How did YOU get on in the Fantasy Football competition today?
Posted on August 14th, 2010 | 147 Comments |
West Brom are playing at Chelsea as we speak, but once the final whistle goes at Stamford Bridge then people can start to fully reflect on the results of the day.
The opening day of the Premier League season has also signalled the start of our Fantasy Football League competition aswell, which goves us something else to get involved with.
There are already some points up for players who have already played so you can get a feel of just how you have done. Personally I have earned 22 points today, with more to come over the next couple of days hopefully.
Anyway, there is now a link in the banner on the right hand side of the page that will take you straight to the log-in screen where you can access all your statistics. Rather unsurprisingly it is located in the ‘links’ section, as obvious as it sounds.
If you haven’t entered yet and want to take part, don’t worry, you still can submit a team. All you need to do is follow the instructions in this link and you will soon be rocking and rolling.
Be warned though, competition is fierce amongst your fellow bloggers and there are currently 301 teams taking part in the competition. We can all talk a good game, now is the chance for people to back that up. As was written earlier, it is a competition, and that means there will be prizes. Modest prizes, but prizes all the same, which will be revealed at a later date.
How did you get on?
21 points before the chelsea game i think