Newcastle should avoid the loan market.

Posted on May 26th, 2010 | 149 Comments |

Cleverley - A possible loan target.
Cleverley - A possible loan target.
Speculation has been rife regarding the acquisition of loan players arriving over the summer to bolster the Newcastle squad for their Premier League return.

Players like Tom Cleverley and Jack Wilshere have been mentioned as possible candidates to make the temporary switch to Tyneside, but is that really the way we should be going?

The thing about them two players is that they both play in a position that is aready equipped to get by in the Premier League, so would we really drop the likes of Kevin Nolan, Danny Guthrie, Joey Barton or Alan Smith in favour of playing a player that will only be with us on a temporary basis? I can’t see it personally, which is why I think the mention of loan deals is being very exaggerated.

This is not to say a loan deal can’t work out, and we only have to look at Danny Simpson to see that operating the loan market shrewdly can pay dividends, and it’s that sort of loan deal that we should be pursuing. Simpson came to Tyneside initially on loan, got his head down, and earned a permanent move here. If we were to take Cleverley or Wilshere on loan, would we be able to do the same thing and buy the player at the end of the deal? Highly unlikely, in the case of both players.

The Simpson loan may have worked out because he was signed to play in a position that we really didn’t have a player who was capable of starting regularly in. Sure we have Ryan Taylor, but at the start of the season we didn’t have Wayne Routledge so the scouser was forced to ply his trade further up the pitch. This allowed Simpson a free run in the team as such, and gave him the chance to initially thrive. That wouldn’t be the case for a loan player who plays in the middle of the park.

We are now upping our level in terms of opposition, and the players we need to recruit will have to be notched up another level too. Wilshere and Cleverley are both highly regarded by their parent clubs Arsenal and Manchester United, so any loan deal would probably incorporate some clause where each player had to play a certain number of games. They won’t be sending their highly prized assets away to sit on someone elses bench will they? So which senior player would get dropped to accomodate them?

It will be hard to get a definitive answer to that in all honesty. Should Nolan, who scored so many vital goals, get the boot? How about Barton, who is now looking like we could actually see him play in a run of games, and showed glimpses of quality as he worked his way back to full fitness at the end of last season, should we drop him? What about Danny Guthrie, who was a creative force for us last season and got better as the games rolled by, should he make way? Or Alan Smith, should the tough tackling midfielder who was instrumental in the early part of last season, face the axe?

Don’t forget we have our very own young star waiting in the wings to make an impact in Haris Vuckic. How would he fit in? Or more importantly, how would he feel if a youngster from another came along and took a position away from him? A position where he has been tipped to shine in for some time now. What sort of message would that send out? Plus it would also go against ‘the plan’ of promoting from within.

I guess the point I am trying to make is, why should we be giving young players from other teams the chance to learn in our team, especially in a position that is already brimming with the experience of Nolan, Smith and Barton whilst being laced with the youth of Guthrie and Vuckic.

If we were to get one of these high profile loan players, then surely it would make sense to get them in positions that are crying out for a player? Like a striker for example? I’m all for working the loan market if it improves our team, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of it. Lets just hope we aren’t singing ‘Only the Loanly,’ or ‘The One and Loanly,’ or any other songs you can pun the word ‘loan’ into come the end of the transfer window.

NUFCBlog Author: toonsy toonsy has written 643 articles on this blog.

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149 Responses

  1. “The thing about them two players is that they both play in a position that is aready equipped to get by in the Premier League, so would we really drop the likes of Kevin Nolan, Danny Guthrie, Joey Barton or Alan Smith”

    Ha, Ha, Ha!!!

    Where’s the creativity there? We need at least one creative midfielder. It doesn’t look like we’ll be buying one so it will have to be a loan.

  2. I see Birmingham have spent another £6m on the Serbian striker, Kigic.

    That’s £12m so far and were only in May. I would have been hoping Birmingham would have been one of the teams we were competing with, cannot see it if their splashing the cash.

