
Posted on October 13th, 2010 | 212 Comments |

Sing your hearts out for the lads!
Sing your hearts out for the lads!
Bouncebackability is a funny word, and the origins of it remain fuzzy.

Some say that Iain Dowie made it up on the spot whilst covering a match on Soccer Saturday whilst other, perhaps more enlightened, folk claim that is was first used in ‘The Statistician’ back in 1998.

Anyway, I digress. However the word was created, whether that be from our furrowed browed former assistant manager or from anyone else, the meaning of the word will need to be applied this weekend.

Another home game, another winnable home game, and another opportunity to put some points on the board presents itself on Saturday afternoon, and this is an opportunity that Newcastle can ill afford to pass over.

It will have been two weeks since that sickenening defeat at the hands of Manchester City. The 2-1 defeat was a real kick in the teeth for us fans given the fact that we deserved much more out of the game than we actually got.

The only way to push those memories to the back of peoples minds is to win on Saturday, but that won’t be easy. Wigan have earned a label as relegation favourites for some reason, but if you take those first two games out of the season then you will see that they haven’t done too bad, particularly away from home.

Newcastle cannot take anything for granted and will have to earn the win. There are no easy games in the Premier League, and Wigan play a brand of football that is a far cry from the cloggers who have grabbed the headlines over the last few weeks.

Perhaps that could play into our hands, much like it did last season. Teams that play football were roundly dispatched form St James’ Park with their tail between their legs last season. Cardiff, Swansea and Blackpool spring to mind.

This is a level up now, and Blackpool have already shown us that things can change dramatically.

NUFCBlog Author: toonsy toonsy has written 643 articles on this blog.

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212 Responses

  1. Football is becoming much like ice hockey in that there is no place to hide on the field. NUFC must keep form and pressure on every opponent, or the wins will just not come.

  2. I know everyone thinks he wont drop Nolan i just got a sneaky suspicion that hooters might go with;

    Perch Williamson Coloccini Enrique
    Routledge Barton Tiote Jonas
    Ameobi Carroll.

    Subs; Soderberg, Campbell, R.Taylor, Smith, Guthrie, Nolan, Lovenkrands.

  3. 30 men jubilantly surface from the depths of a dark, hostile, unforgiving and hellish subterranean underworld. Newcastle’s promotion from the Championship really was one to savour.

  4. anyone know what happened to Tamas Kadar? I haven’t seen him in any Reserve or First Team squads for a while.

  5. Raylor may get a run out against his ‘old team’?
    Most clubs play ‘old boys’, they always come back to haunt us.

  6. As long as Charles is Stretchered off I will have a smile on my face all weekend.
    Fingers crossed we can start picking up points at home been frustrating last couple if games.

    Gung Ho all the way CH !!
    4-3 Toon :lol:

  7. Alreet Batty ?
    Hope all is well Squire…will be ordering another batch of Cabrini and Mckenzie shnizzle from the catalogue club nearer christmas.

  8. “Bouncebackability is a funny word, and the origins of it remain fuzzy.

    Some say that Iain Dowie made it up on the spot whilst covering a match on Soccer Saturday whilst other, perhaps more enlightened, folk claim that is was first used in ‘The Statistician’ back in 1998.”

    Here’s the answer, Toonsy! The Statistician article you cite was from a paper “A Birth Process Model for Association Football Matches”

    If it is in there it’s a Geordie phrase, as the study comes from the University of Newcastle.

  9. Just an interesting stat’s to contribute here.

    The Magpies will also be looking to end to a sorry stat regarding Saturday SJP successes. Since a 1-0 victory over Bolton in August 2008, Newcastle have failed to win any of the nine top-flight home fixtures that have been played on a Saturday…. ;)

  10. workyticket says:
    October 13, 2010 at 2:41 pm
    batty says:
    October 13, 2010 at 2:36 pm

    “WORKY sorted that m8″

    I’ve sorted nowt today, batty. It’s been one of those days!<<<, :) no worky ive dropped ya 50 quid

  11. BATTY,i need a hand m8 ime trying to pull the angel of the north doon for scrap,thought you could weigh it in for worky,but me scooter wont pull it

  12. GEORGIO,thanks for the offer m8,its just batty knows where to weigh it in,being a honest guy like ;)

  13. “Wigan have earned a label as relegation favourites for some reason”

    For some reason…!?

