Runners and Riders.
Posted on June 12th, 2009 | 63 Comments |
So far the horses to emerge into the paddock:
Local businessman Rick “Porky”Parkinson emerge from the shadows, backed by a group of 4 other local businessmen, reports suggest they “intend” to make an offer of 90m and have a 60m war chest for restructuring and transfers.
Fat Freddie Scrapyard, believed to be backed by a middle eastern consortium, personally I find it hard to believe that any man would do business with this man, and anyone doing so must be more shifty than him!
Profitable Group – a credible contender IF it isnt a PR stunt. They seem to have a perfect set up and speak in platitudes, but actions will speak far louder than words there. Could be used to great effect to tap into far eastern markets.
Omani – which conveniently fits with “Toon Omani Toon Omani” I hope they get it.
South African Banker “Toon South African, Toon South African” doesnt have the same ring, I hope they don’t get it.
So what are the odds on the above horses, no one knows, or are there any horses at all – are they just show ponies? Time will tell.
And they’re off!
Profitable and Parkinson to fall at the first fence.