currently exiled in Somerset for crimes committed in a previous life where locals keep trying to poison me with something called 'scrumpy'. Hates sprouts, coat-hangers, Cilla Black, ornaments, Steven Seagull movies and 50 Cent (he's not worth 10). Hugh de Payen has written 634 articles on this blog.

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22 Responses

  1. Daniel Sturridge is one would go for but think we would blow all of our budget just to get him to newcastle

  2. If Bolton can loan him or even permanant so why not us ? I don’t think his price more than 12m.

  3. im sure the rags picked most out of thin air, but i would take kranjar.
    Worky any chance of an update on the upgrades the donations went on ?

  4. Can’t say I’m that keen on Carlton Cole, although it’s probably just press speculation anyway.

  5. Sturridge looks a great prospect while C Cole is one of those powerful but usless forwards similar to Jerome, heskey. I’d rather have a half-fit Shola or a cheeky bid for Kenwin Jones, not an ideal choice but given the right service he could be better.

  6. NUFC should forget about Cole, Sturidge & Miguel, though Kranjca & Perotti are the creative types you can never have enough of, and Tompkins & Tangane are quality youngsters to get in and develop. Given that, we’ve probably only got a half-way near decent chance of landing Big Bob from Milverton, let alone any of the names above.

  7. It would be brilliant if we sign Niko Krancjar and Daniel Sturride. Weve allready got Shola who can be decent at times, we dont need another similiar in Cole.

  8. my word the winter nights must fly by in craigs hoose–wise up and cheer up man. Ive spent years listening to pessimists like you in the gallogate until i went to the west stand–much more cheery–were nearly there towards a half decent team despite all the gloom when Houghton left–dont put ideas in Ashleys mind lads.htl

  9. Would prefer us to go for Connor Wickham – definitely a better option than Donkey Cole. Press in Suffolk reported that he has a buy out clause (thought to be around £10million) in his contract. He also has an agent that loved his time on Tyneside – Paul Goddard!

  10. I was out having a beer with Big Bob,s agent 3 nights ago and he let slip that Bob is definately coming to the Toon next season. He says that if his man gets 2 new pairs of new boots per season and someone to do the Milverton Chairmans garden once a month,He,s not fussed about the 10%, he would sign for nowt, Good lad. Thats the sort of spirit we need at the toon.HWTL.

  11. seanp – agree absolutely – don’t see Carlton Cole as any better than Shola.
    Craig Chisholm (7) – are you the love-child of Marvin the Paranoid Android and Eyore?

  12. I am still looking forward to seeing Ben Arfa, Gosling and Ireland.
    Pards transfer policy seems to be under 25, quick,strong, no ego, and oh yes, Cheap!
    Perotti looks a good player, does he fit the criteria?

  13. Well if Enrique goes in the summer and i hope he does not , then how about a straight swap with chelsea for Van Aanholt and Sturridge . We could then blow 10 million on Wickham and still have 20 million of the Carroll money to buy another couple of players .

  14. Well if we stay up we can five new deals to players we need and get some one who can score goals like gervinho or get hulk (luck). Also we need to get cover for fullbacks coz perch is not a premier league player!

  15. Hahaha, yes lads, at post 9 and 12…. you must be either brand new supporters or deluded. Lets be clear here what we are talking about. We are not talking about me being happy with my team, or the manager, or anythign other than -will newcastle spend any money on transfers. Thats what this post is about is it not?? I am fine with newcastle and accept us for what we are under ashley…. a selling team with zero on field ambition if it invloves spending any money. These are facts. I am not complaining, just that i amnot goign to go down the road of we need this player or that one etc cos its pointless. ASHELY WILL NOT SPEND ANY MONEY. This is stone cold and he has proved it in every window that we have had since he has owned us. Ao there you go lads, i am a fairly happy chap as it goes, just dont live in cuckoo land like some thats all.

  16. If we stay up we can give new deals and get some world class players. Also get van anholt and a young right back like clyne and get sturridge and gervinho and some loan signings. Gk harper. Def simmo. Colo. Taylor. Enrique. Mid. Barton. Tiote. Ben arfa. St. Sturridge Gervinho. Nolan

  17. 19…….world class players coming in..ffs lets just try and keep what we have.that in itself will be miricle.

  18. Watched Sturridge play for Bolton, guy certainly does`nt lack in confidence, there on loan and directing traffic already, and really hustles.
    There`s a possibility young Whickham could turn out better than “whats is name” if he could be brought in for ten million, would always get your money back, down the road, but is he ready for the PL ?
    Now Gervinho is the real deal, big strong, would suit his game, the EPL. and affordable, possibly a better deal than Gyan.
    We have Ranger in the wings, do we need another youngster,talking bout the young French guy!
    We need help up front now !

  19. I,d rather have old king cole than the west ham variant. He,ll not get 10 goals a season so why bother. Sturridge would be a great buy/loan but i don,t see it happening. I don,t know a lot about the french names that are being banded about. You we are not far off, if Ireland can find his feet, Ben Arfa, and young Dan Gosling back and firing, particularly next season, i think we can go a bit. Another striker with goals in him would be great, who , dunno, just hope we don,t go in for a M Owen passed it donkey, and in truth i do,t think we will.