    Glad there’ll be no money spent this summer.

  3. Stu – I said the midfield would ‘get by’, not rip teams apart savagely beating minnows such as Man Utd and Chelsea like you expect.

  4. I dont see any option other than the loan market, the facts are as I see it all the players you have listed, namley, Barton, Smith and Nolan are all reputed to be on big contracts, forgive me now for being a bit hard but Barton has yet to do anything other than talk or be injured, Smith is the size of a Michelin man, growing by the day and whilst I agree Nolan has had a great season he is hardly blessed with pace, the moral of my story is we can’t replace them so we have to have alternatives as cost effectivley as possible, Guthrie remember was a loanee from Liverpool at Bolton where he shone.

  5. TOONSY,cat in with the pigeons with that post m8,but imo a lot of truth in it (apart from J.B bit ;)),so were do we go from here if we belive the rags like,have to get the old grey matter going i think

  6. toonsy says:
    May 26, 2010 at 3:30 pm
    Stu – I said the midfield would ‘get by’, not rip teams apart savagely beating minnows such as Man Utd and Chelsea like you expect.

    Funny that, I don’t ever remember saying I expect us to rip Chelsea and Man Utd apart. I’d be happy if we ripped WBA apart – Oh wait, we played them three times last season, couldn’t beat them once and they did rip us to pieces at home!

  7. Aye Icedog. I fundamentally disagree with rasing some othe teams kids, my tax money does enough of that ;)

    It was fine in the Championship, but now we have to look after number 1 in my opinion.

  8. Finding a creative midfielder that will do the dirty work is highly unlikely, we should be looking to keep the middle of the park solid as we’re going to get beat badly otherwise.

  9. What about that Jay Simpson. He must be ready for a loan at a club like Newcastle by now.

  10. Really Craig, where did he say that? In the Chronicle?

    Tghe way I read it is that loan players are a possibilty, and not the ONLY signings.

    Of course if it fits your agenda to twist soemthing, something that hasn’t even been said, then that is fine ;)

  11. talk about us getting our heeds done in with which way to go,think aboot C.H.ashley is doing his heed in i bet

  12. craig chisholm says:
    May 26, 2010 at 3:45 pm
    look lads, CH has today said he is only after loan jobs, so forget about ANY buys,they aint happening.

    Shit what about the 5 year plan?
    Has that been knocked on the Heed now?

    Loans,tramps,journeymen,foreign plop,division one reserves,kids,loan kids….keep repeating this in mantra fashion and the words will ring true..just keep repeating.

  13. Look lads Chris is biding his time…he has a good dressing room,he is reflecting on our great season in the fizzy pop’s leave him the fk alone to bide his time…we have 5 years there is no hurry,sit tight,relax…oh fk I am turning into Morale Officer Volume 2 :lol:

  14. craig chisholm says:
    May 26, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    “look lads, CH has today said he is only after loan jobs, so forget about ANY buys,they aint happening.”

    Where did he say that, Craig?

  15. toonsy says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:02 pm
    At least we wont get relegated to the fizzy again, ever!

    It’s the way ya tell em, toonsy.

  16. I can here the Fizzy’s calling on the breeze…few injuries to key players and we will be fookt Toonsy…no depth :(

  17. We havent had a creative midfielder since emre left, although he was injury prone we were a different team when played he was always looking for the ball and looking for a killer pass, we became a long ball team after that we need a few pacey players with an eye for a pass and can score goals that was badly missing last season.

  18. Stuart79 says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    “It’s the way ya tell em, toonsy.”

    We wont. I’ll lay money on it.

  19. In answer to the main topic i am totally against taking loan players-fine in the championship but surely if there is a plan (i doubt there is apart from pulling at straws) it can’t be very ambitious…..Big Mick last of the Big spenders.

    If we take on a loan player in the prem without a buy option I just can’t see the benefits, if anything it just pushes our younger players back in the pecking order.

