Hughton makes plea to supporters.

Posted on November 6th, 2009 | 39 Comments |

Master and disciple
Master and disciple
Chris Hughton has asked Newcastle United fans to put their disagreements with the board behind them and support the team.

Fans are, of course, particularly upset that Ashley plans to peddle Sports Direct on the back of – or, to be more precise, on the front of – the St James’ Park name. Hughton evidently fears rebellion is in the air.

Praising our supporters, Hughton said:

There are two ways of supporting a team.

There is no support in this division which has turned up as consistently as our fans have. That is something that is vital for us.

It is the supporters’ prerogative [to protest], it is their club. My concerns are that they get behind the team and from that angle they haven’t let us down.”

We’ve averaged just over 41,000 this season, which puts us in 6th place in the entire football league.

Hughton continues:

In the period of time I have been here, you get used to getting on with football matters.

They are the things that are most important for me. Trying to keep this team in a position where we are now.

I sympathise with the supporters. They give us wonderful support and there is no doubt this is their club. When you look at the numbers which turned up at Sheffield United, Scunthorpe, Forest. After what we have been through, that is wonderful.”

Hughton had this to say about the stadium renaming:

I am quite sure that in a year’s time, two years’ time, 10 years’ time, people will still refer to the stadium as St James’. It’s not like a club that has actually moved its stadium.

I can understand where the supporters are coming from, but in everybody’s eyes, it will still be St James’.

There are always going to be commercial decisions, but the most important thing for us is we are able to strengthen in the areas we need to prolong a season that hopefully sees us at the right end of the table.

I have been told they [the board] will look to support me in my endeavours to strengthen.”

Of course Chelsea – after seeing how well-received the idea was here – have now also decided to sell the rights to their stadium name.

NUFCBlog Author: Hugh de Payen I'm a baby-boomer of the punk rock persuasion, currently exiled in Somerset for crimes committed in a previous life where locals keep trying to poison me with something called 'scrumpy'. Hates sprouts, coat-hangers, Cilla Black, ornaments, Steven Seagull movies and 50 Cent (he's not worth 10). Hugh de Payen has written 634 articles on this blog.

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39 Responses

  1. I don’t think as supporters we have ever not been behind the team, certain players irritate certain people sure, but as a whole, the black & white is overriding, we want to see the 11 on the pitch succeed same as always, what we don’t want is to be lied to, made a laughing stock of and ignored by the people who sit at the top of the cathedral on the hill

  2. We don’t need talking down to by Ashley’s puppet….

    This mob have been around for five minutes, got us relegated and in the process insulted 2 United legends……and now have the audacity to preach to us about supporting  our team – which we’ve been doing very effectively for years.

    It’s about time Pinocchio in particular reeled his neck in 

  3. “Of course Chelsea – after seeing how well-received the idea was here – have now also decided to sell the rights to their stadium name.”


  4. BBM – I saw the Chelsea announcement on SSN , yesterday afternoon.  Who wooda thunk it Mike Ashley- innovator.

  5. Wow danny-boy your name is my Dad’s (deceased) favourite song!

    Spot on mate!  There is nothing worse than being treat with contempt.
    All we ask for is honest transparency, not deafening silence followed by agenda orientated spin.
    Ashley and co need to remember they are just passing through. They are at best the custodians of ST JAMES.’ You don’t mess with a religion!

  6. thanks Newckie,
    I’m a fan pure & simple, I want the team to win games, I would like to see them win trophies, I firmly believe that Ashley’s biggest problem is his choice of advisors, when he took over, he installed Chris Mort, came to the games and had a good time with the rest of us
    Mort moved on and Lambias came in, then we hit dark days, I genuinely think he’s our problem – maybe not such a popular opinion but that’s what i think

  7. you with the broken nose sing danny boy – ” but i haven’t got a broken nose ” – SMACK ! – oh danny boy , the pipes the pipes are calling from glen to glen ,  and down the mountain side..

  8. I have a request. Can you unilaterally rename Mike Ashley “Lardarse@StJamesPark” and Derek Lambias “Lamebrain@StJamesPark”. And hereafter and forever more never use their propoer names again unless or until St James Park gets its proper name back

  9. looks like chris is donig a bit of arse crawling on ashleys behalf,that didn,t take long.
    the fans have and will always support the team,but support billy bunter never,tomorrow on my mark UNLEASH HELL ON THE FAT PIG.

  10. “Chris Hughton has asked Newcastle United fans to put their disagreements with the board behind them”

    Where does he say that exactly? I didn’t see it.

  11. Would everyone still be against the idea of stadium sponsorship if it was put as ‘St James Park – Sponsored by Sports Direct’ as opposed to the email style nonsense suggested by Llambias?

  12. Macas, why should we?  The whole idea of sponsorship is that the firm doing the sponsoring provide money to the person/club they are sponsoring.  Tatty clothing outlet is not paying a penny, instead it is getting free advertising for its shoddy emporium.

  13. Workyticket says: “Chris Hughton has asked Newcastle United fans to put their disagreements with the board behind them”. Where does he say that exactly? I didn’t see it.

    Where he says:

    It is the supporters’ prerogative [to protest], it is their club. My concerns are that they get behind the team and from that angle they haven’t let us down.”