    Last season they conceded 9 in one game, 8 in one game, 5 in a match twice, 4 in a match four times and 3 in a match on four occasions, Their solution being a couple of crappy freebie centre halves and blowing their transfer budget on an unproven striker who’s never played outside Argentina and looks out of his depth…

    Any other year they would have been relegated, But they stayed up because of points taken off Burnley, Hull and Portsmouth who were beyond shit.

    They try and play football which is nice to see but to play so open when you dont score many and concede loads is stupid.

    They will defo be relegated this year and i just hope we arent joining them.

  14. I noticed Hughtons contract runs out at the end of this season and the club haven’t even started talks on a new contract. Why?

    Ashley’s probably seen Liverpool had 126 people/consortiums interested in buying them and thinks he can flog us off to someone. He doesn’t like having full time managers when he’s trying to sell does he?

  15. I doubt they’d offer him a new contract until our Premiership future is a little more secure.

    Hopefully by the end of the year.

  16. Sir Erec,can’t find owt about him being injured so assume he’s available but not being picked…strange.

  17. Aye,
    CH wants to stay, so there’s no hurry to sign him up.
    But if he gets us safe, soon, he’ll be in a better bargaining position.

  18. No Kadar and no Zambrela.

    No Xisco or Guthrie at Blackpool, so I’m hoping they will at least be on the bench for Wigan.

  19. ice,
    simply cos he’s in the mix for satda, he’s been out for much less time than Simpson, who was capt. today.
    Would be good to see Guthrie get some minutes on satda like.
    20/30 minutes for Nolan, if Nolan plays.

  20. CLINT all the more reason to give him a blow out imo,nolan will be in m8 past of fix/fit in c.h.eyes

  21. CLINT same old same old on england front,thought we were going for the younger look, didnt think he meant young of villa

  22. Ranger must be in with a shout to get some time on Sat after 2 goals in the reserves surely? Sounds like he’s done well.

    On the subject of Saturday, my only worry about Wigan will be our old ‘pal’ Charlie “insonmia” on the left, though i’m hoping like mad that Simpson will feature and be match as fit as he can be – he’ll need it.

    Apart from that though Wigan can produce a genuinely threatening attack to our defence – however having Tiote and a starting Campbell has my mind a lot more reassured on that front.

    So upfront is it Shola and Carroll, or will he shock and play Carroll alone? I for one wouldn’t mind seeing a forgotten figure in Peter Lovenkrands have his stake at a place given chance later on – although I may be wishing too much for both his and Ranger’s inclusions. Oh well :)

  23. ice,
    y’probably right on Nolan mate.

    Last night was terrible wasn’t it, good one on the ‘young thing’.
    SO, SO= Same Old, Same Old.
    They are digging an even deeper trench it seems.
    A total clear out is required there.
    They look jaded as a team, if team is the right word.
    Holes all ower the pitch.
    Hart, A Cole, A Johnson, maybe young, though he is a cheating, diving qunt. The rest are pointless.
    Painful to watch.

  24. Just for the record, who gives a flying fck where the word ‘bouncebackability’ came from?

  25. batty says:
    October 13, 2010 at 8:45 pm

    “WORKY have you collected much yet m8 ?”

    batty, you are a star! And Cropper, Icedog and all the rest who donated too! I know I keep saying this but I won’t forget it.

    I’m just working it all oot so far, and trying to get back to everyone I can personally to say “thanks”. If it goes over the figure I mentioned originally (about £200), it will go on upgrading the server at the end of the year, so users don’t get any more “unable to connect to database” and “404” (Server not found) messages when the site is very busy and possibly some other features as well.

    Stay tuned for a full report, possibly tomorrow as my PC is knacked again and I’m on someone elses ATM.

  26. Apparently not you Stuart. It’s called leading in the article. Not that you would know about that mind as you pussied out of the chance to put your bollocks on the line and start writing……

  27. stuart79 says:
    October 13, 2010 at 8:45 pm

    “Just for the record, who gives a flying fck where the word ‘bouncebackability’ came from?”

    I do Stuart, as I have a keen interest in etymology and I’m curious about most things generally. I’m not the only one.

