‘Around the grounds’ by Chris Nelson.

Posted on September 14th, 2010 | 46 Comments |

Around the Grounds by Chris Nelson.
Around the Grounds by Chris Nelson.
Some of my best days supporting Newcastle have come away from St James’ Park. I don’t mean that as a criticism of our home ground as, quite simply, it isn’t.

Being at a match at St James’ Park can be a unique experience which is unrivalled so far on my travels, but being the adventurous type, combined with a lack of time, and sometimes a lack of money or transport, means that a lot of my support is now done away from SJP.

I would like nothing better than to be able to make every home game, but unfortunately I can’t. It costs me roughly £150 for a day at St James’, and sometimes that just isn’t possible.

Many of you know that I also work nights nowadays, and that it can roll into a Saturday morning, which also counts against me trying to make the 420-mile round trip to Newcastle. So as a compromise, I try to do as many games as my time and money allows me to, although perhaps inevitably most of these games come away from St James’ Park.

Away games have a different atmosphere to home games. It’s us against them, a little Geordie Army going into vocal battle as the underdogs. Usually we come out on top aswell!

Longer-term readers will know that I used to write guides that away fans can follow including where to go, where to drink, where to eat, how to get there and so on. Those guides proved pretty popular and helped out a few people on their travels, which is what I aimed to do with them.

It’s also how I started writing for this very site. I’ve knocked them on the head now to be honest as there is enough information already out there regarding Premier League grounds, plus there is the fact that we have been to most of them over the last 16 or so years so already have a kind of knowledge about them.

This is where ‘Around The Grounds’ comes into the equation. Written by Chris Nelson, this book is the ultimate guide for any football tourist. It features full write-ups of all 92 Football League grounds, pictures, quotes and anecdotes from favourites of each particular club, plus all the really useful stuff like where to have a pint and where to park the car.

All of the information contained within this book was compiled using the views of the fans of each club, so you can be rest assured that there will be nothing but accuracy in it’s reporting. In fact this very site has an honourable mention in the book, which is why I am more than happy to write a review for it in return.

Naturally, this being a Newcastle site and all that, my first look was to see what was written up on Newcastle United. I have to doff my cap at the end results to be honest as they are brilliant. Four pages of colour photgraphs, quotes from Mick Martin and the high and lows of life at St James’ Park have been documented in exquisite detail.

That high standard isn’t just restricted to our team though. Upon further examination I found that every club has been researched in specific detail, to the point where a ‘statto’ like myself fould myself immersed in reading the details and history of Accrington Stanley (we played them recently which is why I looked).

I really can’t recommend this book highly enough as I have found it fantastic to have all of that information at my fingertips. It’s a part of the ‘Footprint Travel Guide’ series that some of you may be aware of, so you can be assured that it is of the highest possible standard.

You can order this book online from Footprint Travel Guides, or you can click this link which will take you direct to the page where you can purchase the book. It costs £19.99, but Nufcblog.org readers can recieve a 25% discount by entering the word ‘footie’ in the coupon code box at the checkout.

We also have one copy that will be offered as a prize in our Fantasy Football competition, so if you are already in it then you have the chance to win it.

I highly recommend this book!

NUFCBlog Author: toonsy toonsy has written 643 articles on this blog.

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46 Responses

  1. Sounds a brilliant book. I am in the Fantasy League, but I think my chances of winning this book are small to nil… :)

    This sounds like the perfect cofee table type book. Something fun to glance at when the mood strikes, maybe not something you read cover to cover, but go back to time and again.

    Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll look it up…I know I’ll get back over there again someday.

  2. In order to kill time,and wait for UCL matches,i am currently watching Peter Beardsley Tribute video.And reading up former NUFC star players.I am a young toon fan. ^_^

    Here’s the video i am watching now,btw..does he flourish more when he was in Liverpool or NUFC??


    And I didn’t know our Most prolific goals per game scorer Hughie Gallacher died in such tragic way. :(

  3. AngelOfDeath says:
    September 14, 2010 at 7:26 pm

    “Here’s the video i am watching now,btw..does he flourish more when he was in Liverpool or NUFC??”

    He flourished everywhere he kicked a football, including the national team, but I think that Newcastle was where he was truly at his best. I’m biased though and so is everyone else on here who remembers him probably.

  4. Just a random thought.

    Wouldn’t it be great,if the whole background staffs are consists of former NUFC great players.

    From Manager to First team coaches,youth coaches etc??? :lol: :lol:

    I have actually done that in Football Manager though. ^_^

    with Les Ferdinand as first team coach. ;)

    And checking with Wiki,he is striker coach at spurs?? 8O

  5. for those who go to the away games,I found this site canny useful last season for where to park,drink and hotels etc.