  20. john says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:05 pm
    We havent had a creative midfielder since emre left

    we havent had one since G.SPEED m8 imo

  21. 26 toonsy says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:07 pm
    Stuart79 says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    “It’s the way ya tell em, toonsy.”

    We wont. I’ll lay money on it.

    Why? Are Coca Cola not sponsoring the league again?

  22. 27-If our players are not going to make the grade just get rid and find our own cleverly’s or wiltshire’s aint that what the scouts are paid to do?

  23. Even though he done very in the championship id sell Nolan doubt it very much he has the legs for the PL anymore midfield battles are where games are won and lost Smith as the holding midfielder with someone like Stephen Ireland on loan.

  24. Stuart79 says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    “Why? Are Coca Cola not sponsoring the league again?”


    N-Power will be sponsoring it.

  25. Toonsy, CH’s words, now if that is not a clear indication of us looking at loans wtf is?? CH is saying – LOANS ARE GOOD FOR US!! admit it man, what does that statement make you think?? does it make you think we are going to buy or LOAN??

    “Loans are a good thing for us but they have to be the right ones.

    “Danny Simpson is an example of how they can work out.

    “There are going to be a number of possibilities available to us and there will be some manoeuvring from us this summer.”

  26. I used to love the Zico Martin song….

    Na nah na nah
    Na nah na nah
    Heey Hey Heey


    Happy old school days standing in the gallowgate with me dad.

  27. Will it be called the ‘Leccy League” for short?
    I should copyright that :)

  28. Any one seen this, article

    It had claimed that we were protesting outside st james’ park
    whe Andy Cole had signed.

    The comment has now bee removed because of a lot of complaints.

    It is absolutely disgusting that people would make lies like this up and if no one had complaied the chances are it would still be mentioned in the article.

    As many people as possible should complain, we have had enough shite written about us in the press and this is possibly the worst.

  29. Craig – Does it say ONLY looking at loans?

    No, I can’t see where it does.

    Loans could be a good thing for us. I don’t agree with them as such, but they could be helpful. It doesn’t say we will purely be relying on loans, or that no money will be spent bringing players in.

    Again, twist away to suit your agnda though.

  30. stuff thinking about hughton icedog he gets paid to worry about the team, we all worry and pay to go and watch players like nolan smith barton and formally butt who are all on big contracts and lets be honest contributed nothing in the premiership. I know Butt has gone but I think we should also get rid of Nolan and one of Smith or Barton

  31. Happy days SJT,little expectation just watch the football,hurl some abuse( and missiles) and good craic.

  32. Black players are now accepted as an integral part of the professional game. But it was very different in the 1970s and 80s when Cyrille Regis, John Barnes and Viv Anderson were making their names and the National Front was making trouble on the terraces. When Andy Cole made his debut at Newcastle’s St James’s Park, Taylor, then a student in the city, recalls: “There were protests outside the ground. But Andy scored a hat-trick that day and we heard no more from the protesters.”

  33. “There are going to be a number of possibilities available to us and there will be some manoeuvring from us this summer.” CH

    manoeuvring- YAWN – just sign some good players you bunch of pricks-not loans are kids – stop feeding me nonsense quotes,actions speak louder than words…..Spend Some dollars FFS !!!!!!!!!!!

  34. put it this way toonsy….. all it does mention is that loans are right for our club. thats it in a nutshell. loans means just that dude. CH is looking at loans. there is not one word about buying, only loaning. if someone kept telling you they want to rent a car and not buy , i guess you would think they want to rent eh!

  35. They will probably bring in a law that all clubs must have an Asian player in the squad.

  36. craig chisholm says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    “Toonsy, CH’s words, now if that is not a clear indication of us looking at loans wtf is?? CH is saying –LOANS ARE GOOD FOR US!! admit it man, what does that statement make you think?? does it make you think we are going to buy or LOAN??

    “Loans are a good thing for us but they have to be the right ones.”