  28. Daverism says:
    October 13, 2010 at 5:30 pm

    “Why negotiate a contract for Hoots now? Why not wait? What harm will it do?”

    Someone else snaps him up and Uncle Joe returns! :-)

    Just trying to reply to your e.mail BTW, Dave.

  29. Tamas Kadar in the Carling Cup at the time caught a flu virus. On 2 September he traveled to Hungary. U21 as a member of the Hungarian national team played two friendly games in 90-90 minutes.
    2010th September 7 Hungary-Montenegro 0-2
    2010th September 12 Slovenia – Hungary 1-0
    (In the match played Haris Vuckic. Tom is now on track towards Newcastle.

  30. workyticket says:
    October 13, 2010 at 9:00 pm
    batty says:
    October 13, 2010 at 8:45 pm

    “WORKY have you collected much yet m8 ?”

    batty, you are a star! And Cropper, Icedog and all the rest who donated too! I know I keep saying this but I won’t forget it.<<<< no probs worky you can buy a upper class prozzy instead of the cheap 1s wot toonsy pays for :)

  31. ice,
    it’s weird, i thought he, of all coaches, would have the sac to sack off some of the older dead wood.
    Obviously not.
    ALL england coaches just fall into the same, seemingly safe, mode.
    A drastic shake up is needed.

  32. stu bouncebackability’ came from ashley when he was fallin over pissed ,hes that fat he would always bounce back up hence bouncebackability’ :)

  33. Correction:
    Tamas Kadar traveled to Hungary, not September, but on October 2, October 7 and the match was yesterday.

  34. BATTY shite man i forgot ok m8 gan to tac some size glue tube for this job,ill scrap richies car when he gans out

  35. Icedog,

    Got your message and donation, many thanks for that. Please say thankyou to Mrs Icedog too for the card, it really cheered me up in the midst of a rather annoying day.

  36. icedog says:
    October 13, 2010 at 9:49 pm

    “nee worries worky anytime.
    bouncebackability eh”

    Divven’t forget to say “thanks” to the missus from me! It’s great to get a card that doesn’t just tell me I’m getting older for a change!

  37. batty says:
    October 13, 2010 at 9:54 pm

    “worky are you ok m8 do you need owt els ?”

    batty, your donation was great, it won’t be wasted! If you give me your address, I’ll even give you my Kevin Keegan record, as I know how much you like the little gadgie! There’s a great picture of him on the sleeve and it’s in excellent condition. :-)

  38. I view birthday cards as reminders that you are one year closer to dying :)

    Also CLiNT, I hope you aren’t sending thise soiled pants through the post again??

    Actually, perhaps I could offer some of mine up for auction to raise money for the site?

  39. CLiNT FLiCK says:
    October 13, 2010 at 9:59 pm

    “How worky,
    you’ll be getting something via snail mail real soon mate.”

    Thanks Clint! This site is gannin’ to start to get alot better now I can do some of the things I’ve been putting off due to lack of funds recently.

  40. worky,
    look forward to it mate.
    Knew the lads wouldn’t let y’down mate.

    Top stuff lads.

  41. Batty – :lol:

    You didn’t rule out an auction you porv :)

    Ah well, I guess my soiled thing will have to remain top prize for the fantasy football….

  42. workyticket says:
    October 13, 2010 at 10:03 pm
    batty says:
    October 13, 2010 at 9:54 pm

    “worky are you ok m8 do you need owt els ?”

    batty, your donation was great, it won’t be wasted! If you give me your address, I’ll even give you my Kevin Keegan record, as I know how much you like the little gadgie! There’s a great picture of him on the sleeve and it’s in excellent condition.<<<< work and i know how much you secretly like him :) its a small price too pay ,ware else could ya speak too as many loonytoons in 1 place :lol:

  43. If we all donate a little when and if we can it’ll make a cracking site even better in the future…Howay the Blog :-)

    Ice….ya can scrap my car anytime, I’ve got a bollocking coming from the office cos a camera van got me on the way back from the lakes :-(

  44. Just before I gan off, sorry I haven’t been able to get back to many people yet to say “thanks”. I had a few emergencies today including something getting knacked on the site. I’m gannin’ to tally up the whole amount of donations as well, and explain how it will be used.