    My interpretation of that is he’s not objecting to to the fans’ position against the board but he hopes we can put our differences with the board behind us on match day and support the team.

    You may interpret it differently of course.

  14. Mags09 – True, but I can see their point in a way in that they are showcasing the whole thing for prospective clients, even if they are getting free advertising at the same time.  I don’t think the idea is unworkable, it’s just the way they go about it that get’s people annoyed.

  15. Hugh de Payen says:

    Workyticket says: “Chris Hughton has asked Newcastle United fans to put their disagreements with the board behind them”. Where does he say that exactly? I didn’t see it.

    Where he says:

    It is the supporters’ prerogative [to protest], it is their club. My concerns are that they get behind the team and from that angle they haven’t let us down.”

    My interpretation of that is he’s not objecting to to the fans’ position against the board but he hopes we can put our differences with the board behind us on match day and support the team.

    Hugh, with respect, “Chris Hughton has asked Newcastle United fans to put their disagreements with the board behind them” and “he hopes we can put our differences with the board behind us on match day and support the team” are different. Besides, he doesn’t say anywhere that the fans should “put their differences behind them”, just “It is the supporters’ prerogative [to protest], it is their club”.

    I get the feeling that you are deliberately attempting to portray Hughton in a negative light, as some kind of apologist for Ashley’s renaming plans, when the evidence just isn’t there. Why? I’m very interested.

  16. Worky, I am not deliberately trying portray Hughton in the negative in this article. If I wanted to portray Hughton in the negative I would simply do so rather than using nuances of interpretation. If I thought Hughton was an apologist for Ashley’s renaming plans I would say so.

    I don’t actually think he is an apologist for Ashley’s renaming plans in the strictest sense. If I had to guess I’d say that, being a football man, he probably understands what these things mean to fans. Having said that, I would imagine he wants the maximum transfer budget he can get and wants fans to turn up every week, thus helping him do his job of getting us promoted.

    So no, not an apologist as such.

  17. I agree with Hughton.  We need to support the team, their the important part of the club at the moment, not logo’s on stands ect…

    Although I do worry what Ashley will do if he gets a load of stick.

    He could probably stop his £20m ‘gift’ and sell players in January to pay for the running of the club.

    The way I see it is that Ashley putting £20m in means we don’t have to sell in January.  That for me is a massive bonus.  So he has done something right in 2 and a half years!

  18. The media are having a great time, with the renaming bit.
    Newcastle once more has become the focal point and laughing stock of football.
    Ashley has poured over one hundred million pounds into the club, apart from the original price.
    Not hay, even for a billionaire.
    The Halls and FFS are teflon.  (something to do with being Geordies ?)
    Expect a further load of embarrassment this W/end. where the bedsheet crowd are expected to be out in force.
    This crap has to stop, i`m talking about who runs this club.
    You want trophy signings, a manager fired, those days are gone.
    Gets very old listening to the demands.
    If the fans want to call the shots, or want a say in the name, put your money where your mouths are and buy the club as in Barca.

  19. chuck,you have to understand that the fans are pissed with ashley and this is the only way he will get to know it.

  20. Hugh de Payen says:
    November 6, 2009 at 5:10 pm

    “I don’t actually think he is an apologist for Ashley’s renaming plans in the strictest sense. If I had to guess I’d say that, being a football man, he probably understands what these things mean to fans. Having said that, I would imagine he wants the maximum transfer budget he can get and wants fans to turn up every week, thus helping him do his job of getting us promoted.”

    That’s a much better way of putting it, Hugh, apart from the “in the strictest sense” bit. That would tend to imply that he is an apologist for Ashley in some other sense. Which one?

  21. He’s not an apologist (IMHO). Although I reserve the right to change my mind on that.

  22. Ah yes, well the caption is of course true.

    Seriously though, I don’t really have a position on Hughton yet other than to say he’s done a decent job with the team so far.

    Quiet here tonight – looks like just you and I.

  23. Mike Ashley isn’t “investing ” £20M in the club in january, he’s just doing what Club owners the world over have to do, pay the wages and the running costs. If he was putting in £20M to buy players and pay for there wages, or putting in £20M to improve the Training Facilities, the ground or the Academy then Yes he’s “investing” however, to just continue funding the running costs I personally don’t see that as investing in the club he’s just running his business!!

    With some free advertising thrown in for his other business.

    I do however welcome the increased communication, how true the words are is yet to be decided but more communication is a good thing.

    And for Stardust Mike Ashley has profited on EVERY transfer window, yes he took a hit with Debt of the club which surprised him because he failled to do the due diligence. But he obviously hasn’t removed the Debt as DL stated when we were first put up for sale, I dont even think he’s reduced the debt as DL said afer a couple of months trying to find a buyer, I think the 100Million debt is still there it’s just now owed to MA.

    Why cant they come out and give us the truth about the situation instead of treating us like Mushrooms!!

    If a 4 million bid comes in for Carroll then MA will snap there hands off even though Carroll wont be on particularly high wages! As was seen with the Bassong deal great defender on 5k a week but 8 million is waved at him and Bassong goes!

    If a buyer can’t be found then as much as it pains me to say it MA stays, but if he’s to have ANY hope of bringing some fans back onside he needs to practice a new thing…….. telling the truth, and getting a sidekick that know’s how to run a football club.

    But not gonna hold me breath for either of those!!