    “Danny Simpson is an example of how they can work out.

    “There are going to be a number of possibilities available to us and there will be some manoeuvring from us this summer.”

    Craig, why have you attempted to change that into:

    “CH has today said he is only after loan jobs, so forget about ANY buys,they aint happening.”

    Didn’t he end up buying Danny Simpson? or was I just hallucinating?

  37. I would expect teams like blackpool (no disrespect) to get in some loan players as they get small gates and they are new to this…we should be assuming the role of a decent size premiership club-forget about the blip and start moving forwards with guile and meaning…not training other teams kids…it really is an insult to be fielding loans in the top division in the world in front of 52,000 passionate fans…we may as well sack all the 1st team and field a side made up of loans and our kids.

  38. can anyone explain why is it that some people just repeat themselves over and over and over again? it’s like they have alzheimer’s or summat.

  39. ‘we may as well sack all the 1st team and field a side made up of loans and our kids’…….don’t give them ideas SJT ;-)

  40. What we are saying is if we can get a good loan player in with an option to buy fair enough…but just improving other teams players then sending them back because we can’t afford or develop our own is just plain stupid and adds nothing to the long term benefits of NUFC.

  41. craig chisholm says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    “put it this way toonsy….. all it does mention is that loans are right for our club. thats it in a nutshell. loans means just that dude. CH is looking at loans. there is not one word about buying, only loaning. if someone kept telling you they want to rent a car and not buy , i guess you would think they want to rent eh!”

    Maybe, or maybe I just read it differently to you, you know without your added bits that I must have missed. You know, the bits where he said he wouldn’t be buying anyone that I cant see anywhere.

    My take on it is that we may well loan some players, a player or whatever, but it doesn’t mean we wont be buying still.

  42. Malchick I think it is called discussion on the thread topic…bashing around ideas and thoughts :)

  43. SJT – I think he means the same tired old negatives that keep getting bandied around ;)

  44. summer69,this is a total outrage im disgusted by these total lies,from this chancer simon taylor he should be sacked

  45. Toonsy-I think if we put together all the squawks and spin out of SJP since the end of last season the general feeling amongst fans is not alot will be spent,loans have been mentioned alot…CH hasn’t come out and said we are after a class striker or a top creative midfielder….if he did I never noticed and my gut feeling is to not expect much activity.

  46. According to the papers Cheryl Cole is divorcing Ashley so she can move in with me.It doesn’t actually say that in the article but surely that’s what it means?? ;-)

  47. malchick says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:26 pm
    can anyone explain why is it that some people just repeat themselves over and over and over again? it’s like they have alzheimer’s or summat.

    What would you like to discuss?

    What about all the players were going to sign – Nope, there won’t be any of them.

    What about all the money we’ll be spending? Nope, there won’t be any of that.

    Anything else?

  48. 58-I don’t think it’s negatives it is discussing the here and now-which aint filling me with hope for next season or in the transfer market.

    Personally I would love to be discussing the new 10M Striker we just purchased and how great everything is turning out…far more fun-but sadly just a dream.

  49. ok toonsy….you stick with your buying theme and i will stick with my loans theme. worky, you may be right. loan with view to buy. i then look into that like this… we are shit scared to spend any money cos if we go down we will loose three billion quid a second. So what we will do is try to place loan jobs and if it looks like we will scrape though in prem for another year we have the option of buying. if we go down we can fcuk them off. wow, class plan lads.

  50. True SJT but he didn’t mention signing a winger in Jan…Routledge was right out of the blue,the way it should be… this space ‘Messi at Toon’ ;-)

  51. Hitman – Aye, scandalous. Of course Chelsea have always been shining example os equality and tolerance…

    The Guardian should hang it’s head in shame for saying that about us and Andy Cole. If anything, it really does prove the press are cnuts.

    I don’t remember any protests, I also don’t remember Cole scoring a hat-trick on his debut? The reporter may have been at Uni at the time, but he must have been on the old trips to think he saw any of that.