  45. RICHIETOON thats a canny idea m8 ime up for it.
    sorry you got caught on camera,charge the sods for your profile,or tell them it was batty driveing :)

  46. icedog says:
    October 13, 2010 at 10:28 pm

    “RICHIETOON thats a canny idea m8 ime up for it.
    sorry you got caught on camera,charge the sods for your profile,or tell them it was batty driveing”

    Quite hard now Riches been on the telly.

  47. Rich – You might not get a ticket. I did 60 through a 30mph camera. Just forgot that it was there, Heard nowt about it though, and it’s been about 6 weeks now ;)

  48. aye Ice, worst thing is it’s a company car so the ticket goes there and I then get me arse chewed,3 points and a £60 fine…still, if ya can’t do the time and all that :roll:

  49. One thing that has left me humbled is that people have been so willing to donate and keep things going when times are tough enough for eveyone. Plus the sheer number of people who have donated. I’d like to say thanks to you all and echo what Worky has said :)

  50. Toonsy….alot of the static cameras are only in use part of the time…this sod was a van so I think I’m screwed.

  51. toonsy says:
    October 13, 2010 at 10:14 pm
    Batty –

    You didn’t rule out an auction you porv <<<< now toonsy if you were talking aboot your missus thong think you would have a few takers m8 :)

  52. CC could be right m8,but then again battys a canny make-up artist how do you think hes stopped oot the slammer so long :)

  53. Rich – You’d be surprised mate. They don’t work all of the time, and you get a tolerance, and there is a load of loopholes you can use. The best one being going to court and asking for the calibration certificate.

  54. batty says:
    October 13, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    “now toonsy if you were talking aboot your missus thong think you would have a few takers m8”

    Same thing Batty ;) :lol:

  55. Aye Toonsy.tried the old calibration cert thing when I got caught doing 35 in a 30 didnt bloody work tho :-(

  56. toonsy says:
    October 13, 2010 at 10:34 pm
    One thing that has left me humbled is that people have been so willing to donate and keep things going when times are tough enough for eveyone. Plus the sheer number of people who have donated. I’d like to say thanks to you all and echo what Worky has said<<<< are things tough toonsey i wouldnt know i get 800 a week family allownce alone :) only joking

  57. toonsy says:
    October 13, 2010 at 10:40 pm
    batty says:
    October 13, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    “now toonsy if you were talking aboot your missus thong think you would have a few takers m8″

    Same thing Batty<<< aye but your missus has a better class of skids :lol:

  58. One of my better songs Toonsy…and if you wanna pleasure yesel to it crack on…or crack off ;-) :lol:

  59. Reet, I’m off to kip. Away to Holmes Chapel tomorrow for another meeting :(

    Catch you laters noys and girls :)

  60. TOONSY thought richietoons lipstick in that link was a bit thick,he always gans owr the top like

  61. cya Toonsy

    CC…class mate, burger Barry was wor lass’s introduction to North East cuisine….where is he now?? :lol:

  62. I now have the sinking feeling that this game won’t be easy at all. Who knows what will happen? If we play to our potential we could get a Villa type result, if we play the same tired old formation and don’t turn up we could get a Blackpool. I really don’t know what to expect from the toon these days. I think it’s widely accepted though that these are the games we have to win to stay up and anything less will be disasterous on Sat. 3 points would give breathing space and nothing more after a dissapointing month.

  63. DJG I think if we go out to win the game we will, but if we go out like we normally do showing the opposition to much respect and playing for a draw we could get beat :(

  64. Big Dave

    I think it’s time for Ranger to get his chance, and for Hughton to finally accept that Nolan won’t cut it in this league. Carroll and Ranger to start up front together on Sat is what I would play. I certainly wouldn’t drop Tiote at home like some have said, he is far too good to be dropped.


    In a positive attacking formation I think would be a big improvement.

  65. DJG its not up to CH to accept Captain Tugboat wont cut it, the Captain will decide :lol: .
    I would love to see Ranger play with Carroll or even Lovens get a crack but I really cant see it happening mate :( .

  66. we should def beat Wigan – a they are piss poor, to be honest although everyone keeps going on about our defence o reckon they’re a weakspot – 10 goals in 5 games is rubbish

  67. You would love to see ranger play with Carroll? Or loven get a crack. Didn’t think you was into chutney ferret porn big dave :) last time I ask you “how’s the craic?” :lol:

  68. I would have loved to have seen Ranger up front on saturday but having played for the reserves and scoring two goals st night it looks very unlikely. CH has appeared to keep his squad for saturday out of the game with no Best, Guthrie, Xisco and Lovenkrands.