    I agree with Worky “Pedro’s” best days were at the Toon.I don’t think he ever got the recognition he deserved beyond these shores.The lad was pure genius pure world class imo.

  6. AngelOfDeath says:
    September 14, 2010 at 7:42 pm

    “Just a random thought.

    Wouldn’t it be great,if the whole background staffs are consists of former NUFC great players.”

    Not so sure about that, Angel. There’d be Supermac and Gazza hitting the scotch, Nobby chatting up all the lasses and playing his trumpet, Daveed Ginola preening in front of the mirror… :-)

  7. TonyGreenSupreme says:
    September 14, 2010 at 8:35 pm

    “Pedro remains my all time favourite player.”

    Johan Cruijff and Garrincha for me, but Pedro’s the best Newcastle player I’ve seen.

  8. TGS..aye if he was playing now I could imagine him slotting straight into the present Barca line up and he would be a world favourite

  9. Richie-Really nasty, feel sorry for him because he’s one of the few manure players I really like. I didnt realise what had first happened when I saw him go down, stupidly rewound on sky+ and had the not so pleasurable realisation that it was a break. Have to feel for him like.

  10. Ross…aye I missed it and rewound……..reminded of my cousin playing for the village 2 year ago.I was watching and was other side of the pitch but phoned ambulance straight away cos I could see it had broke.Knacked his Tib and Fib.Horrible to see.

  11. Richie-I can’t handle owt like that mate. I saw a lad go down and put his arm out to cushion his fall. Distributed his weight into the one arm and seconds later I saw the bone desperatly trying to break skin. Was only about 13 but i’ll ever forget it.

  12. I’m not too bad…..probably from the army tho………….except with my kids,used to hate it if they hurt themselves when they were little.

  13. Aye good old Andy Gray saying Rangers should worry more about Bursapor for 2nd place in the group……….they’re getting humped 4 nowt at home :roll:

  14. Richie-visible breaks are pretty much the only thing I really can’t handle i think. In saying that, I dont have the balls to be in the forces so I can’t say I would be able to handle some of the potential things i’d see there. I’m a big MMA fan so a bit of blood doesn’t bother me, but after that incident when I was young i’ve hated broken bones ever since. Touch wood i’ve only ever broken fingers.

  15. I’ve broke me nose a couple of times when I was a kid,or should I say someone broke it for me :lol: and fractured my knuckle other than that I’ve been lucky.

  16. FIFA 11 Ratings

    Newcastle :
    Ameobi 71
    Barton 74
    Best 69
    Campbell 76
    Carroll 73
    Colocinni 76
    Donaldson 63
    Edmundsson 45
    Enrique 73
    Ferguson 58
    Forster 70
    Gosling 73
    Guthrie 72
    Guitierrez 78
    Harper 73
    Inman 60
    Kadar 59
    Krul 67
    Lovenkrands 75
    LuaLua 66
    Nolan 76
    Perch 66
    Ranger 69
    Routledge 72
    Simpson 73
    Smith 70
    Soderberg 63
    Tavernier 53
    Taylor, Ryan 73
    Taylor, Steven 75
    Tozer 58
    Vuckic 65
    Williamson 69
    Xisco 71
    Zamblera 67

  17. Baro-Are you there revealing that FIFA have made yet another clanger, not been able to update the transfers and Benny isnt in our squad? Can’t be arsed if thats the case like.

  18. Ross

    Was just about to ask the same thing. Surely they couldn’t have made such an error. Where are those ratings from Baro? Demo is out tomorrow I’m sure

  19. Toro-Demo is out tomorrow. Really looking forward to it, they’ve made some huge adjustments that means constant one touch passing is gone, the midfield is harder to dominate and AI in general is far more intelligent. Or so they say.

    They have done it in the past though, all the transfers to the top 4 clubs/”big deals” are correct and then you’re left with the smaller teams ending up with half arsed squads. You can change them in game obviously but when it comes to your be a pro season’s etc, the changes you made go out the window. I would expect however, him to be in our squad. If a french international joining the premier league is bypassed its a shame.

  20. Ross

    I will be on here tomorrow to trade opinions with you on it, mate. Love footy, whether playing, watching or videogaming…I’m hooked, haha!

  21. Don’t know if they are true but look mostly true. I’m sure they will have an update like every year. Adding Tiote and Ben Arfa to our squad, and possibly some youngsters. I got those ratings from Fifa 11 forums. Electronic arts site.