    They should also remember that the first British/Asian player came through our ranks in the shape of Michael Chopra.


  52. I believe Andy Coles debut was away anyway and not at home.would have been easy for the paper to check you’d think!!!

  53. Stuart79 says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    “What about all the players were going to sign – Nope, there won’t be any of them.

    What about all the money we’ll be spending? Nope, there won’t be any of that.

    Anything else?”

    How some people trot out the same lines, pass them off as fact, and repeating them, as fact, and repeating them, as fact.

    When you actually know feck all like the rest of us.

    I think that is what Malchick meant ;)

  54. sirjasontoon says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    “CH hasn’t come out and said we are after a class striker or a top creative midfielder”

    Why should he say that, Jason? Do you think that it’s a good negotiating tactic to sound desperate?

  55. Anyway, Now Birmingham have that Zigic giant, anyone rckon Boyd could now be on his way to us?

  56. summer69,this is a total outrage im disgusted by these total lies,from this chancer simon taylor he should be sacked

    Yeah i agree, it is disgraceful and it would be nice to see NUST do something about it.

    There are people who have complained and actually talked to simon taylor(if i read correctly i admittadly skimmed the commennts after i read the atrticle because i wanted to post it o here).,69552.0.html

  57. toonsy… you bang on about us saying same old negative lines etc, but you are the same, you bang on about how its the opposite all the time. you are no different mate, just in opposite corner!

  58. Hate to say it So69, but racism is still often heard around the ground. I remember being there for Cole’s debut, standing in the leazes end. Prior to the game some leaflets were handed out, think they were official from the club, warning that racist chants would not be tolerated, specifically replacing the t in toon army with c. Things are much better these days but often get the impression that old prejudices remain. Sadly it’s often younger ‘supporters’ who shout the worst of the abuse.

  59. Toonsy 72- No

    Worky-Loads of managers say where they will strengthen in press conferences and in the papers…don’t sound desperate to me-don’t think it has anything to do with negotiating in fact it may alert an agent who might have a player to suit that position that the manager may have overlooked or not been aware of.

  60. toonsy says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    “I think that is what Malchick meant”

    Malchick must have gone down the Korova for a Moloko Velocet before a bit of the old ultraviolence.

  61. Craig – Difference being my positiveish stance is formed from looking at everythig that gets said, not by speculating on things that haven’t been said such as you have just done right in these very comments.

    Richie – Aye, out of contract at Rangers.

  62. :)

    We can live in Hope-God I need the morale officer to email me some drugs to cheer me up :(

  63. He’s worth a punt then,can’t see him being on a fortune at Rangers and if he doesn’t work out we can always sell him on.

  64. @81,,, your positive comments are born out of what is said you say… ok, my negative ones come from what has actually happened in the past.

  65. Toon army paul

    Of course it still happpes but ot to that extent i mean it wasnt that long ago we we shamed with the mido chants but the point is that there weret ay protests about Cole playing for us if anything there was excitemet afterall we were top of ther league and wasn’t he our new record signing. Anyway there seems to be a campaig building and i thought i should bring it tio peoples attention.

  66. ‘In the past’ being the operative words Craig, some people move on. Others just get bitter about whats happened previoulsy.

  67. Think what we are saying Toonsy through lack of investment we where relegated – it seems this Owner is hell bent on doing it again.

    History has an awful habit of repeating itself.

  68. Yeah Mick has got him on a YTS on 1980’s wages….there is a chance to make the move permanent though after “5 years” on the job training,same programs they offer at Arsenal :)

  69. I agree Summer of 69, intolerance of any type leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and of course things are much better these days, and you’re right to highlight it. Re the mido chant though. I thought that was quite funny as I understood it was due to his resemblance to Richard Reid rather than for any racist or anti Islamic reason?

  70. workyticket says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:40 pm

    We are desperate, Worky.

    Forget all this negiotiating crap – Every club in the world knows we have no money to spend or if we do it’s penny’s.

