Ashley v Mansour?
Posted on October 2nd, 2010 | 79 Comments |
Most fans are now aware that Sheikh Mansour, the guy who has bankrolled City for the past couple of seasons, was very much interested in buying Newcastle United way before City arrived on the radar screen of the mega-rich tycoon.
That possibility floundered when our owner missed a meeting with Mansour’s associates, with speculation suggesting that Wise, Ashley and Llambias went out for a drink instead.
The rest, as they say, is history, and the two clubs have gone on to follow a remarkably different path in last few seasons. Newcastle suffered a humiliating relegation and have endured a ‘character building’ season in The Championship, whilst Manchester City have been the only team to spend some real money and strengthen their team in these challenging economic times.
The question is, what approach do you prefer? Do you prefer the way that our club is being run now, with the focus being on the sustainability of the club and with the club living within it’s potentially huge means for the forseeable future? Or would you prefer a mega-rich tycoon to pump in vast amounts of cash like Mansour is doing at City?
I know what I would prefer, and it isn’t the sustainable model. I personally think that anyone who would choose the first route over the second route is stark raving bonkers and that they should give themselves a bit of a shake. It’s one thing playing with the sustainable hand we have been dealt, but to actively choose that path over the path that Man City have taken would be mind-boggling.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty happy with the direction that our club is heading in at the moment, although I would be a whole lot happier if this season was over and we had survived in the Premier League. But for people to say that they would turn down a billion pound investment in the club is, well, scary.
The bubble may not last forever at Manchester City, and they may one day come back down to earth with a bump, but it will have been a hell of a lot of fun for those fans along the way. The introduction of the new finanical fair play rules may limit what Man City can spend in the future, but the full impact of those rules will only be known when they come into force.
I’ve never had a problem with Manchester City fans to be honest and find them a decent bunch of lads and lasses. They too have suffered lows similar to what we have had to endure over the last few years. In fact you could argue that they have suffered more than what we have after they slipped from Premier League level to what is now League One level.
They deserve some good times! Mind you, so do we….
mancity are just a bunch of exorbitantly priced arrogant pompous braggarts.screw them..