Johnny B reckons don’t ‘wing’ it!

Posted on November 11th, 2009 | 71 Comments |

Made for each other?
Made for each other?
There aren’t many more popular former Newcastle players of recent time, in the minds of my generation, than John Beresford. Johnny ‘(oooohh Johnny, Johnny)’ Beresford was a major part of the squad that Keegan assembled to put us back on the map in the ’90s. He’s been speaking to Lee Ryder in The Chronicle and suggests he has some helpful advice for Gutierrez and Enrique, and he believes they what it takes to be a successful combination on the left.

Of course Bez had several ‘wingmen’, some more accomplished than others, notably Scott Sellars and David Ginola. And of course, he and Ginola had a bit of a ding-dong over ‘covering duties’ back in the day and Beresford was dragged off and reprimanded by Keegan. It was all water-under-the-bridge soon enough though and explained away as a misunderstanding, well that and the unspoken rumour that Davy G was a lazy git? Never!

Despite Ginola’s reluctance to track back on occasion, they got on well enough and Bez reckons that’s crucial to an effective partnership.

“I think you’ve got to get on with each other – and Jonas and Enrique certainly seem to be good pals,” Beresford told the Chronicle.

“I think Enrique does that well but I want to see him do it more often.

“Really you want to see a full-back breaking their neck to get to the byline and offer something different.

“It will get to a stage when the opposition see through your winger and manage to combat it, so you want to make sure there is a different option.

“It means that your full-back is running 60 yards there and then 60 yards back!

“So that telepathy is vital because you don’t want to run all that way for nothing.”

However, he implies what we all know, that is up to now, Gutierrez has been found wanting in terms of creating chances for the team and has not been contributing enough. Of course, Jonas got his first goal the other day and we can only hope he kicks on from there. But Bez points out there has to be a consistent contribution.

“You’ve got to have a killer touch, whether it’s getting amongst the goals or teeing up your strikers.

“I want to see Jonas deliver more and I hope that his goal against Peterborough United is the start of it. You want those killer crosses coming in from both sides.

“You want to see wingers beating defenders and causing those ripples of excitement.”

Few would argue with the wise words of the Yorkshireman and it’s clear that Gutierrez and Enrique have the basics of a good understanding already. But he’s right that we need to see more of it. Enrique could be a lethal weapon in this league and is already showing his intent to run at teams. He gave their right back ten yards again on Saturday and may as well have said “meep, meep” as he pushed it and ran past him with ease. Gutirrez just needs to stop fannying around with it so much and get the ball moving into his path quicker. Then we could really see some sparks.

NUFCBlog Author: bowburnmag bowburnmag has written 234 articles on this blog.

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71 Responses

  1. John Craver is looking for a job. CH should sign him up. He is a good coac and he wld help CH to know Newcastle united more and put some sense in those players.

  2. African Geordie says:
    November 11, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    “John Craver is looking for a job. CH should sign him up. He is a good coac and he wld help CH to know Newcastle united more and put some sense in those players.”

    No arguments about ‘Craver’, African. But Hughton does seem to be putting some sense into them already. What they’ve needed is some consistency, not a different boss and a different appoach every five minutes.

  3. carroll should thrive with good wingers, Guthrie/Taylor/Gutierrez/Enrique all have the skills for it

  4. Nobby & Robert, now there was a set of real wingers, with the added defensive ability of Nobby, makes these guys look like what they are.
    Guess we have become so used to crap players and the standard has dropped so low that we look with anticipation on bringing in guys like Kilgallon and the third level striker @ Leeds,
    God help us !

  5. Solano, Robert, Viana, Emre – what a midfield of creativity.

    What we got now, Jonas, Taylor and Geremi? Jesus wept…

    It’s all very well Jonas getting a goal dribbling past however many people, but WHAT is the point in that if every other game he can’t put in even 1 good enough ball to our forwards? I’m a huge fan of him and give him a load of time but his lack of service is wearing thin with me.

    Not to mention the fact Geremi and Taylor – if you don’t have the legs to run past full backs, then is VITAL you have a killer cross, and consistently! Yeah, ok, once a game maybe they’ll swing a decent one in, but every other time it’s first man or out of play – it’s pathetic.