    There only seems to be a few on here who say “Let’s wait and see what happens”. What then? If we do get to Sept 1st and we’ve brought in 2 loan players and no more, you, toonsy, TC and CLiNT FLiNT will still be under the opinion that everything is great!

    With ambition and expectations like that we’ll get what we deserve – Relegation and yo-yo!

    Some people on here need to get a back bone, admit the club’s a fcking joke and stop being so blindingly ridiculous!

  71. No Craig, I’m not on the payroll, why would I be? Do I spout pro Ashley propoganda do I?

    Or do I just happen to think that we will get the players in to survive?

    Ashley payroll? Is that some sort of insult you prick?

  72. Well apparently that was the case personally i’m not sure that Everyone chating it thought that but thats not to say it wasnt meant to be about richard reid.

  73. ToonArmyPaul…that’s right mate it was because he looked like Reid,although you can understand why such a fuss was made of it. Like you say it’s alot better these days.I remember in the early 80’s playing West Ham when there was a load of bananas thrown at one of their players,Bobby Barnes I think it was.Thankfully those days are gone.

  74. craig chisholm says:
    May 26, 2010 at 4:58 pm

    “hey toonsy… you on ashleys pay role? if you are i bet its temp or some sort of freebie or loan job from another company.”

    You lose the argument once people knew what Hughton really said, so you attempt to smear Toonsy in some way. That’s a bit nasty, Craig.

  75. Stuart – You need to be more accepting that others have a differing view to you, and stop trying to pass off everything as fact when you dont know it is.

    If we get to September and we only have two players, so what? My support is not conditional on the owner spending money or not, it’s my team regardless. It was my team before Keegan came along and got us punching above our weight in the first place.

    Now stop telling people to get a backbone and accept that others have a different opinion to you. The big spending days are gone, get over it. Can you change it? No.

  76. I can walk fine, Stu.

    Thanks for your concern though – I’m actually quite touched.

  77. Ah! The old twistaroony again Stuart?
    No one has stated that ‘everything’s great’.
    That just you lot’s blindingly ridiculous twisting to suit your moaning.
    Wasn’t there a law brought in to arrest people stuck in a ‘repetitive groove’?

  78. That’s because the papers aren’t allowed to have a go at Man utd Toonsy,it’s an unwritten rule they have ;-)

  79. why do some people have to resort to insults,just goes over my heed,plus it spoils a normally good debate,ah takes all sorts i surpose shame :(

  80. I take it I’m the only one who thinks Ashley will give CH £40m to spend then?? :-)

  81. Rich – Did you read it? Scandalous. I’m tempted to write something up about the whole fiasco if I’m honest.

    I’ll retire to my smoking room briefly first ;)

  82. I see we’re back to the old ‘personal attacks’ again.
    & running down others opinions.

  83. Do you wear one of those little sun visor cap thingy’s when ya writing Toonsy? ;-)

  84. ice,
    if in doubt, bludgeon your point across seems to be order of the year.

  85. TOONSY it wasnt aimed at you m8,in saying that why reply, most lads on here know whats what they have known you long enough if you get my drift

  86. toonsy says:
    May 26, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    “Big spendings days are over!” No fckin shit!

    I’d be thankfull for about £10-15m spent in total – You know, the type of money that every club spends who gets promoted….

    Although again I didn’t and never have asked for the big spending days to be back – But once again you insinuate that I have.

    Stick to the facts and the form.

    The facts are the club has said there will be no money spent, they have said they will be looking towards promoting the youth players (The same one’s who cannot finish above Hartlepool and Rotherham) and they have said it will take us five years to break even – How?

    The form is as concrete as Sea The Stars’ form – Approx 6 transfer windows under this prick and all but one we made a profit!

  87. Stuart

    “The facts are the club has said there will be no money spent”

    No, no. That is how you interpret it, not a fact, an interpretation.