  22. So according to EA Sports our best XI players are…

    Guitierrez 78
    Campbell 76
    Colocinni 76
    Nolan 76
    Lovenkrands 75
    Taylor, Steven 75
    Barton 74
    Carroll 73
    Enrique 73
    Gosling 73
    Harper 73


  23. That actually makes a fairly decent starting XI too…

    Carrroll, Lovenkrands
    Gutierrez, Nolan, Barton, Gosling
    Enrique, Colocinni, Campbell, S. Taylor

    Not my first choice like but you couldn’t have too many complaints if that side turned out at St. James’ one day.

  24. I know Ben Arfa and Tiote are missing – guessing they be about 79/80 and 76/77 respectively???

  25. I’m going to hope that if they’re from forums they’re just someones guesses. EA shouldn’t be mossing any transfers after the biggest window of the year.

  26. Jesus, remember why I don’t go on Ed’s blog any more;

    “If James Parch is to become a Newcastle regular this season, he will need to improve his game, and improve quickly”

    Talk about ridiculous, who does he want like, Adriano?!?! He’ll be saying he gets forward to much then! He’s only played in 4 games at this level (of which i’ve seen 90 mins of them all) and he has been fine. And who says our expectation levels are to high eh? The comments seem to be written by kids too or complete mongs, saying he’s a journey man and generally he is no good.

    Quite simply, anyone who gets on a players back after four games, even more astonishingly when he hasn’t played that bad, is in my opinion, an arsehole, and they should go watch the unwashed.

  27. Journeyman? Perch, who has played for one club in his career before moving to us?

    Journeyman indeed :lol:

  28. From newcastleUnited-mad

    ‘The former Nottingham Forest defender has yet to show the fans that he is worthy of holding down the right-back position because he gives away needless free-kicks on the edge of the box – wading in when he should be standing his ground.’

    I actually prefer his challenging to Simpson’s holding off and retreating. He is still getting used to the pace of the prem and I think his tackling will improve. Why can’t people give the lad a chance, he hasn’t actually been that bad and even has a bit of pace and crossing when he goes past on the overlap. No-one can say he hasen’t given 100%. Its a shame he will likely be suspended soon because I think the back 4 were just starting to settle.

  29. jay jay says:
    September 15, 2010 at 1:08 pm

    Am I the only person in the world still waiting for their membership pack?

    Me too mate. Apparently we’re supposed to get them end of September, due to high volume of members.

  30. ILM

    ‘Jesus, remember why I don’t go on Ed’s blog any more’.

    “If James Parch is to become a Newcastle regular this season, he will need to improve his game, and improve quickly”.

    Same here, what a load of tripe is written on there. When was the last time we had a good RB, only Beye. Simpson, R.Taylor, Carr. no

  31. People(fans) are sheep.
    Only takes one ‘pundit’ to slag/praise a player & virtually everyone is on the bandwagon.
    Boils me piss.
    It gets more inane by the week.

  32. If anyone bothered to read the article they would have seen that Ed goes on to say the lad has made strong performances this season. I imagine he is on about the level of competition for that spot with Simpson, R Taylor and S Taylor also in the frame, and the fact he’s close to a suspension.

  33. Macas,
    i don’t think they’re talking about Ed per se.
    More, the divs who get on a players back with unqualified & cliched rants.
    He is on 4 yellows cos of refs over zealous carding.
    They seem happy to brandish cards to our players for minor ‘offenses’ yet let mongs like henry(wolves) get away with GBH.

  34. With regards to Pedro, he was at his best at Liverpool. The thing with him is though, he was always class, he just lost a bit of pace and fitness. I reckon he could still do all the tricks and touches now, he just wouldn’t be able to keep up with the pace of the game.

    I used to play footie with an old boy who wasn’t quick at all, but he had some brilliant touches, he would have been a decent player if he was 15 or so years younger.

  35. CLiNT FLiCK

    Aslong as Clattermole doesn’t get away with it im pleased as punch. Thats the trouble for him. They become a ‘marked man’ and the ref is constantly ready to dish out cards to them, similar to Barton.

  36. DJG,
    aye, tw@ermole crocked Beye & Barton in our relegation season, just when we needed them. & wasn’t even yellow carded, don’t think we even got a free kick for either one.
    At least the refs have got his no. now, after he went on to crock a gooner a couple of weeks later.
    Can get away with GBH v us, but soon as it’s a top 4 team, he’s off.
    Pathetic, transparent & crass.
    A bit like the solemn crap on motd II last week after henry killed zamora. C***S laughed at Barton getting kicked all over.
    Biased C***S.