    Harewood would probably get a few more goals and have less stick if he had some good crosses and service to bang away.

  6. Get off the players backs.
    Even the above mentioned were slagged mercilessly on many occassions.

  7. Mate I am all for full support for the manager and stopping damaging criticism, and I don’t voice any frustration with players at the match unless they’ve had a shocker but…

    … Come on, let’s get realistic, even for championship standards, some players really just don’t turn it on enough. Carroll, Ranger, Nolan, Smith, Coloccini, partly Enrique, they’ve all adapted well (to worse standards funnily enough) and i’m in full praise of them. However, not having wingers who can cross a ball is just a sin in my books.

  8. R Taylor has played well this season & we’re  a better team with him on the pitch.
    He’s a good free kick taker, scores the odd goal & has assisted on numerous occasions. He might not have blinding pace, but neither do plenty of players.
    I’m sick of people slagging players off cos they have a personal issue.
    We MUST stop this BS of slating players after the odd miscue, mis-tackle.
    That’s what i call pathetic.

  9. just a reminder incase anyone was unaware or maybe it slipped your mind , tonight on itv @ 9pm an audience with donny & marie osmond……..enjoy.

  10. Good old Bez. I agree that Jonas needs to do more but  then we dont have any players that dont need to do more than what they have been doing. So I dont see why Jonas gets stick.

  11. The odd bad tackle? Howay get realistic, would any more than at tops about 4-5 even just cut it in the prem?

    We have absolutely nobody apart from maybe Guthrie who can consistently swing a good ball in. Taylor has scored 1 free kick for us and his corners are rubbish. He can’t beat a man and defensively is weak as water.

    It’s swapping players like N’Zogbia for players like Taylor that said everything about MA’s transfers and our standards slipping.

  12. batty, snap mate.
    Don’t know about you, but i’m over that man.
    I don’t hold grudges, unless it’s something serious. ;)

  13. batty, that was in reply to andynufc’s post mate.
    I started writing a long-winded, smart reposte, but thought: Knackers, i can’t be arsed.

  14. See what I mean, we get people on here praising R. Taylor, for Ch***t sake .
    Guy`s lucky to be playing second tier football and who went the other way in the deal,  N`Zogbia , who is having a great season at Wigan.
    I got no idea who decided we wanted Taylor, perhaps the fact he scored two goals against us in one season, flukes !
    Ah well.
    Tell us a few more Bobby Robsonisms WORKEY !

  15. N’zog having a blinding season at wigan, eh?
    A couple of his usual runs shown on motd, ok then.
    Heaven forfend that i should stick up for one of ‘our’ players.
    Will this madness ever cease?

  16. Clint, at least N’Zogbia can actually run past people and swing in a good ball, (and has a left foot which we don’t on the wing).

    Milner as well.

    Duff as well.

    So that’s Milner, Duff and N’Zogbia in the last 2 seasons and we’re left with Geremi, Jonas and Taylor, it’s depressing.

  17. Milner, Duff & N’zog all had the odd good game or bits of games.
    milner is a bit of a clogger & is not worth what we got for him.
    Duff did alright when he did eventually get fully fit, but that never lasts, Re: his latest injury. & again, we got money for someone we wouldn’t if we held onto him for much longer.
    N’zog is a whining mong, that undermined the locker room, had the odd good run & even the odd great goal, but not enough. & we got a canny screw for him too.
    ‘No tears please, it’s a waste of good suffering’-quote attributed to pinhead cenebite.

  18. andy, are you honestly saying that you haven’t noticed Taylor’s assists this term?
    I never said he was a world beater, did i?
    But he is a team player, unlike the likes of n’zogbia. Whom is welcome to his 16k crowds down at wigan.

  19. Canny screw? The best screw is the staying in the Premier league instead of swapping for worse players. Are you honestly telling me you’d rather have Jonas, Geremi and Taylor over Milner, N’Zogbia and Duff?

    Duff is doing great for Fulham. N’Zogbia is doing great for Wigan. Milner is an England international (fringe at least) now and worth at least £14-15M i’d say.