    My hope now is he goes with Xisco and Carroll up front.

  69. 442 – its the future!!!

    Or is the past???

    Can someone remind me which players we’re supposed to cheer and which ones we boo?

    Oh, and is Chris a saint or a sinner this week???

    Actually, fcuk it – I’ll just see which way the wind is blowing on Saturday and decide then.

  70. ‘Bob Moncur told the Evening Chronicle: “When I watched him as a youngster he had a lot of promise and was probably in the ‘up and coming’ bracket.

    “But I think it was very much a case of a young player getting ahead of himself. He started to believe his own publicity.

    “I’m always a great believer in young players keeping their feet on the ground and not chasing the dollar, and I don’t think agents help their clients too much in that.

    “But to let everything go at a club like Newcastle was a hasty move.

    “No disrespect to Wigan, but they aren’t capable of getting crowds of 50,000, and that was a big thing he had in his favour.”

    I think he’d be better off trying to get to O’M or Lyon. After claiming he was going to Arsenal ect and storming off in a strop to the only club that would have him Wigan ha. His career will totally stall there he needs to get back to france IMO. He has tryed being the big shot and ‘chasing the dollar’ here and the big boys arn’t interested. He doesn’t want to join Shambles and brucie at scumberland or the toon fans really will hate him then.

  71. Daverism says:
    October 14, 2010 at 3:15 pm

    “I didn’t get a reply worky if you managed to get one sent mate..”

    Hi Dave, I’m just working on it right now. Sorry for the delay, but my PC’s PSU has died, so I am relying on friend’s laptops, internet cafes etc ATM which is slowing me down a bit.

  72. No sweat mate. was just mentioning incase you’d sent it and i’d not received. all good mate.

  73. Jay Jay hows it going and whats the craic ye chutney ferret porn merchant :) . I didnt mean that other comment to sound like it did :lol:

  74. Theres no keeping the young girl down :) .
    Seems very quiet on here today, normally theres been loads of shit talked :lol: by the time I read it its time to go back to do a bit of work

  75. aye m8 its quiet,you must have been v.late last night,think worky had message on for you last night m8

  76. I think it was about 11 or so when I got on I had just missed yous all, but im hoping to be finished before 10 tonight :)
    Did you watch much of the C Games ?

  77. DAVE na m8 never watched one min of it,on painting bedroom,nee rest for the wicket m8,but never mind we will win 3-1 at the w/end

  78. Ice my missus has been going on at me for the last few months about decorating but I just put it off :lol:
    3-1 mate I hope your right and I hope we go out to win it and not just to get a draw as these are the games we need to win.
    Reet Ice I may get a move on and hopefully catch you later Bud ;)

  79. Batty – its on my to do list, don’t worry. I’ve just been a little busy recently. But don’t worry your pretty little face. How much we up to?

  80. I think everyone’s out buying bedsheets ready for Saturday.

    How do you spell Hooyton again?

  81. Funny that – I thought you’d like Terry Christian, Stu, being a fellow Manc and all.

  82. DJG says:
    October 13, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    “Who knows what will happen? If we play to our potential we could get a Villa type result, if we play the same tired old formation and don’t turn up we could get a Blackpool.”

    I don’t understand that, DJG. It was the same “tired old formation” you write of that beat Villa 6-0, so surely, that’s somewhat illogical, or selective?

  83. My only worry is that teams seem to have worked out that if they just attack at SJP they’ll def score and if we play 4-4-1-1 we might not – fvck if Blackpool & Stoke can both knock two goals past our errr solid defence we’re gonna be in big trouble against a decent side

  84. In an ideal world i.e it’ll never happen we’ll go 4-3-3 with Carroll, ranger & liven up top, tiote, Barton and jonas in the middle, I’d go for sol and collo in central def with Jose and I suppose perch as fb’s – can’t that ferguson kid play RB?