    “they have said they will be looking towards promoting the youth players (The same one’s who cannot finish above Hartlepool and Rotherham)”

    Perhaps only the most promising ones will be promoted Stuart? Ever though of that?

    “and they have said it will take us five years to break even – How?”

    Linked with the first point, but have you though that maybe there os a budget built into it. Hence why there is no new capital outlay as it is already budgeted for? It could also explain why it will take 5 years to break even as there is money there to invest in the team each year that is already being genereated by the club?

    See, there is more than one side to the argument.

  88. Go with Boyd…more fun to speculate about goals scored…can he do it in the Prem? Who does he partner with?

  89. I’d go with the positive one, Toonsy.

    But then I do have to drag myself around with my elbows – so what would I know! ;)

  90. na BBM – the fence has been torn doon and burnt by the mob.

    next bedsheet meeting is 9pm sharp ootside Sports Direct.

  91. TC – Nah, me and MT have just put a brand new one up. Just need to wait for the creosote to dry and then we’ll be up there, enjoying a few beers and enjoying the view.

  92. worky.. i wasnt having a pop at toonsy so ease up fella. i am sure if he thought i was he would have come out and said so himself… so zip it until i start saying i dont agree with your posts, then you can start on me if you like. until then, just do your thing and i will do mine.

  93. sirjasontoon:
    May 26th, 2010 at 4:50 pm

    We can live in Hope-God I need the morale officer to email me some drugs to cheer me up

    Flyagaric sent mate, hope that’s your cup of tea SJT.

  94. hey toonsy, i have just read the longer interview with CH about loaning blokes. i will now say that not only are we only looking at loan jobs, i think we are only looking at loan jobs outside the prem too. CH said that there is a problem with loaning young guns from prem teams as they require a guarentee of minimum games played and if we dont give that guarentee they wont come. so i think it will be loan jobs from ccc/npower

  95. Craig – He still doesn’t say we will only be dealing in loans though does he?

    Stuart @ 141 – But doesn’t that sort of justify my point, the fact that there are so many explanations yet people seem to to choose one and stick by it, when in reality only time will tell how it was supposed to be meant.

    That is my stance, time will tell. Not pro-Ashley etc as I have been called (not by you), just waiting and seeing. If you think I’m sitting here and not getting the knives sharpened then you’re distinctly wrong my friend. What I am not doing is whipping myself into a frenzy about something none of us know about yet. In the meantime I will choose the positive side to reflect upon, and hope we get the players in to give us the best chance of stopping up.

    We all know the statement was shoddy, and it didn’t really answer anything and just stirred up more doubt. We know it could have been written better, or not at all.

  96. once upon a time!toon team at times had 50% scotsmen in team,my real worry about boyd is he has not got what good epl strikers have PACE

  97. craig chisholm says:
    May 26, 2010 at 5:56 pm

    “… so zip it until i start saying i dont agree with your posts, then you can start on me if you like.”


    Let’s get one thing straight, you do not tell either myself or Toonsy to “zip it” on this ‘blog. If that isn’t ok with you, goodbye.

  98. Nice blog, hope you don’t mind me chipping in.

    Loans only make sense if the team has a decent youth policy. If the young players can learn from the temps and step up to the plate once the temps return to their clubs then that is good for the medium to long term of the club as well as getting us some good results short term. We might even be able to buy the odd loanee. IMO.

    If the management depend upon the loan system as a replacement for buying talent then I fear we will end up in decline again. Clubs may prevent loan players playing in key games which could threaten our season. Prices of loan players will rise to compensate big clubs who are looking to dump expensive non-performers – something we know all about. It just doesn’t seem right.

    I think CH will get the balance correct. I disliked him at first but he has won me over as someone who wants the club to do well. Unlike MA whom I still strongly dislike.

  99. I agree Ptah,CH has won me over too.
    Yeah it’s a canny blog,when people stick to just giving their opinions on football.I think they’re all blogging on the other thread now mate.