    The point is I don’t have a bad word to say about Guthrie, Smith or Nolan, because they’re good players and showing it. It’s not like I WANT to criticise players, i’m just naive to be happy we’re winning games in a league we shouldn’t be in (and won’t be for long) with some questionable players.

    Serious investment is needed when we get promoted.

  20. N’Zogbia was being undermined by being played out of position and he hardly ever said anything blatantly bad about the club. The whole jist with him (and JFK rightfully pointed it out) was his agent whispering things in his ear and putting him out on the market, but we didn’t read that part of it in the papers.

  21. Duff is injured, AGAIN.
    milner an england player, omg tells you everything about the dearth right there.
    n’zog is doing nzog.
    I don’t see why you’re comparing geremi, he hardly plays, but if it fits your argument. Except you say you don’t WANT to criticize but you’re dragging a player into it just to criticize.

  22. I’m basing it on the fact they’re the 3 wingers at our club, and the times I have seen Geremi play.

    N’Zogbia is doing well, you can’t argue that. He’s a real good young talent, and even SBR he could reach any level he wanted to.

    What are you talking about dearth? Milner has been picked by Capello (who is one of the best managers in the world) for his international side. Now, I think that actually says more about the start to the season Milner’s had.

  23. Ok andy,
    i see milner getting a shot cos there’s  been injuries, but hey.
    I’m going to reiterate zog’s attitude problem.

  24. How come all of our ex players are now suddenly world class? When milner and the zog were here loads of people were slagging them off , saying milner just ran into corners and never looked up. Nzog was churlish and lazy. I guess well be hearing how bramble is the new john terry next.

  25. worky i have just been looking sting up on wiki and i have to say i didnt know he wrote our song for the 98 cup final has any one got a link was it good ?

  26. summerof69 says:
    November 11, 2009 at 9:14 pm (Edit)

    “worky i have just been looking sting up on wiki and i have to say i didnt know he wrote our song for the 98 cup final has any one got a link was it good ?”

    Hmmm! (scratches head). I know I’ve heard it, but I can hardly remember, 69.  I can just remember the bit where he’s repeating “Bringing the pride back home”. 

  27. it cant have been great then if no one remembers-like most of his songs anyway his only half decent one was every breath you take and that was bettered by p-diddy 

  28. 69, that cup final was one of my low points of supporting the team as I live in deep Arsenal country, and there were hordes of red shirted gooners just gannin’ on and on about it and shouting and screaming outside my window all night. I think I may have blotted alot of that period out, hence my memory lapse :-)

  29. worky here u are tell if this sort of music    

        brings back memorys some good lads in this vid freinds of mine from my time in stoke  a few of them do a lot to help kids stay away from drugs and crime now       

  30. batty, funnily enough, I was just speaking to one my very good friends on the phone. He used to be a Chelsea ‘headhunter’ way back and he’s a musician who helps people get off drugs now.

  31. worky a think when we were young back then well nowt botherd me i was up for any thing apart from drugs but i used to love trouble

  32. batty ..the original workyticket….now he’s frightened to cross the doors – he just sits behind his keyboard abusing poor innocent people & shopping online @ sports direct whilst scoffing  large asda pizzas.

  33. I wasn’t a ‘hooligan’, but I get looks of horror sometimes when I say I miss the old days with the standing and the fights breaking out and the air of danger etc. It doesn’t seem quite the same anymore. Then again, old codgers always say things like that! :-)

  34. Hmmm! (scratches head). I know I’ve heard it, but I can hardly remember, 69.  I can just remember the bit where he’s repeating “Bringing the pride back home”. 

    Nah, that was written for England….. the 3 lions…. geddit!

  35. “Work up early this morning and I jumped out of bed
    I didnt have to wear my work clothes
    I put on this shirt instead
    Its a black and white jersey, its a thing I couldnt hide
    cos its almost a religion and I wear it with some pride”

    I have to be  honest, I thought this was great and I bought it.
    We already had tickets to go on holiday, so I didn’t get to the game and I played this incessantly on a ghettoblaster while I walked to the bar in Spain, where we watched it with about 60 odd Toon fans and a spattering of Cocker Knees.

  36. Sting wrote it but a guy from Shields (I believe) sang it in a slightly Jamaican accent.

    I’ll definitely have to upload it, if I can find it.