Another chance to listen to our Absolute Radio gig!
Posted on November 13th, 2010 | 10 Comments |
As most of you are aware, was invited to take part in a feature called “Blog Off” in their pre-match build up to the Fulham game today.
Some of you will have already heard it, but for those of you that were at the match, or out of the country, or unable to listen earlier for whatever reason, here it is again in it’s entirety, after I finally worked out how to upload things to Youtube!
The most important thing is that I won the battle, but something else dawned on me log after the event took place. Representing Fulham was a chap called ‘David’. I never really thought about it at the time, or for some time afterwards to be fair, but then I realised that it was actually former Radio 1 DJ David ‘Diddy’ Hamilton.
I’ve been hob-nobbing with the stars today!
At least we won something today!
Also anyone know when the England squad is being announced?