  85. Or if CH refuses to drop Nolan he could play a 4-3-1-2 formation and drop ranger to bench

  86. fourfouroneone says:
    October 14, 2010 at 6:54 pm

    “Or if CH refuses to drop Nolan”

    Who’s told him to drop Nolan, fourfouroneone? Surely, he’s the manager and it’s his decision who plays?

  87. see rooney has halted contract talks and is thinking of moveing on,

    you can run kid but you cannot hide

  88. icedog says:
    October 14, 2010 at 7:05 pm

    “see rooney has halted contract talks and is thinking of moveing on”

    It would have to be somewhere like Man City or Chelsea. He’s too Ginger to go to Spain or Italy.

  89. Wormy – I mean refuses to acknowledge that Nolan isn’t playing well at the moment

  90. Kin hell icedog i thought ya meant we’ll sign up Rooney.

    I thought youd been on the rainbow drops…

  91. CC nay m8 grey matter hasnt gone “yet”,mind its a thought ganning by FAT FREDDY the lasses are slags up here might be just up his street

  92. icedog says:
    October 14, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    “CLINT feel we will sign him on IF we stay up”

    IF? We’re gannin’ to stay up man, Ice! Nee botha! We’re just a little erratic ATM because we are a team that is developing. We will become more and more consistent if we fans just show a little patience and divven’t get radged. Trust me.

  93. WORKY patience is my middle name over 50yrs of it still ganning.mind ime happy with the past,ime a greedy sod like oliver i want “more”we will get there

  94. Icedog, I’ve just sent you an e.mail.

    batty, I put a thing up under the “donate” button saying how much has been raised, and I’ll updating it as much as I can. It was eleven when I updated it last and I think there’s been another couple since then. One or two of the Yanks have chipped in as well, which is nice.

    Thanks lads!

  95. Starting to sound like Sol is gonna start on satda.
    For Colo?
    As he went off ‘injured’ at manc?

  96. Worky, I thought I’d do my share and sent you a few quid to keep the site going strong.

  97. NorCal ToonFan says:
    October 14, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    “Worky, I thought I’d do my share and sent you a few quid to keep the site going strong.”

    Many thanks, NorCal! I’m just working through a list of all the names I have to thank everyone personally by e.mail too. I’ll never forget all the people who donated, and it really will help the site not just to stay online, but to improve alot too.

  98. Worky fuk we’ve done well so far mate with the donations, its refreshing to see that we can look after our own for a change rather than all others, not that its bad to look after others ;)


  100. Ive bunged in a few quid, It was either that or donate it to children in need and pay for some window licker to go to alton towers for the day, I made my choice and im happy with it… ;)

  101. …just had a phone call, apparently me annual trip to Alton Towers is off this year, nae explanation like! ;-) :lol:

  102. nice, Richie…real nice. I think I make 4…but then, I am an idiot and we are notoriously bad at math

  103. Batty you dont really think Stuart’s like that do ye ?

    NorCal I know what ye mean mate I have always enjoyed talking to Batty, and it makes me feel good to know that I treat him like a normal person :)

  104. Big Dave says:
    October 14, 2010 at 10:47 pm
    Batty you dont really think Stuart’s like that do ye ?<<< aye he is dave stu is loaded ya paddy c unt :)

  105. Fuk there was me thinking ye were me mate and you are insulting me like that you SMB :)
    Talking off c unts where is Toonsy haven’t seen much off him ;)

  106. dave we have got too try too raise enough cash so worky can pay for a upper class prozzy, hes told me hes sick of going with them £2 pound girls :lol:

  107. When you are arguing with an idiot, make sure the other person isn’t doing the same thing ;-)

  108. Batty we should set Worky up for a night on the town with one of them chick’s with a dick that Toonsy knocks about with.
    Talking off Eds I can remember some of the nights when I was still smoking the weed when we would wind people up fuk there was times when I would laugh that much I couldn’t breath, there was times when people were scared to say anything bad incase they got abused :lol:

  109. Jay jay…are you sure, I thought ya were always there! ;-)

    I’m just a thick Geordie and I know the sale of Liverpool is amongst U.S citizens, but wtf has it got to do with a U.S court…answers on a postcard please :-)

  110. Micky… yep get that bit, I just think it’s wrong when the club is English the English high court has said that the sale can go ahead then a US court can stop it…all wrong to me…like I said tho I’m a thick Geordie ;-)